Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 102: Always break up on rainy days

Lu Yuan said “I will evacuate the house when I go back to the night”, it is not a joke-never underestimate the revenge of a woman!

What? You said it was Yilian’s fault first? Is there any reason to retaliate against Lao Lu? Is this brother … a single dog?

Ha ha, when do women need reason when doing things …


The bustling West Coast is said to be full mobilization in the UK! And their elder brother of the US emperor also helped, sending two groups of aircraft carriers to the North Atlantic to play soy sauce … The BBC got the exclusive right to interview, and it is being broadcast live on the “Azkaban”, and the “Sun” A supplement is issued every hour, and the headline is more scary than one!

However, the most interesting thing about this war is that although it was a battle of the eighteenth century against the twenty-first century, although so far it has caused a ton of blows to the British finances, although the advantage is actually looking The extremely backward party-but as of nightfall, in addition to making billions of shipwreck garbage, it did not cause any death! The artillery fire seemed to be hiding from people launching, the missiles were exploding out of sight, and the people on the shipwreck and the crash were also salvaged in time and temporarily “prisoned” on the Azkaban, but they did not restrict the reporter’s interview Not even restricted to leave by helicopter … Which kind of war is this? !

Even the most stubborn Captain Simpson, who tied himself to a chair and clamored to “sink with the ship,” now stays honestly on the stone ship for coffee. The whole boat, only he refused to leave. Simpson insisted that he was taken prisoner by “evil communists” and he would not go anywhere unless he waited for the “Prisoner of War Exchange Agreement”!

This is interesting to my brother, and now the British people can see it-not to say that all the people who appeared on the ship are British, not to say that those people are magic magicians. Just because they do not kill people, it makes the people who eat melons feel that this is a gorgeous farce. Even more because of their anti-government stance, they gained general sympathy from the blue-collar class. As mentioned earlier, this is the time when the foreigner has the best welfare and the free egg hurts.

The best and worst times are often when the anti-government sentiment of the masses is at its highest.

… in short, that’s the situation there.

Charlie profoundly understood the principle of “peace for peace through struggle, peace for peace through compromise”. I understand that it is impossible to set off a comprehensive revolution immediately, but in order to promote peace and eventually occupy a place in the British political structure, it can be expected. As long as no one is dead, the missile warships destroyed will eventually be paid by the government.

As the big boss behind many news media, Lu Yuan deeply understands this. The media force he mobilized to comprehensively report to Charlie will surely win a sufficient mass foundation for them!


Lu Yuan was walking on the way to the screaming shack.

The mountain is still that mountain, the path is still that path … but Lu Yuan just feels something is wrong!

Leng Qing should be right-the screaming shack was no longer in business. With Elaine also leaving, the elf Charlie devoted himself to the revolutionary cause, and now only Digori, Longbottom and other couples who live here care houses;

In addition, Voldemort has officially appeared and completely controlled the Ministry of Magic, and is vigorously reviewing and arresting Muggles and mixed-race wizards! The entire world of magic can be described as a stormy wind, the road to eyes! At this time, everyone was self-defeating. As a screaming shack that had angered Death Eaters, it was predicted that sooner or later it would be bad luck! Of course, no one will come here as a guest. It can be said that even if Lu Yuan saw that Digori and Long Barton had left, screaming that the shack was deserted, he would feel normal!

Of course, in fact, Lu Yuan left a terrible lock on the mountain, and anyone who dares to make trouble will suffer the most painful torture in his life! But now it seems that the fan lock hasn’t been touched, which is justified … But is the cleaned courtyard with flowers and plants carefully trimmed in front of me swollen?

Isn’t this the palace that has become Voldemort? Lao Luao smiled and clenched his fists, which was really interesting.

“Hey, it’s you … you’re back.” Just opened the door and bumped Lu Yuan face to face, the teenager greeted slightly embarrassedly.

