Watcher of Fate

019 - Welcome to the Guild

Elara sat around a crackling campfire with Braden and Marcus, the warm glow of the flames casting flickering shadows on their faces. The night was calm, the sounds of the forest creating a soothing backdrop to their quiet conversation. Elara cradled a simple wooden bowl filled with a basic campfire stew. The hearty mixture of root vegetables, tender chunks of wolf meat she had harvested from a kill in the dungeon, and wild herbs filled the air with a savory aroma. The stew also had earthy mushrooms, carrots, and a hint of garlic, making it surprisingly rich and flavorful. Each bite was a comforting blend of the forest's bounty and the spoils of her recent struggles, a far cry from the meager rations she had grown accustomed to.

"This is amazing," Elara said, smiling at Braden.

Braden chuckled, shaking his head. "It's just a basic stew. Nothing special."

Marcus, sitting close by, stared at Elara with wide eyes. He seemed infatuated, his curiosity boundless. "So, Elara, where did you learn to fight like that?" he asked eagerly.

Elara glanced at him, giving a modest shrug. "Here and there."

Marcus leaned forward, undeterred by her vague response. "And what about your sword? Is it enchanted?"

Elara hesitated before answering simply, "It's just a good blade."

Before she could take another bite, Marcus asked, "How did you learn to use magic?"

"Practice," Elara replied, keeping her answers short.

Marcus's questions came one after another, barely giving her time to respond. "Have you ever fought a dragon? What's the most dangerous creature you've faced? How long have you been traveling alone?"

Elara smiled faintly, giving brief answers or sometimes not responding at all, letting Marcus's enthusiasm fill the gaps in the conversation. Braden watched, slightly embarrassed by his son's relentless curiosity.

Eventually, Marcus asked, "What's your next big adventure?"

Elara sighed softly, feeling the weight of the day's events and the numerous questions. "I think... I'm just tired now," she said gently. "It's been a long day."

Seeing the fatigue in her eyes, Braden nodded understandingly. "Of course. You should rest."

Elara stood up and walked over to the arcane carriage, finding a sheltered spot underneath it. She curled up, the ground surprisingly comfortable after so many nights in far worse conditions. The gentle hum of the carriage's magic was oddly soothing, and the warmth from the campfire reached her, creating a cozy haven.

She could still hear Braden and Marcus talking quietly by the fire as she lay there. The familiar sounds of their voices and the crackling flames lulled her into a sense of security. The journey had been hard, but moments like these reminded her of the simple comforts and the connections formed along the way.

Closing her eyes, Elara drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the next day would bring. For now, she was safe, surrounded by new friends and under the watchful gaze of the stars.


Elara sat in the arcane carriage with Braden and Marcus, the gentle hum of the magical knotwork providing a soothing backdrop to the rhythmic clatter of the wheels. They had been traveling for several hours, the dense forest gradually giving way to rolling hills and open plains. Feeling more rested after a good night's sleep, Elara watched the landscape with a sense of anticipation.

Braden pointed ahead as they crested a rise, his voice filled with excitement. "There it is, Elara. Ashfall."

Elara leaned forward, her eyes widening as she took in the sight before her. The city of Ashfall sprawled out in a grand, star-shaped pattern, its design evoking the grandeur and precision of a carefully planned fortress city. The high walls, constructed from gleaming white stone, encircled the city with imposing strength. These fortifications, dotted with watchtowers, were designed to withstand even the largest of raids, a testament to the city's commitment to security and resilience.

The streets radiated from a central plaza, forming a perfectly symmetrical layout that spoke of detailed architectural planning and artistry. At the heart of Ashfall stood a majestic citadel, its spires soaring towards the sky, crowned with banners that fluttered in the breeze. The citadel's walls were adorned with intricate knotwork, each design flowing seamlessly into the next, creating a mesmerizing pattern hinting at the powerful enchantments. The craftsmanship was unparalleled, with every detail precisely carved to perfection.

The city was essentially a citadel, and everything was contained within its protective walls. Inside, life bustled with energy and purpose. Market stalls lined the streets near the plaza, their colorful canopies flapping in the breeze, offering a riot of colors against the stone backdrop. Merchants hawked their wares, their voices adding to the air's sounds. The inner districts were dedicated to various trades and crafts, with workshops and forges emitting plumes of smoke that blended into the clear blue sky. Artisans and craftsmen displayed their skills openly, creating a vibrant tapestry of activity.

