Watcher of Fate

028 - Unseen Costs

The next day, Elara walked through the bustling streets of Dis, her gaze taking in the twisted architecture and the chaotic mix of demons that filled the city. The cobblestone streets echoed with the sounds of daily life in this infernal realm, a blend of guttural voices, snarls, and the occasional distant scream. The air was thick with the scent of sulfur and smoke, a constant reminder of the hellish environment she was navigating.

Quill, perched on her shoulder, shifted uneasily, his sharp eyes darting about as they made their way toward the looming silhouette of Malakar's castle. "You seem quiet today, Elara," Quill remarked, his voice a soft murmur in her mind.

Elara sighed, her thoughts heavy as they walked through the labyrinthine streets. "Just thinking, Quill," she replied, her tone tinged with concern. "Malakar... he’s not just toying with us. He wants something, and I can’t figure out what it is. Every move he’s made has been deliberately calculated. I keep wondering what his endgame is."

Quill tilted his head, considering her words. "Devils are always playing at something: power, influence, control. It’s all part of their nature. But Malakar... he’s different. He’s not just another devil. He’s watching you closely, not just because you're a mortal. There’s something about you that has caught his attention."

Elara frowned, her fingers tightening around the hilt of her sword. "That’s what worries me, Quill. I’ve survived this long by not underestimating my enemies. But Malakar... he’s at the same level and rarity as that [Behemoth] we fought, and that was no small challenge. If that beast had intelligence and the ability to cast spells, Xal'vor and I wouldn’t have stood a chance. We only won because we could outthink it and exploit its weaknesses."

Quill ruffled his feathers, the seriousness of their situation also weighing on him. "Exactly. Malakar has that intelligence, spellcasting ability, and likely much more. Facing him will be nothing like battling the [Behemoth]. If we survive this, we must be more cautious than ever."

Elara nodded, her mind racing as they continued toward the castle. "We need to stay sharp, Quill. Malakar’s playing a game with us, and we’re at a disadvantage. But we’re not out of options yet. We just need to keep our wits about us and be ready for whatever he throws our way."

As they approached the castle's massive gates, Elara felt a sense of unease settle over her. Two towering [Abyssal Enforcers] flanked the gates, their hulking forms clad in dark, spiked armor. Their eyes glowed with a sinister light, and the air around them seemed to hum with a menacing energy.

One of the [Abyssal Enforcers] raised a hand, signaling her to stop. A single, glowing [Evil Eye] emerged from the gate, its malevolent gaze sweeping over her. Elara felt a shiver run down her spine as the eye scanned her, its presence invasive and unsettling. The air grew colder as the eye hovered over her, searching for any hint of treachery. After a tense moment, the [Evil Eye] retracted, and the [Abyssal Enforcer] waved her through without a word, the gate creaking open to admit her.

Beyond the gate, the castle loomed, its dark spires stretching toward the blood-red sky like the talons of some monstrous creature. The air inside the walls was cooler, the shadows deeper. As Elara stepped inside, she was greeted by a demon unlike any she had seen before. He was tall and lean, with sharp, aristocratic features and an unsettlingly graceful demeanor. His skin was pale, almost ashen, and his eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating intelligence. He was impeccably dressed in a dark suit, every movement smooth and measured.

Elara's eyes narrowed as she focused on him, pulling up an information box.

[Lvl 18 Incubus Butler (Uncommon)]

She studied him momentarily, noting the difference in his appearance and demeanor from the other demons she had encountered. Unlike the brutish, savage creatures that roamed the streets of Dis, this Incubus was refined, almost elegant, a stark contrast to the crude, violent nature of the city’s other inhabitants. The demon's presence was unsettling, not because of his appearance, but because of the controlled power and intelligence that radiated from him. He seemed out of place among the more monstrous residents of Dis, and that alone made Elara wary.

The [Incubus Butler] bowed slightly, his voice smooth and cultured as he addressed her. "Welcome, Ms. Crowhurst. I have been instructed to escort you to Lord Malakar. Please, follow me."

Elara nodded, her wariness never leaving as she followed the [Incubus Butler] through Malakar's castle's dark, winding corridors. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings, scenes of battle and torment etched into the stone, illuminated by flickering arcane lamps that cast long, eerie shadows. The atmosphere was oppressive, the air thick with the scent of old parchment and something far more sinister.

Elara kept her senses sharp as they walked, noting every turn and doorway. The castle was a labyrinth of halls and passages designed to disorient and intimidate, but Elara’s mind remained focused. She wasn’t here to be cowed by Malakar’s games.

After a few minutes, the [Incubus Butler] led her to a set of large, intricately carved double doors. With a graceful motion, he pushed them open, revealing a small, dimly lit library. The room was cozy compared to the rest of the castle, filled with towering shelves of ancient tomes and manuscripts. The scent of aged leather and ink filled the air, wildly different than the more sinister aromas that permeated the rest of Dis.

