Watcher of Fate

042 - The Choice

Elara floated in the black void, suspended in nothingness, her senses stripped away by the overwhelming emptiness. The void was vast and infinite, an abyss that seemed to stretch on forever in all directions. She felt a strange calm in this place as if the void was pressing down on her thoughts, quieting them, numbing them.

In the farthest reaches of the darkness, small pinpricks of light appeared, stars flickering into existence, blinking in and out like distant memories. From these points of light, something began to emerge. Massive and imposing marble blocks materialized out of the void, pulled toward her by an unseen force. The blocks moved purposefully, hurtling through the darkness, gathering speed as they drew closer. The air crackled with energy, the void no longer empty but filled with a palpable sense of creation.

The first block collided with the void before Elara with a thunderous impact. The force of its arrival sent shockwaves through the blackness, rippling outward like the surface of a disturbed pond. The block of marble hovered in place for a moment, suspended in the air, before sinking and anchoring itself firmly in the void.

Another block followed, then another, each one slamming into place with precision. The void around her was coming alive, shifting and reshaping itself as more and more pieces of marble flew in from the farthest reaches. The blocks stacked atop each other, forming the bases of towering columns. The columns grew taller and taller, stretching upward into the darkness, their surfaces smooth and polished, gleaming faintly in the dim light that now permeated the space.

As the columns rose, intricate carvings began to etch themselves into the marble. These carvings twisted and turned in complex patterns, knotwork that seemed to pulse with its inner light. The knotwork was delicate and beautiful, yet it had an underlying power as if the patterns were channels for some ancient, arcane energy.

More pieces of marble flew in, forming the floor beneath her feet. Tiles, perfectly cut and polished, slid into position, locking together with a satisfying click. The floor spread outward in a circle, creating an ancient, pristine round courtyard. In the courtyard's center, a final piece floated down a sculpted basin that formed a small fountain. As it settled into place, water began to flow from its spout, the liquid crystal clear, catching the light in shimmering arcs as it cascaded into the basin below.

Above her, arches and beams of stone appeared from the darkness, attaching themselves to the tops of the columns. These arches were not simple structures; they were adorned with more intricate knotwork, and their patterns were more elaborate than those on the columns. The arches locked together, forming a delicate, almost lace-like canopy that enclosed the space above her. The knotwork glowed softly, casting a gentle, ambient light that bathed the courtyard in a warm, golden hue.

Once the construction was complete, the space around her felt open and enclosed, a sanctuary floating amid an endless void. Beyond the columns, the darkness still stretched on infinitely, an abyss that seemed to hold nothing and everything simultaneously. Suspended above the courtyard, a single bubble floated in the void, its surface shimmering like a drop of oil on water. Within the bubble, an image was frozen in time: the vault she had just left, the shelves lined with spirit crystals, the guards frozen in the act of drawing their weapons.

Elara found herself standing at the center of this surreal courtyard, the cold marble beneath her feet grounding her in this strange place. She turned slowly, taking in the four figures that stood between each column. They were cloaked in shadow, their forms indistinct yet undeniably present. Each figure radiated a different aura, powerful and ancient, feeling like they could represent the paths she could take, choices that would shape her very being.

The notification box that materialized before Elara shimmered with an otherworldly light, the text within it appearing as if inscribed by a hand not of this world. The words seemed to pulse with an ancient energy, resonating with the very essence of the space around her. The font was elegant and flowing, each letter curling into the next as if part of a larger, intricate design.

You have freed an additional 32,138 captured spirits.

You have changed to the fate of a captured spirit 33,175 for 132,700 exp.

You have leveled up to 26.

You have leveled up to 27.

You have leveled up to 28.

You have leveled up to 29.

You have leveled up to 30.

Your level will be frozen until you finalize your choice.

You have completed Free the Spirits Quest.

You have been awarded 6000 experience.

You have been offered the quest, End a Reign.


The trials you have faced, the battles fought, and the spirits freed have all led to this moment. Your core, once whole, was shattered by the weight of loss, scattered like fragments of a broken crystal. But from the shards of what was, something new has been forged. Your soul has recystallized, stronger, purer, and ready to embrace a new reality.

Before you stand four paths, each one a reflection of what you have become and what you might yet be. These paths are the facets of your spirit, waiting to be aligned to form a new crystal of power, one that will define your destiny.

Be warned, the path you choose will bind you to its reality. There is no turning back, only the certainty that your choice will shape your future in ways you cannot yet comprehend.