Lush gardens and small parks dotted the inner city, providing patches of green amidst the stone and mortar. These oases of tranquility offered a stark contrast to the bustling markets and busy workshops, allowing residents and visitors alike to find moments of peace and reflection. The contrast between the orderly architecture and the natural beauty created a harmonious balance, making Ashfall a true marvel of urban design.

"Ashfall," Elara murmured, taking in the sight with awe and relief. The city was a beacon of civilization, promising safety, resources, and, perhaps, information.

Marcus, unable to contain his enthusiasm, leaned over the edge of the carriage. "Look, Elara! That's the marketplace over there. You can find anything you need there. And see those spires? That's the Grand Library. They say it has books on every topic imaginable!"

Braden smiled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Ashfall isn't my home city—I'm a traveling merchant—but it's my favorite place to visit. It has everything you could ever need. Over there," he pointed to a sturdy, impressive building with a large sign depicting crossed swords and a shield, "that's the Adventurers' Guild. You could check in there, find work, or get more information about Barrowbridge. It's a great resource for travelers and adventurers alike."

Elara nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, both of you. This city... it's more than I could have hoped for."

As the carriage stopped near the entrance to the Adventurers' Guild, Elara gathered her belongings and stepped down from the cart. Braden and Marcus waved her off with encouraging smiles. The guild building loomed before her, its stone exterior solid and imposing, the timber frame adding a rustic charm hinting at strength and hospitality.

Taking a deep breath, Elara pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside. The interior was a bustling hive of activity reminiscent of a lively tavern. Adventurers of all types filled the large hall, their animated conversations blending into a cacophony. The scent of roasted meat and ale wafted through the air, mingling with the smoke from the large hearth at the room's far end.

Wooden beams crisscrossed the ceiling, supporting the high, vaulted roof. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting epic battles and legendary creatures, adding a sense of history and grandeur. Long tables occupied the center of the room, where adventurers ate, drank, and shared tales of their exploits. In one corner, a bard played a lively tune on a lute, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Elara weaved her way through the crowd, her eyes fixed on the reception desk at the back of the hall. The desk was manned by an automaton, its gleaming bronze body intricately designed and polished to a shine. The automaton's eyes glowed a soft blue as it processed requests and provided information to the adventurers lined up.

As Elara approached the desk, she took in the automaton's features: a well-crafted face with delicate, precise movements and a soothing, mechanical voice that greeted each visitor with unwavering patience.

"Welcome to the Ashfall Adventurers' Guild," the automaton intoned as Elara stepped up. "How may I assist you today?"

Elara took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding. "I was told to check in here to find information about Barrowbridge. Can you help me with that?"

The automaton's eyes brightened momentarily as it processed her request. "Certainly. Please provide your name and any relevant credentials, and I will assist you with your inquiry."

Elara nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and determination. "My name is Elara and I don’t have any identification credentials," she said, her voice steady. "I'm looking to find out if my parents, Harold and Astrid Crowhurst, are on the survivor list from Barrowbridge."

The automaton, whose nameplate read "Regis," acknowledged her request with a slight whirring sound. "Thank you, Elara. I will check the records for Harold and Astrid Crowhurst. Please wait a moment."

As Regis began processing her request, a tall female Elf approached from behind the automaton. Her long, silvery hair flowed gracefully over her shoulders, and her eyes were a deep, calming green. She wore elegant robes adorned with intricate designs, marking her as someone of importance within the guild.

"Regis," the Elf said in a melodious voice, "I will take over from here."

Regis's eyes glowed a soft blue as it turned to acknowledge the Elf. "Understood, Lorien. Please assist Elara with her inquiry."

Lorien smiled warmly at Elara, her presence immediately putting Elara at ease. "Welcome to the Ashfall Adventurers' Guild, Elara. My name is Lorien. Let's see what we can find out about your parents."

Elara felt a surge of hope as Lorien led her to a quieter corner of the reception area. Lorien gestured for Elara to sit at a small table, then sat across from her, pulling out a large, leather-bound ledger.

