Watcher of Fate

030 - A Mortal’s Might

Elara sat in the waiting room, her fingers gently rubbing the numbed shoulder where the lightning strike had left its mark. The pain was manageable, but the damage was undeniable. Once sleek and gleaming, her [Living Steel Cuirass] now bore a jagged, superheated scar that marred its surface. The molten metal had twisted and blackened, creating a rough, uneven texture that extended across her [Demon Tournament Guards]. The pauldron on her left and the spaulder on her right, normally symbols of strength and protection, were tarnished and scarred, their once-bright luster dulled by the intense heat of the strike.

The room around her buzzed with the low murmur of voices, a different batch of gladiators preparing for their own bouts. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and iron, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation. Among the fighters, Targath, the Bloodthirsty Minotaur, stood out, his massive frame dominating the space as he methodically sharpened his double-headed axe. His eyes, sharp and focused, occasionally flicked toward Elara, a mixture of curiosity and something resembling respect in his gaze.

Elara acknowledged the other gladiators with a glance but didn’t engage. Her focus was inward, on the lingering effects of the lightning strike that had wounded her in the arena. The fight with Xal’therak hadn’t drained her, but the aftermath of the battle had left her with a deep ache that pulsed in time with her heartbeat. She knew she needed to recover, to rid herself of the lingering numbness and pain before the next round.

Closing her eyes, Elara activated her [Sanctuary of Learning], the skill that allowed her to enter her [Spirit Domain],a mental space where she could recover and draw upon her accumulated knowledge. As she invoked the skill, the noise of the waiting room began to fade, the sounds of clashing metal and murmured conversations dissolving into a distant echo. The tension in her muscles eased as her consciousness slipped away from the physical world, retreating into the quiet sanctity of her mind.

Within moments, Elara stood at the threshold of her [Spirit Domain]. The vast, shadowed library stretched out before her, its towering bookshelves disappearing into the darkness above. Each shelf was laden with tomes, representing the knowledge she had gathered over her journey. The air was cool and still, the silence profound, broken only by the soft rustle of pages as books shifted and rearranged themselves on the shelves.

A plush chair, a deep burgundy leather wingback she had recently added to the space, stood at the heart of this mental refuge. The chair, inspired by the one Malakar often occupied, symbolized comfort and the complex relationship she had with the devil. She moved toward it, her footsteps soundless on the polished wood floor. As she sank into the chair, the leather creaked softly, molding to her form and offering a comforting embrace that allowed her to forget, if only for a moment, the physical pain gnawing at her.

Elara didn’t reach for any of the books that lined the shelves. Instead, she simply allowed herself to relax into the chair, letting go of the tension that had gripped her since the moment she stepped into the arena. The [Spirit Domain] responded to her need, the energy of the realm funneling into her, replenishing her strength and easing the aches that lingered in her body.

As she sat there, the air around her seemed to hum gently, soothingly. It flowed into her, warm and revitalizing, seeping into every muscle and bone, mending what had been damaged by the lightning strike. The numbness in her shoulder slowly began to fade, replaced by a comforting warmth that spread through her entire body. The throb of pain dulled to a distant memory as if the [Spirit Domain] was washing it away, cleansing her of the physical toll the battle had taken.

Elara closed her eyes, her breathing slowing as she allowed the [Spirit Domain] to do its work. The energy within this space was unlike anything in the physical world, pure, untainted, and deeply connected to her essence. It was as if the very spirit of the library, the knowledge, and the wisdom it held were pouring into her, healing her from within.

Time lost meaning as she sat in the chair, the world outside the [Spirit Domain] fading into irrelevance. There was no sound, no urgency, only the steady, calming flow of energy that filled her, restoring her to full strength. Elara could feel her spirit aligning, her mind clearing of the fog of battle, her thoughts sharpening to a fine edge.

When she finally opened her eyes, Elara felt renewed, the pain in her shoulder now nothing more than a faint echo. She rose from the chair, the leather releasing her with a soft sigh as she moved back to the library's center. She cast one last glance at the towering shelves, a silent vow to return when the battles were done.

With a final deep breath, Elara allowed herself to leave the [Spirit Domain], the shadowed library fading from her mind as the noise of the waiting room rushed back in. The tension in the air, the murmurs of the other gladiators, and the sharp sound of metal against stone, all of it returned in an instant.

Elara’s senses sharpened as she reacclimated to the waiting room, the familiar weight of her sword comforting in her hand. The air was thick with anticipation, each fighter waiting for their name to be called. She could feel the eyes of the other gladiators on her, some curious, others resentful. But she ignored them, focusing instead on the task ahead.

Moments later, the announcer’s voice cut through the arena’s noise like a blade, dripping with disdain as it echoed across the sands. "And now, crawling back to the arena, the fighter who has somehow managed to slither through her previous matches, defying all expectations, and yet still breathing... Elara, the Lucky Mortal!"

