Watcher of Fate

011 - The Crow's Mockery

Elara stood at the edge of the Spirit Tree’s glade, the golden thread of fate shimmering before her, leading into the depths of Barrowdeep. She hesitated, turning back to the tree that had become her sanctuary. "I'm leaving now," she said softly. "I don't know what lies ahead, but I might need to see you again."

The Spirit Tree shook its branches vigorously, leaves rustling in an attempt to convey a message. Elara watched, trying to decipher the tree's movements. It seemed almost anxious, its branches swaying in a deliberate rhythm.

"What is it?" she asked, stepping closer. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

The tree's shaking continued, more insistent now. Realization dawned on Elara. "The [Dimensional Link (Rare)] spell," she murmured, her eyes widening. "It always links us, doesn't it? No matter where I go, I can always return to you."

The tree responded with a gentle, affirmative rustle, its leaves shimmering with a reassuring glow. Then, a new notification appeared before Elara as if imparting another piece of wisdom.


Quest Alert!

Have Tree Will Travel

Difficulty: E Rank

Objective: Maintain your connection with the Spirit Tree using [Dimensional Link (Rare)]. Collect 2000 spirits to ensure the Spirit Tree thrives.

Rewards: Increased bond with the Spirit Tree and potential upgrades to the [Dimensional Link (Rare)] spell.

Do you want to accept the quest (yes/no)


"Thank you," Elara said, a smile spreading across her face as she selected yes. "We won't be alone, no matter how far I go."

Feeling renewed purpose and confidence, Elara turned to face the golden thread that stretched into the dungeon's darkness. The [Thread of Fate (Legendary)] glowed with a soft, ethereal light, illuminating her path. She took a deep breath, her determination unwavering, and stepped forward to follow it.

With each step, she felt a renewed sense of purpose, the thread guiding her toward an unknown but promising destination. As she ventured deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels of Barrowdeep, the thread glowed steadily, casting gentle light on the walls around her. Shadows danced, and the air grew colder, but Elara pressed on, her resolve stronger than ever.

It wasn't long before she encountered her first obstacle. A [Giant Spider] skittered out from a dark crevice, its multiple eyes glinting with malice. Elara tightened her grip on her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)] and activated her [Parkour (Uncommon)] skill, darting forward with agility and precision. She swung her weapon with practiced ease, striking the spider's vulnerable joints and delivering swift, decisive blows. The creature let out a hiss before collapsing, its legs curling inward.

She paused for a moment, catching her breath, and then continued to follow the golden thread. The path wound through narrow corridors and vast, echoing chambers. The thread’s glow guided her, unwavering in its course. Elara moved with purpose, her senses heightened, and every muscle in her body was primed for action.

Further, along the way, she encountered a group of [Dwarf Revenants]. The undead dwarves, clad in ancient, tarnished armor, advanced towards her with weapons raised. Elara didn't hesitate. She relied on her combat skills and the techniques she had honed through countless battles. She dodged their strikes with fluid grace, countering with powerful blows from her stick.

One revenant swung its axe at her, but she ducked and spun, striking its exposed side. Another lunged with a rusted sword, but Elara parried and retaliated with a swift strike to its helmet, the force of the blow sending it staggering backward. The remaining dwarves fell one by one, their ancient armor clattering to the ground as they dissolved into nothingness.

Elara wiped the sweat from her brow and pressed on, the golden thread leading her through the twisting passages of Barrowdeep. The battles were taxing, but each victory bolstered her resolve. She knew the thread was guiding her towards something significant that could change her fate.

She continued to dispatch [Giant Spiders] and [Dwarf Revenants] with a mixture of physical prowess and magical skill, her confidence growing with each encounter. The golden thread remained constant, a beacon of hope in the oppressive darkness of the dungeon.

As Elara followed the [Thread of Fate (Legendary)], she couldn't help but wonder what awaited her at the end. Whatever it was, she felt ready to face it. With the Spirit Tree’s connection and her growing mastery of magic, Elara knew she could overcome any challenge.

