Watcher of Fate

020 - A Stealthy Resolve

Elara emerged from her meditative state, her mind clear and her body rejuvenated. She remained perfectly still, her senses stretching out into the tunnel. Using her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill, she focused intensely, her perception extending like invisible tendrils, probing every shadow and crevice for the lurking presence of [Desert Scorpions (Common)]. The dim light from the glowing crystals provided an eerie backdrop, casting long shadows that seemed to move with a life of their own.

She could hear the faint dripping of water in the distance, the soft rustle of her breath, but nothing else stirred. Her heart rate slowed, and she relaxed slightly, confident that no immediate threats were nearby.

Satisfied that the area was clear, Elara turned to Quill with an upset expression, her frustration bubbling. "So, you wanted to do something new..." Her voice held a sharp edge, the recent harrowing experience still fresh in her mind.

Quill fluttered his wings defensively, perching himself more securely on her shoulder. "Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time," he replied his tone a mix of defensiveness and sheepishness. "Besides, it wasn’t all bad. Look at the experience we gained!"

Elara sighed, the tension easing slightly as she brought up her status sheet to note the changes due to Quill leveling up. Her eyes scanned the updated details, taking in the improvements and enhancements.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (76,295 of 83,000) 20

Rhistlam: (44,002 of 53,000) 18


HP: 3186 of 3970 (8.2/min)

Mana: 4790 of 5012 (46.8/min)

Sta: 3196 of 3888 (18.8/min)


Amor Class: 60

Strength: 41

Dexterity: 95 + 25 (132)

Constitution: 80 (96)

Perception: 121 + 10 (170)

Intelligence: 94

Resolve: 103+18 (163)

Free Points: 4

Class Skills:

Memory Bastion (Uncommon): 8

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 4

Awareness (Legendary): 10

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 18

Oneness (Rare): 18

Aura Control (Uncommon): 3


Dimensional Link (Rare): 16

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 15

Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon): 8

Greater Illusion (Rare): 6

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 4

Create Flame (Common): 3

Create Water (Common): 3

Mirror Maze (Rare): 3

Tempest’s Touch (Uncommon): 6

Stormcrow's Soar (Rare): 1

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 5

Cooking (Common): 4

Harvest (Common): 4

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 14

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 8

Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon): 11

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 7

Multi Weaving (Rare): 6

Mana Dyeing: Light (Uncommon): 3

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 12

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 6

Mana Dyeing: Basic Elements (Uncommon): 5

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1


Elara noted the changes, her frustration giving way to curiosity. "Quill, you did gain a good bit of experience from those scorpions. Meanwhile, I'm still slowly moving through level 20. I only really gain a bunch of experience when I directly affect the fate of someone or something and when I complete quests."

Quill cawed softly, "That's true, but we should keep killing stuff. I don't gain experience from quests like you do, and I need to catch up to you."

Elara chuckled, her mood lifting. "Alright, let's find more things for you to kill then. But next time, let's avoid using any runaway mine carts."

Quill nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Deal. Now, let's get moving. We've got a lot more ground to cover."

Elara took a deep breath, readying herself for the journey ahead. She could feel the weight of the challenges, but she knew she could face anything with Quill by her side. They began to move forward, their steps echoing softly through the tunnel, each one a step closer to their next adventure.

Elara cast her midnight blue threads, weaving them meticulously to create [Greater Invisibility (Rare)]. The threads flowed from her fingers, intertwining and layering over her body like a cloak of shadows. Each thread shimmered with a faint, otherworldly glow before blending seamlessly into the surrounding darkness, rendering her invisible. Next, she activated [Forgettable (Rare)], weaving a complex pattern of subtle, clear threads that further diffused her presence. The magic spread through the air, making her undetectable to all senses, erasing her from existence.

With her presence effectively erased, she began to follow the golden thread created by [Thread of Fate (Legendary)] out of the mineshafts. The golden thread, vibrant and shimmering, led her through the labyrinthine passages. It pulsed softly, a beacon of guidance in the dark, twisting tunnels.

Moving silently through the passages, Elara's eyes remained sharp, her senses heightened by the urgency of her mission. She easily navigated past [Desert Scorpions (Common)], her invisibility and forgettability ensuring that she remained undetected. The scorpions skittered around her, oblivious to her presence as she slipped through the winding tunnels. Each scorpion was a formidable sight, their dark, segmented bodies glistening with an eerie sheen in the dim light, their pincers clicking menacingly as they moved.

After several tense minutes, Elara found another rope ladder descending into a dark hole. Taking a deep breath, she grasped the rope and began her descent, her movements controlled and deliberate. The darkness enveloped her as she climbed down. The only sound was the soft creak of the rope under her weight.

Emerging from the hole, Elara found herself in the open air once more. She wove the green and white threads of [Stormcrow's Soar (Rare)], her fingers deftly intertwining the vibrant threads into the air around her. The green threads represented the wind, swirling and twisting like serpents, while the white threads represented the illusion, solidifying into the shape of ethereal crow wings. The wings materialized, shimmering with ethereal beauty, each feather defined by the intricate weave of magic.

Elara took a deep breath, readying herself for what lay ahead. She cast the green and white threads of [Stormcrow's Soar (Rare)], weaving them carefully. The green threads swirled like tendrils of wind, dancing in the air, while the white threads solidified into the shape of ethereal crow wings, each feather defined by intricate magical patterns. As the wings materialized, they shimmered with a radiant, otherworldly glow.

