Watcher of Fate

028 - Echoes of Memory

Elara sat curled in the corner of her pit cell, the coarse blanket draped over her shoulders offering little comfort against the chill that seeped from the stone walls. Her skin had a pallid hue, and a thin sheen of sweat coated her forehead. Dark circles underlined her eyes, and her breaths were shallow and uneven. The effects of the [Scorpion Poison] and [Entropy Embrace] weighed heavily on her, each wave of nausea and dizziness more intense than the last.

Your Affliction Resistance has increased to 14.

Determined not to succumb, she closed her eyes and focused inward, drawing upon her [Unified Presence] skill. Slowly, she synchronized her breathing, aligning her mind and body. A calming energy began to flow through her, helping to control the pain and bolster her dwindling energy reserves. Her heart rate steadied, and she felt a subtle warmth spreading from her core, enhancing her natural health and stamina regeneration.

"Elara," Quill's voice whispered urgently beside her. His ethereal form flickered with concern. "A guard is approaching."

Her eyes snapped open, and she gave a slight nod. "Understood." Realizing the danger of being found with contraband, she concentrated on her [Spirit Domain]. "Please, [Spirit Tree], take the [Shadowstrike Dagger] back into the domain," she whispered.

The dagger, concealed beneath the folds of her blanket, shimmered briefly before dissolving into wisps of shadow, vanishing from sight.

Footsteps echoed above, and a [Drow Guard] peered down through the iron grate that sealed the top of her pit. His sharp features were illuminated by the pale light of a glowing fungus affixed to his armor. His crimson eyes narrowed as he took in Elara's weakened state.

"The female bard looks ill," he called out in an accent laced with harsh consonants. Despite the unfamiliar, weird accent, the tone conveyed urgency.

Moments later, another [Drow] appeared beside him. This one wore robes adorned with intricate patterns, and a silver circlet rested upon her brow, a sign of higher rank or perhaps arcane proficiency. After a brief exchange, the second [Drow] gestured, and the grate was unlocked with a resonating clang. An iron ladder was lowered into the pit, each rung echoing ominously as it extended downward.

The first [Drow Guard] drew an arrow from his quiver, nocking it expertly and aiming directly at Elara. His gaze was cold and unyielding, a silent warning against any attempt at resistance.

The robed [Drow]descended the ladder with practiced ease, her boots touching the stone floor with barely a sound. Standing before Elara, she regarded her with a mixture of disdain and curiosity.

She began to weave a spell, her slender fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air. Threads of black and white magic materialized around her hands, intertwining in a complex dance. As the spell took form, an ethereal information box appeared above Elara, symbols, and glyphs scrolling rapidly within it.

"She's been poisoned," the robed [Drow]remarked to the guard above, her voice smooth yet edged with irritation. "Ensure this slave receives proper sustenance. High-level female bards without combat spells fetch a considerable price. It would be someone's head if she were to perish."

Without waiting for a response, she turned back to Elara and began casting another spell. Only black threads emerged this time, swirling around her hands before enveloping her. The dark magic seeped into her skin, and she felt a cool sensation spreading through her body.

Gradually, the throbbing pain subsided, and the nausea eased. The relentless grip of the poisons loosened, and clarity returned to her mind.

The robed [Drow] produced a small vial from within her robes, a bottle filled with a clear liquid. He whispered an incantation and a new wave of black-threaded magic washed over the vial, causing it to emit an eerie, dark glow.

"Drink," she commanded, extending the vial toward her.

Elara hesitated for a fraction of a second but knew that refusal could provoke suspicion or worse. She accepted the vial, the glass cool against her fingers, and brought it to her lips. The liquid tasted bitter, but a revitalizing warmth spread through her limbs as she swallowed. Her strength began to return, and the fog clouding her senses dissipated.

The [Drow] watched her intently, her expression inscrutable. Satisfied that the remedy was taking effect, she turned away and climbed the ladder without another word. The [Drow Guard] maintained his aim until his companion had safely exited the pit. Once the robed [Drow] was clear, the guard withdrew the arrow and hoisted the ladder. The iron grate slammed shut with a heavy thud, the lock clicking back into place.