Elara rose to her feet, her resolve stronger than ever. The struggle to move forward was real, but so was her determination. "I can't give up now," she muttered to herself. "There's something important waiting for me, and I need to find it." She continued to push on, driven by the knowledge that the golden thread was guiding her toward something significant. The intricate patterns she had seen hinted at a destiny far greater than she had imagined, and she was willing to endure whatever it took to uncover it.

With her resolve renewed, Elara pressed forward until she reached a set of ancient stone stairs. As she ascended the stairs cautiously, each step echoing in the stillness, she entered a large vaulted hall. The space was magnificent, a testament to the craftsmanship of the ancient dwarven kingdom that had once thrived here. Massive stone columns lined the hall, their surfaces adorned with intricate carvings and metalwork that glinted in the faint light. The ceiling arched high above, creating an atmosphere of grandiosity and timelessness.

The architecture was breathtaking. The columns were not merely supports but works of art, each telling a story. Intricate carvings depicted scenes of dwarven life, festivals, battles, and daily activities, each figure rendered with exquisite detail. Some columns featured spiraling designs of intertwined vines and mythical creatures, their eyes seeming to follow Elara as she moved.

The hall's walls were equally impressive, lined with panels of masterfully worked metal. Patterns of gold, silver, and bronze wove together to form images of sprawling mountains, vast underground cities, and legendary battles fought by the dwarves. Though tarnished with age, the metalwork still retained a sense of brilliance and artistry, capturing the light in ways that made the scenes come alive.

Above her, the vaulted ceiling was a marvel in itself. High arches crisscrossed, creating a network of support beams that were both functional and decorative. In the center of each arch was a medallion, intricately carved and studded with gemstones that sparkled faintly in the dim light. The overall effect was awe and reverence, a space once filled with the power and pride of a great civilization.

Elara activated her [Forgettable (Rare)] skill, her form blending into the shadows as she moved stealthily around the edge of the hall. She knew better than to venture directly through the center, where she would be exposed. Instead, she kept to the periphery, her senses alert for any sign of danger.

Elara’s heart pounded in her chest as she walked around the hall, her movements slow and deliberate. She could sense that this place held significance, perhaps even a clue to the next stage of her journey. The golden thread continued to guide her, its glow unwavering.

She paused occasionally to catch her breath and assess her surroundings, ensuring she remained hidden. The [Forgettable (Rare)] skill worked to her advantage, making her presence a mere whisper in the grand hall.

With each step, Elara felt a mixture of anticipation and caution. She knew she was getting closer to something important, and the thought excited and terrified her. As she continued to sneak around the edge of the hall, she kept her focus sharp, ready to face whatever lay ahead in this ancient dwarven kingdom.

As she moved further into the ancient dwarven hall, the golden thread led her down a side boulevard. The passageway was wide and lined with more magnificent columns, their carvings telling stories of old. The walls on either side were adorned with ancient banners, now faded and tattered, depicting symbols of dwarven clans long gone. The floor was made of polished stone, worn smooth by the countless feet that had walked these halls in ages past.

A rhythmic banging noise echoed through the boulevard, the unmistakable sound of a hammer striking an anvil. The noise resonated through the corridor, guiding Elara in the same direction as the golden thread. Curiosity and a sense of purpose drove her forward. Her senses heightened as she approached the source of the sound.

The boulevard opened into a large blacksmith shop. A massive forge dominated the space, its flames fed by a river of glowing magma that coursed through a series of channels carved into the stone floor. The heat was intense, the air shimmering with its ferocity. In the center of the workshop stood a giant automaton wielding a massive hammer. The automaton's movements were precise and powerful, each strike of the hammer shaping molten metal into swords with practiced efficiency.

Perched atop the forge's chimney was a crow-shaped spirit, its ethereal form flickering like a shadow. The spirit watched the automaton's work with an air of detached interest, its dark eyes gleaming in the forge's light.

Elara's heart pounded as she took in the scene. She focused on the automaton, willing an identification box to appear before her eyes.