The title hung in the air, met with a cacophony of boos, hisses, and mocking laughter. The crowd’s animosity was palpable, their dislike for mortals clear in the venomous jeers that followed her name. To them, she was an anomaly, an insult to the very spirit of the arena. Elara didn’t need their approval and had long since stopped caring for their opinions. She stepped forward, her boots crunching on the gritty sand as she made her way to the center of the arena.

The bright light of the arena hit her as she emerged from the tunnel, the heat from the sun-baked sand radiating upward in oppressive waves. The crowd’s hostility was overwhelming, a wall of noise that battered her from all sides. Their disdain was almost a physical force, pressing down on her as they shouted curses and insults, eager to see her fail.

Elara’s gaze swept across the stands, noting the twisted faces contorted with scorn and anticipation. But her attention quickly shifted to the opposite end of the arena, where her next opponent would soon appear.

The announcer’s voice rang out again, dripping with eager anticipation as he introduced her opponent, his tone shifting to admiration. "And facing this...mortal, a warrior whose very name strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies, known across the realms for his brutal strength and unrelenting fury, the Iron Fist of the Southern Hells, Gorrak, the Savage!"

From the shadows of the tunnel opposite her, a towering figure emerged. Gorrak was a sight to behold, the epitome of brute strength and raw power. His massive frame was nearly twice the size of Elara’s, a mountain of muscle and sinew that seemed almost unnatural in its sheer bulk. His skin, a deep, mottled gray, had the texture of hardened stone, marred by countless scars that crisscrossed his arms, chest, and back, each a testament to battles fought and survived.

His muscles rippled beneath his skin with each movement, and the veins running along his arms and neck pulsed with a dull, fiery glow as though molten lava coursed through his veins instead of blood. His eyes burned with a deep, malevolent red set deep within a broad, thick-browed face that spoke of violence and fury. The heavy, brutish features reflected the destructive force he embodied, a living weapon forged in the fires of the abyss.

In one massive hand, Gorrak held a warhammer that matched his imposing size. The weapon was as much a symbol of his power as it was an instrument of death. The hammer’s head was forged from dark, infernal steel, etched with ancient runes that pulsed with a faint, ominous light. The metal was stained with the blood of countless foes, a testament to its lethal history. The haft, thick and wrapped in blackened leather, seemed to almost blend with the massive hand that gripped it, as though it were an extension of his very being.

As Gorrak stepped into the arena's light, the ground seemed to tremble beneath his heavy steps. His presence commanded immediate respect and fear, the sheer weight of his aura pressing down on those who dared to meet his gaze. Every step he took was accompanied by a deep, resonant thud, as though the earth itself was recoiling from his touch.

Elara’s eyes narrowed as she sized him up. With a thought, she brought up an info box, the familiar text appearing in her vision.

[Lvl 34 Infernal Brute (Uncommon: 512)]

The information confirmed what her instincts had already told her, Gorrak was a formidable opponent. An [Infernal Brute], a class born from the darkest pits of the abyss, was not just about raw strength; it was about unyielding power fueled by a relentless, almost primal rage. The title suggested a creature of pure destruction, a being whose every action was driven by a need to dominate, crush, and annihilate.

Gorrak’s build and demeanor embodied everything the class represented. His physical power was evident in the way he moved, each step heavy and deliberate, as if he could smash through anything that stood in his path. His sheer size and muscle mass made him a terrifying force that could easily overpower most foes with sheer brute strength alone. But it wasn’t just his strength that made him dangerous, it was the controlled fury that burned within him, a fire that seemed to fuel every swing of his warhammer, every step he took.

The number next to his rarity suggested he was a force to be reckoned with, a gladiator who had not only survived but thrived in the harshest conditions. Gorrak’s eyes, those burning red orbs, locked onto Elara as he advanced, a sneer spreading across his face as he sized up his much smaller opponent. His disdain filled his gaze, mirroring the crowd’s feelings toward her. To him, she was just a weak mortal who had somehow stumbled her way into the arena, an insult to the very concept of gladiatorial combat.

The crowd roared with approval at the sight of the brute, their cheers and jeers merging into a chaotic symphony of bloodlust. They wanted a show, and Gorrak was more than willing to give it to them. The disdain in their voices was clear; they wanted to see the mortal crushed, her so-called luck finally running out.

The announcer's voice boomed across the arena, cutting through the cacophony. "Gladiators, prepare yourselves! The battle begins in three... two... one!"

As the countdown echoed across the arena, Elara moved quickly, her mind already focused on her first spell. She began to weave [Greater Invisibility], her fingers deftly pulling at the dark blue threads of shadow. The threads shimmered in the air as she wove them into an intricate pattern, wrapping them around her form like a cloak. The dark blue threads absorbed the light around her, bending it, twisting it until her presence faded into the background, rendering her nearly invisible.

