Watcher of Fate

010 - Clash of Wills

Elara sat in a small, narrow skiff, its wooden planks worn smooth from years of use. The vessel was just large enough to comfortably hold two people, with a few bundles of supplies stashed beneath the benches. The wood was dark and polished by the touch of countless hands, giving it a well-worn but sturdy appearance. Carvings of ancient symbols ran along the sides, their meanings lost to time, adding an air of mystique to the humble boat.

Kael stood at the stern, using a long pole to push them forward through the inky blackness of the underground river. His movements were steady and practiced, guiding them with a quiet efficiency. The water around them was eerily still, creating an almost unnatural silence. The only sounds were the gentle creak of the wooden skiff and the occasional soft splash of the pole as Kael pushed against the riverbed.

The underground river was a realm of hushed whispers and faint echoes. The occasional water drip from the cavern ceiling would resonate through the tunnel, a solitary sound amplified in the stillness. Each drop seemed to take on a life of its own, echoing as if trying to escape the oppressive silence. The gentle lapping of the water against the skiff's sides provided a rhythmic, almost soothing backdrop, a counterpoint to the eerie quiet surrounding them.

The only light came from patches of glowing fungus clinging to the cavern walls, casting an ethereal glow that reflected off the water's surface. The light danced and shimmered, creating ghostly patterns that flickered across the skiff and the faces of its passengers. Elara watched the shifting light, trying to calm her racing thoughts. The faint rustle of her own movements seemed unnaturally loud in the enclosed space.

The subterranean river journey felt like a passage through a forgotten world. The water was so still it seemed like glass, and the silence was almost oppressive, wrapping around them like a shroud. Elara glanced at Kael, who remained focused on their path, his golden eyes scanning the darkness ahead.

Elara took a moment to bring up her, the glowing display hovering before her eyes.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (115,080 of 128,000) 24


HP: 5786 of 5786 (10.3/min)

Energy: 10272 of 10272 (1.8/sec)


She quickly calculated her current energy reserves. The shift to a unified energy pool meant she had lost some overall energy, but her regeneration rate was noticeably higher. Having all her resources in one pool for her to choose from was probably better in the long run, as she often ran out of mana more frequently than stamina. This new balance could give her an edge in the battles to come.

The skiff glided silently over the water's mirror-like surface as they moved. The gentle creak of the wooden planks and the soft swish of the pole breaking the surface were the only sounds accompanying their journey. The glowing fungus created an otherworldly ambiance, their soft light casting elongated shadows that danced on the cavern walls, making the entire scene feel like a dream.

Elara couldn't help but reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of her new resource allocation. The increased regeneration rate gave her a steady supply of energy, essential for the continuous casting and physical exertion that Tartarus demanded. Despite the reduced overall energy, this new system's flexibility was invaluable.

The tunnel widened after what felt like hours, and the faint sound of lapping water reached Elara's ears. They emerged from the underground river into a vast, open lake. The change was dramatic, the tight, confining walls of the tunnel gave way to a wide expanse of water, the surface reflecting the dim light of the cavern like a mirror.

In the lake's center rose a rocky island, crowned by a magnificent medieval cathedral and a quaint surrounding village. The island's silhouette was unique and striking, with the towering spire of the cathedral reaching toward the cavern's distant ceiling, as if trying to touch the heavens themselves. The village clustered around the cathedral's base, its stone buildings exuding an air of ancient solidity and resilience.

The cathedral itself was a marvel of gothic architecture, with flying buttresses that seemed to defy gravity and intricate stained glass windows that glowed with a mysterious, internal light, even in the cavern's dimness. The spire, adorned with ornate carvings and menacing gargoyles, soared upwards, its sharp peak a stark contrast against the cavern's rocky roof. Each window told a story in vibrant colors, scenes of legendary battles and celestial beings, their hues dancing as the faint light filtered through.

The village below was a labyrinth of narrow, winding streets, designed more for the foot traffic of ages past than for modern convenience. The stone houses were tightly packed, their roofs covered in a thick layer of moss and lichen, giving the impression of a place forgotten by time. Ancient cobblestones, worn smooth by countless footsteps, formed the paths that twisted and turned through the village, leading to small squares and hidden courtyards.

Elara stared in awe at the sight. The cathedral's spire was adorned with intricate carvings, and the village's cobblestone streets wound their way up the island's rocky slopes. It was a place out of legend, hidden away in the depths of Tartarus. The entire scene was bathed in a soft, almost ethereal glow from the bioluminescent plants scattered throughout the village and around the cathedral. These plants emitted a gentle, blue-green light that reflected off the lake's surface, creating a shimmering halo around the island enhancing its otherworldly beauty.

The buildings themselves told stories of a bygone era, with weathered stone walls and arched doorways that beckoned to those with a sense of adventure and history. Small lanterns hung at intervals along the streets, their flames flickering softly, casting dancing shadows on the walls and adding to the mystical ambiance.

Kael guided the skiff towards the shore, his movements confident and unerring. They glided smoothly across the lake's surface, the sound of water lapping against the skiff's sides breaking the silence. As they neared the shore, Elara could see the narrow bridge leading from the island to the main cavern wall, a path connecting the isolated sanctuary to the outside world.

As they approached the rocky shore, Kael brought the skiff to a gentle stop and turned to Elara. "This is where we part ways," he said, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of regret. "I have my own path to follow, and you have your mission to complete."

Elara felt a pang of anxiety and sadness, a deep sense of uncertainty washing over her. "Thank you for your help, Kael. I wouldn't have made it this far without you," she said, her voice wavering slightly with emotion. The thought of facing the unknown alone filled her with trepidation.

