Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 14 - After the ashes


“Follow me!”

“Find a place to hide ~”

Hadawa just took a group of Haiergen residents and ran wildly behind Lu Yuan, even not knowing where he would lead himself. In addition to looking up at the sky, they try to run faster so that they do n’t fall behind. When Lu Yuan calls for their stop, they stop. When they hide, they try to shrink themselves into a ball and then they will see the huge The black dragon just flew overhead!

The dragon sprayed the dragon blaze unscrupulously, but did not see the group of small bugs in close proximity … The two sides cooperated as if they were cheating.

After coming here a few times, the people who followed him were sincerely convinced of Lu Yuan, “This is a person who really understands dragons.” It is precisely through the “predictions” that the landing is magical again and again, these people are unscathed, passing through most of the Helgen towns raged by the dragon! So much so that when Lu Yuan ordered them to stop in front of a collapsed house, Hadawa and these aborigines realized how this person would know Haiergen more than we do? !

“Go in, it should be temporarily safe here.” Lu Yuan led them around the ruins and pushed open a false door. With the addition of several people gathered along the way, the number of pedestrians behind him has exceeded ten.

Hadawa looked at the house crushed by the fallen tower in front of him, and suddenly realized that this is not a material warehouse in the town! There can be a large cellar inside, enough to hide these people! It can be said that in this situation, it is the most suitable hiding place.

“How did you find this place?” Hadawa couldn’t help asking. “I mean, whether you have been to Ximu Town or not. I have served in Haiergen for five years, and I swear I have never seen you … how do you know there is a cellar? “

“Observe, what’s so difficult about this?” Lu Yuan explained lightly while pushing people into the door. As he said, it is basically safe here. Because the tower next to it that was collapsed by Longyan was burning fiercely, the flames and thick smoke covered the place tightly, and it was discovered by the black dragon.

“You only need to look carefully to see that the big lizard attacked those intact and prominent buildings first! Then the imperial men who fought back, and finally those who fled from the ground. I don’t know there are cellars here, but this A house that has been collapsed will obviously not interest the dragon. It will be safe to hide inside. “

Observe carefully? When there is a dragon on top of the head? Are you sure?

But when Hadawa thought of this guy, even when he was about to be beheaded, he was still giggling and speechless. Perhaps this guy in front of him is the kind of guy with a big heart, there is nothing to make him really afraid … If he is a Nord, he must be an amazing guy.

As for the crumbling house in front of him, in addition to the cellar inside, Hadawa can’t see where it is safe … don’t say that if the dragon comes again, it will definitely bring the people inside to death! It’s just being blown by the strong wind for a while, maybe it will continue to collapse. Is it really safe here? However, Lu Yuan insisted that he had no choice but to go into the warehouse with the people in front.

Of course, there are many other reasons, Lu Yuan does not need to list them one by one.

For example, he is very familiar with the habits of dragons. Dragons can distinguish the details under strong light, but when looking at the shadows, they need to switch to another vision. This location happens to be in the shadow of the mountain. It seems to be a small piece of ruin in the eyes of Longan, which is totally unremarkable; for example, this house was collapsed when another house fell, not Longyan ignite. Therefore, there is no shortage of raising inside, and people will not die from suffocation, hiding in it seems to be dangerous … and so on.

As for the house will collapse? Haha ~ How is it possible! Lu Yuan guarantees his compulsory education at the dawn of 400 years. After accurate calculation, this house can at least persist …

“Boom!” The house collapsed into a pile of rubble in front of him.

“I’m going” Lao Lu stunned. “My calculation can’t go wrong!”


The Nordic houses are built directly with thick logs and stones. At most, the mud is used to outline the gap to block the wind. The style is rough and strong, and it is very resistant to construction! Just two words, “solid”! In such a house, the total weight of stone materials alone is ten to several tons. Then those huge log beams smashed down together, the kinetic energy contained is quite terrible, I am afraid that even hiding in the cellar is not safe.

Lu Yuan was taken aback, and he didn’t care about the dragon in the sky, so he quickly jumped into the ruins to save people!

Which is strong in excavator technology? Cough.

“Don’t tell me that the g constant is different. The g constant here is exactly the same as the earth! …… Air humidity … Do I miss the air humidity? But here at the foot of the snowy mountains, when I am an idiot! My calculations, No, right, wrong, wrong! “

I saw Lu Yuan arguing angrily with someone who didn’t exist, and quickly digging towards the cellar exit. He didn’t want to attract the attention of the heavenly dragon, his movements could not be too big. I saw him staring a little, and when he stretched it out, his hands had become as sharp as a halberd! With both hands inserted, the earth and stone cracked like a new orange, and the large wooden beams piled together were easily separated, and then thrown out one by one, and the entrance to the cellar was quickly cleared out.

The cellar has actually been crushed! However, the collapsed place was carried by dozens of Nords!

However, they obviously couldn’t persevere anymore. As soon as Lu Yuan dug up, the cellar collapsed with a clatter, smashing dozens of people in the cellar to their heads. Fortunately, only the top of the cellar collapsed. Although everyone was injured, the Nords had thick skin and no serious injuries.

“Finite element analysis? Of course I built a mathematical model and did a finite element analysis, which is very simple …” Lu Yuan still muttered to himself.

