Watcher of Fate

006 - Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach

Now Entering The Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach…

You gain experience for visiting a new place: 500 exp

Elara stood in the woodland glade, taking in her surroundings. She was keenly aware that she had stepped into the Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach, a place of legends. What struck her immediately was that she was not underground or within a building. Instead, she was out in the open, with the sun shining brightly above her. The wind blew gently against her skin, and the biting cold of the Frostspire Mountains was gone.

She smiled and removed her white fur-lined cloak, stowing it neatly into her [Dimensional Link (Rare)]. Feeling more comfortable, she followed the group as they began to move out of the glade.

As they cleared the trees, Elara gasped in awe at the sight before her. The Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach was a breathtaking spectacle of hundreds of floating shards of islands, suspended in the air. A few floated above their current level, but many more were below. The islands varied in size and were connected by swaying rope bridges, some rising and falling like a giant, enchanted staircase. Pathways wound through the air, linking the various layers together.

The islands were covered in vibrant vegetation. Towering trees with emerald canopies swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling softly like whispers of the past. Lush fields of wheat waved golden in the sunlight, contrasting with the dark ruins of ancient buildings that dotted the landscape. Birds chirped melodiously from the treetops, their songs echoing across the open expanse, adding a serene backdrop to the visual splendor.

Each floating island shard held remnants of a once-great kingdom: grand halls, crumbling towers, and stone bridges that spanned gaps between the islands. Waterfalls cascaded off the edges of some islands, their waters vanishing into the clouds below, creating a soft, distant roar. The scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers mingled with the ancient, earthy aroma of weathered stone.

Dominating the entire display was a large island floating in the center directly in front of her. On this island stood a giant castle city, its grandeur only slightly diminished by the ravages of time. The castle’s towers and walls bore signs of ruin, with ivy and moss creeping up the stonework, but they still exuded an air of majesty and power. Banners, tattered and faded, fluttered in the wind, whispering tales of the kingdom’s past glories.

As she looked further down, she noticed that the islands gradually disappeared into the clouds below, adding an element of mystery and depth to the already surreal landscape. The lower levels were shrouded in mist, making it impossible to see where the kingdom ended. The mist swirled and shifted, creating an ever-changing tapestry of shadows and light.

Elara took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She marveled at the intricate design and the sheer scale of the floating islands, knowing that exploring this place would be an adventure unlike any other.

With a determined look, she joined the group as they made their way toward the nearest rope bridge, ready to delve into the mysteries and challenges that awaited in this fantastical, shattered realm. The bridge creaked and swayed with each step, the ropes groaning softly under the weight. Elara could hear the distant calls of creatures and the gentle hum of magic that permeated the air, heightening her sense of wonder and anticipation.

As they crossed, Taron took the opportunity to explain their destination. "We're heading to island 215B," he began, his voice steady and clear. "It's an island with some forest and about 500 hectares of farmland."

Taron glanced at Elara, knowing this was her first time in the Shattered Kingdom. "To give you an idea of how to navigate here, if you stand on Gate Glade Island and look at the castle, imagine a clock with 12 being directly behind the castle. The island names correspond to the direction around the clock face and the letter indicates the depth, with A being the top layer and H being the bottom layer. So, island 215B is at 2:15 on the clock and on the second layer down."

Elara, curious about the system, asked, "So, the bridges just take you there?"

Kaelira, the imposing tiefling spiritualist with crimson skin and curling horns, stepped in with a chuckle. "Nope. They don’t automatically take you where you want to go. We have basic maps at the guild hall, and merchants sell more complex maps that can even show where you are."

A farmer pulled out a beautifully crafted map, the parchment glinting with faint magical runes. "Got myself one of these fancy maps," he said proudly.

Some of the other farmers laughed, teasing him for spending the crystals. One of them, a burly man with a thick beard, joked, "Spent too much, didn't ya?"

The farmer with the map grinned and shrugged. "Maybe, but it only took getting separated and lost once to realize it's worth it. Ending up dead isn't on my to-do list."

Kaelira nodded, her expression serious. "It's true. Getting lost in this place can be fatal. The map is a wise investment."

Elara smiled at the exchange, appreciating the camaraderie and the useful information. She glanced at the map, noting how it seemed to pulse slightly, indicating their current position and the direction they needed to go. She felt a bit more confident knowing they had tools to navigate this vast, floating kingdom.

As they walked, Elara's curiosity got the better of her. "What kind of monsters will we face here?" she asked, looking around at the group.

Taron and Kaelira exchanged glances before Taron began to explain. "Primarily, we'll be dealing with goblins. They're quite common around these parts."

