Watcher of Fate

009 - The Chosen Path

Lily stood resolute in the center of the chamber, her eyes fixed on the illuminated [Puppeteer (Rare)] statue before her. With a determined breath, she reached out to the ethereal interface hovering before her, selecting the class that had drawn her attention. As soon as she chose, a surge of energy enveloped her, and she felt an exhilarating rush as the class was instantly leveled up.

The Puppeteer class was selected. Preparing the user for class integration.

Puppeteer (Rare): The Puppeteer is a master of fine control and manipulation, wielding the power to influence and direct a wide array of entities through threads of magical energy. This class excels in orchestrating intricate schemes and commanding others with precision, using magical strings to manipulate individuals and objects with delicate accuracy. Puppeteers can control the actions of others, bend them to their will, and create complex scenarios by pulling the right strings at the right moments. The class thrives on subtlety and strategy, excelling in situations that require a nuanced approach to influence outcomes or direct events from behind the scenes. With their ability to exert fine control over multiple targets or constructs, Puppeteers can effectively manage and direct their surroundings in a way that can turn conflicts in their favor.

Class Features:

You gain higher control over puppets you are more familiar with.

Puppet strings are created out of your primary affinity.

15% bonus to Intelligence Stat.

You have gained a level, 1.

You have gained a level, 2.

You have gained a level, 3.

You have gained a level, 4.

You have gained a level, 5.

You have gained a level, 6.

You have gained a level, 7.

You have gained a level, 8.

You have gained a level, 9.

You have gained a level, 10.

You have gained a level, 11.

You have gained a level, 12.

You have gained a level, 13.

You have gained a level, 14.

The energy radiating from the chamber seemed to pulse in rhythm with her heartbeat, each beat resonating with the newfound power coursing through her veins. Lily’s mind buzzed with the anticipation of the possibilities that lay ahead. She focused on the five free slots now available to her, carefully considering where to allocate them.

With precise intent, Lily assigned 2 free slots to her newly chosen [Puppeteer] class. The process felt both exhilarating and weighty, each decision shaping her future capabilities. As she completed the allocation, a series of skill options appeared before her, each skill glowing with an aura of potential.

False Memory (Uncommon): Allows the user to implant or alter memories within others' minds, creating believable yet fabricated recollections. This skill is particularly effective for deception and manipulating perceptions.

Lily pondered the implications of this skill. Although its utility in deception was undeniable, she questioned how it would blend with her existing illusionary abilities from her Kitsune heritage. The ability to create and manipulate false memories could be powerful, but she wasn’t sure if it would enhance or clash with her illusionary techniques.

Unseen Influence (Uncommon): Allows the user to subtly manipulate and influence others' thoughts and actions without direct interaction. This skill is useful for covert operations and psychological manipulation.

While this skill offered a potent means of subtle control, Lily considered whether its benefits would align with her illusions. The ability to influence thoughts could complement her deceptive techniques but didn’t seem as directly synergistic with her existing abilities. Moving on to the Rare skills, Lily considered [Puppet Master (Rare)].

Puppet Master (Rare): Grants the ability to control and manipulate physical and magical puppets with exceptional precision. The user can imbue these puppets with various traits and abilities, making them versatile tools in combat and strategy.

Lily's mind raced, the prospect of this new skill sending sparks of excitement through her. But it wasn't simply the manipulation of puppets that captivated her; it was the fusion of puppetry with her innate illusion magic. The revelation struck like a lightning bolt. Her [Foxfire] illusions weren't just fleeting mirages, they were tangible, interactive elements of reality. What if she could control her illusions as if they were puppets themselves? The possibilities were intoxicating. Imagine crafting elaborate deceptions, where her solid illusions danced and fought alongside tangible puppets, weaving a tapestry of confusion and misdirection that would leave her enemies utterly bewildered.

Putting [Puppet Master] onto her list of ones she wanted to accept, Lily moved onto the next skill presented to her.

