Watcher of Fate

024 - Drunken Monster Sighting

Elara, Valen, Lora, and Sera approached the small town of Brambleton. The modest earthen walls, built to fend off minor threats, framed the entrance to the town. Stone and timber buildings lined the streets, most of them two stories or less, with steeply pitched roofs and sturdy construction. The air was filled with the scents of wood smoke and freshly baked bread, giving the town a cozy, rustic charm.

As they reached the gate, Sera stepped forward to speak with the guard. “We’re adventurers from Ashfall,” she said, showing her spirit bond adventurer card. “We’re here about a monster sighting and to reset a dungeon to prevent overflow.”

The guard, a middle-aged man with a weathered face, looked them over skeptically, his eyes narrowing. “A monster, huh? Look, I’m not one to trust adventurers easily. Too often, they come looking for easy crystals from townsfolk like us. Only one person is missing, and he’s a known drunk. Most likely, he wandered off and got himself eaten by a fire wolf. His drinking buddy claims he saw a monster twenty feet tall snatch him up, but I think that’s just the drink talking. You adventurers might just be here to make a quick profit off our worries.”

Sera nodded, maintaining her calm demeanor. “We’ll check it out regardless. Thank you.”

She turned to the group. “Valen, Lora, you two go sell what you can from our last quest. Let’s meet back at the tavern later. Elara, you’re with me. We’ll head to the Mayor’s place.”

Valen and Lora nodded, heading off towards the market, while Sera and Elara made their way through the winding streets of Brambleton. The town's simplicity was evident, but its well-maintained homes and friendly atmosphere held a certain charm.

They arrived at the Mayor’s mansion, a grand structure for a small town but homely compared to a manor in a large city. Like the other buildings, the mansion was built of stone and timber but was larger and more ornate, with carved wooden details and a neatly kept garden out front.

A servant greeted them at the door, leading them through a warmly lit hallway adorned with tapestries and simple but tasteful decorations. They were shown into a comfortable parlor room with plush chairs and a crackling fireplace. The atmosphere was inviting, with a hint of rustic elegance.

“Please wait here,” the servant said, bowing slightly before exiting the room.

Elara and Sera took seats in the comfortable chairs by the fireplace. The warmth of the fire added to the cozy ambiance of the room. They only had to wait a short while before the door opened, and the Mayor walked in. Mayor Harold Brannigan was a stout man with a kind face framed by graying hair. He wore a simple yet well-tailored suit, appropriate for his position in the small town.

Sera rose to her feet and extended her hand. “Mayor Brannigan, I am Seraphine Amara, and this is Elara. We are adventurers from Ashfall.”

“Welcome, Seraphine Amara, Elara,” the Mayor replied, shaking her hand firmly. “Please, have a seat.”

They all sat down, and the Mayor began to speak. “I understand you’re here about the monster sighting and the dungeon. While it’s true that only one person is missing, it’s worth noting that about a dozen years ago, there was a group of ogres that formed a nest in the woods. By the time we realized what was happening, it went from a few random disappearances to over a dozen dead in a very short period. We want to be prepared this time.”

Sera nodded thoughtfully. “We’ll do our best to ensure the safety of Brambleton.”

Mayor Brannigan continued, “If you can verify that there are no ogres around, that would be enough to satisfy the quest for us. Please, ask for Thomas at the tavern. He can show you where the other man disappeared.”

“Thank you, Mayor Brannigan,” Sera said, standing up. “We’ll get started right away.”

Elara and Sera left the mansion and headed towards the tavern to find Valen and Lora. The streets of Brambleton were quiet, with townsfolk going about their evening routines, adding to the town's peaceful atmosphere.

Upon reaching the tavern, they spotted Valen and Lora at a corner table, enjoying some food and drink. Sera and Elara joined them, and they ordered their own meals. The tavern was warm and bustling with the sounds of laughter and conversation, a welcome respite after the day's journey.

As they ate, Sera relayed the information from the Mayor. “We’re to ask for Thomas in the morning. He’ll show us where the man disappeared. The Mayor mentioned a potential ogre threat, so we need to be thorough in our search.”

Valen nodded, taking a sip of his drink. “Sounds like a plan. We should get some rest tonight and start fresh in the morning.”

Elara savored her meal, a hearty stew filled with tender chunks of meat, root vegetables, and a rich, flavorful broth. The bread served alongside was warm and crusty, perfect for soaking up the delicious stew. She closed her eyes momentarily, appreciating the simple yet comforting flavors. "This is wonderful," she said, her voice filled with genuine delight. "I love how even simple meals can be so satisfying."

Lora chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Elara, you always find joy in the little things. Seeing someone appreciate a meal like this so much is refreshing."