[Lvl 35 Anvilator (Uncommon)]

The [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s presence was imposing, its massive frame moving with a mechanical grace. The golden thread led directly to the Anvilator, terminating at its base. Elara's heart raced as she realized the significance of this connection. This formidable automaton was somehow tied to her fate, and she would have to confront it to unravel the mystery.

The [Anvilator (Uncommon)] stood at least ten feet tall, its body constructed of intricately wrought metal plates, gears, and pistons. Each movement was accompanied by a rhythmic clanking and hissing of steam, giving it an aura of ancient craftsmanship and raw, destructive power. As large as Elara herself, its hammer was wielded with precise, measured strikes that rang out like thunder in the expansive blacksmith shop.

The forge's flames cast eerie shadows on the walls, highlighting the detailed engravings on the [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s armor. The runes and symbols seemed to pulse with an inner light, adding to its intimidating presence. Despite its mechanical nature, the [Anvilator (Uncommon)] exuded an almost sentient awareness, as if it knew exactly what it was creating and why.

Elara's eyes darted to the crow-shaped spirit perched atop the forge's chimney. The spirit's dark eyes gleamed with an uncanny intelligence, watching her every move. She couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than a passive observer, perhaps a guardian or even a guide in this strange place.

Her mind raced with possibilities and strategies. She knew she had to approach this carefully. The Anvilator was a powerful adversary and a key to her journey. She had to understand its role and her connection to it. The golden thread's termination at the Anvilator's feet indicated that this encounter was crucial to her fate.

Elara took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. The intense heat from the magma-fed forge, the hammer's rhythmic pounding, and the crow spirit's watchful gaze all combined to create an atmosphere of tension and significance. She knew she couldn't back down now. This was a pivotal moment, and she had to face it with all the courage and skill she possessed.

With her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)] in hand and her senses heightened, Elara stepped forward, ready to engage with the [Anvilator (Uncommon)]. She would have to be quick and precise, using every advantage her skills and magic could offer. The journey had led her here, and she was determined to uncover the secrets within this ancient dwarven forge and the powerful automaton that guarded it.

With her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)] gripped tightly, Elara stood at the edge of the blacksmith shop, steeling herself for the impending battle. The forge’s intense heat washed over her, and the rhythmic clang of the Anvilator’s hammer filled the air. Facing a level 35 monster was daunting. The [Anvilator (Uncommon)] towered over her, a mechanical behemoth, its metal plates gleaming ominously in the light of the magma-fed forge. It was a formidable foe, 22 levels higher than her, a difference that seemed insurmountable.

“How can I possibly beat this thing?” she muttered, a knot of fear tightening in her chest. She thought about the time it would take to reach such a level, years of grinding and fighting. Although the Spirit Tree might enjoy her company for the next decade, she had people to find, orcs to kill, and wrongs to right. She couldn’t afford to be trapped here, unable to progress.

"I can't let this stop me," she said, her voice firm with determination. "I've come too far."

The golden thread shimmered and terminated at the [Anvilator (Uncommon)], emphasizing the importance of this encounter.

"Oh, another idiot adventurer comes to try their luck," the spirit crow cawed mockingly from its perch atop the forge's chimney. Its dark eyes gleamed with curiosity and amusement as it watched Elara prepare for battle.

With a determined shout, Elara charged at the [Anvilator (Uncommon)], swinging her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)] with all her might. The first strike landed with a resounding clang, but it bounced off the automaton's thick armor like nothing. Panic flared in her chest, but she pushed it down, refusing to give in to fear.

"Come on, Elara, think!" she urged herself, dodging a deliberate hammer blow from the [Anvilator (Uncommon)]. The ground shook where the hammer landed, and she knew she couldn't afford to take a direct hit.

She attacked repeatedly, trying to find a weak spot, but the [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s defenses were impenetrable. Each swing of its massive hammer was precise and devastating. One blow grazed her side, sending a jolt of pain through her body and costing her -63 HP. She staggered but didn't fall, using her [Parkour (Uncommon)] skill to stay agile and keep moving.

