Watcher of Fate

042 - Forges of Anvilward

The rhythmic clanging of hammers against metal filled the air as Elara and Mira walked alongside Brynja Ironweave through the bustling streets of the Anvilward. The district was a hive of activity, with steam-powered trolleys rattling along iron tracks and automatons whirring as they transported heavy loads between workshops. Gears and cogs adorned the façades of buildings, and arcane contraptions hummed softly in the background, infusing the area with a sense of industrious energy.

Brynja led the way, her braided auburn hair swaying with each purposeful stride. "I must warn you," she said over her shoulder, "with the war effort in full swing, resources are stretched thin. Our finest gear is prioritized for the soldiers heading to the front lines. But we'll see what's available."

Elara glanced around, taking in the sights. Most of the shops they passed were extensions of smithies, their fronts displaying a modest selection of goods. Blacksmiths labored openly sparks flying as they wrought metal into tools and weapons. The air was thick with the scent of molten steel and coal smoke, mingling with the occasional hiss of steam from nearby machinery.

"We appreciate any help we can get," Elara replied. "Standard plate armor offers great protection, but it's not quite our style."

Mira nodded in agreement. "Especially since I lost everything when the Drow captured me. I'll need a robe, boots, gloves, a focus, maybe some jewelry if possible."

Brynja gave a sympathetic smile. "We'll do our best. The Anvilward may not have the grand markets, but there are craftsmen here who take pride in their work. You might find something that suits your needs."

They turned onto a narrower street where the clamor of the forges was slightly subdued. Here, the shops showcased more specialized wares. Intricately crafted clockwork devices ticked in display windows, and enchanted mechanical birds perched on ledges, their metal feathers gleaming.

Elara's eyes caught sight of a pair of finely stitched leather gloves displayed on a wooden rack outside a modest shop. "I could use some new boots and gloves," she remarked.

"Then this is a good place to start," Brynja said, gesturing toward the shop. A sign overhead swung gently, etched with the image of a boot encircled by a gear. "Master Ulfric is a skilled leatherworker. His goods are both durable and comfortable."

They stepped inside, a small bell chiming softly above the door. The interior was warm and inviting, the scent of treated leather filling the space. Shelves lined the walls, showcasing boots, gloves, belts, and various leather accessories. Some items were embedded with small gemstones or adorned with metal accents, hinting at enchantments woven into their design.

A stout dwarf with a neatly trimmed beard looked up from behind the counter. He wore magnifying goggles pushed up onto his forehead and had a measuring tape draped around his neck. "Customers! Welcome to Ulfric's Leathers," he greeted them with a broad smile. "What can I do for you lasses today?"

Elara stepped forward. "I'm in need of boots and gloves. Something sturdy but flexible."

Mira added, "And I require a few items, robe, boots, gloves, perhaps a focus if you have any, and some jewelry."

Ulfric raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with interest. "A tall order, given current circumstances, but not impossible. Let's see what we can find."

He motioned for them to browse the displays. Elara moved toward a shelf displaying an array of gloves. One pair caught her eye, black leather with subtle embossing along the fingers, designed for dexterity without sacrificing protection. She slipped them on, finding them a perfect fit.

"Those are made from shadowbeast hide," Ulfric commented. "Lightweight and resistant to wear. Good choice for someone who values precision."

Mira wandered to a rack of robes near the back. She brushed her fingers over the fabrics until she found one in deep crimson, embroidered with delicate silver threads forming arcane patterns. "This is beautiful," she mused.

"Ah, that piece was a collaboration with our local enchanter," Ulfric said proudly. "It's imbued with minor protective charms. Not as powerful as what the battlemages wear, but it'll offer some defense."

Brynja watched them with a pleased expression. "Seems you're finding items to your liking."

Elara nodded. "This is a good start. Thank you for bringing us here."

Ulfric clapped his hands together. "Excellent! Feel free to try anything on. If adjustments are needed, I can have them done quickly."

As they continued to explore the shop's offerings, the door opened behind them, and a gust of cool air swept in. Elara glanced back to see a dwarf messenger, his face flushed from exertion.

"Brynja Ironweave?" he asked between breaths.

Brynja turned. "Yes?"

"Captain Stoneheart requests your presence. Urgently."

She gave a slight frown. "Very well." She looked to Elara and Mira. "Will you be alright here on your own?"

"We'll be fine," Elara assured her. "Thank you for all your help."

Brynja nodded. "I'll return as soon as I can. In the meantime, take your time. Master Ulfric is trustworthy."

With that, she followed the messenger out into the street.

Elara exchanged a glance with Mira. "I wonder what's happening."

Mira shrugged lightly. "Could be anything with a war going on. Let's focus on getting what we need."


They returned their attention to the shop, each lost in thought as they considered their choices. The hum of activity outside faded into the background, leaving them in the cozy atmosphere of the leatherworker's domain.

Elara slipped the shadowbeast hide gloves back on, flexing her fingers to test their fit once more. The gloves, named [Shadowweave Gloves (Excellent)], felt like a second skin, allowing for precise movement without sacrificing protection.

Shadowweave Gloves (Excellent): +13AC +11DEX +7CON

"I really like these," she said to Ulfric. "I'd like to purchase them, provided I can find a good pair of boots to match."