Elara was alone once more, the echoes of their departure fading into the silence. She exhaled slowly, her mind racing. The encounter had been a stark reminder of her precarious situation and an opportunity. The [Drow] believed her to be a powerless bard, a misconception she could exploit.

"That was close," Quill whispered, reappearing at her side. "Are you alright?"

She nodded subtly. "They've healed me, at least partially. It seems they don't want me dead."

Settling back against the cold stone wall, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The lingering sensations of the [Drow]'s healing spells still resonated within her, a complex weave of unfamiliar magic. Remembering the intricate threads the [Drow] healer had woven, an idea sparked in her mind. Perhaps she could learn from them.

Elara delved into her memories by activating her skill [Sanctuary of Learning]. This skill had been with her since the beginning, initially manifesting as [Memory Shelf], allowing her to store and recall memories at will. It evolved into [Memory Bastion] after a harrowing encounter where bandits attempted to trap her within her own mind, granting her mental fortitude and protection. Eventually, it matured into [Sanctuary of Learning], enhancing her ability to learn new skills from her experiences. Now, she intended to use it to dissect and understand the spells the [Drow] healer had cast.

Focusing intensely, Elara shuffled through her recent memories, isolating the moment when the [Drow] had woven spells over her. She visualized every detail: the movement of his fingers, the flow of black and white threads, and the way the magic had felt as it seeped into her body.

A soft chime echoed in her mind, and a translucent notification appeared before her:


Memory added to your [Sanctuary of Learning].

Memory contains a Spell Form...

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Analyze (Common).

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Lesser Restoration (Common).

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Bless Water (Common).


A flicker of excitement coursed through her. Capturing the memory had yielded tangible results.

"Quill, it worked," she whispered, a hint of a smile touching her lips.

He fluttered closer, his luminescent form casting a soft glow. "Excellent. What spells did you acquire?"

Elara summoned the information boxes for each new spell, eager to understand their potential.


Analyze: An advanced identification spell that reveals detailed information about creatures and objects beyond basic [Identify]. It can uncover hidden attributes, weaknesses, and magical properties. Threads Used: Black (Spirit) and White (Light) threads.

Lesser Restoration: A healing spell that alleviates certain adverse conditions. It can end one affliction per cast: Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Poisoned. Threads Used: Black (Spirit) threads.

Bless Water: Enchants a small amount of water, infusing it with restorative properties. The blessed water can minorly restore stamina and health when consumed. Threads Used: Black (Spirit) threads.


"These are useful," Elara mused. "Especially [Lesser Restoration], it could help counteract the sleep poisons."

"Indeed," Quill agreed. "But remember, the collar suppresses your spellcasting. You'll need to find a way around it."

"You're right," she sighed. "If I can overpower the collar's suppression, I might be able to cast freely. To do that, I need to finish my core."

Quill hovered closer, his luminescent form casting a gentle glow on her face. "Completing your core could amplify your mana flow enough to break through the collar's constraints. It's risky, but it might be our best chance."

"Then it's decided," Elara affirmed. She glanced upward, ensuring no shadows loomed above. "Quill, I need you to keep watch while I step into my **[Spirit Domain]**.

"Consider it done," Quill replied, his eyes sharp with determination. "I'll alert you if anyone approaches."

Elara closed her eyes, taking a steady breath as she reached inward. The familiar sensation of being drawn into her [Spirit Domain] washed over her. The physical world faded, replaced by the serene landscape dominated by the majestic [Spirit Tree]. Its branches stretched toward the endless purple skies, where spirits danced like stars in a twilight canvas. The dry dirt floor felt warm beneath her bare feet, grounding her in this ethereal realm.

She approached the base of the stone tower, where her gear was neatly arranged. The jewelry she had discovered earlier, the [Ruby Ring of the Wise], the [Amethyst Band of Focus], the [Opal Hoops of Inner Fire], the [Pearl Drop Earrings of Serenity], and the [Diamond Pendant of the Archmage] gleamed invitingly.

Carefully, she slipped on each piece of jewelry. The moment she fastened the [Diamond Pendant of the Archmage] around her neck, a surge of clarity sharpened her senses. Her mind felt like a lake on a still morning, calm, reflective, and deep.