Kaelira nodded, adding, "Goblins come in various types. The base goblins are usually level 5 to 10. But we also encounter uncommon types, which are level 7 to 15, and appear about one in twenty. These include Goblin Scavengers who find food and items, Goblin Warriors who are basic fighters, Goblin Shamans who can heal and buff their allies, and Goblin Trappers who set traps."

Taron continued, "There are also Goblin Berserkers, who are stronger fighters when enraged, Goblin Assassins, who are stealthy killers, Goblin Beastmasters, who tame animals, and Hobgoblins, which are evolved goblins that are stronger and smarter."

Kaelira added, "And then there are the rare types, which are level 13 to 19, appearing about one in two hundred, like Goblin Sappers who are demolitions experts, Goblin Sorcerers who are powerful spellcasters, and Bugbears, which are larger and tougher evolved hobgoblins."

Elara listened intently, absorbing the information. "So we'll be facing a variety of goblins, then?"

Taron nodded. "Exactly. We’ll fight a few on the way to the island, but once we get there, we’ll have to deal with wave-style attacks. Every hour, starting at four, a swarm of goblins will arrive. Each wave will have two more goblins than the previous wave. After 18 hours, we'll get a six-hour break, and then the swarm resets. The waves mostly come from two different places, so it’s easy to set up watchers. There are also some fixed defenses to help us out."

Kaelira chimed in, "It's a relentless onslaught, but it’s manageable if we stay alert and work together. The key is to keep the goblins from overwhelming us. We'll be here for three to four days until the farmers harvest the wheat, plow the fields, and replant them."

Elara felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Got it. We'll have to be ready for anything."

The adventurers shared her excitement, their eyes shining with anticipation and a hint of nervousness. They exchanged glances and whispered conversations about strategies and past battles, clearly eager to prove themselves and face the challenges ahead.

In contrast, the farmers looked worried, their faces tense with concern. They murmured among themselves about the safety of their crops and families, clearly anxious about the impending goblin waves. The atmosphere was a mix of determined bravery from the adventurers and anxious trepidation from the farmers.

As they made their way toward the fields of island 215B, the group encountered a few small groups of goblins. The first group was a cluster of Goblin Warriors and Scavengers. The adventurers quickly fell into formation, their training and experience evident. Elara moved with fluid grace, her sword dancing through the air as she dispatched goblins with precision. Kaelira unleashed spells that buffed their allies and weakened their foes, while Taron and Grondar fought at the front, cutting down goblins with practiced ease.

Another group of goblins attacked from the side, this time including a Goblin Shaman who tried to heal and strengthen the warriors. Elara used her illusions to confuse the goblins, creating distractions that allowed her companions to strike more effectively. The fight was brief but intense, leaving a handful of goblin bodies behind as the group continued on.

After the skirmishes, Elara took a moment to check her experience gains.

You have seen several weak monster deaths: 190 exp

You have seen a monster death: 100 exp

Quill gains exp from killing 20 monsters: 5 exp

Quill, her spirit crow, perched on her shoulder, let out an indignant caw. "How come you get so much more experience than I do? It hardly seems fair."

Elara chuckled softly. "Well, you did a great job distracting them, Quill. Besides, we're a team, and every bit helps."

Quill ruffled his feathers, still grumbling. "I suppose, but I better get more credit next time."

Elara smiled, giving Quill a reassuring pat before they continued on their way.

After a few more skirmishes, they finally reached the fields of island 215B. The farmers wasted no time, immediately setting to work. They began harvesting the wheat, their movements quick and efficient, clearly eager to complete their task before the goblin waves began in earnest.

Taron quickly organized the adventurers. "Alright, we'll split into two groups. I'll take one side of the fields, and Grondar will take the other. We'll set up watchers and prepare for the waves."

Grondar, a burly dwarf with a thick beard and a determined expression, nodded. "Got it. Everyone on my side, let's get ready."

The adventurers moved to their assigned positions, setting up defenses and making sure they had clear lines of sight. The fixed defenses around the fields, including spiked barricades and small watchtowers, provided some reassurance. Elara joined Taron's group, feeling a mixture of anticipation and readiness.

As they waited for the waves to start, the atmosphere grew tense. The adventurers kept their weapons close, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement. The farmers continued their work with grim determination, knowing that the safety of their crops and perhaps their lives depended on the adventurers' success.

Elara felt the weight of the situation settle on her shoulders. The calm before the storm was almost palpable, and she steeled herself for the battle to come. The Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach was a place of beauty and danger, and she was ready to face whatever challenges it presented.

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