Kael gave her a small, encouraging smile. "Stay safe, Elara. Trust in your abilities and stay vigilant. The city of Dis is not forgiving."

Elara watched Kael push the skiff back into the lake, leaving her alone on the shore. She turned her gaze to the narrow bridge and felt a tug in her mind, a connection pointing towards the island. Determined, she focused on the bond she shared with Quill, trying to reconnect with him.

Closing her eyes, Elara concentrated, feeling Quill's familiar but faint presence. Slowly, the connection grew stronger until she could hear his voice more clearly.

"Quill, can you hear me?" Elara asked, her voice filled with hope and desperation. Each second of silence felt like an eternity.

"Elara, I can hear you," Quill's voice responded, still faint but more stable than before. His tone carried a mix of relief and worry. "I'm... A hoard of goods surrounds me. It looks like a storage room, but it's filled with all sorts of strange items."

Elara's heart raced, a mix of anxiety and determination surging through her. "Do you know where you are?" she asked, her voice tight with urgency.

Quill paused for a moment, the connection wavering slightly. "I can't see much beyond the piles of items, but it feels like I'm still in Tartarus, somewhere deep within this island. There's a lot of commotion outside, like a market or a trading post."

Elara's mind raced with possibilities, her fear for Quill's safety battling with her determination to rescue him. "I'll find you, Quill. Just hold on a little longer," she promised, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I will, Elara. Be careful. This place... it's filled with dangers," Quill warned, his voice tinged with concern and fear for her.

Elara took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. She reached into her inventory, pulling out the demon helmet, spear, and shield she had taken from the [Demon Hunter] she had killed. The helmet was heavy and adorned with sinister, angular designs that seemed to writhe in the dim light. The spear was long and deadly, its tip glinting with a cruel sharpness, while the shield was dark and sturdy, covered in intricate, eldritch symbols.

She donned the demon helmet with deliberate movements, feeling its weight settle on her head. She picked up the spear and shield, their cold metal grounding her. Then, she focused her mind, invoking the power of [Ephemeral] to assume the persona of the [Demon Hunter] she had dispatched. Her form shimmered and shifted, cloaking her in the illusion of the fallen demon. Her skin darkened to the same ashen hue of the demon, large curved sweeping horns grew out of the slots built into the helmet for them, and her posture changed, adopting her enemy's confident and menacing bearing.

Elara began walking towards the bridge connecting the rocky island to the city of Dis, her steps steady and purposeful. As she approached the city gate, she saw other demons being checked by the gate guards. The guards were formidable, their eyes glowing with a menacing light and their movements sharp and precise.

The demon gate guards were an intimidating sight. Standing over seven feet tall, their muscular forms were covered in dark, leathery skin that seemed to absorb the dim light. Their faces were twisted into perpetual scowls, with jagged teeth visible between sneering lips. Their eyes glowed a fiery red, piercing through the darkness and giving them an otherworldly presence. Each guard wore dark armor that clung to their bodies like a second skin, adorned with spikes and barbed edges that hinted at their readiness for battle.

Elara took her place in line, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the weight of the [Demon Hunter]'s persona settling over her, the illusion crafted by [Ephemeral] wrapping around her like a second skin. As she neared the guards, a sense of unease washed over her. She felt something trying to peer through her illusion, probing at the edges of her false identity.

Focusing on one of the guards, Elara mentally called up an information box:

[Lvl 35 Abyssal Gatekeeper (Uncommon)]

The guard wielded a massive halberd with a serrated edge that glinted ominously. His movements were precise and disciplined, each step echoing with authority. The air around him seemed to vibrate with an aura of power and menace, making it clear that he was not to be trifled with.

As Elara approached, the [Abyssal Gatekeeper]'s eyes narrowed, glowing with an intense, malevolent light. "Name and purpose?" he demanded, his voice a guttural growl reverberating through the air.

Elara straightened, channeling the persona of the [Demon Hunter] she had assumed. "Drelzar, tasked with hunting a spirit that escaped our lord's grasp," she replied, her voice steady and cold. "I failed to capture it and lost my [Hell Hound] in the process."

The gatekeeper's gaze bore into her, and Elara felt an oppressive weight descend upon her mind. It was as if an invisible force was trying to pierce the illusion of her persona, probing for any cracks or weaknesses. The sensation was almost suffocating, the pressure relentless.

Behind her, a line of demons began to form, each waiting their turn to pass through the gate. The air buzzed with an undercurrent of impatience and unease as they watched Elara and the formidable guard interact. The tension was thick and heavy, and Elara could feel the eyes of the waiting demons boring into her back, adding to the weight of the scrutiny she was under.

Elara's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to let her fear show. She called upon [Unified Presence], feeling the power of her spirit surge within her. She focused every ounce of her resolve into pushing back against the gatekeeper's probing. Her will clashed against his.

A tense silence enveloped them, the other demons waiting in line shifting restlessly, their impatience growing. Elara could feel sweat trickling down her back. Her muscles tensed and ready to react. The seconds felt like hours, each heartbeat a loud drum in her ears.

The gatekeeper's eyes flared brighter, the pressure intensifying. Elara gritted her teeth, drawing deeper on her inner strength. She visualized her spirit as a blazing bonfire, each thread woven together in perfect harmony. With [Unified Presence], she projected an aura of unyielding determination, reinforcing the illusion and holding her ground.

Finally, the gatekeeper's expression shifted, a grudging respect flickering in his eyes. He grunted and stepped back, lowering his halberd slightly. "Proceed, Drelzar," he said, his tone begrudgingly respectful. "Do not fail our lord again."

You are now entering the City of Dis.

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