Shadow Play (Rare): Provides the ability to create and control shadow-based illusions and constructs. The user can generate deceptive shadows that mimic real objects or beings, which can be used for misdirection or stealth.

Lily's gaze skimmed over the description of Shadow Play, but her interest waned almost immediately. The skill's reliance on shadows and darkness felt like a poor fit for her [Foxfire] illusions, which were already tangible and interactive. [Shadow Play], while potentially powerful, seemed to offer a limited and restrictive form of deception compared to the boundless potential she envisioned for her magic. With a dismissive shrug, she moved on to the next skill on the list, her curiosity undeterred.

Hive Mind (Legendary): Enables the user to link their consciousness with multiple allies or puppets, creating a shared mental space where information and commands flow seamlessly. This skill enhances coordination and strategic execution in complex scenarios.

Lily's breath hitched as she read the description of the final skill, [Hive Mind]. Not just rare, this was a legendary skill, the only one of its kind offered in the list. A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. The concept of weaving a mental network between her illusions and puppets, orchestrating their movements with flawless synchronicity, was intoxicating. It was more than just control. It was a symphony of deception, a ballet of misdirection. The possibilities were endless. She could coordinate complex attacks, create intricate distractions, and manipulate her enemies with unparalleled precision. This skill's strategic advantage, especially when combined with her already potent illusion magic, was simply breathtaking. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of excitement and awe. This was it. This was the power she craved.

After careful consideration, Lily focused on [Puppet Master] and [Hive Mind]. The synergy between these skills and her Kitsune illusions promised to unlock new levels of strategy and deception. By mastering the art of puppetry and mind-linking, she could become her own army with unparalleled precision and coordination, achieving the ultimate expression of her newfound power.

You gained a new skill, Lvl 1 Puppet Master (Rare). It has been assigned to an empty class slot.You gained a new skill, Lvl 1 Hive Mine (Legendary). It has been assigned to an empty class slot.

Skill: Puppet Master

Rarity: Rare

Description: Grants the ability to control and manipulate physical and magical puppets with exceptional precision. The user can imbue these puppets with various traits and abilities, making them versatile tools in combat and strategy.


Puppet Control: Allows the user to exert precise control over their puppets, enabling intricate movements and actions. This sub-skill enhances the ability to direct multiple puppets simultaneously with great accuracy, making them effective in complex scenarios.

Puppet Empowerment: Grants the ability to channel magical energy into the puppets, increasing their durability and enhancing their offensive and defensive capabilities. This sub-skill allows the user to imbue their puppets with various enchantments, making them more resilient and powerful in combat.

Unknown Sub-skill: The third aspect of [Puppet Master] remains locked and obscured, its nature is hidden until the user meets certain undisclosed conditions or reaches a new level of mastery with the skill. The potential of this sub-skill is vast and unpredictable, awaiting discovery.

Skill: Hive Mind

Rarity: Legendary

Description: Enables the user to link their consciousness with multiple allies or puppets, creating a shared mental space where information and commands flow seamlessly. This skill enhances coordination and strategic execution in complex scenarios.


Mental Link: Establishes a telepathic connection between the user and their linked entities, allowing for instant communication and coordination. This sub-skill is essential for managing complex strategies and ensuring synchronized actions among multiple linked beings.

Multi-Tasking: Enhances the user's ability to manage and coordinate multiple actions simultaneously within the shared mental space. This sub-skill allows the user to oversee and control various linked entities and actions without loss of efficiency or focus, making it easier to execute intricate plans and respond to dynamic situations.

Unknown Sub-skill: The third aspect of [Hive Mind] remains locked and obscured, its nature is hidden until the user meets certain undisclosed conditions or reaches a new level of mastery with the skill. The potential of this sub-skill is vast and unpredictable, awaiting discovery.

Unknown Sub-skill: The fourth aspect of [Hive Mind] remains locked and obscured, its nature is hidden until the user meets certain undisclosed conditions or reaches a new level of mastery with the skill. The potential of this sub-skill is vast and unpredictable, awaiting discovery.

