Watching the Dawn

Chapter 2 - Lord God is on the road

The main body of this world is an ocean of energy.

Its core is a bright and infinitely broad spherical light group surrounded by a sea of ​​energy. Countless dimensions and countless universes float in the ocean of energy and follow the flow of seawater around the core.

The closer to the core, the more violent and non-state energy, they are released, absorbed and transformed in madness every moment, jumping in various states. The world and dimensions are born and died in the change of energy, and may have a lifespan of 100 million years, but it is only a moment in the conversion of energy. The difference in time flow rate caused by different energy makes time itself meaningless.

At the same time, at the edge of the energy ocean away from the core, the energy is thin and only occasionally swept by the ocean’s spiral arm. Here, the inactive energy is transformed into matter and gradually stabilizes, forming a world of matter, and a colorful civilization is born.

These worlds float like bubbles in the whole ocean.

These big worlds form a universe or even a few dimensions, but small ones have only one planet or a small piece of land. They are cut off from each other by the ocean of energy, and they are involved in each other under the influence of energy. The ripples of any world can be like ripples, eventually affecting the entire ocean. Each world is advancing under the influence of an infinite number of worlds, and has a tendency to assimilate.

There is such an area where the energy ocean is far from the core. Here is also born and annihilated the infinite dimension and the infinite world. During this process, there was a group of lives that began to try to create the world. They called themselves the “Master God”. After countless years of evolution, a lot of worlds are born here like flowers.

Two of them are very special. One is the Torrell world, which represents a variety of possibilities and diversity. This is a world that has developed to near completeness and is always vibrant. The main **** who created it not only created a large number of balanced races and occupations, but also created many “gods” to manage it. This world is spontaneously advancing and maintaining diversity in constant wars and disasters, and is considered by most master gods as the goal of world evolution.

There is also a world that represents a purely neutral world, the earth. This world was born by accident. It was originally just a world full of superpowers, but as the energy arm swept through, the energy concentration continued to decrease. At this time, there were fewer and fewer powers, gradually turning to the world of technology. During the period when the manipulators who manipulated the energy completely lost their ability, and the technology had not yet evolved to the same power, it was called “the original world”. Because human beings in this period have the most possibilities, they are cut into infinite dimensions by the gods and become the birthplace and reference of other gods’ worlds.

At the same time, under the influence of many worlds, this world bursts out a very bright culture, which can provide inspiration for the God-created world. On the other hand, it has the best human initial template. Known as “the source of all realms”, “initial place”, “neutral world”.

Among these infinite dimensions into which the earth world is cut, there is a world called the “universe”.

In a corner of this world, there is a galaxy with a solar system in it, and then … is our protagonist, poor earth.

This suffering planet, in 2577, was finally tossed to the brink of collapse by the 10 billion people living on it. She intends to take a bath, and then come to Genesis again, so the human tragedy.

Only about 200 million people fled to the moon with water, and escaped the devastating flood.

The moon is not a wealthy planet, so about a hundred years later, the remaining human beings split into three parts again. Some people migrated to Mars, hoping to transform it into a new earth; the second part stayed on the moon and migrated to the few remaining lands of the earth, looking forward to waiting for the earth to stop and being able to “go home”; A huge jellyfish-shaped spaceship, each carrying a population of 4 million, began a “colonial” journey into the vast universe.

What people do n’t know is that during the bathing of the earth, the existence of the consciousness of human beings for thousands of years, commonly known as “Alaya”, awakened for the first time. She ignorantly followed humans on the moon for a hundred years. As mankind made his way to the future, she finally boarded one of the spacecrafts “Dawn” and drifted towards the boundless universe.

Her ability to interfere with human material life is extremely limited. Most of the time, she is silently watching the changes in human life in the subspace that humans cannot see directly.

After the 21st century, due to factors such as monopoly barriers and national barriers, the speed of technological development has been showing a downward trend. Therefore, this spaceship that condenses the “advanced technology” of the 26th century is actually “faster”, “better materials” and “more reasonable configuration” than the 21st century. There is no revolutionary progress in technology. The concepts of “wormhole” and “super speed of light” are still on paper.

Is one of the dimensions that was cut off as the goal of “origin”, and the rules of the world also vaguely limit this.

The entire spaceship was actually adopted in the last thousand years of space travel vision-“except for the pilot, most people go to hibernation to reduce consumption and extend lifespan”, “the entire spaceship establishes an ecosystem to provide resources”, “no energy Just ask for stars “and so on, and then sail and sail, and turn the spaceship into a comet through the vast universe until it encounters a habitable planet.

In the centuries when this spacecraft flies at sub-light speed, more than a dozen generations of astronauts with high qualities are at their death-their death will start the wake-up procedure and automatically wake up the next batch of astronauts. After so many rounds, the four million human beings are always sleeping.

