Watcher of Fate

026 - Secrets of the Watcher

The dimly lit, rough-hewn stone chamber echoed with the guttural snarls and chittering of the kobold pack. The dirt and mud walkways were treacherous, roots and gravel providing unstable footing. Sera, clad in her iconic full-plate armor, took the forefront, her large kite shield and claymore gleaming even in the minimal light.

"Form up!" Sera bellowed, her voice steady and authoritative. The kobolds lunged at her, but she held her ground, her plate armor deflecting their crude weapons. Her claymore swung in wide arcs, forcing the kobolds to focus their attacks on her.

Elara moved with the grace of a dancer, her steps light and fluid as she weaved through the chaos of battle. Her high-quality sword sliced through the air with precision, catching the dim light as it arced towards her foes. Each movement was a seamless blend of offense and evasion, her blue dress flowing around her like water. She approached the kobolds that Sera had drawn in, her blade glowing briefly before she executed a precise, sweeping attack. The kobolds fell in rapid succession, unable to withstand the lethal efficiency of her strikes. Elara’s eyes were sharp and focused, each swing of her sword measured and deliberate, her presence in the battle both commanding and elegant.

Lora, energetic and mischievous, stayed on the periphery of the fight, using her ability to track and anticipate the kobolds' movements. As a group of kobolds tried to flank Sera, Lora raised her wand casters. Bolts of ice and fire shot out, kiting the kobolds away from Sera and disrupting their formation. "Over here, you little pests!" she taunted, leading them on a chase around the chamber.

Valen, calm and observant, stayed close to Sera, his hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. Instead of light, his spells manifested as threads of black and blue energy, wrapping around Sera like a protective shroud. "I've got you, Sera," he murmured, placing his hands on her shoulder. The dark threads wove into her plate armor, mending her wounds and fortifying her strength. The blue threads shimmered, enhancing her endurance and agility. His eyes constantly scanned the battlefield, ready to support wherever needed, his presence a steady anchor amidst the chaos.

The battle raged on, with Sera holding the line, Elara slicing through kobolds with her sword, Lora strategically kiting and disrupting the enemy, and Valen providing crucial support. Despite the chaos, their teamwork was seamless, each member knowing their role and executing it flawlessly.

Suddenly, more kobolds poured into the room. Elara's eyes focused on the newcomers:

[Lvl 4 Kobold (Common)] x 7

[Lvl 12 Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)]

[Lvl 10 Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)]

The additional enemies shifted the balance of the fight, requiring immediate attention.

Elara's keen perception caught something unusual. The [Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)] seemed to shimmer and then vanish. As she scrutinized the area, she noticed the faintest glimmer of navy blue threads wrapping around the rogue, making it invisible to the naked eye.

“Sera!” Elara yelled, her voice cutting through the din of battle. “A [Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)] is joining the fight, and there’s an invisible rogue!”

Sera nodded, her focus shifting as she sized up the [Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)]. With a resolute battle cry, she charged forward, her full-plate armor clanking with each powerful step. Her claymore swung in a wide, intimidating arc, its blade gleaming with deadly intent. The brawler, a hulking kobold with bulging muscles and crude yet fearsome spiked gauntlets, braced itself for the impact.

Sera's initial swing was met with a bone-jarring clash as the brawler raised its gauntlets to block. Undeterred, Sera twisted her body, using the momentum to bring her shield up in a devastating bash that collided with the brawler’s chest. The force of the blow sent the creature staggering backward, struggling to maintain its balance on the uneven ground.

Not giving the brawler a moment to recover, Sera followed up with a series of rapid, precise strikes. Her claymore danced through the air, each swing aimed to exploit the brawler’s momentary disorientation. She delivered a crushing overhead blow that the brawler barely managed to deflect, followed by a swift horizontal slash aimed at its midsection. The [Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)] grunted in pain as the blade bit into its flesh, leaving a deep gash.

The [Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)] roared in defiance, attempting a wild swing with its spiked gauntlets. Sera deftly sidestepped, her armor clinking with the movement, and retaliated with a powerful upward slash. The blade cut through the brawler’s guard, slicing across its torso and sending a spray of dark blood into the air.

Sera’s relentless assault left the [Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)] on the defensive, its attacks becoming more desperate and clumsy. Seizing the opportunity, she charged once more, her shield leading the way. She rammed into the brawler with all her might, knocking it off its feet and slamming it to the ground. With a final, decisive thrust, she drove her claymore through the brawler’s chest, pinning it to the dirt and ending its threat.

