Watcher of Fate

019 - The Core Within

Elara stirred at the sound of a voice, pulling her from the depths of her sleep. The words came through in a rush, distant yet urgent: "An airship is on the horizon." Groggy, she blinked her eyes open, her mind catching up to the reality around her. The shared room of the tavern slowly came into focus, dimly lit by the first rays of dawn.

She pushed herself up, taking in her surroundings. Seven other tightly packed beds lined the room. Each bed was barely big enough to stretch out in, but it had been a welcomed rest after days in the desert. Her companions were still there. Lily was already sitting up, alert and watching her. In the bed across from hers, Kael was waking up as well, just like her, blinking sleep from his eyes.

"You heard it too?" Lily asked softly, her ears twitching with amusement as she noticed Elara’s bleary expression.

Elara nodded, rubbing the last bit of sleep from her eyes. “Yeah. Guess we’re up.”

The messenger, a young boy wearing simple clothes, stood at the door, waiting for them to follow. Elara threw on her boots, shrugged into her cloak, and silently gestured for Kael and Lily to follow. Without a word, the three trailed the boy out of the room and into the cool morning air.

Elara’s gaze lifted toward the sky as the young messenger led them through the quiet streets of the fort. The first hint of the airship was no more than a dark speck on the horizon, but even from this distance, its silhouette was unmistakable. As they walked closer to the airship docks, the ship's shape gradually became more defined, emerging from the dawn-touched clouds like a leviathan of the skies.

The airship was an elegant masterpiece, its hull sleek and gleaming in the early morning light. Massive sails, shimmering with faint arcs of arcane energy, billowed from its sides, catching not the wind but the currents of magic that propelled it forward. The ship seemed to glide effortlessly, its long, narrow body cutting through the sky with a grace that belied its size. Arcane engines at the rear hummed with power, glowing faintly with blue and violet light, and the ship’s underside was adorned with intricate metalwork and protective runes.

As the airship approached the outpost, the soft whoosh of the arcane-powered sails grew louder, filling the early morning air. The ship cast a long shadow over the fort as it descended, its massive bulk blocking out a portion of the rising sun. The closer it came, the more its grandeur became apparent, its hull was adorned with ornate carvings of soaring birds and mythical beasts, symbols of a prosperous merchant fleet. Flags and banners fluttered from its masts, each bearing the emblem of the Aetherium Empire, marking it as part of the vast trade network that connected distant lands.

The airship circled gracefully above the fort once before beginning its final descent. Its lower deck, broad and lined with cargo netting and rigging, seemed alive with activity as the crew prepared for landing. Large ropes unfurled from the sides of the ship, and with precise coordination, crew members secured them to anchor points on the dock below. The ship slowed, its arcane engines powering down with a soft, resonating hum as the airship hovered just a few feet above the ground.

With a final lurch, the ship descended smoothly, landing with a muted thud that vibrated through the dock. The gangplank, crafted from polished wood and reinforced with silver trim, extended from the ship's side with a mechanical whirr, settling into place with a gentle thump. The crew moved quickly, working to secure the ship and prepare for the unloading of goods. Shimmering runes along the hull flickered as they powered down, signaling that the ship had come to rest.

Elara stood in awe, the sheer size and elegance of the airship more impressive up close. Its towering masts and billowing sails seemed to stretch into the sky, and the gentle hum of residual magic lingered in the air around it.

"That’s one hell of a ship," Kael remarked, his tone filled with admiration. Lily, standing beside him, gave a small, appreciative nod, her sharp eyes studying the intricate details of the vessel.

Elara couldn’t help but agree with Kael. "It really is," she said.

As they stood admiring the ship, a human figure came hurrying down the gangplank, his boots clanking against the polished wood. "What’s the flag over for?" he asked breathlessly, glancing at the raised flag on the dock that had signaled the airship’s arrival.

Elara stepped forward, holding up her bronze adventurer’s badge, the symbol gleaming faintly in the early light. “Picking up lost adventurers,” she said with a wry smile. “Desperately trying to get back to the Aetherium Empire.”

The man glanced at the badge, recognition flashing in his eyes. He gave a quick nod before turning and sprinting back up the gangplank, disappearing into the ship.

Elara watched him go, then shrugged. Kael raised an eyebrow and muttered, “Well, that was fast. Maybe we scared him off?”

Lily smirked, crossing her arms. “Or maybe they just don’t see a kitsune, a tiefling, and a... whatever you are, Elara, every day.” She winked at Elara playfully.

Elara chuckled, shaking her head. “Let’s just hope he’s going to get someone important.”

Without waiting for further comments, the trio started up the gangplank, their boots tapping against the polished wood as they ascended. The wind whipped around them as they reached the deck, the air alive with the hum of arcane energy and the soft clatter of the crew working to secure the ship.

They hadn’t been on deck long when the man returned, this time accompanied by someone with a far more commanding presence. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and wore a long, dark coat with silver thread embroidered along the cuffs and collar. His graying hair was tied back in a neat queue, and his weathered face bore the marks of a man who had seen countless voyages. A small gold emblem was pinned to his lapel, though his expression was sharp and scrutinizing as he approached them.