“Is it safe ?!” Hadawa yelled angrily at the landing, and there were two children in the cellar. Even this honest man got angry!

“Starting to rebuild the collapse process …” Lu Yuan didn’t take care of him at all. In Lu Yuan’s eyes, the piles of earth and stone in front of him had flew back to the original place. It seems that the time of the collapse process is reversed. The pulling, tearing, folding, and collision of the collapse are all expressed, and then one by one …

“Wait,” wait until everything is reversed under simulated calculations, after each is in place. Lu Yuan’s eyes finally landed on a stick that should never appear here! “What’s the matter with this wooden stick ?!” he shouted a bit frantically, lifting Hadava’s neck collar! Because this stick is in Hadawa’s hand!

It was because the **** wooden stick was taken away that the house could not collapse suddenly!

“Do you know that casually taking things will kill people! Say, why do you owe your hand so much!” Lu Yuan grabbed his neck collar and shook it like a salted fish.

“I, I just want to step on my feet …” Hadawa, conscious of the problem, argued weakly.


I don’t know how long it took for Auduin to end its rampage, and left the town that had been completely destroyed with satisfaction.

Haiergen eventually became a ruin, just as Lu Yuan had predicted before. Dilapidated walls and piles of white ashes. Except for the part of the villagers who followed the evacuation of the imperial team, most of the soldiers who left the resistance and the town residents who had no time to escape were burned into this pale ashes. Auduin’s Dragon Flame seems to be the flame of the soul. The person who died under the Dragon Flame will be swallowed by the flame a little, and eventually become an ashes.

The surviving body remains, and Longyan will not die.

No, it cannot be said that Haiergen was “completely destroyed” …

As the deep shadow of the Black Dragon swept over the top of the “throat of the world” and disappeared behind the sky. In the ruins of Haiergen, three hundred and two residents who came out of hundreds of Haiergen towns came here, but with the joint efforts of Lu Yuan and Hadawa, they were finally rescued from the mouth of Auduin.

The Nords walked in the flaming town, silently looking at the home that had been completely changed. Burning home, let their tears swirl in their eyes. But the Nords, who were silent like stones, said nothing. They bent down one by one to remove the burning wood, smashing the melted and solidified rocks, and digging up the walls to silence the surplus from the home. The next thing is then stacked in one place.

At this time, there is no difference between you and me, only everyone.

There were only two people sitting still and swaying, choosing to stand by and watch this scene. They sat comfortably in the stone pit burned by Long Yan, as if sitting on the throne of flames, the two of them could still roast after the temperature of Long Yan was hot. The Konod people seem to have no objection to this. They even bow their heads seriously every time they pass by the two of them.

For the Nords, this is very important.

Because those two people are worth doing for them, they are the life-saving benefactors of all people, Lu Yuan and Hadawa, sitting on a pile of ruins melted together by Longyan, gray-faced, so tired that they didn’t want to move a small finger. In order to save these people, the two are really trying their best! Fortunately, one is a saint incarnation, able to perceive the whole situation and predict the crisis in advance; the other is extremely familiar with Haiergen and can be recognized by everyone.

Two people joined forces to save these hundreds of people. You know that in the original plot, except for those who were rescued by General Turius and the two who escaped, almost all the remaining residents were killed.

“What are your plans next,” Lu Yuan asked. “Continue to return to the army? To be honest, with your soft-hearted nature, it’s really not appropriate to go to the army. If you don’t look at the cruelty of saving people today, I don’t think you are like the Nords at all.”

Hadawa smiled helplessly. He had heard many people comment on him, but he was actually a clerk in the army. Moreover, the Nords have also built a splendid culture, with countless amazing large buildings, not all of them are rough men on the ice field.

“I want to rebuild Helgen!” He said, looking at the busy people.

Lu Yuan froze for a moment, then relieved. In the original work, Helgen is in ruins, and most of the people are dead. In the end that place became a despicable place for thieves, like countless relics in Skyrim Province, a period of history that had witnessed prosperity … but now it has been changed by Lu Yuan. As long as people are still there, only the house was burned down! Five Nords can withstand the wolves and open up a new stronghold in the wilderness. There are one hundred Nords here!

There are also leaders like Hadawa who have been recognized by everyone. Although the reconstruction is difficult, but the hope is great ~ ~ They also recognize you, but they can’t say it. Heard Lu Yuan’s complaint, Hadawa quickly explained.

“Come on, Nord!” Lu Yuan sniffed at it.

Lu Yuan was really fortunate to see the stubborn side of the Nords, even if it was Lu Yuan who saved their lives, but he was far inferior to Hadawa compared to the degree of recognition! The most fundamental reason is because he is a prisoner to be executed publicly today! To ordinary Nords, the Teijin was right, and the Storm Cloak did nothing wrong. But Lu Yuan and the horse theft thief who were “accompanied by hacking” did not die, but in the view of the Nords, this did not change their identity as “crimeful”.

This is really a catastrophe.

“You stay here and lead them to rebuild their homes! If necessary, I will come back to help.” Lu Yuanxian solemnly promised. Then he turned his head and rubbed his hands and whispered to Hadawa.

“Well, I said, haha ​​… Are you supposed to give me the main task?”

ps: gallstones and cholecystitis, conservative treatment. (To be continued …)

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