Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 116 - Fading star 1

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” The heavy cruiser, several kilometers long, hit the ground continuously without slowing down, lifting up a cloud of mushrooms. But after the smoke passed, it was found that the neutron ground was smashed, leaving only shallow pits. The strong impact and the slight damage caused afterwards constitute an extremely contradictory picture … It’s like a fake with five cents special effects!

But for the time being, no one vomits that, everyone is so nervous to burst blood vessels! The first principle of warship landing-of course, wherever there are more people, go wherever you go! Those defensive facilities and defensive soldiers crushed by the head were wiped from the world like dust, leaving no traces.

Regardless of the defending side or the offensive side, the pawns representing that area will be taken down for the first time and no longer concerned.

“Turn off the auxiliary core! Take up the weapon! Formed a defense line …” The deafening command sound stimulated the secretion of adrenal hormones. The core of the auxiliary mass effect of the battleship (used to reduce the mass of airborne personnel, otherwise they will be crushed into **** by falling inertia) should be closed.

The green skins who could finally get up from the seats only moved their hands and feet a little, and after adapting to gravity, they all picked up various weapons and squatted around the door to defend the defense line. Going down from the air, you will see the battleship where the sky girl fell like a flower. After landing, the battleships are in groups of five, connected end to end into irregular pentagons-and then surrounded by dense fortifications. It’s like an isolated island surrounded by waves.

“Ziz ~~!” When the doors of the heavy cruiser were opened to the inside and outside at the same time, the harsh sound of the chirping sounded, and the difference in gravity swept away the atmosphere inside the ship in an instant.

“Outside defense, inside attack! Clean up the inside in a minute!”

“Waaaaah ~!”

The Zhou Bo saw saw roared and turned, and a large number of steel cans rushed out of the inside of several warships, killing towards the space inside the pentagon. The defensive soldiers surrounded by the battleship ring suffered heavy casualties when the battleship fell before, and now even decent defense is not organized, it is directly crushed!

On the other side of the battleship, as the hatch opened, the defensive turret on the battleship was first intact to fire, then a large number of unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned fighters swarmed from the battleship, and then the orc army was behind. However, unlike the internal strangulation, the side just lost a lot as soon as they touched the Dawn!

On one side are the well-trained wall garrison troops, equipped with weapons specially designed for neutron wall warfare, ranging from turrets to chariots to individual soldiers, all of which are adapted to the super-gravity environment and constructed on the basis of favorable terrain It is as stable as Taishan’s defensive system; on the other hand, it is only after a simulation exercise that the Dawn Legion, which has never officially fought in this environment, can be seen at a glance.

But this is also the normal state of interstellar warfare-you never know what to face, but when you know it, logistics can be adjusted in place within five minutes! Therefore, interstellar wars are never afraid of encounters, disadvantaged starts, etc., because the production center is in the sky and can be adjusted as needed at any time.

“The lethality of our tactical rifle is only fifty meters! Raise the muzzle!”

“Plasma grenade is invalid.”

“Circular weapons can effectively destroy holographic objects …”

The body is protected by heavy armor, and it is not felt by the mass effect core offset. However, once the physical projectile is separated from the muzzle, it is pulled into a bow and arrow type curved weapon by strong gravity! Therefore, when aware of this, the soldiers had to raise the muzzle of the tactical assault rifle in their hands, and only then achieved the achievement of an effective shooting radius of 50 meters.

However, the shock wave caused by the sub-light velocity failure during the flight of the semi-liquid projectile fired by the gun is an excellent weapon to destroy the holographic image! As long as it passes through the hologram, it can almost cause extremely serious penetrating injuries. And it can also be projected across the bunker … It’s an advantage.

Laser weapons can shoot directly on the surface of the neutron wall, but they are almost ineffective for holographic images.

Similarly, the weapons in the hands of holographic soldiers stationed in Yinxin cannot effectively penetrate heavy armor-the kind of projectiles they use that can transform entities from holograms at the moment of hit, because of their special materials, it is difficult to further optimize the design of the warhead Armor piercing, being stolen, burning, etc.), resulting in weak armor piercing ability of firearms. But as long as the dense bullet rain overloads the quality core of the soldier’s armor, then the soldier will “chuck” and be crushed by the strong gravity generated by the neutron ground … This is the main source of casualties!

As they unfolded, the assault convoy and drone group opened the gap with the orc army behind them-a small number of orc forces were ordered to execute the assault, and more orc troops were deployed on the spot and cooperated with the subsequent engineering vehicles to build defense system.

In the early days of the war, the Dawn Regiment completely used fire detection methods in exchange for further understanding of the neutron environment …


“Coordinate towers 7, 11, 14, 17 … are unfolding, 1% progress, expected to be completed in 27 minutes!”

