Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 80: Under the second confrontation

In the sunset, Hermione Granger walked down the hill without expression.

The sunlight from behind, 21 her shadow stretched slender.

Hermione gently removed the card stuck in her forehead. In an instant, it seemed that there was wind blowing across the hillside, making her long and the robe flutter and dance together. Although Hermione still looks like her at the moment, she seems to be a teenager suddenly.

“Hermione” grabbed the void with an indifferent expression, and an assorted egg cone ice cream that was exactly the same as the 6 Yuan just now appeared in her hand. Ever since the Dawn has added “Baiwei Ice Cream Machine”, Little Nana will never lack ice cream to eat, and Big Nana will naturally not lack. 6 Far wrong at this point, he subconsciously regarded Big Nana and Little Nana as two different individuals. In fact, they are all the same main **** on different world lines.

It’s just that this concept is very complicated and can’t be understood by non-lord creatures, because it doesn’t make sense logically. But many times people often overlook that logic is only a tool for analysis, not eternal truth. In essence, it should be that logic must conform to truth, not that truth must conform to logic.

“Hermione” moved the ice cream into his mouth mechanically, but stopped after just taking a bite and frowned.

“Bah, the taste is a hundred times worse than the one just now.”

Obviously this ice cream is also very delicious, and it is exactly the same as the one taken from 6 Yuan, even made by the same ice cream machine. But “Hermione” just felt that the one that 6 Yuan handed to her was more delicious, a hundred times so much that she suddenly lost her appetite when facing her favorite ice cream.

“Damn that ice cream was eaten by his head, which is a pity. Wish him to become a bald man as soon as possible.” There is no mouth in the head. Okay, she hates because of this, and will make the old one who is still bearing the ice cream ball. 6 looks particularly pathetic.

As for why, Elona, ​​who is sincerely obsessed with ice cream, turned into the question of the daughters of two dentists

“Damn I forgot, can’t I just keep mentioning the saddest thing I have”

When she thought of herself when she was four years old, she stretched out her eager little hand to ice cream for the first time, and her parents dragged her away from the door of the ice cream shop. “Hermione” couldn’t help crying. It was n’t until that time that she realized what a dentist ’s profession was, a **** profession specifically against the Lord God

This world where four-year-olds are not allowed to eat ice cream is still destroyed

Dragons have anti-scales, they will be angry when touched

Hermione has no reverse scales, but she has hairs and will be retaliated against.

Therefore, when Miss Hermione Granger appeared at the door of the screaming shack and calmly invited the next day, 6 Yuan initially refused. He knew very well how old the girl of this age was. The number of hands in Boling Lingmeng and Zhao Ling’er can make up a thick book of shame

But a flirtatious eye of Elaine Ravenclaw scared him away from the screaming hut immediately. In his view, Yilian, who was suddenly “explosive”, was really terrifying. Every move was full of offensiveness. You know, she came to scratch the door of the old 6 bedroom last night.

How much perseverance did you make 6 Yuan to restrain yourself and did n’t go to open the door? The legs were pinched by myself. There is wood and me. I ’m loyal. I ’m so loyal. As for whether Yilian is really sulking until midnight to scratch him In response to this, the little black cat Nini played with her paws and smiled.

“As an apology for yesterday’s inappropriate behavior, I want to invite you to lunch.” Hermione said politely, holding a few thick books in front of her chest while talking, very ladylike and Hermione.

“This is alright, I accept your apology.” After weighing the walk between entering the village and staying here, 6 Yuan still felt that he had temporarily left the screaming hut and let Yilian calm down. So he agreed to Hermione’s invitation and took the jacket and left the hill.

The trail leading to the top of the mountain becomes narrower as it becomes a tall stump road. So the two can only walk down the mountain in tandem.

On the way, Hermione naturally picked up one of the books and did not open it just to prove that “unlike some people, everything I said was clearly recorded in the book.” If 6 Yuan dares to disagree with what she said next, she will be opened in a minute and hit her face.

“King Arthur, he is the king of the Celtic nation in the United Kingdom. He has a very clear record. He is a male. His name is Arthur Pendragon. It ’s not Al ~ Torya. Your name is completely foreign. Misunderstandings caused by inaccuracies can be heard with me. Pegon, although I admire your view of equality between men and women, objectively speaking, it was the fifth century AD, the era of thorough patriarchy. A woman cannot be king. ”

6 Far away, did you start the preaching mode? Suddenly, Harry and Ron felt pitiful. “I’m just talking about a possibility”

“There is no such possibility.” Hermione was like a little lion that had violated the site, her eyes widened in an instant, and her hairs were raised.

“Then you should be joking about someone making up a story and letting this thing go.” 6 argued far away. Actually, of course I know that the mushrooms are nasu, but does it matter?

“Of course not. You must respect the history of the British as we can’t say you guys.” I can’t think of any examples of China. Hermione said angrily. “You just can’t tamper with the adaptation. The basis is to respect the facts, not yourself. Speculation ”

“Oh” don’t look at 6 Yuan. I always think that he is not learning without skill, and there are only a handful of people who are more knowledgeable than him. “As far as I know, you seem to have no reliable historical documents in the United Kingdom. We have a historian who specializes in organizing history, but your ruling class has no learning skills at all. It is entirely based on myths and legends and certain records abroad. What I have saved up, the missing ones are all made up by the brain.

You call this kind of thing hard facts. Then you say, for example, Master Merlin is a teacher of King Arthur. ”

“Master Merlin really exists” the little lion stared.

“It’s been a few centuries. The magical side’s record about Merlin should be very complete. Have you seen him related to pegon? Okay, don’t stare at me again. Let’s change the subject. The fairy in the lake gave Saint Arthur the sword. , What a fairy in the lake? ”

“That’s just the hermit hiding in the lake, maybe it’s a magician”

“Na Avalon”

“It should be Fort Glaston”

“That Queen Guinvia cheated with Cavalier Lancelot”

“You are not allowed to insult my idol. There is absolutely no such thing.”

As a result, on the way to the “Three Brooms” bar ~ ~ Miss Hermione’s complexion was stinky. It wasn’t until she found a seat to sit down that she became happy again. “I want you to taste authentic British food,” she announced loudly.

6 Suddenly there is an unknown hunch

Sure enough, when the dish came up, looking at the drowning egg custard in front of him, the few dead fish, the old 6 only had a wry smile. “Hermione, you know that the so-called British food, in fact, it means no food”

“Of course, no one knows this better than I grew up from snacks, potato chips, pies, and fried chicken.” Hermione talked about this, saying that she had never eaten the so-called “British cuisine” “. Whether looking at the disgusting Haggis, or the strange green bean pancake. But she said that she loves d Cornish pie.

“Then you still invite me to eat this look ~ Look ~ Star ~ Sky ~”

“That’s the fisherman’s delicious haha. Actually, I know that many British people are not used to eating this dish.” Miss Hermione said, “but we British people like to use this dish to entertain unwelcome guests, especially Foreigners ”

At this moment, Hermione smiled like a little fox who had succeeded in stealing chickens.

“Because we like what you clearly resisted, but you are polite and have to eat it.” To be continued. 8 (Chongqing Book Factory) “Watching the Dawn” only represents the views of the author’s black robe Raistlin. If it is found that its content violates the laws of the country, please contact us for deletion. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green Reading platform. [Actively cooperate with “Special Action against Internet Pornographic Information ” book readers are encouraged to report!] Thank you all!

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