Above the din of battle, the spirit crow perched on the forge's chimney cawed and chattered as if commentating on the fight. "Oh, look at the little human dance! Quite the nimble one, isn't she? But can she keep it up?"

Another hammer blow came down, narrowly missing her by inches. She felt the rush of air and the tremor beneath her feet. She struck back, but her attacks seemed futile against the Anvilator's metal hide. Another blow landed, this time on her shoulder, sending her sprawling to the ground with -118 HP lost.

"Not bad, not bad," the crow continued, its tone mocking. "But I think the big guy has the upper hand. Literally."

Elara gritted her teeth, her body aching from the relentless assault. She had already taken significant damage and knew she couldn't withstand much more. Desperation fueled her movements as she searched for any opening, any weakness.

The [Anvilator (Uncommon)] swung its massive hammer with deliberate force. Elara dodged to the side, but not quickly enough. The hammer grazed her thigh, sending her sprawling with a painful -157 HP. She rolled to her feet, breathing heavily, and charged in again, striking at the Anvilator's joints. Her blows seemed to do little more than scratch the surface.

"Oh, this is getting interesting!" the spirit crow cawed. "Can the nimble human keep it up, or will she become another dent in the floor?"

The [Anvilator (Uncommon)] retaliated with a swift downward strike. Elara leaped back, but the hammer clipped her shoulder, knocking her off balance and costing her another -82 HP. She staggered but forced herself to stay upright, swinging her stick with renewed vigor.

The [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s next blow was a horizontal swipe aimed at her midsection. Elara ducked just in time, feeling the rush of air as the hammer whistled over her head. She countered with rapid strikes to its midsection, but the automaton's armor absorbed most of the impact.

"She's got spirit, I'll give her that," the crow commented, its tone amused. "But can she outlast the big guy?"

Elara felt a sharp pain as the [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s hammer caught her in the side, throwing her against the wall with a brutal -191 HP. She gasped, struggling to breathe through the pain, but there was no time to recover. The Anvilator was relentless, pressing its advantage.

With gritted teeth, Elara rolled away from another hammer blow that shattered the stone floor where she had just been lying. The [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s movements were mechanical but unyielding, and Elara knew she had to be faster, more cunning. She darted forward, aiming for the exposed gears at its midsection.

"Watch out, little human! You're playing a dangerous game," the crow cawed mockingly.

The [Anvilator (Uncommon)] swung its hammer in a wide arc, and though Elara tried to dodge, the heavy weapon slammed into her arm, sending her spinning with a sickening -54 HP. Her arm throbbed, but she couldn't afford to let the pain slow her down. She retaliated with a desperate strike, aiming for the same gap.

Another blow from the [Anvilator (Uncommon)]'s hammer sent her crashing to the ground, her vision blurring from the impact. The hit had taken a massive -132 HP. Elara's body screamed in protest, but she pushed through the agony, her determination unwavering.

The spirit crow's voice was a constant backdrop. "Is this it for the brave adventurer? Will she fall like all the others?"

Elara's final attempt came as the [Anvilator (Uncommon)] raised its hammer for a finishing blow. With adrenaline, she lunged forward and jammed her [Spirit Tree Stick (Excellent)] into the gap in its armor. There was a moment of silence, then a sudden, violent jolt as something inside the [Anvilator (Uncommon)] exploded.

The force of the blast sent Elara flying backward, landing hard on the stone floor. The automaton staggered, its movements jerky and uncoordinated. Sparks flew from its internals, and with a final, shuddering groan, it collapsed to the ground in a heap of smoking metal.

Elara lay there, panting and exhausted, her body screaming in pain from the injuries she'd sustained. The crow spirit let out a surprised caw. "Well, would you look at that? The little human did it. Quite the impressive feat, I must say."


Name: Elara Crowhurst


HP: 22 of 819(2.0/min)

Mana: 552 of 552 (1.1/min)

Sta: 172 of 871(3.0/min)


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