Watcher of Fate

007 - Wailing Ravine

Elara moved swiftly through the scorched forest, her senses heightened and her heart pounding with fear and determination. She reached into her inventory using [Dimensional Link], feeling the familiar purple and gold mana threads swirl around her hand. The magic felt like a cool breeze against her skin, tingling with energy as it connected her to the items stored within the shared spirit domain. She pulled out another arrow, the magic enveloping it before solidifying in her grip.

"Only seven arrows left," she muttered, a hint of anxiety creeping into her voice. Each arrow was precious, and she needed to make every shot count. The howls of the [Hell Hound]s were growing closer, the eerie wails filling the air with an oppressive dread. Every howl was a stark reminder that time was running out, and she hadn't yet found Quill. The thought of him out there, possibly in danger, gnawed at her heart.

Focusing her mana, she began to weave the threads of [Tempest's Touch]. Pure green mana threads intertwined around the arrow, forming a vortex of swirling air that crackled with energy. The magic thrummed with power, ready to propel the arrow with deadly force.

Taking a deep breath, Elara aimed at the [Hell Hound] closing in on her. The beast's fiery eyes glowed with malevolent intent, its jaws snapping as it bounded towards her. Anger flared within her anger that these creatures kept coming, relentless in their pursuit, standing in her way when she was so close to finding Quill. She directed the arrow with her mind, the threads of [Tempest's Touch] accelerating it with incredible speed.

The arrow sliced through the air, a streak of green mana trailing behind it like a comet. The vortex of wind magic wrapped around the shaft, spiraling and enhancing its velocity. The air seemed to part before the arrow, reducing drag and increasing its impact force.

When the arrow struck the [Hell Hound] squarely in the chest, the force of the impact drove it deep into the creature's flesh. The beast let out a pained howl, its momentum faltering as the arrow's magic erupted within it. The green threads of mana exploded, sending tendrils of wind energy coursing through the [Hell Hound]'s body, disrupting its internal structure and extinguishing its fiery essence.

The [Hell Hound] staggered, flames licking at its mouth as it tried to recover. But the enchanted arrow had done its job. The beast collapsed to the ground, its fiery eyes dimming as the life drained from its body.

Elara didn't stop to celebrate her victory. She knew there were more [Hell Hound]s out there, and she had to keep moving. The pull of Quill's presence was still strong, guiding her through the treacherous landscape. With only seven arrows left, she couldn't afford to waste anymore. She had to be precise, efficient, and relentless in her pursuit.

Her will spurred her on, each step fueled by fear, anger, and determination. The dark cloak billowed behind her, blending seamlessly with the shadows. Her eyes, sharp and focused, scanned the path ahead, ever vigilant for threats. The journey was perilous, but she was ready to face it head-on, driven by the strength of her convictions and the support of the [Spirit Tree].

Elara burst out of the burnt woods and into a narrow ravine. The ravine's walls were striated with multiple colors, creating a stark contrast against the dark, scorched forest. The air was filled with an eerie wailing, the sound bouncing off the ravine's tight, cramped space. It felt as though the ravine itself was crying out in agony.

She moved through the ravine cautiously, the wailing growing louder and more disconcerting. Suddenly, a [Hell Hound] appeared, running at her full speed. Its fiery eyes locked onto her, and it leaped with a ferocious snarl. Elara, startled, began to dodge, but the beast's momentum was too great. It crashed into her, knocking her off balance and sending them both tumbling to the ground.

Elara struggled beneath the weight of the [Hell Hound], its fiery breath hot against her face. Desperation surged through her as she reached into her inventory using [Dimensional Link], feeling the familiar threads of purple and gold mana swirl around her hand. She pulled out the [Shadowstrike Dagger], its blade glinting ominously.

With a swift, determined motion, she stabbed the dagger into the [Hell Hound]'s side. The blade sank in deep, and Elara felt her energy being drawn into the dagger at an extraordinary rate. The beast howled in pain, its fiery essence clashing with the dark energy of the dagger. But it wasn’t enough. The [Hell Hound] continued to thrash, its claws raking against her armor.

