Watcher of Fate

015 - A Moment in Time

A blinding flash of white light filled Elara's vision, accompanied by a melodic chime echoing through her mind. She blinked, trying to make sense of the sudden change, and as the light resolved, she found herself with her hand on the [Shadowstrike Dagger] embedded in the [Yugoloth Rogue]'s head. Confusion swept over her as she realized that the scene around her was eerily familiar. The [Demon Knight] had not yet charged, and the [Demon Spiritualist] was just beginning to cast its spell to unravel her illusions.

It dawned on her, she had somehow jumped back in time to a moment just before the knight's deadly charge. The world around her was frozen in complete stillness. The [Yugoloth Rogue]'s face was locked in a grimace of shock, the [Demon Spiritualist]'s hands suspended mid-cast, and the [Demon Knight] poised to move. Elara herself seemed unable to move within this suspended moment, trapped in the surreal tableau.

Her heart raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, confusion, and a faint flicker of hope surged through her veins. The fear of what had just happened, the excruciating pain, the near-death experience, was still fresh, mingling with the bewilderment of this sudden shift in time. Yet, there was a spark of hope, a sense of relief at being granted another chance.

She pulled up the chime notification, desperate for some explanation.

You gained a new skill, Lvl 1 Moment in Time (Mythic). It has been assigned to an empty class slot.

Moment in Time: This mythic skill activates automatically when your death is imminent, allowing you to jump back in time by PERCEPTION / 100 seconds. During this period, time around you is frozen, giving you PERCEPTION + RESOLVE / 100 seconds to assess your situation and formulate a new plan. The skill can be used once every 24 hours, and the cooldown time is reduced by 1.1% with each skill level. This rare and powerful ability grants you a fleeting moment of clarity and control, offering a second chance to change your fate and overcome overwhelming odds.

Elara's mind raced to comprehend this new development. The skill was unlike anything she had encountered before, offering her a second chance at life in the face of imminent death. She couldn't move, but she could think and plan. The realization brought a glimmer of hope amidst the confusion, but also a crushing weight of responsibility.

Her emotions swirled, fear for what lay ahead, relief for the reprieve she had been granted, and a deep, gnawing anxiety about the battle that awaited her. She felt the weight of her mission press heavily upon her shoulders. The pain of the knight's attack lingered in her memory, a stark reminder of her mortality.

As she looked around at the frozen battlefield, she knew that once time resumed, she would have to act swiftly and decisively. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. This momentary pause gave her the opportunity to reassess her strategy and possibly turn the tide of the battle in her favor. Yet, the pressure of making the right choice was immense.

She focused on the [Demon Knight], anticipating its deadly charge, and the [Demon Spiritualist], knowing its spell would unravel her illusions. The knowledge that she had this fleeting window to prepare was both a blessing and a burden. The weight of her decisions pressed heavily upon her, but she steeled herself, ready to face the challenge head-on.

As the world started to move again, Elara acted swiftly. She pulled the [Shadowstrike Dagger] into her inventory using [Dimensional Link], her fingers deftly weaving gold and purple threads of magic that shimmered in the air. The dagger vanished, and almost simultaneously, she summoned all her remaining arrows from her inventory. The arrows materialized in the air around her, hovering as she took a deep breath.

With [Multi Weaving], she grasped hold of every arrow, intertwining green threads of [Tempest's Touch] with white threads of [Greater Illusion] to add momentum and power. The threads crackled with energy, wrapping around the arrows like serpents. She accelerated them toward the [Demon Knight] as he began his charge, the [Demon Spiritualist] unleashing midnight blue threads that started to unravel her illusions.

The green threads of [Tempest's Touch] glowed brightly as they infused the arrows with kinetic force, while the white threads of [Greater Illusion] added a spectral shimmer, making the arrows appear multiplied. The [Demon Knight]'s charge faltered momentarily as the arrows hurtled toward him. With astonishing speed and precision, he swung his massive sword, each movement fluid and calculated.