As Elara absorbed the message, the words were etched into the very core of her being. The notification box dissolved, leaving the room around her in sharp focus. The figures by the columns remained cloaked in shadow, but their presence was palpable, each radiating a different kind of energy, a different potential.

As Elara stood within the courtyard, a sense of déjà vu washed over her, transporting her back to that pivotal moment in the Barrowdeep Dungeon when she first chose her class. The weight of her decision then had been monumental, but this was different. It felt deeper, more profound as if the fabric of her existence was woven anew.

The room around her began to pulse with a low, resonant hum, similar to the one she had felt deep within the ancient dungeon. It was as if the very air was alive with the energy of countless souls and ancient powers, all converging at this singular moment in her journey. The marble columns surrounding her shimmered, their surfaces glowing faintly as the energy coursed through them, linking them in a web of intricate, unseen patterns.

The black void outside the courtyard seemed to pulse in rhythm with the hum, echoing the vast emptiness she had felt when she first realized the gravity of her situation in Barrowdeep. But unlike then, when the void had been oppressive and foreboding, this one felt almost welcoming, as if it were a blank canvas awaiting the stroke of her will, ready to be filled with the colors and shapes of her choosing.

The figures between the columns initially shrouded in darkness, began to take on more defined forms. Though their features remained obscured, the energy they emanated became clearer. Each one exuded a distinct resonance that called to different parts of her soul. It was as if they were guardians or avatars of the choices she had yet to make, each representing a potential future that lay within her grasp.

She remembered the moment in the dungeon when the essence of the Watcher of Fate had enveloped her, guiding her to the choice that would define her path. The feeling now was similar but amplified, as if the stakes had been raised and the consequences of her choice would ripple out far beyond anything she had previously imagined.

Elara's gaze was drawn to the shimmering circle above, showing the frozen image of the vault she had just left behind. It was a reminder of the world she was still connected to, a world that had tried to break her but had only succeeded in reforging her spirit into something stronger. The circle pulsed faintly as if urging her to decide to choose the path that would define the next stage of her journey.

Though small and simple, the courtyard's ethereal fountain reminded her of the crystal-clear waters that had flowed through Barrowdeep, where she had first glimpsed her potential as a Watcher of Fate. The water here seemed to hold the same mystical quality, each droplet sparkling with an inner light that hinted at untold power and knowledge. It was a connection to the past, but also a promise of the future, a symbol of the choices that had led her here and the ones she was about to make.

The moment stretched on, filled with the same tension and anticipation she had felt in the dungeon. But there was a difference now, a confidence that had been absent. Elara knew that her choice would not be one of desperation or fear. She had faced the trials of Tartarus, freed countless spirits, and stood against powerful foes. She had grown and was now ready to shape her destiny again.

As she took a deep breath, she felt the hum of the room resonate within her, aligning with the beat of her heart. The figures before her, the crystal motif of her soul, the shimmering waters of the fountain, all of it was part of the tapestry that was her life, woven together in this moment of choice.

Elara paused, her thoughts swirling as she considered the journey that had led her here. She hadn’t chosen her current sub-race, [Recrystallization]. It had been chosen for her, forged in the crucible of her struggles and her relentless challenges. Each battle and loss had molded her, refining her spirit until it crystallized into something unyielding and resolute. She had been pushed to the brink, and in those moments of desperation, she had emerged as a paragon of unwavering resolve, her very soul hardened and refined by the fires of adversity.


Recrystallization: A paragon of unwavering resolve forged in the fires of loss and adversity, their every action is a singular, unerring strike, leaving no room for doubt or regret. Fueled by setbacks that would crush others, their determination only strengthens, propelling them ever forward toward their goals. Under such unrelenting pressure, they begin to transform, growing into something more than they once were, their potential expanding with each challenge faced.

Features of Recrystallization:

Resolve increased by 20%

Constitution increased by 20%

Reduced food consumption


The description floated before her, reminding her how far she had come. Elara hadn’t actively chosen this path. It had been carved out for her by the life she had led, the battles she had fought, and the losses she had endured. The [Recrystallization] sub-race was a reflection of her past, a testament to her survival and growth. It was a powerful foundation, one that had served her well, but now she wondered if it was time to forge a new path, one that she would actively choose for herself.