After a long period of observation, Alaya collected the dreams of four million people and created the dream world. In Alaya ’s “dream”, they can communicate with each other, live themselves, and live forever. Even those astronauts who are dead, who have nowhere to go after their deaths, have come to this dream world.

Living in this world for too long has made many people forget the real world. In this world where they can create laboratories, luxury goods and everything they want, they are accustomed to living their favorite lives. Those dead astronauts will be surprised to find that this place is almost as beautiful as heaven. Without leaders, classes, and wars, everyone’s life can be as good as he imagines.

Therefore, even if they are worried about running, everyone’s treatment is still a smile.

Even when they mentioned “death”, most of them were indifferent. After hundreds of years of life, death is not so terrible. What’s more, after death, don’t you come back here?

On this journey, two major changes occurred.

First, they lost their way. The coordinate system established with the star system has changed, and they can no longer find their way home.

Second, there is not enough energy! At this time, the nearest galaxy is hundreds of light years away!

Fortunately, in the empty universe, they finally found a “stray star” that is only half the mass of the sun before the energy is exhausted. They docked the spacecraft on the orbit of the star and deployed all solar panels to replenish energy.

Unfortunately, by supplementing energy in this way, apart from the minimum operation consumption of the spacecraft and the hibernation consumption of 4 million people, they will need 20 millennia!

The spacecraft can never fail. At this time, 30% of the spacecraft’s system is in a paralyzed state, and there are a lot of deck cracks, looseness and shedding on the outer surface. Without thorough repairs, this spaceship simply cannot enter sub-light speed flight again.

And, hibernation cabin is not a black technology. During hibernation, the physical function is reduced to the extreme, the dream speed is only one fortieth of normal, and the consumption of life span is only one hundredth. Even so, people’s longevity is slowly being consumed.

20 years, this is a completely desperate number.

In the end, astronauts can only do the final maintenance work, shut down all systems except air, gravity, and survival, and completely enter hibernation.

After many years, guided the collective consciousness of mankind to create the human consciousness aggregate “Araye” of the dream world, and completed self-evolution. She crossed the wall of reality and officially became a member of the class called “Master God”. At the same time, since the “dimension” gave birth to the existence of the main god, according to the rules, the main **** who cut the world transferred the ownership to Alaya and guided her to obtain the original knowledge of the main god.

The wall of evolution of the dimensional world is also broken silently, no matter whether you enter the higher-level technological world forward or back to the energy world, there is no barrier. And the location of this fragment, also in infinite time, was transferred to the energetic ocean by the originally possessed main god, and the form was considered unique.

The ultimate goal of each main **** is to create his own world.

To achieve this goal, they will continue to learn. First, they will create a “shadow world” based on the projections of the existing world, and incarnate to analyze and master the basic rules. After the “shadow world” matures, it evolves into a “semi-material world” with certain authenticity. This part is called “Samsara World” or “Story World” because it begins with the participation of reincarnations, which are fragments of some complete world. Until the Lord God perfected the rules of the “semi-material world”, she would abandon these worlds to live and die, and take the remaining samsaras from scratch to create a world of her own.

“Although what you said has opened my eyes, it is just like the units of measurement you use-the dimension, the world, for people like me who will never walk out of the earth in a lifetime, such a concept is too big to be completely There is no point in thinking. So I still have to ask, what are you calling me for? What can I do for you? What can I get? “

“Ru, you can experience the semi-material world I created. As a contractor, as long as you experience it, I can get the rules from it. Creating the world is like planting trees. I plant the seeds, it does not mean that I can understand Full details of the tree, so I need reincarnations. As for what I can give you, my current strength is not enough to give you too much. But as my strength grows, there will inevitably be more and more. We can agree on the principle of exchange To build a foundation of trust. “

“Why me? According to you, there are 4 million people on this spaceship?”

Lord God, the light man seemed to think for a while before saying in a positive tone: “Fate is the power of fate. When I hope to find a reliable person who can help me and the human on this spacecraft at the same time, the silk of fate It’s tied to you, this is the reason for the choice.

As for the humans on the spaceship, they have indeed started to live in many of my shadow worlds. But unfortunately, there is no possibility and neutrality in them. Known throughout the main world, this possibility and neutrality can only be found in the dimension world you are in. “

“The last question, are you … technology blind?”

“Refused to answer! Warning! You have begun to undermine the foundation of trust.”

A few days later, the two “people” who initially established a trust relationship with each other finally began their first attempt to cross.

“This is the first projected world I have created, and it maps the best ‘Torell World’ that has evolved. In your memory, there are many stories about the Torrel World, make a choice, hope The first world can help you build your professional system and prepare for the next adventure. “

“Bode’s Gate, this is an old game in our world. Speaking of it, it is super consistent with the rules of the Torrell world.”

