Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 114: Huaxia may become the biggest winner

It was already night, but 1o Downing Street was still brightly lit. ??

Countless people are busy and fiercely arguing in the hallway and coffee room, but all are invariably lowering their voices, so as not to interfere with the thoughts of the big people in the office. Everyone knows that what has been born has not only lost a dozen warships, but also had to sign a humiliating settlement agreement under that red flag! After waiting for the news to be blocked by the official residence, the news was stabbed out by the pervasive “Sun”, so the whole country was in an uproar!

Obviously, someone inside used this news for a good price! Blair is so stunned that he doesn’t trust anyone now! When I returned from the Whitehall, I hid in the big office with my confidants. I was definitely discussing how to save the polls and the next election … Yes, at least at 1o Downing Street today, they are all members of the Blair team No one cares about Britain ’s real losses.

“What ?! You want me to suppress this matter and try to make it as light as possible?” Blair was patting the table, kicking, smashing with a book, like a violent patient. “Those **** elements! We should divide them and send them to the gallows one by one! They made me lose a big face! Do you understand ?! Understand? I was the first to sign the humiliation agreement after World War II That’s right! Churchill can also save the country as a cover, and I have nothing! Damn nothing! ”

“No, you have! Your Excellency!” The staff member in glasses said calmly, “You see danger, and I see opportunity! You see a group of dangerous elements, and I see Yes … a group of British citizens imprisoned and brainwashed! The most important thing is that there are hundreds of thousands of voters behind them, and a whole world! ”

“Voters, do you say hundreds of thousands of voters?” Brighton was interested. He flew a kick, kicked the telephone on the ground, and then dragged his chair to sit in front of the staff. “Tell me carefully.” Yes, everything is not important, what matters is the next election. As for those, as the staff said, they can be washed at any time. As for the tens of billions of British losses … oh, nobody cares about that at the moment.

“Magic world, I am talking about the world that exists in Britain, but we still don’t know. What are the people who are now on the stone boats? They are members, that’s right! But they are also British citizens! As far as I know, this group of people is different from the current magic world. Do you understand? This means that we can completely copy the experience we used in Iraq and Syria to the magic world! These people are the ones we opened. The key to the mysterious world!

We all know that the period of the technological explosion is nearing its end, and the energy we have accumulated for thousands of years has been exhausted. In recent years, there have been fewer new breakthroughs in scientific research, and conservatism has regained the upper hand! Britain has changed from a front runner to a laggard … But think about the novelties of the magic world, don’t you have any ideas? Your Excellency, do n’t you want to be the one who started the second industrial revolution and led the British forward? ”

“Fak! Done!” Blair was incensed to be bloodied!

At this moment there was a gloomy cloud outside the house, who knew everyone was happy at the moment in the big living room.

What Xi’s staff proposed was not a dream, but a highly operable plan! Why do the ruling parties in Europe and America mostly support immigration, especially at the end of the presidency? That’s because the voters transformed by immigrants always vote for the party that approved their immigration, and they are very loyal! Of course, supporting immigrants will offend their residents, which is nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands of potential voters in the magic world! Because the British will boycott foreign voters, but they will not boycott the British.

What’s more, these people also carry “new technologies, new directions, new starting points”, which makes this group of voters’ gold content dazzling!

Just when everyone was excited, Blair’s encrypted phone rang, and the room was suddenly quiet. Blair also followed for a moment, realizing that perhaps it was not a big deal. He waved his hands to re-appear, showing everyone a little restlessness, and then picked up the phone relaxed.

“I am Blair.”

“… Um, um, yes.” With his answer and his gradual complexion, the atmosphere in the large living room became heavier. Here are all people familiar with Blair. His answer only shows that the phone is bad news. The news of fried chicken and fried chicken was the expression when he failed to find weapons of mass destruction from Iraq.

“Da ~” The phone was hung up. Blair sighed long before throwing himself into the sand. After a little while, I said frustratedly, “Fak, Europe is finished! We may also have pills ~”

Siemens Heavy Industries announced the re-examination of external audits, all of the financial reports of the past five years were suspected of fraud, and one stone arouses thousands of waves.

Then there is the Basrov Group with the largest share of chemical preparations in the world, and the metallurgical giant ArcelorMittal Group, which has successively announced external audits! Then Krupp, Volkswagen, United Airlines, Daimler Group (Mercedes-Benz) were involved …

It seems that overnight, the entire European heavy industry has a problem!

And its extension is still expanding, and it has even begun to affect the operation and maintenance of the Large Hadron Collider of the European Institute of Particle Physics. It is said that the funding gap is as high as 200 million euros! The massive shutdown caused millions of people to take to the streets to demonstrate! They questioned the government loudly “Why!”

