Watcher of Fate

036 - Between Flame and Fang Part 1

Lady Yathrin stirred amid the rubble, her once-imposing armor now cracked and tarnished by the explosion's fury. She pushed herself up with a trembling arm, wincing as pain lanced through her battered body. Blood trickled from a gash above her brow, tracing a crimson path down her pale cheek. Her silver hair hung in disarray, framing eyes that burned with rage and desperation.

Fixing her gaze upon Lady Selya and Elara, she raised a shaking finger. "Zurizath," she rasped, her voice rough but commanding. "Kill them."

At her command, the [Deep Dragon], known as Zurizath, reared its massive head. The dragon's obsidian scales shimmered with an inner light, reflecting the flickering flames that consumed the once-lavish garden. Its luminescent eyes narrowed, pupils slitting as it focused on its new targets. Smoke billowed from its nostrils, and a low growl reverberated through the air, shaking loose stones and sending vibrations rippling through the ground.

Elara's keen eyes caught the subtle tensioning of the dragon's neck muscles, the way its chest expanded as it drew in a colossal breath. Realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. The dragon was about to unleash its devastating breath weapon.

Time seemed to slow as she honed her focus, invoking [Unified Presence] to heighten her perception. The world around her decelerated to a crawl: flames danced sluggishly, embers hung suspended in the air, and the dragon's lethal preparation unfolded with meticulous clarity. She could almost see the energy coalescing within Zurizath's throat, a swirling mass of viridian and violet hues.

Drawing deeply on her mana, Elara began to weave the magic of [Shadow Step] and [Umbral Requiem], each spell a delicate balance of midnight blue threads that shimmered faintly like ethereal starlight. With her accelerated perception, the world slowed to a crawl, allowing her to manipulate the threads precisely and control beyond normal limits. Her fingers danced in the air, twining the shadow threads, creating patterns that pulsed with dark energy.

The shadows themselves seemed to respond to her will, eager to be woven into something greater. They clung to the edges of the magic like living tendrils, merging with the starlit threads of force, amplifying the potency of the weave. Each motion of her fingers created ripples through the fabric of reality, bending the darkness to her will. The shadows thickened, wrapping around her form like a protective shroud, coiling tighter as the magic reached its peak.

As she finished the weave, Elara felt the surge of power pulse through her. The shadows enveloped her completely, her physical form dissolving into a wisp of smoke. The transformation was silent, a ripple in space where Elara once stood, the only sign of her passing a brief flicker of darkness. In that instant, she became nothing more than a shadow, a living wisp of smoke darting through the air.

The smoke streaked forward, a blackened streak moving through the burning air. It slipped past the flames, weaving effortlessly between the chaos of the garden, unnoticed and untouched. As quickly as she had disappeared, she reappeared, another poof of smoke forming at the feet of Lady Yathrin. Elara materialized from the shadows, her body pulling back together in a swirl of dark vapor, seamlessly reconstituting into her poised, ready form.

Lady Yathrin’s eyes widened in shock, the startled gasp barely escaping her lips. Her body froze, hands twitching as if she was about to summon a defense, but she would never get the chance. The last thing she saw was Elara, blade in hand, poised for a strike that would seal her fate.

Elara watched as wisps of toxic vapor escaped the corners of the [Deep Dragon]’s maw, curling and twisting like ethereal serpents. The dragon's jaws parted wider, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth and a throat that glowed with an otherworldly luminance. Sparks of arcane energy crackled between his fangs, casting eerie shadows across the ravaged garden.

With a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the villa, [Deep Dragon] unleashed his breath weapon. A massive torrent of purple-green gaseous energy erupted from his gaping jaws, cascading downward in a swirling, malevolent cone. The gas moved like a living entity, writhing and churning as it surged toward the spot where Elara had stood moments before.

The breath weapon consumed everything in its path with merciless efficiency. Flames that had been hungrily devouring the remnants of the garden were instantly snuffed out, extinguished by the overwhelming potency of the toxic cloud. Ornate stone statues and meticulously carved pillars melted into slag, their forms collapsing into puddles of bubbling rock. The very ground sizzled and cracked, fissures spiderwebbing outward as the soil was poisoned and eroded.

The air itself seemed to scream in protest, sizzling and hissing as the noxious gas permeated every molecule. Leaves and petals from the exotic plants wilted instantaneously, disintegrating into ash before they could touch the ground. The once-vibrant bioluminescent flora dulled and faded, their light extinguished by the corrosive assault.