“Similarity and compatibility are the result of the mutual influence of the world. Then the following is a description, you will enter the Torrell world that builds the plot of the Gate of Bode. Because it is a projection world, your body, the harvested material in that world, The power of exercise, including the time spent, is false and will not affect the real world. However, because it is projected from the real Torrell world, the knowledge and rules obtained are true. You are the soul this time Entering and returning directly after death has no effect on the real world. So I hope you learn more in that world and try to build your own professional system. “

“A person really has a soul? What will it look like when I enter it? Will I remember the plot right? Will there be a task for the main god?”

Lu Yuan has been asking various questions for the past few days. Fortunately, although the voice of the Lord God is indifferent, he has to answer questions and will not avoid anything. For example, Lu Yuan once asked how to destroy a lord god. This question is full of malice. It can be said that Lu Yuan made a trial. As a result, the Lord God replied in an indifferent tone. From the moment the Lord God exists, no Lord God “dead”, even the most powerful Lord God can’t do it. The Lord God is truly uncontrollable, unconstrained, and immortal.

“The soul and the body exist independently of each other, and humans are a combination of the two. After you enter, the physical qualities generated will be based on the qualities of your current fully developed body. When your soul is strong enough to withstand the two When remembering, the subject ’s memory will wake up and dominate. I will not give you a task, but will let you quit before you try to change the plot. In addition, any memory about the main **** will not exist in the shadow world. “

“While it’s embarrassing, I think I probably need gold fingers.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a cheater. That thing is often not useful, but it always gives confidence.”

“This? Hmm … as the basis of our exchange, we can use the point system to measure. You can use your entire experience in the original world to exchange, I will pay you the corresponding points. You can use points to exchange for what you need Something, a golden finger or something. “

“No matter what it is, you can exchange it and exchange it.” Lu Yuan said indifferently that his past experience was an ordinary person’s experience, and there was nothing blameless.

The radiance of the Lord God extended to his body, about ten minutes later, and received it back. “The experience of the neutral world you provided is very helpful. I will start to analyze the rules of the neutral world. I will pay you sixty points and provide a corresponding exchange list.”

at last! Lu Yuan shook his fist and looked at the exchange list unfolding on the translucent wall. Probably because at the beginning, there were only a few dozen exchange options, and there were only two that could be exchanged by Lu Yuan.

【Enhancement: Fully develop the body of the reincarnation through virtual training and fix it to the limit state of the various qualities of the body. There is only one chance for exchange. The exchange price is forty points. 】

【Ai’s Meditation Ideas: Meditation thoughts that exercise mental power without changing the spiritual attributes, highly recommended. Exchange price fifteen points. 】

“Is there a system? I need a system.”

“System?” The main **** made a suspicious move. Although he could not see the expression, Lu Yuan felt that she was more like a person than a **** at the moment. The Lord God scanned his memory and nodded clearly, “This world is opened as an affiliated profession, all the effects of exercise will be lost after leaving the world, the price … just five points.”

“Thank you very much!”, UU Reading Lu Yuan chose “Enhancement” and “Ai’s Idea” to redeem, and the points were reset.

A flash of light flashed over, and Lu Yuan’s body was lying on the floor calmly, as if he had fallen asleep, in fact the soul had already left the body.

The light of the light people on the wall gradually weakened, revealing the image of a teenage girl. She first looked around, then carefully walked to Lu Yuan’s lying body to observe. Lu Yuan is in his early eights, and his usual weight of 200 pounds seems fat. After this period of compulsory weight loss, she lost forty pounds, and the shape of her original face also showed the lines of the Chinese character face. His shaggy beard and long hair and pale face made him look haggard. Lu Yuanchang’s not ugly or handsome, but ordinary. Probably because of long-term project management work, the face has a feeling of trustworthiness, very affinity and the charm of mature men.

The girl dragged in an iron canopy bed from another room and leaned against the wall. Then he grabbed the shoulder of Yuan Yuan’s body and tried to drag him to the bed. Unfortunately, Lu Yuan’s weight is enough to make her futile. Finally, the girl waved angrily, Lu Yuan’s body flew up, slammed down on the wall, and fell onto the bed. The girl stretched her tongue playfully and straightened Lu Yuan’s body in the past.

After a few minutes of scrutiny, a white light surrounded Lu Yuan’s body. All his muscles began to tremble rapidly, blood rushed, organs grew, and the whole person began a rapid strengthening process.

And on the wall, flashing pictures quickly. A baby was born in a dilapidated room, the father was away from home, the mother was sick, and the child was an apprentice in a blacksmith shop …

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