Breathing heavily, Sera glanced around, ensuring there were no immediate threats before turning her attention to Elara, who was now locked in a tense standoff. Elara's eyes scanned the room, tracking the subtle distortions in the air caused by the [Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)] . Her keen perception caught the faintest glimmer of navy blue threads wrapping around the rogue, making it nearly invisible.

Elara took a deep breath, her focus sharpening as she honed in on the rogue’s movements. She shifted her stance, her sword held at the ready, and began to move with calculated precision. Each step was deliberate, her gaze never wavering from the barely perceptible shimmer that marked the rogue’s presence.

As the rogue made a sudden, aggressive move, attempting to flank her, Elara's reflexes kicked in. She spun on her heel, her blade cutting through the air in a wide arc. The rogue hissed as her sword found its mark, the invisibility spell faltering and revealing its wiry, menacing form.

The [Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)] retaliated with a flurry of swift, precise strikes from its daggers. Elara parried each blow with deft movements, her sword and the rogue’s daggers clashing in a rapid exchange of sparks and steel. She could see the rogue's frustration growing as its attacks failed to penetrate her defense.

With a sudden, fluid motion, Elara stepped inside the rogue's guard, her sword weaving an intricate pattern of feints and slashes. The rogue stumbled, trying to keep up with her relentless assault. Elara's eyes narrowed, her focus intense as she prepared for the finishing move.

In one swift, decisive strike, Elara drove her sword into the rogue’s midsection, twisting the blade to ensure it would not rise again. The [Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)] gasped, its eyes wide with shock, before collapsing to the ground in a lifeless heap.

Elara straightened, her breath coming in controlled, steadying breaths. She glanced at the fallen [Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)], then back at her comrades, her expression resolute. The additional kobolds, now leaderless and disoriented, were quickly dispatched by the team’s coordinated efforts. The room fell into a tense silence, the echo of the battle still lingering in the air.

The group took a moment to catch their breath, their weapons lowered but ready. Sera wiped a smear of dirt from her faceplate, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. Lora leaned against the rough stone wall, her wand casters still crackling with residual energy. Valen, ever calm and composed, checked each member of the group for injuries, his hands still pulsing with threads of black and blue energy.

“Everyone good?” Sera asked, her voice steady.

“We’re fine,” Lora replied, her tone light but focused. “What’s next?”

Elara, already moving towards the next corridor, turned back to the group. “There’s only one way to find out. Let’s keep going.”

They proceeded deeper into the dungeon, the air growing cooler and more oppressive with each step. The rough stone walls seemed to close in around them, and the dim light flickered ominously from their torches. After a few tense minutes, they reached a large, foreboding door, the entrance to the boss room.

Elara peered through the slight opening in the door, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the mobs inside. “I see them,” she whispered to Sera.

[Lvl 4 Kobold (Common) x 10

[Lvl 10 Kobold Shaman (Uncommon)]

[Lvl 17 Kobold Chief (Uncommon)]

Sera nodded, her grip tightening on her claymore. “We know our roles. Let’s do this.”

With a fierce battle cry, Sera surged forward like a human battering ram, her full-plate armor resounding with each determined stride. Her eyes locked onto the [Kobold Chief (Uncommon)], a hulking figure wielding a massive war axe. As she closed the distance, she raised her kite shield, using it as both a weapon and a defense. The [Kobold Chief (Uncommon)] roared in response, readying its axe for a brutal swing.

Sera met the [Kobold Chief (Uncommon)] head-on, her shield crashing into the creature with a thunderous impact. The force of her charge sent the kobold chief stumbling backward, momentarily off balance. Without hesitation, she followed up with a powerful horizontal slash of her claymore. The blade sang through the air, aimed directly at the kobold's midsection. The chief barely managed to parry with its axe, but Sera's relentless assault gave it no respite.

She pivoted on her heel, using the momentum to bring her shield around in a sweeping bash that connected with the chief's head. The kobold staggered, its vision blurred by the brutal hit. Sera's claymore was already in motion again, arcing down in a diagonal strike. The chief raised its axe in a desperate block, but Sera's strength and precision were too much. The impact jarred the axe from the kobold's grip, sending it clattering to the ground.

The [Kobold Chief (Uncommon)] tried to retreat, but Sera pressed her advantage, her movements fluid despite the weight of her armor. She delivered a series of rapid thrusts, her claymore piercing through the kobold's defenses. The chief roared in pain and fury, swinging wildly in an attempt to fend her off. Sera dodged the clumsy attacks with practiced ease, her shield absorbing the few blows that came close.

Seeing an opening, Sera stepped in close, using her shield to knock the chief's remaining defenses aside. With a final, powerful overhead swing, she brought her claymore down with all her might. The blade cleaved through the chief's armor and into its chest, a fatal blow that ended the fight. The [Kobold Chief (Uncommon)] fell to the ground, its body twitching before going still.