Frustration boiled within Elara, tears of anger and helplessness stinging her eyes. She felt like a failure like she wasn't good enough. Her class, The Watcher of Fate, seemed to mock her with its limitations. She was supposed to foresee events and guide others, not be trapped in a deadly struggle with a monster she had no real means to fight.

"I'm not good enough," she thought bitterly, stabbing the [Shadowstrike Dagger] into the beast again. "I'm not strong enough."

The dagger drew more of her energy with each stab, and Elara's strength waned rapidly. The constant drain was overwhelming, leaving her dizzy and weak. She hated how her class prevented her from using combat skills effectively and how much energy it cost her to fight this way. The constant drain on her mana was a stark reminder of her limitations.

The [Hell Hound] thrashed violently, its claws tearing at her armor. Elara twisted the blade, her muscles straining as she fought to keep the beast pinned. Its fiery eyes blazed with rage, and she could feel its hot breath on her face, smell the acrid stench of its burning flesh. She stabbed again and again, each thrust fueled by her desperation and self-doubt.

"Die!" she screamed, her voice breaking. The beast howled, its life force being siphoned away. She could feel her own life force ebbing, the dagger's dark energy consuming everything in its path. Her vision blurred, and she felt herself teetering on the edge of consciousness.

Finally, with a final, pained howl, the [Hell Hound] collapsed, its fiery eyes dimming to nothing. Elara pulled the dagger free, gasping for breath as she pushed the lifeless body off of her. She lay there for a moment, her chest heaving, her body aching from the exertion.

As she caught her breath, she pulled up her class description, hoping to find some clarity or perhaps a solution to her frustration. The information appeared before her eyes, a reminder of her chosen path and its challenges.


The Watcher of Fate (Rare): An ancient historian class revered for its ability to chronicle the world's pivotal moments. Members of this class gain experience by recording significant events, such as births, deaths, notable locations, and historical shifts. As keepers of history, they possess a unique strength: the ability to foresee where important events will occur before they happen. While not designed for combat and suffering penalties when wielding weapons, their profound foresight allows them to guide and inform others, shaping future events with their unparalleled knowledge.

Features of Class:

You cannot learn offensive or defensive spells or combat skills.

Combat spells or skills provided by equipment cost significantly more energy to use.

Gain no experience from killing monsters.

Gain experience from witnessing important events such as births, deaths, locations, and historical shifts.

20% bonus to Perception Stat.

You are fate-touched.


Elara sighed and closed the information box, feeling renewed determination. She pushed herself up and started to move deeper into the ravine. The ravine's eerie wailing was suddenly overcome by the sound of several howls behind her, a chilling reminder of the [Hell Hound]s that were still pursuing her. Her heart raced with fear, and she quickened her pace, running faster into the ravine in a desperate attempt to escape.

The wailing of the ravine seemed to emanate from the very walls, a mournful, ghostly sound that echoed endlessly through the narrow passage. It was as if the rocks were crying out in pain, their lamentations filling the air with an unsettling, otherworldly noise. Each step Elara took amplified the wails, the sound weaving through the ravine-like the cries of lost souls.

But as she moved deeper, the wailing was abruptly overshadowed by a series of blood-chilling howls. The [Hell Hound]s' cries reverberated through the ravine, a menacing cacophony that sent shivers down her spine. The howls were primal and fierce, carrying a sense of imminent danger that gripped her heart with icy fingers.

Elara's breath quickened, her pulse racing in time with the relentless pounding of her feet against the rocky ground. She glanced over her shoulder, the shadows behind her shifting ominously as the [Hell Hound]s closed in. The howls seemed to bounce off the walls, distorting and amplifying until it felt like the beasts were all around her.