Elara began to move as the magic took hold, circling to her left. Her footsteps were light and silent on the sandy ground, leaving barely a trace as she positioned herself. The spell worked its magic, and she became a shadow among shadows, blending seamlessly into the dim lighting of the arena.

Gorrak watched her with a broad, mocking grin, his eyes tracking her faint silhouette with amusement. The sight of the mortal attempting to disappear was more entertaining to him than threatening. He laughed, a deep, rumbling sound echoed off the arena walls. "You silly mortal," he taunted, his voice dripping with scorn. "Do you really think invisibility will save you?"

As he spoke, Gorrak began to turn, his warhammer held high, the enormous weapon already wreathed in fiery red threads of mana. The air around the hammerhead shimmered with heat, and the intricate knotwork etched into the dark metal glowed with a fierce, infernal light. The knotwork wasn’t just decorative; it was a complex web of ancient, infernal magic, binding the fire threads to the weapon and amplifying its destructive power. The elaborate designs seemed to pulse with life, shifting and twisting as the fiery energy coursed through them, giving the warhammer an almost organic appearance.

Gorrak twirled the warhammer effortlessly as if it weighed nothing in his massive hands. Then, with a sudden, explosive burst of speed that belied his massive size, Gorrak charged forward, covering the distance between them instantly.

Elara's heart raced as she saw Gorrak's massive form barreling toward her, the warhammer arcing downwards with terrifying force. The fiery red threads around the weapon turned it into a blazing instrument of destruction, crackling with intense heat. The ground beneath Gorrak’s feet seemed to tremble as he charged, each step resonating with the promise of devastation.

As the hammer descended, the very air around it seemed to warp from the heat, distorting the space between Elara and the impending strike. She could feel the oppressive wave of heat rolling off the weapon, intensifying as it hurtled towards her. The knotwork on the hammerhead flared with a brilliant red light, the ancient patterns glowing like molten lava as they funneled the fire threads into a concentrated burst of energy.

At the last possible moment, Elara’s instincts took over. She summoned the shadows around her and cast [Shadow Step], her form dissolving into a wisp of navy-blue smoke that darted around the hammer's descending head.

The warhammer struck the ground with a deafening impact, and the arena floor erupted in an explosion of fire. The fiery energy unleashed by the knotwork rippled outward from the point of impact, a wave of searing heat and flame that scorched everything in its path. The sand beneath the hammerhead was instantly turned to glass, the intense heat fusing the particles in a grotesque, jagged pattern. The shockwave of fire spread outwards in a circle, incinerating the ground and sending tendrils of flame licking across the arena floor.

Elara’s smoke trail twisted and weaved through the air, narrowly avoiding the deadly wave of fire. The flames roared past her, missing her by only a hand's width as she reformed behind Gorrak. The heat from the blast seared her skin even in her intangible form, a reminder of just how close she had come to being caught in the inferno.

But Gorrak was no ordinary opponent. As soon as he felt the shift in the air behind him, he reacted with a speed and ferocity that caught Elara off guard. Without even turning, Gorrak swung his massive arm backward in a brutal backhand strike, his gauntleted fist crashing into Elara’s side with the force of a battering ram.

Elara's world exploded in pain as she was sent flying across the arena, her body twisting and spinning through the air. The impact felt like being struck by a mountain, her ribs shattering under the immense force. She barely had time to register the agony before she slammed into the ground with a sickening thud, the rough sand tearing at her skin as she skidded and tumbled across the arena floor.

A scream tore from her throat, raw and involuntary, as she slid to a stop, her body aching and bruised. The searing pain from her ribs made it difficult to breathe, each shallow gasp sending shockwaves of agony through her torso. Elara struggled to push herself up, her vision swimming as she tried to focus on the towering form of Gorrak across the arena.

It was a spectacle to the crowd, a reminder that mortals were weak and insignificant in the face of true strength. They wanted to see her crushed, broken, and defeated. Gorrak stood tall, his warhammer still glowing with the remnants of his fiery spell, a triumphant sneer on his lips as he turned to face her once more.

Elara gritted her teeth, pushing through the pain that radiated through her body. She couldn't afford to show weakness, not now. Drawing upon her inner reserves, she began to weave the spell [Warrior Reprieve], summoning the dark threads of shadow and the soothing blue threads of water. The threads manifested in the air around her, swirling together in a delicate dance as they wrapped around her form. The black threads, infused with the essence of spirit, intertwined with the calming blue threads, forming a protective cocoon around her. As the magic took hold, she felt a warm, soothing sensation spread through her body, mending her bruised ribs and easing the throbbing pain in her side. The spell's energy was like a gentle tide, washing over her, renewing her strength.