Meanwhile, Elara and Lora had engaged the [Kobold Shaman (Uncommon)], their movements a coordinated dance of magic and steel. Elara, with her fluid grace, advanced on the shaman, her high-quality sword held at the ready. The shaman, garbed in tattered robes and wielding a twisted staff, began to chant a spell, its eyes glowing with a sinister light.

Elara moved swiftly, her steps light and precise. She feinted to the left, drawing the shaman’s attention, then spun to the right, her sword flashing in a swift arc aimed at the shaman's torso. The shaman barely managed to raise its staff in defense, but Elara's strike disrupted its concentration, causing the incantation to falter.

Lora, positioned strategically at a distance, raised her wand casters, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She unleashed a rapid barrage of ice bolts, each one striking the shaman with chilling precision. The shaman, caught between Elara's relentless assault and Lora's icy projectiles, struggled to maintain its footing.

Elara continued her elegant dance of death, her sword weaving intricate patterns in the air. She advanced with a series of rapid thrusts and slashes, each movement calculated to keep the shaman off balance. Her blue dress flowed around her like liquid silk, adding to the ethereal beauty of her deadly movements. With each strike, she forced the shaman to retreat, its defenses weakening under her relentless pressure.

Lora took advantage of the shaman's distraction, switching her attacks from ice to fire. She conjured a swirling ball of flame in her right hand, then hurled it with pinpoint accuracy. The fireball exploded against the shaman's chest, searing its robes and causing it to howl in pain. The combination of ice and fire left the shaman reeling, unable to focus on casting its powerful spells.

Elara saw her opening. With a graceful leap, she closed the distance between herself and the shaman. Her sword glowed with a soft, deadly light as she executed a series of precise, fluid strikes. Each blow landed with lethal accuracy, slicing through the shaman's robes and into its flesh. The shaman stumbled, its staff falling from its grasp as it tried to conjure one last desperate spell.

Before the shaman could finish its incantation, Lora unleashed a final, concentrated bolt of fire. The spell struck the shaman in the chest, igniting its tattered robes and breaking its concentration completely. The shaman collapsed to the ground, its body convulsing as the flames consumed it.

With the shaman defeated, Elara and Lora turned their attention to the remaining kobolds. Elara moved with deadly efficiency, her sword slicing through the common kobolds with ease. Each strike was a masterful blend of precision and power, her movements fluid and unstoppable. Lora continued to support from a distance, her spells creating chaos among the kobold ranks, preventing them from mounting any coordinated counterattack.

The room fell silent as the last kobold collapsed, the echoes of battle still lingering in the air. Elara stepped back, her breathing steady as she prepared to cast her rare skill. She closed her eyes briefly, focusing her mind, and then extended her sword in front of her. Threads of purple, gold, and black energy began to weave around the blade, forming an intricate pattern that shimmered in the dim light.

With a swift motion, Elara drove the sword into the ground. The energy threads spread out in a ripple, engulfing the fallen kobolds. The air filled with a soft hum as the spirits of the defeated creatures were drawn into the threads. The spirits, now visible as wisps of ethereal light, swirled around Elara's sword before being pulled towards a distant point. In a poof of dark mist, they vanished, transported to the Spirit Tree's domain.

As the last spirit disappeared, a basic treasure chest materialized in the center of the room, marking the end of their battle with the kobold chief. The group gathered around it, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

“Well, let’s see what we’ve earned,” Sera said, her voice breaking the silence. She reached for the chest’s lid, her anticipation palpable.

Before she opened it, Sera turned to Elara, her brow furrowed with curiosity. “Elara, how do you know what class each mob has? It’s way more information than an [Identify (Uncommon)] would give.”

Elara met Sera’s gaze, her expression calm and composed. “I have a higher rarity skill related to identification. It gives me detailed information about our enemies.”

Sera’s eyes widened slightly. “Does it work on people?”

Elara hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly. “I think it works on people, too,” she admitted, her eyes still locked onto Sera’s.

Sera’s curiosity deepened. “What class am I, then?” she asked, her tone a mix of challenge and genuine interest.

Elara focused on Sera, her eyes narrowing as she activated her skill. An information box appeared in her mind's eye.

[Lvl 19 Human Guardian Knight (Uncommon)]

Sera looked startled, her eyes widening slightly. Before she could react further, Lora, bubbling with excitement, chimed in. “Do me next! I want to know!”

Elara shifted her focus to Lora, the threads of her skill weaving into place. An information box popped up.