Lily took a moment to admire her newly acquired skills, excited about the potential they unlocked. She opened her status screen to review her updated setup:


Name: Yomotsuhi Lilith

Race: Kitsune

Class: Noble LOCKED LVL 36

Class: Puppet Master

Level: (15,713 of 19,500) 14


HP: 10,440 of 10,440 (11.2/min)

Energy: 34,380 of 34,380 (18.9/sec)


Armor Class: 46

Strength: 64

Dexterity: 173 (190)

Constitution: 84

Perception: 164

Intelligence: 213 (287)

Resolve: 178 (213)

Free Points: 28

3 Free Slots

Class Skills:

Hellfire Swordsmanship (Legendary): 36

Commanding Presence (Rare): 31

Strategic Mind (Rare): 34

Puppet Master (Rare): 1

Hive Mind (Legendary): 1

Racial Skills:

Foxfire (Legendary): 36

Inari's Blessing (Rare): 23

Unified Presence (Legendary): 36

Weaver's Insight (Rare): 36


Satisfied with her choices, she closed the status screen and dismissed the class selection ritual. The moment she did, the world around her dissolved, and the ritual chamber faded away. The familiar sights of the ruined courtyard in the desert reappeared, still shrouded in the intricate illusions she had set up earlier.

As her surroundings returned to focus, Lily noticed that the serene, illusory landscape was still intact and performing its intended function. The courtyard appeared as a well-hidden, magical sanctuary amidst the desolation. The illusions blended seamlessly with the environment, making it difficult for anyone to detect that a significant ritual had taken place.

However, the tranquility of the illusory setting was sharply contrasted by the reality of the courtyard. Scattered around the perimeter were the remains of hundreds of undead, their bodies dismembered and grotesquely mutilated. Limbs were severed from torsos and shattered skulls lay scattered among the debris. The stench of blood and rotting flesh filled the air, mingling with the acrid scent of burnt bone and sinew.

The ground was littered with disjointed body parts, arms, and legs twisted into unnatural angles, heads split open with grotesque expressions frozen in pain. The remains were strewn about haphazardly, some impaled on broken debris or torn apart by vicious slashes. Pools of dark, congealed blood had collected in the hollows of the ruins, further adding to the horrific tableau.

Elara stood atop a mound of the remains, her stance weary but resolute. Her clothes were stained with grime and blood, evidence of the fierce battle she had fought. The rising sun cast an eerie light from the west, illuminating the gruesome scene with a strange, unsettling glow. Elara’s vigilant gaze scanned the horizon as if expecting more threats to emerge, but for now, the courtyard seemed secure.

Lily’s eyes widened in shock and horror as she took in the carnage before her. The peaceful, protected setting she had envisioned was now marred by the aftermath of a brutal skirmish. She took a deep breath and called out to Elara, her voice a mix of confusion and concern. “What the heck happened here?”

Elara, still catching her breath from the battle, looked up from her vantage point amidst the pile of undead remains. Her face was smeared with dirt and blood, and her eyes were tired but resolute. She met Lily's gaze with a somber expression, the gravity of the situation evident in her voice.

“While you were inside the ritual, things took a turn for the worse,” Elara began, her voice hoarse but steady. “As soon as you started, a horde of undead started crawling out of the ruins. They sensed the ritual and decided to converge on this location. They must have been drawn here by some residual magic or disturbance.”

Elara wiped her brow, her movements still tense from the recent conflict. “I had to act quickly. They were relentless, coming at me from all directions. I managed to hold them off, but it was a brutal fight. I couldn’t afford to let them breach the area. It could have jeopardized everything if they had reached you or disrupted the ritual.”

She gestured to the dismembered bodies scattered around. “I used everything I had to keep them at bay. It was a messy, violent struggle, but I didn’t have a choice. I had to protect you and ensure the ritual’s success.”

“Thank you, Elara,” Lily said, her voice steadying as she collected herself. “I appreciate everything you’ve done. Let’s assess our situation and plan our next move.”

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