Turning her focus inward, Elara visualized her core. In her mind's eye, she saw a complex tapestry of braided threads, black, silver, dark blue, and white, each representing a facet of her being. Most were intricately woven, but a few strands remained loose, floating gently as if waiting for her touch.

"Almost there," she whispered to herself. "Just a few more."

She reached out and selected three threads: black, silver, and white. Holding them together, she began with a crown knot, anchoring the braid securely. Her fingers moved deftly, the motions fluid and practiced. As she wove the strands, the threads seemed to hum in harmony, resonating with the rhythm of her heartbeat.

When a thread neared its end, she seamlessly joined another of the same color using a sheet bend knot. The new thread melded with the old without a trace of the join, allowing the braid to continue uninterrupted. Over and over, she repeated the process, braiding, knotting, and extending until all the loose threads were woven into cohesive strands.

Time in the [Spirit Domain] was fluid; it could have been minutes or hours. Elara remained wholly absorbed in her task, the world around her fading into the background. The [Spirit Tree] swayed gently above, its leaves rustling in silent encouragement. Turning her focus inward, she summoned her status screen to assess the state of her core. The translucent interface materialized before her, displaying intricate details of her progress.



Amount: 9,362

Core Type: Partially Braided

Primary Affinity: None

Secondary Affinities:

Braided: Light, Force, Spirit

Unbaided: Shadow


A sense of accomplishment warmed her heart. The countless hours spent braiding her core had finally borne fruit. The intricate braids pulsed gently, harmonizing with the ambient energy of the [Spirit Tree]. Yet she knew there was at least one more step to solidify her shadow affinity, wrapping the braids in shadow threads to make it her primary.

"Almost there," she whispered, a faint smile touching her lips. The anticipation of unlocking her full potential filled her with renewed determination.

Suddenly, Quill's urgent voice echoed in her mind. "Elara! Guards are approaching!"

Her eyes snapped open, and the serene landscape of the [Spirit Domain] began to waver. "Thank you, Quill," she replied mentally. "I need to return."

Swiftly, she began removing the jewelry. Each piece was carefully placed back beside the stone tower, their gems glinting softly under the ethereal light.

As the [Spirit Domain] faded, Elara was back in the cold confines of her prison cell pit. The dim light cast long shadows across the rough stone walls. She pulled the coarse blanket tightly around herself, concealing signs of her recent activities.

Positioning herself to appear as though she was resting, Elara closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. The muffled footsteps of the [Drow Guards] grew louder above, accompanied by hushed voices speaking in their harsh tongue.

One of the guards halted directly above her pit, the iron grate casting a lattice of shadows across her still form. Elara's heart pounded softly in her chest, but she maintained the slow, rhythmic breaths of deep sleep. Through her barely parted eyelashes, she could see the faint glow of bioluminescent fungi attached to the guard's armor, illuminating his sharp features and the cold glint in his crimson eyes.

He peered down into the pit, scrutinizing every inch of her. "She sleeps soundly," he muttered, the harsh syllables softened by the distance but still discernible.

Another [Drow Guard] approached his footsteps, lighter and armor more ornate, indicating a higher rank. "Is the prized one secure?" he asked, his voice smooth yet edged with authority.

"Yes, commander," the first guard replied. "The female bard remains well. The collar ensures she poses no threat."

The commander gazed down at Elara, a sly smile curving his lips. "Excellent. Tomorrow's auction will be most profitable. The houses are eager for new... acquisitions."

"The bard will be the jewel in the crown," the guard agreed. "Her talents are rare, and her appearance will attract significant bids."

"Indeed," the commander said thoughtfully. "A high-level female with such beauty and compliance is a treasure. The matron mothers will spare no expense."

Elara fought to keep her expression neutral, her mind racing at the implications. They intended to sell her to auction her off like a mere commodity.

"Ensure she is kept in prime condition," the commander continued. "No marks or mistreatment. And double the watch tonight. I do not want any surprises."

"Understood, commander," the guard responded crisply.

The two [Drow] exchanged a few more words in lowered voices before their footsteps receded into the labyrinthine passages beyond. The iron grate above remained closed, but the faint echo of their conversation lingered in the air.

Once she was certain they were gone, Elara allowed herself a quiet, shaky exhale. Her hands clenched tightly beneath the blanket, nails digging into her palms.

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