Watcher of Fate

016 - From Glade to Gnoll

Elara started to walk through the woods, the verdant greenery surrounding her with a newfound sense of peace. Towering trees with emerald canopies stretched high above, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. Sunlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air was fresh and filled with the earthy scent of moss and damp soil.

However, as she ventured deeper, a sudden rustling caught her attention. Out of nowhere, a [Corrupted Ent (Common)] emerged, its twisted form lunging towards her with malevolent intent. The ent's bark was mottled with sickly black and green patches, and its eyes glowed with a malevolent energy.

"Not again," Elara muttered, gripping [Rhistlam (Flawless)] tightly. In a swift series of movements, she dispatched the [Corrupted Ent (Common)], her blade cutting through its corrupted bark with ease. The creature collapsed into a heap of rotting wood and dark magic, dissipating into the forest floor.

Quill, perched on her shoulder, cawed in agreement. "Those friends don’t know when to quit."

Elara sighed, wiping the sweat from her brow. "I don't want to fight those things again," she said, looking around for a better way to navigate the forest. The trees loomed around her, their twisted branches forming a canopy that seemed to close in, casting eerie shadows. The forest felt alive, whispering secrets and threats with every gust of wind.

Determined not to face more of those corrupted creatures, Elara decided to push her abilities to their limits. Although she had used this spell before, it had never been practical for long-distance flight. However, her desperation to avoid the [Corrupted Ent (Common)] gave her the necessary resolve.

Focusing intently, Elara began weaving her spells. She combined [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)] and [Greater Illusion (Rare)], using [Multi Weaving (Rare)] to intricately bind the threads together. Wind magic's green threads intertwined with the illusion's white threads, forming a delicate yet powerful structure. The threads took shape as she channeled her mana into the weave, creating a pair of ethereal crow wings that shimmered with a beautiful, otherworldly glow.

The wings materialized, their green and white threads pulsing with magical energy. They appeared almost alive, the feathers made of pure light flickering like flames in the wind. Elara could feel the strain on her mana reserves, but her determination to escape the forest's dangers kept her focused.

As she lifted off the ground, the oppressive atmosphere of the forest seemed to lighten, the dark presence of the corrupted trees fading as she ascended. Below, the forest stretched out like a vast, undulating sea of green, interspersed with ominous dark patches where corruption had taken hold. From above, she could see the dense canopy swaying gently, vibrant greens sharply contrasting with the twisted, blackened areas. The sight was both breathtaking and a stark reminder of the dangers lurking below.

Elara soared over the treetops, the illusionary crow wings shimmering with every beat. The air was fresher up here, the wind cool against her face, and for a moment, she felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration. The canopy beneath her was a living carpet, the leaves rustling softly in the breeze, masking the corrupted patches that marred the landscape.

Her mana was depleting fast, and she could feel the strain growing with each passing second. "I need to make this work," she murmured, determination lacing her voice. She reached deep within herself, tapping into her [Aura Control (Uncommon)], focusing all her willpower on enhancing the spell. Clear mana threads began to weave into her wings, adding a new layer of strength and resolve to her flight.

With renewed vigor, the wings responded, their beat becoming more efficient and powerful. Elara could feel the difference; she was moving faster, cutting through the air more easily. The strain on her mana reserves was still there, but she could tell she would make it. The added boost from [Aura Control (Uncommon)] was working, allowing her to push forward just a little further than she had initially thought possible.

As she focused, she heard a familiar ding in her mind. Suddenly, her flight became smoother, and she felt a new power surging through her. The treetops below passed by in a blur of green and black, the corrupted areas less frequent but still a haunting presence. Elara focused on her goal, determined to escape the forest before her mana ran out. The landscape began to change as she flew, the trees thinning out and giving way to clearer patches of land. She knew she was getting close to the edge, her wings carrying her closer to safety with each powerful beat.

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Stormcrow's Soar (Rare).

Stormcrow's Soar: A spell that combines aura control with green and white threads to create illusionary crow wings for flight. Speed is enhanced by INT, and mana cost is determined by skill and RES.

Elara landed outside the forest, her wings dissolving into wisps of green and white threads. She felt the drain on her mana and the strain of the journey, stumbling slightly as her feet touched the ground. Before her, a rope bridge led to the Blackfang Clan’s island, 215B. The bridge swayed gently above the clouds, its wooden planks creaking underfoot as she began to cross.