The problem is that governments of all countries also want to find someone to grab the neck collar and ask, “Why!”

The fact that there is no sign of this is not true. In fact, the whole incident started half a year ago! But with the joint efforts of three of the world’s four most famous auditing companies, the news has been completely covered for half a year! When the last gap number is released, the finance ministers of many countries immediately fainted after seeing it! Because that is not a number at all, it is the sum of the gross national product of the major European capitalist countries …

With the full intervention of countless governments, agents and national audits, a name hidden behind the scenes gradually became clear. The full name was “Dumbledore Mohammed Grindelwald von Porter Malfoy Melinstreep”, The ultimate invisible tycoon under the pseudonym “Lu Master” has finally surfaced! This is a lunatic who is more legendary than Rothschild!

it’s him! Taking advantage of complex investment relationships that are unclear to large computers, kidnapped heavy industry throughout Europe! It was him who transformed these heavy industries to produce some waste, but gradually transferred the orders to Asian outsourcing companies! Especially in China, Japan and the Middle East! The most serious of these is the Daimler Group! In fact, in the past five years, no car wearing the Mercedes-Benz logo has been produced from their European factory!

And Germany knows nothing about it!

This man, he used countless accounting firms as his baton, and countless audit institutions as his shield, let the entire European industry dance like a circus elephant under his baton! His tricks of dismantling the east wall to make up the west wall are almost perfect, and his personal tens of billions of assets can not be used up to trillions! Now he’s finished … Hundreds of banks providing funds jumped the building with the entire European industry!

Speaking of which, people can’t help but ask, “Why do the hundreds of workers, engineers, and experts in the factory all day show nothing ?! Since they don’t produce cars, heavy trucks, chemicals, high-quality alloys, then they are in What is produced? ”

“They are producing a kind of particle! We believe it is one of the most basic particles that make up the universe!” A thick report was smashed in front of Blair. “After this particle is energized, the field effect it forms will change the surrounding matter. The quality! If you can continue to verify, I believe … this person must have found the ‘zeroth element’! ”

“What do you mean? Speak English!”

The old professor looked at him with the eyes of “you are a stupid pig” for a long time before retrieving the pile of reports. Obviously, it was a mistake to hand over these reports to Blair, he couldn’t even understand one of the words!

“What do you mean? It means the fourth technological revolution! It means that mankind is about to open a big era of cosmic exploration! It means that we have lost those heavy industries, and we are not distressed at all! Because it is already something that should be swept into the garbage dump! Let Huaxia continue to produce those things that are destined to become obsolete. With this kind of particles, we will have a new era! Weapons, aerospace, household appliances … everything will change because of this! ”

“… I always feel that some people have used the” revolution “to incite me recently …” Blair murmured in dissatisfaction, and then said it with his understanding. “You mean, take the sum of European GDP, Is it worth the change to the element zero you said? ”


“Okay, when will we get it?”

“… I need 400 million yuan of start-up funds and the full cooperation of the European Institute of Particle Physics! Want to restore this technology ~ ~ We need a lot of capital investment. Trust me, such work in every country It ’s all done, and investment will be a bottomless effort. ”

The old professor will never tell Blair that all they get is the “corner scrap” collected from the factory. Not to mention the production process, they have not yet figured out the existence principle of this basic particle! Even, there is no way to properly preserve this elementary particle throughout Europe! So much so that it is disappearing at a rate of 25% every day … It is expected that at most one month, in addition to that person, Europe will never find any trace of the existence of God particles!

“That person” not only took away all the production processes, but also the data in the computer, and the key equipment! Therefore, the research work is almost equivalent to restarting. The only advantage is that “” knows the direction but if they know the first “zero element” atom, they must be activated by the same atom, I am afraid they will not think so!

Someone did give Europe a chance, but it is almost impossible to achieve production standards within a month. After a month, all the zero elements disappeared, and the “Tinder” was lost. Even more in-depth research is useless.

… It doesn’t matter, then the rest of the money can be invested in quark research.

“Oh, you said that particles can be used on weapons? How much did that guy produce?”

“The zeroth element has no quality. If we use scientific measurement methods, I think he probably produced … 100 million units!”

ps: There are two or three chapters that deserve the next world. It’s really the last world, no more. The last one is the world of girl scrollbars … The scrollbar world seems to have insufficient background information in my hand. Are there any book friends who have accumulated this information? Request fire support! You can leave a message in the book review group or in the book review area of ​​the online disk, thank you! 8

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