“Harry, why are you here?” Lu Yuan looked at the teenager in front of him, feeling a little weird. This year is the sixth year of Harry ’s enrollment. Harry is 16 years old and has grown into a handsome young man like his father-this is a little different from Harry ’s impression of Harry-but think about it carefully, He hasn’t seen this boy in two or three years. Moreover, Lu Yuan has his own business to be busy. About what happened to Harry in the sixth school year, I am sorry that Lao Lu has completely stopped paying attention.

“Sorry, Mr. Lu. I just … there is no place to go for now. Elaine agrees to stay here for a while.” Harry bowed his head shyly, which made Lu Yuan vaguely find the shadow of the shy boy.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as Yilian agrees, I don’t mind.” Lu Yuan nodded casually, indicating that he really didn’t care. Hearing Elaine ’s name, his sharp eyes were walking around the house, as if looking for clues. If someone can “understand” Lu Yuan’s attire, he will find-he is wearing a fitted shirt, waistcoat and breeches, and there is no design that hinders his movements; two short thick wands are symmetrically inserted in the upper arm of the wand Inside the sleeve; on the inside of the jacket, a large-caliber pistol is hung on the body, the bullet is loaded, and the insurance is opened …

Lu Yuan is fully armed, he actually came back to participate in the final battle!

As he said during a showdown with Elaine, when the prisoners of Azkaban landed, he had actually smashed the “Merlin” plate!

The reason is very simple. If Merlin wants to make this world a stable and lasting source of magic power, the best development path should be-the further integration of the magic side with the Muggle world, and the fact that the magic side exists in the Muggle society, Guide the two worlds to merge with each other, open magic education to the Muggle world, regularly launch wars, and create the souls of a large number of war dead-eventually reaching the goal of the world becoming his battery!

But the emergence of sickleism is destined to destroy all of this! Will also smash all privileged classes (magicians)!

Even people in this world can’t see that far, but Lu Yuan believes that “Merlin” who is also a reincarnation with him must understand that trend. Sickle hammer and the “Merlin” battery system are doomed to coexist! If you elaborate here, it is enough to write a paper. So Lao Lu and Yilian showdown, they are actually telling “Merlin”-“I know that you are almost ready, so I am too! What are you waiting for? Don’t use Elaine to play Infernal Affairs. Out of Terry Lawney’s tricks on the table!

Come and fight! Laozi is here, face me! ”

This is the real reason why he left those prisoners and came back alone. He believed that “Merlin” understood what he meant! But now … “Am I wrong?” Lu Yuan looked around and finally convinced that although there were many people in the screaming shack, “Merlin” was not waiting for him here!

“Made, a soft egg …” Lao Lu said uncomfortably. “Wait, the people who should come are not here, why are you here?” He looked at the people who lived in his house a little bit crazy, “I mean, why do you all, in, here!”

It turned out that he probed and found out … Guess who is in the screaming shack now?

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, these two are no problem, plus Harry is the Golden Triangle of Gryffindor; the Weasleys and the main **** Ginny. This is no problem, they are all friends recognized by Lu Yuan; the Longbottom family … well, the Longbottom family is also okay; but what the **** is “crazy eye” Moody here? Never know you dare to live in someone’s house? ! There is “moon face” Lu Ping, are we familiar with each other? And the wretched fat man who is stealing something. Is it the scum of Mondongues Fletcher?

There is Sirius Black, who actually wore a robe and wandered around the room. Did you use my horse as a hotel?

“You are back!” At this time, Neville and Cedric in wheelchairs rushed over at the news. “What did I say before?” Lu Yuan fired at the two young boys without warning. His voice attracted the attention of those in the room, who stepped out of the door or came to the window to look out.

Lu Yuan did not care about looking around, and finally found the sign buckled on the table. He picked it up and lifted it upright, and it said abruptly-“Phoenix and dogs are not allowed to enter!”

“Nobody is welcome at the Peace Hotel, but the Phoenix and the dogs are not allowed to enter! How many people in the house are there in the Phoenix? Yes, Black, do n’t have to stare! That dog is you! What I said to you Is the wind blowing in your ears? “Cedric and Neville were questioned dumbly, and Harry ducked his head to hide behind.