She let go of the rope ladder with a powerful leap and launched herself into the sky. The sensation of the wind rushing past her was exhilarating, the world below transforming into a blur of motion. The green and white threads pulsed with energy, sustaining her flight and allowing her to maneuver gracefully and precisely.

As Elara soared above the treetops, a sense of freedom washed over her. The air was cool and crisp, invigorating her senses as she flew higher. The forest stretched out beneath her, a vast expanse of green interspersed with the occasional dark blotch of corruption. From above, she could see the dense canopy of leaves swaying gently, the vibrant greens contrasting sharply with the dark, twisted patches where corruption had taken hold.

The thrill of flight filled her with a sense of euphoria. Every beat of her wings was a testament to her mastery of magic and her will to overcome the challenges ahead. She felt a deep connection to the air around her, as if the wind was her ally, guiding and supporting her. The world below seemed distant and small, her worries and fears melting away in the face of the boundless sky.

As she glided effortlessly, the sun broke through the clouds, casting a warm, golden light over the landscape. The rays of sunlight danced on her ethereal wings, creating a mesmerizing display of colors. The feeling of weightlessness was intoxicating; the freedom to move in any direction and explore the vastness of the sky was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She felt alive, every sense heightened, every emotion intensified.

But as Elara stepped into the village, she noticed something that made her heart skip a beat: gnolls. The gnolls moved through the village and fort, their hulking forms casting long shadows in the dim light. Their fur was matted and dirty, and they carried crude weapons, their eyes gleaming with malice. Elara could hear their guttural voices barking orders to one another as they scavenged through the ruins, their presence adding an ominous tension to the air.

They had set up makeshift camps throughout the village, the flicker of their campfires casting an eerie glow on the surrounding buildings. Elara watched as they patrolled the area, their sharp senses alert for any signs of intruders. She knew she had to be careful; her every move was calculated to avoid detection.

Elara crouched behind a crumbling wall, her breath steady and her mind focused. She observed the gnolls as they went about their activities, noting their patterns and behaviors. She could see that they were well-organized, their movements coordinated and purposeful. It was clear that they had been here for some time, and their presence was a formidable challenge for anyone seeking to explore the island.

As Elara watched, she saw a group of gnolls approaching the fort. They moved purposefully, their leader barking orders and pointing toward the fort's entrance. Elara's eyes narrowed as she focused on the leader, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that to uncover the island's secrets and complete her quest, she would have to deal with the gnolls.

Determined, Elara slipped into the shadows, her movements silent and precise. She used her skills to stay hidden, her mind working on a plan to outmaneuver the gnolls and reach the fort. The thrill of the unknown and the challenge ahead filled her with renewed purpose and determination. She knew that this island held the key to her quest, and she was ready to face whatever dangers awaited her.

Elara took a deep breath, focusing on why she was here: to retrieve the Goblin King’s living steel spear. The spear, a symbol of power and legacy, was said to be hidden within the fort. Its retrieval was crucial for the goblin clan’s future, and Elara had pledged herself to this task. The weight of her promise pressed on her, but it also gave her the strength to move forward.

The gnolls, with their crude armor and weapons, seemed at odds with the ancient majesty of the fort. Elara wondered how long they had been here and what they were seeking. As she moved stealthily through the village, she glimpsed gnolls rummaging through the ruins, their guttural conversations hinting at a mix of frustration and determination.

Elara’s heart pounded as she moved closer to the fort’s entrance, each beat a reminder of the high stakes she faced. The golden thread of fate shimmered faintly before her, a guiding light in the encroaching darkness. She knew the path would not be easy, but her resolve was unshakeable. With every step, she felt the weight of the Goblin King’s trust and the future of the Blackfang Clan resting on her shoulders.

Silently, she activated her skill, [Forgettable (Rare)]. Threads of magic wove around her, dulling her presence and making her blend seamlessly with her surroundings. The air seemed to shift around her, making it difficult for the gnolls to notice her movements. She moved like a shadow, her steps light and her movements fluid.

Elara activated [Awareness (Legendary)] as she approached the fort's entrance. Her senses expanded, and she became hyper-aware of her surroundings. Every rustle of leaves, every distant gnoll grunt, and every flicker of movement was registered in her mind. The gnolls patrolled the area with crude weapons in hand, their guttural voices echoing off the dilapidated walls of the fort. They were larger than she had imagined, their bodies covered in matted fur and their eyes gleaming with cunning and malice. They moved with a predatory grace, their senses sharp and their movements coordinated.

[Lvl 23 Gnoll (Common)]

Elara's enhanced awareness picked up on subtle details: the scent of the gnolls' unwashed fur, the slight tremors in the ground from their heavy footsteps, and the glint of their weapons catching the fading light. She noted the positions of each gnoll, their patrol routes, and the timing of their movements. Every piece of information was vital, and she stored it away, forming a mental map of the area.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every detail. She saw the gnolls more clearly, noting the worn state of their armor and the crude but effective weapons they wielded. She observed how they communicated with low growls and hand signals, realizing they were more organized than she had initially thought.

She moved with a dancer's grace and a seasoned warrior's precision. The gnolls’ presence added an element of urgency to her mission. She could not afford to be discovered. Every step she took was calculated, and every movement was precise. The future of the goblin clan depended on her success, and she was determined not to fail.

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