Desperation drove her to run faster, her boots kicking up dust and debris. The tight, cramped space of the ravine funneled the sound, making it impossible to tell how close the [Hell Hound]s truly were. The wailing and howling merged into a haunting symphony of dread, pushing Elara to her limits.

Elara's senses were heightened as she navigated the narrow path, and every sound and shadow scrutinized. Suddenly, a figure appeared on the edge of her [Awareness], waving frantically. Her heart skipped a beat, a mix of hope and caution flooding her mind. She focused intently on the figure, and an information box appeared before her eyes:

[Lvl 32 Tiefling Mage (Uncommon)]

The tiefling called out to her, his voice echoing through the ravine. "Over here! Quickly!"

Elara hesitated for only a moment, her instincts urging caution. She moved carefully towards the tiefling, her senses on high alert, ready to detect any sign of danger. As she approached, the tiefling's features became clearer. He was tall and lean, with crimson skin that seemed to glow faintly in the dim light. His eyes were a piercing gold, flickering with an inner fire hinting at wisdom and power. Curving black horns jutted from his forehead, framing a face marked by sharp, angular features. He wore a dark robe adorned with intricate patterns that shimmered with arcane energy, and his long, sinuous tail flicked restlessly behind him.

The tiefling gestured towards a dark tunnel nestled into the side of the ravine. "Follow me," he urged, his voice urgent. "We need to get deeper into the tunnel so that the [Hell Hound]s cannot sense our spirits."

Elara cast a final wary glance around before following him into the tunnel, the oppressive darkness quickly swallowing them whole. The tiefling moved with practiced ease, leading her deeper into the labyrinthine passageways. The howls of the [Hell Hound]s echoed faintly behind them, growing fainter with each step, yet Elara's heart raced with anxiety.

"Who are you?" Elara asked, her voice echoing softly in the confined space, every sound amplified by the enclosing darkness.

The tiefling glanced back at her, his golden eyes glowing faintly with a mix of urgency and mistrust. "I'm Kael, a mage. We need to keep moving. The [Hell Hound]s have an uncanny ability to sense spirits, but they won't be able to follow us too far into these tunnels," he said, his voice tinged with a note of desperation.

Elara nodded, trying to steady her breath. Despite her relief, she couldn't completely quell the suspicion gnawing at her. "Why are you helping me?" she asked, her tone wary. "What do you want in return?"

Kael's eyes flickered with a hint of frustration, but he maintained his composure. "Let's just say it's mutually beneficial. I'm trying to get home, and every mortal I help increases my chances," he replied, his voice tight with controlled urgency. "I have an enchanted stone, a dimensional anchor. If you take it with you back to the mortal plane, it will activate and create a gateway."

Elara's eyes narrowed, her grip tightening on her weapon. "And why should I trust you? How do I know this isn't some trick?"

Kael sighed, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his face. "You don't. But if we don't keep moving, those [Hell Hound]s will tear us apart, and we'll both be dead before you have a chance to decide."

The howls echoed ominously behind them, a chilling reminder of the imminent danger. Elara hesitated, weighing her options. The sense of urgency in Kael's voice and the dire situation left her little choice.

"Fine," she said, her voice laced with caution. "But if you try anything, you'll regret it."

Kael nodded, understanding the gravity of her threat. "Understood. Now let's move."

They pressed deeper into the tunnel, the oppressive darkness enveloping them. The howls of the [Hell Hound]s grew fainter, but the tension between them was thick and heavy. Despite their uneasy alliance, Elara couldn't shake the feeling of mistrust, and Kael's desperation to return home only added to the complexity of their situation. The tight walls almost suffocated them, the faint echoes of the [Hell Hound]s' howls still lingering in her mind, a constant reminder of the threat that pursued them. Yet, with Kael leading the way, she felt a flicker of hope. His confidence and the urgency in his voice made her trust him, despite the circumstances. As they navigated the labyrinthine passageways, each step was taken with a mix of caution and determination, the weight of their shared purpose driving them forward. Maybe, just maybe, they would make it through this ordeal together.

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