Lady Selya, still struggling to her feet amid the chaos, turned just in time to see the deadly miasma barreling toward her. Her eyes widened in sheer terror, the cold confidence she once possessed shattered by the imminent threat of annihilation. Instinctively, she thrust her hands forward, summoning every ounce of her remaining strength to conjure a protective barrier.

Lady Selya sprang into motion quickly, forming a spell. Threads of magic, bright orange and crackling with electric energy, spiraled from her fingertips. They coalesced into a shimmering shield before her, a translucent dome that hummed with unstable power.

The gaseous torrent slammed into the shield with colossal force. Lady Selya cried out as the impact reverberated through her body, her feet digging furrows into the scorched earth as she was pushed backward. The shield flickered wildly, its surface rippling like disturbed water under the relentless assault. Hairline fractures appeared across the dome, glowing fissures that threatened to shatter at any moment.

Seizing the moment, Elara's eyes hardened with resolve. She channeled her aura, summoning the [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc]. Her blade glowed with an ethereal light as ancient knotwork ignited along its edge. The weapon hummed with power, resonating with the rhythm of her heartbeat.

With a swift, fluid motion, she slashed the blade in a wide arc toward Lady Yathrin. Time seemed to fracture as the attack unfolded. The air itself parted before the strike, a crescent of luminous energy tracing the sword's path. The runes blazed brighter, leaving trails of stardust in their wake.

The blade met flesh with a sickening hiss. Lady Yathrin's eyes widened, pain and disbelief flickering across her features. The blade sliced through her armor as if it were parchment, the metal offering no resistance to the enchanted assault.

Blood erupted from the grievous wound, spraying in a crimson arc. The force of the blow cleaved through her torso, severing ribs and tearing through vital organs. Her scream was choked, a gurgling sound as blood filled her lungs. She staggered backward, hands grasping futilely at the lethal gash that now defined her midsection.

Elara watched without flinching as Lady Yathrin collapsed to her knees. The Matron's once-piercing eyes dulled, her life force ebbing away. A final, shuddering breath escaped her lips before she crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

The [Deep Dragon] ceased its breath attack, the deadly energies dissipating into the night. The dragon's luminescent eyes shifted downward, pupils dilating as it processed the scene below. It saw Elara standing over the lifeless body of Lady Yathrin, its bonded companion and master.

A loud roar tore from [Deep Dragon] throat, a sound that shook the very foundations of the villa and echoed through the cavernous expanse of the Underdark. The dragon's scales bristled, each one standing on end like the hackles of an enraged beast. Its massive claws gouged the earth as it turned to face Elara fully.

Lady Selya, still alive but reeling, clutched her head behind the remnants of her magical shield. She glanced between the enraged dragon and Elara, terror, and fury battling for dominance in her expression.

Elara's gaze remained fixed on [Deep Dragon] as the dragon's wrath spread through the environment, pushing down on Elara. She could feel the heat radiating from its body, the air thickening with arcane energy. The dragon's wings unfurled to their full span, casting a shadow that enveloped her entirely.

A sudden chime echoed in Elara's mind as a notification appeared at the edge of her vision:


Quest Alert!

Survive the Dragon

Difficulty: S Rank

Objective: An enraged dragon has marked you for death; survive until its rage ends

Rewards: Varies


Elara barely had time to react as [Deep Dragon] lunged, the massive dragon's jaws snapping perilously close. She felt the rush of air as the dragon's maw clamped shut where she had stood a heartbeat before. Instinct took over; she dropped and rolled beneath the dragon's colossal form, the heat of its scales radiating above her like a forge. Dust and debris clung to her as she tumbled across the scorched earth, her mind racing.

Summoning her [Shadow Step], she focused on the shadows cast by the raging flames at the garden's edge. As she rolled, she wove the midnight blue threads of shadow magic, her fingers tracing intricate patterns even in the chaos. The shadows embraced her, her form dissolving into a wisp of smoke that darted away with unnatural speed.

She reappeared at the garden's boundary, the shadows peeling away to reveal her crouched and alert. Her chest heaved as she caught her breath, but there was no time to rest. Across the ruined expanse, she saw Lady Selya rising to her feet. The Matron's elegant attire was torn and singed, her once-perfect hair now disheveled. Yet, her eyes burned with fierce determination.