The knight’s blade moved like a blur, slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. The first arrow shattered on impact, splintering into pieces that rained down around him. He twisted his wrist and deflected the next two arrows in rapid succession, sending them clattering to the stone floor. The sound of metal striking metal echoed through the catacombs, a series of sharp, resonant clashes that underscored the knight's formidable skill.

He pivoted, the red and black threads of his armor glowing as he swiped at another cluster of arrows, each one knocked aside with a powerful, sweeping motion. The force of his strikes created a vortex of displaced air, the gusts rustling Elara’s cloak. The final arrows met the same fate, the knight's relentless assault leaving no room for error. Each arrow was batted away, their momentum shattered by the knight’s overwhelming strength and precision.

Elara didn’t wait to see the final outcome. She knew she had to keep moving. Weaving the dark blue threads of [Shadow Step], she felt her form dissipate into smoke. The threads of [Shadow Step] intertwined, forming a web of shadows that enveloped her. The world around her seemed to slow as she moved, her body becoming an ethereal mist. She drifted through the hall, escaping from the room just as the [Succubus Archer] released a volley of arrows.

The arrows sliced through the air where Elara had been only moments before, passing harmlessly through the space as she poofed into smoke. She reappeared down the hall, her form solidifying with a soft whoosh. The exhaustion from the continuous use of powerful spells was beginning to take its toll, but she pushed through, knowing that survival was the only option.

She glanced back, seeing the [Demon Knight] recovering from the barrage of arrows and the [Demon Spiritualist] continuing to unravel her remaining illusions. The midnight blue threads of the [Demon Spiritualist]'s spell ate away at the illusions, consuming the white mana and leaving nothing behind. The [Succubus Archer] scanned the area, searching for her next target. Elara took a deep breath, steeling herself for the next move, her mind racing to formulate a plan to outmaneuver her relentless pursuers.

Elara reached out and wove the midnight blue threads of [Greater Invisibility] around herself. The threads shimmered briefly in the dim light before wrapping around her like a shroud, blending her form into the surrounding shadows. The magic felt cool and soothing against her skin, a constant reminder of the dangerous situation. Each thread wove together seamlessly, creating a cloak of darkness that rendered her invisible to the naked eye.

As she sprinted down the hall, following the glowing golden thread of fate, she heard the [Succubus Archer]'s voice echo through the passage. "The human ran down the hallway!" The sound of the demons' footsteps pounding behind her sent a chill down her spine. Elara's heart raced; she knew the [Succubus Archer] could see through her invisibility. She had to move faster.

Elara pushed herself harder, her breaths coming in sharp, ragged gasps. The sound of arrows being loosed reached her ears, and she zigzagged to make herself a more difficult target. The tension in the air was intense as she felt the magic of her invisibility strain under the intensity of her movements. Despite her efforts, a sharp, searing pain shot through her leg as one of the arrows found its mark. She cried out, stumbling forward and losing her balance, tumbling to the ground.

The pain was excruciating, radiating from her leg in hot, pulsating waves. She glanced down to see the arrow embedded deeply in her flesh, blood seeping out around the wound. The sight of it made her stomach churn, and a wave of helplessness washed over her. She tried to stand, but the agony was too much, and her leg buckled beneath her. The realization hit her hard, she couldn’t run. She was trapped.

Panic surged through her, amplifying the pain. Her breaths came in short, frantic gasps as she struggled to push herself up, but her leg refused to cooperate. The footsteps of the demons grew louder, a menacing drumbeat echoing her rising fear. The walls of the catacombs seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with their cold, unyielding presence. She was caught, like prey in a hunter’s trap, and the terror of it clawed at her mind.

Desperation and fear mixed with the intense pain. She could hear the demons' footsteps growing louder, closing in on her. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the terror of impending doom. She fought to push through the pain, to move, to escape, but her body was betraying her.