[Lvl 23 Elf Wandcaster]

Lora’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “That’s more than a basic [Identify (Uncommon)] would show, but it doesn’t give the full class details or the rarity of it.” She pondered for a moment, her excitement mingling with analytical thought. “I wonder if it failed because of my Elf race or maybe a higher resolution stat that helps with spell resistance.”

Turning to Valen, Lora asked eagerly, “Can Elara do you next?”

Valen nodded, a calm smile on his face. “Sure, go for it.”

Elara focused on Valen, her skill activating once more. An information box appeared.

[Lvl 19 Human Spiritist]

Lora’s eyes widened again. “Same level of clarity as mine,” she noted, clearly intrigued.

Sera, having processed her initial surprise, looked at Elara with a newfound curiosity. “Anything you’d like to share about yourself, Elara? Seems only fair since you know so much about us now.”

Elara felt a wave of hesitation but realized that sharing some information might strengthen their trust. “I have a class called a Watcher,” she began, her voice steady but thoughtful. “And I possess a skill similar to [Blade Dance (Rare)].”

The group fell silent for a moment, the weight of Elara’s revelation sinking in.

“A Watcher?” Sera finally broke the silence, her brow furrowed. “I’ve never heard of that class before.”

“Neither have I,” Lora added, her eyes wide with curiosity. “It sounds so mysterious.”

Valen nodded in agreement. “It’s certainly not a common class. What does it involve?”

Elara took a deep breath, feeling the need to explain further. “If I hadn’t been stuck in a dungeon, unable to access a Selection Temple, I would have had more choices. But instead, I was forced to choose from a limited set of options. It’s... it’s almost like a historian class,” she said, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. “I’m expected to observe, record, and analyze, rather than engage directly. But that’s not what I wanted.”

The rest of the group exchanged surprised glances. Sera’s expression softened, a look of understanding crossing her face. “You didn’t get to choose from the full range of classes?”

Lora looked incredulous. “You were stuck in a dungeon and couldn’t access a Selection Temple? That’s... that’s so unfair!”

Valen’s calm demeanor faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of concern. “I can’t imagine being forced into a path with limited choices.”

Elara nodded, her eyes downcast. “It’s been difficult. The skills I’ve gained are powerful, but they’re not what I would have chosen for myself. I’ve had to adapt and find ways to use them effectively in battle, but it hasn’t been easy.”

Sera placed a reassuring hand on Elara’s shoulder. “You’re incredible, Elara. You’ve made those skills work for you in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Don’t let the circumstances of your selection define your worth.”

Lora nodded vigorously. “Yeah! You’re an amazing fighter and an valuable part of our team. Historian or not, you’ve worked well with us.”

Valen smiled warmly. “We’re a stronger team because of you, Elara. Your abilities, no matter how they came to be, have helped us be successful.”

Elara felt a swell of gratitude at their words. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear that. I’ll keep doing my best, even if it’s not the path I would have chosen.”

With renewed determination and a sense of camaraderie, the group turned their attention back to the basic treasure chest that had appeared after the death of the [Kobold Chief (Uncommon)]. It was unassuming in design, but the promise of reward drew their attention.

“Well, let’s see what we’ve earned,” Sera said, her voice breaking the silence once more. She reached for the chest’s lid, her anticipation palpable. With a creak, the chest opened, revealing a single item nestled within: a finely crafted ring that glimmered in the dim light.

Valen stepped forward, his hands moving in intricate patterns as he cast a spell. Threads of black and white energy wove around the ring, forming a delicate web of identification magic. After a moment, Valen’s eyes opened, and he nodded. “It’s a [Ring of Agility (Fair)]. It grants a +7 boost to Dexterity.”

Sera and Lora exchanged glances. “I’ve already got a better set of rings,” Sera said, her tone thoughtful. “Lora?”

“Same here,” Lora agreed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Elara, do you want it?”

Elara looked at the ring, a small smile forming on her lips. “Sure, I could use a bit more agility.” She reached into the chest and picked up the ring, its surface cool against her skin.

As she slipped the ring onto her finger, she felt a subtle shift in her body, a lightness and increased fluidity to her movements. The ring fits perfectly as if it had been made for her. “Thank you,” she said, flexing her fingers and feeling the enhanced dexterity.

The group nodded in satisfaction, knowing that every small advantage could make a big difference in their future battles. They stood for a moment in companionable silence, each of them reflecting on the challenges they had faced and the bond they had forged.

Sera broke the silence with a determined look. “Alright, let’s keep moving. We’ve got one last look for the mysterious monster before we can call it a trip and head back to Ashfall.”

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