Lady Selya's gaze locked onto Elara. Without hesitation, she began weaving threads of magic, vibrant orange strands crackling with electrical energy. The air around her hummed with arcane power as she shaped the spell with practiced precision.

A jagged bolt of lightning leapt from Lady Selya's outstretched hand. Elara barely had time to widen her eyes before the searing energy struck her square in the chest. Pain exploded through her body, every nerve ending ablaze as the force of the impact threw her backward. She hit the ground hard, her limbs numb and unresponsive. A groan escaped her lips, smoke rising from the scorched fabric of her clothes.

Through blurred vision, Elara watched as dozens of armored troops poured into the garden, their armor emblazoned with the sigil of House Nar'ithil. They moved with disciplined urgency, weapons drawn and eyes scanning the battlefield.

Above, massive siege bolts whistled through the air. Ballistae mounted along the villa's upper terraces unleashed a relentless barrage upon the [Deep Dragon]. The bolts struck the dragon's hide with thunderous impacts, some deflecting off his scales, others embedding themselves deep within his flesh. The [Deep Dragon] roared in pain and fury, the sound echoing like thunder as he thrashed against the onslaught.

"Kill the dragon! Kill her!" Lady Selya's voice rang out, sharp and commanding. She pointed toward Elara, her expression twisted with wrath. The troops adjusted their formation, a group breaking off to advance toward Elara while the rest focused on the wounded dragon.

Gritting her teeth against the lingering pain, Elara forced herself to stand. She could feel the electric numbness fading. Drawing upon her magic, she began to weave a complex spell. White threads of light intertwined with silver strands of force and midnight blue ribbons of shadow. The patterns flowed from her hands like liquid moonlight, the air around her shimmering with arcane energy.

From the ground beneath the soldiers' feet, a dense, impenetrable darkness erupted. The [Dark Maze] sprang to life, a labyrinth of solid walls formed from pure shadow, twisting and turning in impossible configurations. The maze swallowed the troops, their shouts of confusion and alarm muffled by the oppressive darkness. The shadows seemed to absorb sound itself, leaving only an eerie silence punctuated by the distant clamor of battle.

Empowered by [Umbral Requiem], the maze was more than an illusion. It was a physical barrier, its walls cold and unyielding to the touch. Elara watched as the soldiers stumbled blindly, their torches snuffed out, weapons clanging uselessly against the shadowy constructs.

But amid the chaos, a sphere of untouched space remained around Lady Selya. The shadows recoiled from her, unable to penetrate the aura of power that radiated from her form. Her eyes met Elara's across the distance, a smug smile curving her lips.

"You'll have to do better than that," Lady Selya taunted, her voice carrying effortlessly despite the din.

Elara narrowed her eyes, assessing her options. She considered casting [Greater Invisibility] and making her escape. But as she began to weave the spell, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. [Deep Dragon]'s massive head swung toward her, his luminescent eyes locking onto her position despite the intervening darkness.

The dragon could track her with ease, her attempts at concealment futile against his primal senses. Escaping now would be a temporary solution at best, and she knew Lady Selya would not relent in her pursuit.

A piercing screech cut through the night air, drawing Elara's attention to the estate's entrance. Elara pushed her [Cognizance] to its limits, her senses expanding outward. She felt the weight of the new arrivals, dozens more troops converging on the already chaotic battlefield. Silhouetted against the faint glow of the cavern entrance, a squadron of riders approached on the backs of sleek drakes. Their armor glinted ominously, each bearing the emblem of House Val'ryn. House Val'ryn had come to avenge their fallen Matron, or perhaps planned by Lady Yathrin all along to finish off house Nar'ithil.

Her thoughts raced. The situation was spiraling out of control. The forces of two great houses clashed around her, and she was caught in the middle. The urge to flee surged within her, a primal instinct to survive.

But then she hesitated, realization dawning. If she ran now, she would once again be surrendering control, leaving her fate in the hands of others. Lady Selya would continue her treachery unopposed, and the dragon's wrath would go unchecked. Innocents would suffer in the ensuing conflict.

Taking a deep breath, Elara steeled her nerves. She could not allow herself to be a pawn any longer.

"No more running," she whispered to herself. "I choose my own path." Summoning her courage, she refocused her energies. The shadows around her stirred in response, eager to aid their mistress.

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