Ulfric nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! Let's find you the perfect pair."

He led her to a section showcasing various boots. Elara's eyes settled on a pair called [Steadfast Boots (Good)]. They were sturdy, with reinforced soles and metal buckles.

"These are built to last," Ulfric remarked. "Good for long journeys and tough terrain."

Elara tried them on, walking a few steps. They were solid but felt heavy and inflexible. She shook her head. "They're well-made, but I need something more agile."

Ulfric scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Ah, I think I have just the thing." He reached a higher shelf and brought down a pair of sleek, black boots with subtle silver accents, [Whisperstep Boots (Excellent)].

Whisperstep Boots (Excellent): +13AC +11PER +7DEX

"These are made from the same shadowbeast hide as your gloves," he explained. "Lightweight, durable, and designed for silent movement."

Elara slipped them on. The boots fit perfectly, hugging her feet comfortably while allowing full freedom of movement. She took a few steps and smiled. "These are perfect."

"An excellent choice," Ulfric beamed. "Now, let's discuss the price."

He pulled out a ledger and began calculating. "The Shadowweave Gloves are 150 crystals, and the Whisperstep Boots are 250 crystals. That totals 4 gems."

"That's a significant amount," she commented. "Given the circumstances and our commitment to assist in the battle against the Warden of Westgate, perhaps there's room for negotiation?"

Ulfric regarded her thoughtfully. "I appreciate your contribution to our cause, but materials are scarce, and craftsmanship of this quality doesn't come cheap."

"Understandable," Elara replied. "However, we're also helping to protect Anvilward. Maybe a discount is in order?"

He stroked his beard. "Very well. I can reduce the total to 3 gems 50 crystals."

Elara smiled slightly. "How about 3 gems? That would be a fair price for both of us."

Ulfric chuckled. "You drive a hard bargain. Let's settle at 3 gems 25 crystals."

She nodded. "Agreed."

They shook hands to seal the deal. Elara counted out 3 gems and 25 crystals from her pouch, placing them on the counter.

"A pleasure doing business with you," Ulfric said warmly.

"Likewise," Elara replied.

She stepped aside to allow Mira to speak with Ulfric, taking a moment to don her new gloves and boots. The gear felt comfortable and familiar, boosting her confidence.

Mira approached the counter with a selection of items: the deep crimson robe she had admired earlier, [Emberthread Robe (Good)] matching [Flamekissed Gloves (Good)], and [Emberstride Boots (Good Quality)].

"I'd like to purchase these," she said.

Ulfric tallied the items. "The Emberthread Robe is 2 gems, the Flamekissed Gloves are 80 crystals, and the Emberstride Boots are 120 crystals. That brings your total to 4 gems."

Mira winced slightly. "I lost all my possessions to the [Drow]. Is there any way you could offer a discount? We're here to help with the war effort."

Ulfric considered her request. "I suppose supporting those who aid us is only right. How does 350 crystals sound?"

"Thank you," Mira replied gratefully. She handed over 4 gems and got 50 crystals back.

While Mira finalized her purchase, Elara adjusted her gear, feeling more prepared for the challenges ahead. Mira soon joined her, looking revitalized in her new attire.

"I feel like myself again," Mira said with a smile. "But I still need some jewelry and a focus for my spells."

Elara nodded. "Let's go find that."

They exited the shop and ventured further down the street. Time seemed to blur as they weaved through the bustling lanes of Anvilward, stopping at various stalls and shops. The ambient sounds of hammering and machinery constantly supported their search.

Eventually, they found a jeweler's shop adorned with glittering gemstones set into the very walls. Inside, Mira selected a delicate pendant, a [Fireheart Amulet (Good)] with a small, fiery gemstone at its center that pulsed gently with arcane energy. She also picked out a simple silver ring and earrings, both enchanted for minor magical enhancements.

With their purchases complete, the two women stepped back onto the street. The glow of forge fires reflected off the metal structures, casting a warm light despite the underground setting.

Just then, Brynja Ironweave came rushing toward them, her expression urgent and slightly flushed. "There you are!"

"Is everything alright?" Elara asked.

Brynja nodded quickly. "Plans have changed. We're moving up to the front at the Foundryward. The assault on Westgate is happening sooner than anticipated."

Mira exchanged a glance with Elara. "So soon?"

"Yes," Brynja confirmed. "Hearthstone's Hammer wants all available forces ready. We need to head back immediately."

Elara squared her shoulders. "We're ready."

"Good," Brynja said, relief evident in her voice. "Follow me. There's much to prepare."

They hurried after her, weaving through the throng of dwarves and machinery. The atmosphere had shifted, the air was charged with anticipation and determination.

As they moved toward the Foundryward, Elara couldn't help but notice the increased activity. Soldiers marched in formation, automatons were being loaded with supplies, and the forges burned hotter than ever, casting sparks into the air like fiery stars.

Time seemed to accelerate, and the earlier tranquility of their shopping trip was a distant memory. The weight of the upcoming battle pressed upon them, but Elara felt a steady resolve. Clad in her new gear and with Mira by her side, she was prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

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