Malakar was seated in a plush, high-backed chair in the center of the room by a crackling fireplace. The [Devil Lord] looked as calm and composed as ever, his eyes gleaming with that familiar, unreadable intelligence. He glanced up from the book he was holding, a smile curling at the corners of his lips as he saw Elara enter.

"Ah, Ms. Crowhurst," Malakar said, his voice smooth and welcoming. "I’m pleased you could join me. Congratulations on your victory in the arena. You continue to impress me." With a casual flick of his wrist, he tossed a small, dark sphere toward her.

Elara caught it with practiced ease, her gaze dropping to the object in her hand. The sphere was slightly warm to the touch, and inside, she could see tendrils of brown smoke swirling in a mesmerizing pattern. It pulsed with a faint, sinister energy that made her fingers tingle.

Malakar leaned back in his chair, his smile widening as he watched her examine the sphere. "That, Ms. Crowhurst, is the monster core of the [Behemoth] you so skillfully defeated. Consider it a reward for your efforts. It’s for Quill. Please, have him absorb it right away before we continue."

Elara’s grip on the sphere tightened slightly as she looked back at Malakar, her mind racing. Something about this felt off. She knew the value of monster cores, particularly from a creature as powerful as the [Behemoth]. But the idea of absorbing it here, on Malakar’s command, set off alarms in her mind.

"Why should I?" Elara asked, her voice steady but laced with caution. "You could have just given this to me later. What’s the rush?"

Malakar’s eyes narrowed slightly, though his smile never wavered. "I understand your hesitation, Ms. Crowhurst. But I assure you, I only intend to see you and Quill grow stronger. You’ll need that strength for the challenges ahead. The [Behemoth] was a formidable foe, and its core will provide Quill with a significant boost in power. I would prefer you be prepared for what’s to come."

Elara held his gaze, her instincts screaming at her to be careful. Malakar was too clever and too calculating to simply hand her something this valuable without an ulterior motive. But then again, Quill had been struggling to keep up with the escalating dangers they were facing. A boost in power from a core like this could make all the difference.

Still, she wasn’t about to make a rash decision, not in Malakar’s presence. "And what exactly are these challenges ahead, Malakar?" she asked, carefully avoiding the suggestion.

Malakar’s smile widened, but his eyes remained cold and sharp. "All in due time, Ms. Crowhurst. For now, let's focus on ensuring that you and your companions are as prepared as possible. You have my word that the core is nothing more than a gift to aid you."

Elara weighed her options. She didn’t trust Malakar, not one bit. But refusing outright might put her at a disadvantage. Instead, she decided to buy some time. "I’ll think about it," she said, slipping the sphere into her pouch. "Quill and I don’t make these decisions lightly."

Malakar’s eyes narrowed slightly, though his smile never wavered. "I understand your hesitation, Ms. Crowhurst. But I assure you, I only intend to see you and Quill grow stronger. You’ll need that strength for the challenges ahead. The [Behemoth] was a formidable foe, and its core will provide Quill with a significant boost in power. I would prefer you be prepared for what’s to come."

Elara's grip on the sphere tightened, her mind racing. Malakar's words were smooth, almost too smooth, and every instinct in her screamed to be cautious. She didn’t trust him, how could she? This was a devil who thrived on manipulation and deceit. And yet, the power contained within the [Behemoth]’s core was undeniable. It pulsed in her hand, a tangible promise of strength that Quill desperately needed.

She looked at Malakar, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Is there any cost associated with using this monster core?" she asked, her tone flat, giving away none of her internal debate.

Malakar's smile widened just a fraction, his eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "None whatsoever. It is a gift for Quill, no strings attached. Consider it a gesture of goodwill, if you will."

Elara studied him for a long moment, weighing his words. There was no such thing as a free gift from a devil, and she knew that better than anyone. But Quill... he had been through so much, and they were in a place where strength was the only currency that mattered.

She glanced at Quill, perched on her shoulder. He met her gaze, his eyes filled with trust and a shared determination. With a subtle nod, he indicated his readiness.

"Very well," Elara said slowly, her voice carrying the weight of her decision. "Quill, go ahead."

Quill hopped down from her shoulder and onto her hand, where she held the sphere. As he touched it, the dark, swirling energy within seemed to respond, the smoke inside churning faster as if it recognized its new master. Quill closed his eyes, and Elara felt a surge of power flow through their shared connection as he began to absorb the monster core.

The sphere pulsed in her hand, growing warmer as Quill drew the energy into himself. The brown smoke inside the sphere swirled faster, becoming a vortex of raw power that funneled into Quill's form. The room around them seemed to dim as the core’s energy drained, leaving only the intense glow of the fireplace and the soft, steady hum of the magic being absorbed.

Elara held her breath, her eyes fixed on Quill. She could feel the energy coursing through him, his form glowing faintly as he took in the essence of the [Behemoth]. It was a strange sensation, one of immense power and potential but also of a deep, primal force that came from the creature’s ferocity.

As the last of the energy was drawn into Quill, the sphere in Elara’s hand crumbled to dust, the remnants scattering in the air. Quill fluttered back to her shoulder, his feathers ruffling as he settled.