Her breathing steadied, and Elara didn’t waste a moment. She began to weave a new spell, her mind racing with the possibilities. She reached out with her will, pulling together the threads of black shadow, gleaming silver force, and radiant white light. The black threads, dark as the void itself, coiled around the silver threads, which pulsed with a raw, almost electrical energy. The white threads, pure and luminous, wove through the other two, binding them together in a harmonious blend. The threads began to solidify as she focused, taking shape in the air before her. The intricate weave of magic shimmered, and a second Elara materialized beside her, a perfect [Clone], every detail captured flawlessly by the spell.

The clone Elara moved as if with a mind, mimicking the original’s thoughts and intentions. It darted to the side, circling around Gorrak while simultaneously weaving another spell. Using the skill [Multi Weave], the clone seamlessly combined threads of green air, black spirit, and blue water, casting [Haste] on both herself and the original Elara. The threads intertwined in a rapid, complex pattern, their colors blending as the spell took form. The green threads crackled with energy, the black threads hummed with latent power, and the blue threads flowed like a swift current. As the spell was completed, their movements accelerated, becoming almost a blur, faster than the eye could track.

Elara, now moving with enhanced speed, circled around Gorrak’s left side. She quickly began weaving a new spell, pulling together the pure white threads of light. These threads were luminous, radiating a soft, ethereal glow as they formed into the intricate lattice of [Mirror Maze]. The spell filled the arena with countless reflective surfaces, each crafted from light's radiant threads. The mirrors distorted reality, creating a labyrinth of illusions that twisted and bent the truth. Each reflection of Elara was captured perfectly, as though a hundred versions of her stood ready to strike.

But Gorrak was not so easily deceived. His gaze locked onto the real Elara, his sneer widening into a savage grin. He recognized the illusionary nature of the clone and dismissed it with a contemptuous snort, focusing instead on the true threat. With a roar, he charged forward, his warhammer raised high. The weapon was still wreathed in fiery red threads of mana, their heat distorting the air around them as they surged with power. Gorrak easily smashed through the mirrored illusions, the glass-like surfaces shattering into fragments of light that scattered across the arena floor before fading into nothingness.

As Gorrak bore down on her, Elara’s mind raced. She couldn’t let him get too close. Quickly, she wove the threads of green air and silver force, casting [Tempest's Touch]. The green threads crackled with energy, swirling around her as the silver threads added a sharp, cutting edge to the spell. The combined forces created a powerful gust of wind that pushed against Gorrak’s warhammer, forcing it off course. The hammer struck the ground beside her, sending up a cloud of dust and debris, but the real danger came from the fiery blast that erupted on impact. The red threads of fire exploded outward in a wave, the heat intense enough to scorch the air.

Elara braced herself as the fiery blast enveloped her. The heat was nearly unbearable, and she felt her fire resistance rising. But she stood firm, her sword raised, as Gorrak, unfazed by his missed strike, surged forward and shoulder-checked her with his massive frame. The impact was like being hit by a battering ram, and Elara felt herself stagger backward, her feet sliding across the sand.

Meanwhile, the clone Elara had circled behind Gorrak, her movements swift and calculated. After casting [Warrior Reprieve], the clone stood motionless, her expression mirroring Elara’s focus and determination. Gorrak, however, ignored the clone entirely, confident that she was nothing more than an illusion, incapable of causing him harm.

With Gorrak’s focus entirely on the real Elara, he pressed his advantage, raising his warhammer once more. The weapon was still glowing with the remnants of fiery red mana, the threads flickering like embers as they readied for another devastating strike. But as he prepared to bring the hammer down, Elara acted. She quickly wove [Tempest's Touch] again, the green threads of air and silver threads of force swirling around her as she grappled with Gorrak’s immense strength. The air crackled with energy as the spell collided with Gorrak’s warhammer, momentarily unbalancing him.

Elara seized the opportunity. Focusing her will, she commanded her sword to return to her spiritual inventory, and it vanished from her hand in a shimmer of light. Simultaneously, the clone Elara reached into the spiritual inventory, pulling the sword back into existence. The blade materialized in her hand, gleaming with shadowy energy. Without hesitation, the clone jumped and drove the sword downward with all her might.

The blade sank deep into the back of Gorrak’s skull, the force of the strike penetrating through the thick bone and into the soft tissue beneath. The threads of magic hummed with power as the sword found its mark, [Haste] pushed the blade amplifying the force of the blow. Gorrak’s eyes widened in shock, his body tensing as the life drained from him in an instant. The warhammer slipped from his grasp, hitting the ground with a heavy thud as his massive form collapsed to the arena floor.

The crowd fell silent, their bloodlust momentarily sated but their disbelief palpable. The great Gorrak, the Infernal Brute, felled by a mere mortal and her doppelgänger. The two Elaras stood over his fallen form, the original breathing heavily, her body aching but victorious, while the clone remained expressionless, the job done.

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