On the vast neutron walls, pentagonal fortresses made up of wreckage of battleships seemed to be isolated islands. In the center of the island, the engineers of the Liming Regiment are building the teleportation tower with all their strength. When the mass effect core begins to light up, the blue light is dotted like a gemstone on the neutron wall … The side of the coordinate tower is difficult to perforate the neutron wall, and the antenna is built upwards. The most conspicuous target on the wall!

More than half of the defensive artillery fire was aimed at the coordinate tower, and the holographic legion of the defensive wall began to attack in this direction! The two sides formed one after another around the coordinate tower to form flesh and blood grinding discs. The orc army guarded these light groups like rocks, while the attacking holographic army was like a wave of waves!

“The first victim has appeared,” the reporter sitting in the corner said after noticing a red dot on the screen. But when he finished this sentence, the red dot had flooded the whole wall! The reporter’s lips shuddered, and he put his hand on the green button. “The soul hasn’t returned. The 30-second countdown opens …”

“One minute!” Li Huamei interrupted without looking back.

“The countdown starts at 1 minute,” the reporter quickly modified and then clicked the button again. The electronic sound of “60, 59, 58 …” echoed on the bridge.

“The Second Legion changed into a neutron gun, carried an energy shield, and opened it five minutes after the second airborne! The position was at …” Li Huamei seemed to deaf to the countdown and gave orders indifferently. “Here.” She drew a circle on the electronic version-verbal commands were just a habit, and the instructions issued from her fingertips were dozens of times that she heard.

“Order the Fourth Army … Order the Seventeenth Army … Order … I ask the Academy of Sciences to improve the weapons immediately, immediately!”

“33, 32, 31 …”

“With 30 seconds left, the souls of the war dead still … still have no signs of returning,” the reporter reported. This reporter ’s job is to monitor the sustainability of the personnel—that is, to ensure the continuous flow of soldiers invested. The key to this job lies in the interval of “death-resurrection”. In the past battles, almost all the souls of the war dead returned to the Fortress of Dawn in an instant. The 30 second delay has never been used up, let alone one minute.

“Increase power!” Li Huamei said without looking back.

The reporter looked helplessly at the **** representing the power of the soul absorption tower … the arrow was already pointed at the finish line.

“… The second legion’s dressup is complete … boarding ended … the signal tower 114 was destroyed …”

“Commander, it’s time! Do you want to start the backup memory?” The reporter said aloud. At this moment, the eyes of everyone on the bridge were quietly focused on Li Huamei.

They saw Li Huamei cut off her headphones, and then she lowered her head to the operator’s command panel, as if talking to herself, but letting the voices around her say. “I still remember the scene when I first met the captain, when I was surrounded by groups, and I had nowhere to go …”

“Drip!” Suddenly a red dot turned to green on that wall! That means that a soul has successfully returned to the Dawn Fortress! “They are back!” The bridge was boiling! As long as the soul can return smoothly, the number of soldiers at Dawn is endless! It means that the war mode is back on the familiar track of Dawn!

“Nowhere to go, what happens later?”

“Who has nowhere to go ?! Don’t be dazed! Star me to the Second Legion!” Li Huamei yelled with a slap, as if she had said nothing.



“No … I … that … how are you …”

“Boom!” The hatch closed shut in front of him!

Lao Lu, who was pushed out, was almost ashamed, and I was about to go to the battle. How can you treat me like this? It ’s okay to say to me the phrase “Go back to my hometown and get married after this battle” ~ ~ It ’s okay to say to me, “Retire after this time”, but so much stuff in my pocket What happened to the pictures of Lingmeng, Cuixiang and Zhao Linger as children? There are actually three people taking photos together?

You mean let me show it to others, and then say “this is a picture of my child”, right?

But as far as I know, none of these people survived …

“You open the door quickly and let me go back. I’m so bottomless now!” Lao Lu jumped and smashed the door.

“Are we really doing this? Wouldn’t it be a problem?” Twistar, who was hiding on the other side of the door, couldn’t help asking.

“It’s time to do so!” Zhao Min immediately said, “Don’t say you didn’t see it. Since getting the Saffron Scepter, he has become obsessed with fortune-telling and unable to extricate himself. After returning from Shushan World, he has become even worse , You have to count your position before going to the toilet! “

“Yes, he can no longer be allowed to pin his hopes on accumulating character, Krypton gold is destined to die, and black face is a terminal illness!”

“Break the superstition and believe in Ke Xue.” Aike Xue was upstairs.

“Let’s go, let’s go, there is still a lot of work to be done!” Sentence, so everyone do birds and beasts scattered.


Only someone was still sorrowfully slamming the door, “Open the door quickly, I count it, it’s not a lucky day to go out … I just saw a nun who bet money to lose! Let me in.”

“…” Western Buddha, “The poor monk is a monk.” 8)

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