Elara moved slowly, each step deliberate. The vast expanse of clouds below was both mesmerizing and daunting, a reminder of the heights she was navigating. As she neared the other side, she saw several goblin guards come to attention, their weapons held firmly. One of the goblins, slightly taller and wearing a distinct helmet, stepped forward.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Elara," he said, his voice filled with respect.

Elara laughed softly, shaking her head. "Just Elara, please."

The goblins exchanged glances, then nodded. "We are your escorts while you are on the island," the leader said.

Elara smiled, appreciating their formality. "Thank you. I need to get a message to Grelka. As the Blackfang Clan’s champion, I have accepted a deal with the Verdant Forest to honor the old ways. They will start delivering ebony wood sticks."

One of the goblins immediately ran off to deliver the message, his footsteps quickly growing quiet as he disappeared into the distance. Elara turned to the remaining goblins. "Can you escort me to the bridge toward the gnoll island?"

The goblin leader hesitated for a moment, then pointed toward a path. "It's not a bridge, Lady Elara. It's a ladder."

Elara groaned inwardly at the continued use of "Lady" and the daunting thought of climbing down a ladder. She slipped into [Oneness (Rare)], allowing her mind to focus, her body moving with the smooth efficiency of the skill. The world around her seemed to slow slightly, every detail coming into sharp relief as she followed the goblins at a pace that seemed fast for them but agonizingly slow for her. The path wound through rocky terrain, the sounds of distant waterfalls and rustling leaves creating a serene backdrop.

The skill not only stabilized her emotions and sharpened her focus but also helped her regenerate mana faster, an essential boost given her recent expenditure of magical energy. She felt the soothing flow of energy filling her, easing the fatigue from her muscles and mind.

Elara opened her status screen to review the changes as they walked, her eyes flicking over the details with practiced efficiency.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (75,515 of 83,000) 20

Rhistlam: (42,911 of 44,000) 17


HP: 3851 of 3970 (8.2/min)

Mana: 560 of 4998 (45.7/min)

Sta: 3196 of 3825 (18.8/min)


Amor Class: 60

Strength: 41

Dexterity: 95 + 23 (123)

Constitution: 80 (96)

Perception: 121 + 10 (170)

Intelligence: 94

Resolve: 103+17 (162)

Free Points: 4

Class Skills:

Memory Bastion (Uncommon): 8

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 4

Awareness (Legendary): 10

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 18

Oneness (Rare): 18

Aura Control (Uncommon): 3


Dimensional Link (Rare): 16

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 15

Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon): 8

Greater Illusion (Rare): 6

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 4

Create Flame (Common): 3

Create Water (common): 3

Mirror Maze (Rare): 3

Tempest’s Touch (Uncommon): 6

Stormcrow's Soar (Rare): 1

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 5

Cooking (Common): 4

Harvest (Common): 4

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 14

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 8

Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon): 11

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 7

Multi Weaving (Rare): 6

Mana Dyeing: Light (Uncommon): 3

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 12

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 6

Mana Dyeing: Basic Elements (Uncommon): 5

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1


Her mind briefly wandered over her recent experiences, the battles fought, and the skills honed. The growth in her abilities and the new challenges ahead were evident, and each step forward was a testament to her journey. Despite the frustration of her current pace, she knew these goblins were her allies, and she needed to respect their limitations.

The path twisted and turned, eventually opening into a clearing. At the center, a circular hole gaped in the earth, its edges lined with moss and worn smooth by time. A rope ladder, thick and sturdy, disappeared into the darkness below. Elara knelt at the edge, peering down into the seemingly bottomless pit. A cool draft rose, carrying with it the earthy scent of damp soil and the faint echo of dripping water. The ladder swayed slightly in the breeze, a silent invitation to the unknown depths. The goblins chattered excitedly behind her, their voices echoing strangely in the enclosed space. Elara, heart pounding in her chest, placed her foot on the first rung, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.

"Thank you for your assistance," Elara said, her voice calm and steady. Elara approached the edge, each step bringing her closer to the next challenge awaiting her below. With her mana from [Oneness (Rare)] replenishing her reserves and her determination renewed, Elara climbed down, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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