Lu Yuan threw the brand hard and walked forward a few steps. “Don’t you really understand what I mean? Tell me! Neville?” Although the two teenagers had been trained to cry, Lu Yuan still didn’t look at others, just stared at them and lost his temper! Because before leaving, he entrusted the house with the care of these two people, and even taught them the spell to activate the lock, but the result disappointed him.

The named Neville had no courage to contend with Lu Yuan, his head lowered.

Seeing them like this, Lu Yuan sighed helplessly and said a little softly. “You know why I refused those people to come in?” Lu Yuan pointed at the people of the Phoenix Society with impunity, “because they are just spitting sticks, they are just spitting sticks! These people … there’s nothing to do. They do nothing but recklessness and inattentiveness! Why do you have to mix with these losers? They will do nothing but bring the entire Peace Hotel into the water except for bringing danger to your family. ”

“Hey, I can listen to it!” Sirius Black said dissatisfiedly when he heard this comment. “Are we fighting mysterious people, are we only for ourselves? We are for the entire magic world!”

“It’s nice to say,” Lu Yuan retorted impatiently. “Why are you still hiding here like a wild dog? Go and face Voldemort! Go and kill!”

“Ah? What kill? What kill?” Black was stunned by Lu Yuan’s words.

“Kill the Death Eaters.” Lu Yuan took his hands for granted, “Why are you hiding here? Go kill the Death Eaters outside! Assassination, poisoning, sniping, try your best! You don’t need to defeat the mysterious people, just Every time you kill a Death Eater, Voldemort ’s power will be reduced by one point; if you can kill all Death Eaters, then Voldemort, even the God of Magic, ca n’t rule the entire magic world! Voldemort ’s loyalty is not much , This is the best way to get paid at the bottom of the kettle, I do n’t understand what are you waiting for?

You know, if you slaughtered all Death Eaters sixteen years ago, then Voldemort had no chance to make a comeback even if he was resurrected! ”

The people of the Phoenix Society looked at each other, and all fell silent. Lu Yuan’s words were harsh, but he could not be wrong. But let them really do this, and it seriously conflicts with the Phoenix Society’s long-standing “Virgin” concept! At this time, it was Harry Potter who stood up, “The murderer cannot be forgiven! If we also kill, what is the difference from Death Eaters!”

Lu Yuan sighed as he watched the members of the Order of the Phoenix who nodded as if they had found a reason except Moody and a few others. “… So, what are you going to do? Only the Death Eaters are looking for every opportunity to kill you, but you have tied your hands together and don’t resist? In other words, even if your hands are not willing to stick to the dirt, why do you fight Voldemort? Want me to say, I am not really targeting anyone, I mean everyone here is rubbish! ”

Oye! Finally said this line ~ ~ so good.

“I don’t want to see anyone in the Phoenix Society anymore. Now, I’m all going out of my house!” Lu Yuan waved his hand and made a merciless order.

Nima, he did n’t even need to know that 80% of this was Dumbledore ’s trick to launch! The Phoenix Society is all here, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not rushing like crazy dogs! At that time, he said that it had nothing to do with the Phoenix Society. Someone had to believe it.

“But, Elaine said that she had the final say in this house! She would rather not live by herself than divorce, and would not leave the house to a king … turtle eggs. So she gave us this house. Hermione stood up and said with a smile. She raised her hand and said in the direction of the foot of the mountain, “Signboard flying”. The signboard embedded in the courtyard door flickered and landed on the table. Pointing to the words above, “You are right, now here is not the Peace Hotel, but the Phoenix headquarters!”

Looking at the glittering English line above, Lu Yuan only felt that sorrow came from it and could not be cut off. Wife, Ni Haodu ~ Ni Haodu ~ Ni Haodudu Podududu ~

I gather, I said when I went up the mountain, I always felt something was wrong! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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