Elara smiled, not at all embarrassed. "Good food deserves to be appreciated, no matter how simple it is."

Lora grinned and raised her mug in a mock toast. "To Elara, the connoisseur of simple pleasures."

Everyone laughed, the light-hearted moment easing some of the tension from the day's journey. They continued eating, discussing their plans and sharing a few more laughs to lighten the mood. With a solid plan in place, they decided to call it a night and get some rest, ready to begin their investigation at first light.


Elara woke as soon as she sensed Sera shifting out of bed. She sat up and stretched, the early morning light filtering through the small window of their shared room. The sounds of the bustling inn downstairs hinted at a busy day ahead. Elara quickly dressed, mirroring Sera's efficient movements. They both grabbed their gear and headed downstairs to gather provisions for the day.

In the common room, they met up with Lora and Valen, who were already seated at a table, finishing their breakfast. The innkeeper brought over some bread, cheese, and dried meat for Elara and Sera, who thanked him and joined their companions.

Sera, always the leader, stood and approached the innkeeper. "We’re looking for Thomas. Could you fetch him for us?"

The innkeeper nodded and disappeared into the back. A few moments later, he returned with Thomas, the stable hand. Thomas was a young man with a nervous expression, his hands fidgeting as he approached the group.

"Thomas, we’re here to investigate the monster sighting," Sera said, her tone calm and reassuring. "Can you tell us what happened?"

Thomas nodded, glancing around as if expecting the monster to appear any moment. "It was late at night. My friend, Martin, and I were out near the woods. We had been drinking, and everything seemed normal until suddenly, this huge shadow loomed over us. It was massive, at least twenty feet tall. Its eyes glowed a menacing red, and I swear its breath was like a furnace. It moved so quickly, and before I knew it, Martin was gone. Snatched up right in front of me. I barely managed to run back to town. I know it sounds crazy, but I saw it with my own eyes."

As they walked through the town and out towards the area where the incident occurred, Sera pressed for more details. "What were you doing out here at night, Thomas?"

Thomas hesitated, his eyes darting nervously. "We... It was a drunken dare. We wanted to see who would get scared first and run back to the tavern."

Sera nodded, allowing him to leave. "Thank you, Thomas. You can go back now."

As Thomas walked away, Sera turned to the group with a thoughtful expression. "I have a feeling Thomas got scared first, but we need to be sure."

Lora stepped forward, her expression focused. "I'll use [Wood Sense (Common)] to look for clues."

She began circling the area, her eyes scanning the ground and the surrounding foliage. With each pass, her circles grew wider, her attention to detail unwavering. The rest of the group watched in silence, waiting for her assessment.

After several minutes, Lora returned, shaking her head. "There are a bunch of footprints and signs, but they’re all human. I’m guessing they’re from the search parties. I don’t see any monster signs, and definitely nothing giant-sized."

Elara and Valen exchanged concerned looks, but Lora continued. "It’s possible a small, stealthier monster could have done it, but if that’s the case, I can’t track it."

Sera nodded, her expression serious. "With the lack of another victim in the week since the last incident, no blood at the place of the disappearance, and Lora finding no signs, I think we should move on to the dungeon for now. We need to be thorough, but we also can’t waste time if there’s no real threat here."

The group agreed and followed Sera as she led them back towards town. Instead of heading directly back, they veered off onto another path that took them slightly towards the mountains. The air grew cooler and crisper as they ascended, the trees thinning out to reveal rocky terrain. After a short hike, they came upon a small gated structure built into the side of a hill. The gate was sturdy, made of iron and reinforced with thick wooden beams, blending seamlessly with the natural rock.

Sera stepped forward and held up her adventurer badge to the gate. There was a soft hum and a series of clicks as the gate unlocked and swung open.

Elara, curious, asked, "What was that?"

Sera smiled slightly as she led the way through the gate. "This badge marks us as a trusted bronze-ranked team. It allows us to enter iron dungeons. The badge signals the system that tracks dungeon access, marking our entry. It would have charged our team the entrance fee if we didn't have an assigned quest. It’s pretty handy to be a trusted adventurer party."

Valen nodded appreciatively. "That does make things easier. No need to go through all the paperwork every time."

Lora added, "Plus, it saves us from having to have an Adventure Guild staff member accompany us, which is always a good thing."

They made their way through the gate and into the dungeon's entrance, their steps echoing in the narrow corridor that led deeper into the hillside. The air grew cooler and more damp, the light from outside fading quickly as they ventured further in.

Sera paused, turning to the group. "Everyone ready?"

They all nodded, weapons and wands at the ready, and together they stepped forward into the darkness of the dungeon, prepared for whatever challenges awaited them within.

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