Elara caught Lily’s eye, both of them unsure if this was the captain or not, but something in his presence made it clear he wasn’t just another crew member.

The man stopped in front of them, his dark eyes scanning over their group, lingering a moment longer on Lily and Kael. “Three adventurers in need of a pickup, I hear?” His voice was smooth but had an underlying firmness that suggested no nonsense. “I hope you’re aware that stopping an airship on a whim isn’t a service we provide for free.”

Elara straightened, “What’s the cost?”

The man’s eyes flickered briefly toward the sails, where the crew worked swiftly. “Passage isn’t cheap. Between room and board and the delay we’ve incurred by landing, you’re looking at two gems in total.”

Elara blinked. That was steep but reasonable, given the situation. She exchanged a quick glance with Kael and Lily before nodding. "We can agree to that," she said, keeping her tone neutral.

The man’s expression softened just slightly, and for the first time, a small, approving smile touched his lips. "Good," he said, extending a hand. "Captain Aldryn of the Wind’s Grace. Welcome aboard. We’ll make sure you’re settled in and on your way soon."

Elara let out a quiet sigh of relief as she shook the captain’s hand, feeling the weight of the journey starting to ease now that they were finally aboard. Captain Aldryn turned on his heel, barking orders to the crew, who jumped into action to prepare for takeoff.

“Well, looks like we’re officially passengers now,” Kael grinned, watching the crew move swiftly.

Elara, Lily, and Kael were led below deck by one of the crew down a set of narrow stairs that creaked with every step. The air grew cooler, filled with the faint smells of wood polish, salted air, and a subtle hum of arcane energy that seemed to pulse through the ship’s walls. The cargo hold they entered was surprisingly organized for such a large vessel. Crates and barrels lined the sides, secured with thick ropes and iron braces. A few hammocks swung gently between beams above, casting faint shadows in the low light.

The deckhand, a wiry man with a thin beard and quick movements, gestured to the hammocks. "These’ll be your bunks for the trip. Not the most luxurious, but they’ll do the job." He pointed to a corridor at the far end. "Mess deck is down there. Three meals a day. We’ll reach Gabilanûr in about twelve days, give or take."

Elara nodded, understanding that they had what they needed. "Thank you," she said simply, her voice steady despite the long journey ahead. After everything they’d been through, a hammock in a cargo hold was more than sufficient.

Once the deckhand left, they each picked a hammock. Lily stretched out easily, her fox-like ears twitching with relaxation and alertness as she gazed up at the wooden beams above. "Twelve days in the air," she mused, her voice thoughtful. "Better than twelve more days of walking through the desert."

Elara gave a quiet chuckle, though her thoughts were already drifting elsewhere. The airship journey presented an opportunity she hadn’t had since their trek through the desert: time to work on her mana core. It was a delicate and complicated task, one she hadn’t yet completed, but the extended journey provided her with the perfect time to plan out her approach.

She knew that purging the unnecessary affinities would be key. Earth, for one, had always felt heavy and clumsy within her core. She rarely used it and had no spells that called on its power. Removing it would free up space in her mana pool, allowing her to channel energy into the affinities that mattered. Fire, too, was on her list of affinities to purge. With Lily’s mastery of flame magic, Elara had little need for fire, and keeping it would only make her spells less efficient.

Then, there was the matter of her air spells. Elara had been thinking about adapting them, weaving threads of force into her spellwork instead of air. Force was cleaner sharper, and she felt it aligned better with her current abilities. She imagined replacing the green threads of air in [Tempest’s Touch] with silver threads of force, honing the spell into something far more potent. It was all still theoretical for now, but she had a strong feeling it was the right path.

And water... Elara had plans for that too. She hadn’t yet removed water from her core, knowing she still needed it to fill the massive dolia she had acquired back at the potter’s shop. Using her [Dimensional Link], she had been carefully casting [Create Water] into the dolia over the past few days, working slowly but steadily to store enough water for the journey ahead. Once the dolia was filled, she would finally be able to purge water from her core as well, leaving her magic focused on the elements she actually used, shadow, spirit, light, and force.

These thoughts churned in her mind, becoming a clear plan for the days to come. She would take the time aboard the ship to slowly and carefully remove the affinities she no longer needed, transforming her magic into something more efficient and potent. It wouldn’t be easy, and it would take a great deal of focus and patience, but Elara was determined. Her mana core was still incomplete, but with every adjustment, she could feel it coming closer to its final form.

As the airship sailed steadily through the sky, the days passed in a blur of quiet reflection and preparation. Elara spent most of her time meditating, plotting the steps she would take to reshape her core, while Lily practiced with her illusions and Kael immersed himself in the study of the ship’s arcane engravings. Though the work was slow and mentally taxing, Elara could sense that when the time came to act, she would be ready.

By the time the mountains on the horizon began to take shape, signaling their approach to Gabilanûr, Elara’s plan was well underway, primarily complete.

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