With a deep breath, Elara dismissed the description and approached the first figure, its form solidifying into the shape of a weathered traveler, someone who had endured and survived countless hardships. The [Survivor] sub-race was similar to her current one, offering the same boosts to resolve and constitution, but it lacked the uniqueness of the path she had been on.


Survivor (Common): Forged in the crucible of relentless trials, the [Survivor] stands as a testament to resilience. Their resolve and constitution are unmatched, allowing them to endure where others might fall. Though their abilities are straightforward, they are powerful in their simplicity, providing a solid foundation for those who must weather life's storms.

Features of Survivor:

Resolve increased by 20%

Constitution increased by 20%

Reduced food consumption

Allows Racial Skill Slots


Elara considered it briefly. The [Survivor] sub-race was dependable and familiar, a continuation of the path she had been on. But was it enough? She had already survived so much. Perhaps it was time to seek something beyond mere survival.

She moved to the following figure, which took on the shape of a battle-hardened warrior, scarred and strong, with the aura of someone who had thrived in the heat of combat. The [Battleborn] sub-race was an uncommon choice that offered physical power and endurance, traits honed through the crucible of battle.


Battleborn (Uncommon): Born in the heart of conflict, the [Battleborn] thrives in the chaos of combat. With heightened physical attributes, they are formidable opponents who can endure even the harshest conditions. Their strength and dexterity make them natural warriors, always ready to face whatever challenge comes their way.

Features of Battleborn:

Constitution increased by 20%

Dexterity increased by 10%

Strength increased by 10%

Allows Racial Skill Slots


Elara weighed the merits of the [Battleborn]. It was a strong sub-race, particularly for those who fought on the front lines, relying on brute strength and agility to dominate their enemies. But as she considered it, she knew this wasn’t her true path. Her combat style was a delicate balance of swordplay and magic, a dance that required precision and power. The [Battleborn] was formidable, but it didn’t align with her unique abilities.

With resolve, she moved to the third figure. As she approached, the figure transformed into a tall, ageless woman, her presence commanding and her stature a head taller than Elara. This was no ethereal being but a figure grounded in reality, exuding an aura of ancient wisdom and unshakable power. The [Norn] sub-race was a rare and unique choice, deeply connected to the threads of fate and the ability to perceive the future.


Norn (Rare): Passed down through generations from mother to daughter, the [Norn] is a seer of fate, their vision extending beyond the present into the threads of the future. With heightened perception and resolve, they are attuned to the mysteries of destiny, able to glimpse what lies ahead and make decisions that shape their path with clarity and purpose.

Features of Norn:

Perception increased by 30%

Resolve increased by 20%

Intelligence increased by 10%

Allows Racial Skill Slots


Elara’s heart quickened as she read the description. The [Norn] sub-race resonated with her deeply, aligning perfectly with her [Watcher of Fate] class. The enhanced perception would elevate her already formidable [Cognizance], allowing her to see further into the future and make even more informed decisions. The additional resolve would steel her against the challenges ahead, while the increase in intelligence would sharpen her mind, making her an even more formidable opponent.

But there was still one more figure to consider. With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, Elara stepped toward the final figure. As she neared, it was a human born of magic, its body seemingly infused with pure arcane energy, glowing faintly with mana flowing through its veins. The [Magic Born] sub-race was another rare choice, one that was deeply connected to the arcane arts.


Magic Born (Rare): Immersed in the arcane from birth, the [Magic Born] are beings of pure magic, their very essence intertwined with the energies that flow through the world. Their skin glows faintly, as if mana flows through their veins, radiating immense power. With an unparalleled affinity for spellcasting, they wield enormous power, intellect, and dexterity, allowing them to manipulate magic with ease and precision.

Features of Magic Born:

Intelligence increased by 30%

Resolve increased by 20%

Dexterity increased by 10%

Allows Racial Skill Slots


Elara studied the [Magic Born] sub-race carefully. It was the perfect choice for a dedicated magic user, offering a substantial boost to intelligence, which would significantly enhance her spellcasting abilities. The added dexterity would make her faster and more agile in battle, while the resolve would ensure she remained steadfast in adversity.

As she stood before the [Magic Born] figure, Elara felt the weight of her decision pressing down on her. The choice before her was more than just a matter of statistics; it was a decision that would define her path moving forward. The [Norn] called her, promising insight and clarity, while the [Magic Born] offered raw magical power. Each choice would shape her future in profound ways, and for the first time, Elara realized that she had the power to choose her path to define her destiny.

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