"We keep detailed records of survivors and displaced persons," Lorien explained, opening the ledger to a marked page. "Let's see if we have any information on Harold and Astrid Crowhurst."

Elara watched anxiously as Lorien scanned the pages, her fingers deftly flipping through the entries. The minutes felt like hours as Elara's heart pounded in her chest, each passing moment filled with anticipation and fear.

Finally, Lorien's finger paused on a page. She looked up at Elara, her expression sympathetic. "It appears we have records regarding your family. Harold, Astrid, and Elara Crowhurst are all marked as missing."

Elara felt a wave of emotions crash over her: relief that they were not confirmed dead, but deep sorrow and frustration at their unknown fate. Her eyes filled with tears as she struggled to process the information.

Lorien reached across the table and gently touched Elara's arm, her touch warm and reassuring. "I know this isn't the news you were hoping for," she said softly. "But missing means there is still hope. Many survivors have found refuge in other towns or taken in by other communities. We will do everything we can to help you find them."

Elara nodded, her throat tight with emotion. "Thank you, Lorien. I can't give up hope. I need to find them."

Lorien gave her a comforting smile, her green eyes filled with understanding. "You're not alone in this search. We have many resources at our disposal, and we will support you every step of the way. Is there anything else I can help you with right now?"

Elara hesitated, then took a deep breath. "I want to become an adventurer," she said, her voice determined. "I want to be able to search for my parents and help others in need."

Lorien's expression softened even more. "That's a noble goal, Elara. To join the Adventurers' Guild, you typically need a high-level guild recommendation or meet certain class, stats, and skills requirements. It's not an easy path, but with your resolve, I believe you can achieve it."

Elara's heart sank a little at the thought of the challenges ahead, but Lorien's encouraging presence gave her strength. "What do I need to do to meet those requirements?" she asked, her voice steady.

Lorien leaned back slightly, considering. Her green eyes scanned Elara thoughtfully before she spoke. "First, we need to confirm your class and level. This will determine our path to help you join the Adventurers' Guild."

Elara nodded and Lorien reached into her pouch, pulling out a rectangular sheet of silvery metal. The plate was intricately engraved with glowing woven knotwork, the lines pulsating gently with latent magic. Elara held the plate, taking a deep breath before casting a spell. She wove black and white threads of magic together, her fingers deftly manipulating the strands in a complex pattern.

When the spell was complete, the threads absorbed into the plate, and text appeared on its surface, shimmering with a soft glow.

[Lvl 15 Human Bard]

Elara's face tightened with frustration. "This isn't right," she said, looking up at Lorien. "The class displayed on the plate is wrong."

Lorien raised a hand to stop her from continuing. "The class displayed by the spell is the common rarity version of your class," she explained calmly. "It would have been the first figure of your choice in that column. It's a simplified representation."

Elara sighed, the tension easing slightly from her shoulders. "I had to choose my class when I wasn't in a Selection Temple," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "Most avatars were grayed out."

Lorien nodded sympathetically. "I understand. Some adventurers find themselves in similar situations. The important thing is that we know your level and your base class. Bard is an acceptable class, especially if you have some combat-related skills. We can work from there to assess your abilities more accurately."

Elara felt a wave of relief mixed with a renewed determination. "So, what do I need to do next?" she asked, her voice steady.

"We'll start with assessing your skills and stats," Lorien replied, warm and encouraging. "The next spell will reveal your soul pressure and primary stat, which are crucial for determining your potential as an adventurer."

Lorien extended her hands over the silver plate, her fingers weaving through the air as she cast a new spell. Black and white threads of magic intertwined, forming intricate patterns that glowed softly. As the spell took effect, more text appeared on the plate.

Primary Stat: Perception

Spirit Pressure: 435

Effective Level: 39

Lorien's eyes widened in surprise as she read the new information. "This is...unheard of," she murmured, clearly taken aback. "A mid to high-grade silver effective level for someone who has not formally joined the guild is extraordinary. It's far beyond what I would have expected."

Elara looked at Lorien, her heart pounding with excitement and anxiety. "Is that good?"