With trembling hands, she gripped the arrow embedded in her leg. The pain flared white-hot, but she gritted her teeth and began to push the arrow through her leg, her scream echoing through the catacombs. The magic of [Greater Invisibility] shattered, the threads dissolving into the air as her pain broke her focus.

As the arrow finally exited her leg, she felt a moment of relief, quickly replaced by the agony of the open wound. Her vision swam, but she forced herself to focus, weaving the black and blue threads of [Warrior Reprieve] with trembling hands. The threads of healing magic wrapped around her leg, their energy soothing and numbing the pain. She felt the wound start to close, her stamina and strength slowly returning.

But there was no time to rest. The [Demon Knight] was upon her, his massive sword raised for a killing blow. Elara barely had time to react. She pushed off the ground with everything she had, rolling to the side just as the sword came crashing down where she had been moments before. The ground shook with the force of the impact, sending a jolt through her body.

Elara's mind raced as she fought through the pain and exhaustion. She couldn't afford to stop. She had to keep moving. With fierce determination, she pulled herself up, gritting her teeth against the agony in her leg. The [Demon Knight] swung its sword again, but Elara was already moving, using the last of her strength to roll out of the way.

The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly before her, and the golden thread remained her only guide. She forced herself to focus, her vision blurring from the pain and exhaustion. Each step was a struggle, but she refused to give in. She had come too far, fought too hard to be stopped now. The fate of her journey rested on her shoulders, and she would not let the demons take that away from her.

The magic of [Warrior Reprieve] continued to work, though she could feel its effects waning with each passing second. She knew it wouldn't hold much longer, but she pushed forward, driven by sheer willpower. The golden thread glowed brighter ahead of her, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Elara clung to it, drawing strength from its light as she pressed on, determined to survive and succeed.

Elara’s vision blurred as she stumbled forward, each step sending waves of agony through her leg. The blood from her wound left a trail behind her, marking her path. She could hear the demons gaining on her, their taunts and jeers echoing off the cold stone walls. Tears of frustration and pain stung her eyes, but she blinked them away, focusing solely on the golden thread that led her onward.

The catacombs seemed to twist and turn, each corner revealing another stretch of dark, foreboding passageway. The air was thick and oppressive, and Elara felt like it was pressing down on her, trying to suffocate her resolve. Every instinct screamed at her to stop, to rest, but she knew that stopping meant death. She had to keep moving, no matter the cost.

She pushed through the pain, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The weight of her exhaustion was like a leaden cloak, dragging her down with every step. She could feel the magic of [Warrior Reprieve] slipping, the threads fraying as her concentration wavered. She was running on borrowed time, and she knew it.

The [Succubus Archer]’s arrows whistled past her, each one a reminder of how close she was to being caught. She felt the heat of the [Demon Knight]'s breath on her neck, his footsteps a relentless drumbeat that matched the pounding of her heart.

Elara’s mind raced, searching desperately for a way out. The pain in her leg throbbed with each step, but she knew she had to think of something, anything, that would give her an edge. Despair threatened to overwhelm her, clouding her thoughts and making each breath a struggle. As her mind scrambled for a solution, an idea sparked, [Skein of Destiny].

The skill leaped to the forefront of her mind, its potential clarity cutting through the fog of fear and exhaustion. She had to trust it, to rely on the guidance it could provide. Taking a deep breath, Elara focused, willing the skill to activate. The golden thread she had been following suddenly began to shimmer and change, responding to her desperate plea. The thread started to unravel before her eyes, its luminous fibers weaving into a new, more intricate pattern. A chime sounded in her head, signaling a new quest.


Quest Alert!

Escape From the Demons

Difficulty: A Rank

Objective: Escape the demons pursuing you in the catacombs.

Reward: Improved skill - [Memory Bastion], experience

Do you want to accept the quest? (yes/no)


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