Then, in quick succession, Elara heard a series of chimes in her head:

You have seen 3 monster deaths: 300 exp

Quenya gains exp from killing 3 monsters: 6,050 exp

Quenya has leveled up.

Quenya has leveled up.

Quenya has leveled up.

Quenya has leveled up.

Quenya has reached the Silver tier. Do you wish to strengthen your spirit bond, making it unbreakable? (Yes/No) Both parties must agree to continue.

Elara stared at the prompt, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked over at Quill, who perched on her shoulder, his dark eyes meeting hers with an intensity that spoke volumes. They had been through so much together, their bond already strong and unshakeable. But this was something more. This was the chance to make their connection permanent, an unbreakable link that would transcend even the boundaries of realms.

"Quill," Elara began softly, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, "do you want to form a permanent bond?"

Before Quill could respond, Malakar's smooth voice interrupted, his tone rich with satisfaction. "This is precisely the moment I anticipated, Ms. Crowhurst. Strengthening your bond with Quill will open up possibilities beyond what you can currently fathom. This connection is entanglement at the spirit realm level and will grant you abilities few can claim. With this bond, not even the barriers of realms will keep you apart. Whether in this world or another, Quill will be able to heed your call, and your sword will respond as though it is an extension of your spirit."

Elara’s eyes flicked to Malakar, studying him with suspicion and curiosity. His words were enticing, almost too perfect. The idea of having such a connection with Quill was undeniably appealing, especially given the challenges ahead. But Malakar's satisfaction made her wary. He seemed too pleased by the prospect as if this development played directly into whatever plans he had in motion.

"I understand the power this could give us," Elara said, her voice measured. "But what’s in it for you, Malakar? Why do you care whether or not we strengthen this bond?"

Malakar’s smile didn’t waver. If anything, it deepened, his eyes gleaming with a cunning light. "It’s simple, Ms. Crowhurst. I take pride in recognizing potential and fostering it. In you and Quill, I see the makings of something extraordinary that could alter the balance of power. Your success, in many ways, reflects upon me. And, of course, having a strong ally in the future is never a disadvantage. But rest assured, this gift carries no hidden costs. It is merely an investment in what I believe you can become."

Elara’s gaze narrowed. She didn’t trust Malakar. How could she? But his reasoning was, at the very least, believable. Devils rarely acted without some form of self-interest, and if Malakar saw value in her strength, it made sense that he would want to cultivate it.

She turned back to Quill, who had listened intently to the exchange. His feathers ruffled slightly as he considered Malakar’s words. Finally, he met Elara’s gaze, his eyes filled with unwavering trust and a shared determination. "Yes, Elara," Quill said, his voice resonating in her mind. "I choose this. We’ve faced every challenge together, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Let’s make our bond eternal."

With a deep breath, Elara focused on the prompt hovering in her mind. She knew this was the right choice, the only choice. "Then let’s make this bond unbreakable," she said, mentally selecting "Yes."

As soon as she did, she felt a surge of energy flow through her, unlike anything she had experienced. It was as if their spirits were intertwining, merging at the deepest level. Already strong, The connection between them grew even more profound as if their very essences were being woven into a single, unbreakable thread.

Elara could feel Quill’s presence more vividly than ever, not just as a companion but as an integral part of herself. The sword at her side seemed to hum with new energy, its weight and balance more attuned to her than ever. The separation between her, Quill, and the blade began to dissolve. They were no longer distinct entities but parts of a unified whole, bound by a connection that defied the physical world.

Then, like the crescendo of a symphony, Elara heard a series of chimes in her head, each one resonating with the power of their newly forged bond:

Spirit Bond Strengthened: Your bond with Quenya is now unbreakable. Cross-realm summoning unlocked.

Quenya has leveled up.

Dexterity has surpassed the 100 threshold skills that rely on dexterity have improved.

Perception has surpassed the 200 threshold skills that rely on perception have improved.

[Awareness (Legendary)] has changed to [Cognizance (Mythic)]

Cognizance: Grants perfect clarity of everything around you, transcending darkness, invisibility, illusions, both mundane and magical. Your perception pierces the veil between worlds, allowing you to perceive the Spirit Plane within the same range as your physical senses. Moreover, you can perceive the true spirit of any being you encounter, discerning their innermost nature and intentions regardless of any facade they may present. Your Perception stat determines the range of your perception.

Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (128,962 of 143,000) 25

Quenya: (243,761 of 253,000)


HP: 6,592 of 6,592 (13.6/min)

Energy: 11,822 of 11,822 (2.6/sec)


Armor Class: 113

Strength: 53

Dexterity: 190 (209)

Constitution: 103 (123)

Perception: 176 (228)

Intelligence: 81

Resolve: 151 (203)

Free Points: 4

Class Skills:

Sanctuary of Learning (Legendary): 12

Skein of Destiny (Mythic): 10

Cognizance (Mythic): 19

Ephemeral (Legendary): 16

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 21 PERMANENT

Unified Presence (Legendary): 18

Moment in Time (Mythic): 1

Quenya Skills:

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 21 PERMANENT

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