Lorien nodded, her expression shifting from initial surprise to a determined resolve. "It's more than good, Elara. Most adventurers with such a high effective level are already seasoned veterans. Your spirit pressure indicates an immense potential that is rare, especially for someone without formal training. This level of aptitude is exceptional."

Elara felt a rush of hope and determination. "Thank you, Lorien. Your belief in me means a lot. I want to make the most of this opportunity and prove myself worthy of joining the guild."

Lorien's demeanor changed from merely humoring Elara's request to actively wanting her to join the guild. She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with newfound interest. "Elara, with your potential, you could achieve great things within the Adventurers' Guild. We would be honored to have you as a member. I will ensure you receive the best training and support we can offer."

Elara's confidence surged, and she felt deeply grateful to Lorien. "I appreciate everything you're doing for me, Lorien. This means more to me than I can express. Knowing that someone believes in me and is willing to help makes all the difference."

Lorien smiled warmly, her eyes filled with confidence in Elara's abilities. "The next step in making you a provisional member is to have you spirit-bind your guild badge. This will officially register you with the guild and allow us to track your progress. After that, you'll receive training on being an adventurer and ensuring you have the requisite combat skills."

Lorien paused, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "You'll be paired with a veteran adventuring group for your training. They could use an easy task to get their heads back into the game, and you'll benefit greatly from their experience."

Raising her voice, Lorien called out, "Seraphine!"

A thirty-ish-year-old woman clad in full plate armor approached. Her demeanor was serious, and her armor gleamed with the signs of countless battles. She was commanding, with short-cropped auburn hair and piercing blue eyes that missed nothing.

Lorien gestured toward Elara. "Seraphine, I would like you to take Elara under your wing. She has shown remarkable potential, and I believe she would benefit greatly from your guidance. Please mentor and ensure she develops the necessary skills to become a full-fledged adventurer."

Seraphine expressed mild annoyance, but she did not dismiss the request outright. "Another recruit, Lorien? You know we're just getting back into things ourselves."

Lorien nodded, her smile unwavering, a knowing glint in her eyes. "I understand, Seraphine. But trust me, you won't regret taking Elara under your wing."

Seraphine's expression remained skeptical as she glanced at Elara, who stood with a mix of hope and determination. After a moment, she sighed and gave a reluctant nod. "Fine, we'll take her. But she better be ready to work hard."

Elara felt a surge of gratitude and excitement. "Thank you, Seraphine. I won't let you down."

Lorien's smile broadened, clearly pleased with the arrangement. "Thank you, Seraphine. I know you'll be an excellent mentor for Elara."

Turning back to Elara, Lorien continued, "Let's get your guild badge spirit-bound, and then you can join Seraphine and her group. This is just the beginning, Elara. With hard work and dedication, you'll become a great adventurer."

As they moved to the desk where the spirit-binding process would occur, Lorien explained the significance as she pulled an unbound badge out of the desk. "Spirit-binding your guild badge will officially register you with the Adventurers' Guild. It allows us to track your progress and ensure you receive the support you need."

Elara nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. She watched as Lorien prepared the badge, the silvery metal gleaming under the ambient light of the guild hall. The intricate knotwork on the badge began to glow softly as Lorien initiated the binding spell.

"Place your hand on the badge," Lorien instructed gently. Elara did as she was told, feeling the warmth from the badge in her palm.

With a few whispered incantations, Lorien completed the spell. The knotwork on the badge pulsed briefly before settling into a steady glow. "There, it's done. You are now a provisional member of the Ashfall Adventurers' Guild."

Elara felt a mix of pride and determination. "Thank you, Lorien, for everything."

Lorien gave her a reassuring nod. "You're welcome, Elara. Remember, this is just the first step. Stay focused, work hard, and learn from Seraphine and her team. You have great potential."

Elara turned to Seraphine, who was waiting nearby, her arms crossed and a critical eye on her recruit. "I'm ready," Elara said, her voice steady.

Seraphine gave a curt nod. "Let's see what you've got, then. Follow me."

As Elara followed Seraphine out of the guild hall and towards her new future, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey ahead would be challenging, but with Lorien's support and Seraphine's guidance, she was ready to face whatever lay ahead and prove herself as a capable and determined adventurer.

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