Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 20 - Dive into the night with the wind

After spending three days in the Orc village, because they could not bear the warm hospitality of the Orc, Elona and Lu Yuan had to sternly refuse the retention of the Orc and chose to go on the road overnight. 23US. The com update is the fastest. Even so, they are still forced to accept their precious items from the Orc Village. A chain of sword-toothed tigers’ polished necklaces. Each tooth is as thick as Elona ’s forearm. It looks like a breastplate.

Big Nana received the gift almost black-faced, especially when someone Lu was watching.

As for the captured Nord robbers, Lu Yuan simply gave them a map and asked them to go to Helgen to participate in the reconstruction. Even the handicapped Nords were no exception. They all said that the broken leg was not a thing at all, and the wooden leg was a good man. It was because of the disability that they were determined not to run around and really find a woman to settle down.

This is the Nords. They are like rough and stubborn stones that can be seen everywhere in the province of the sky, which are polished and submerged by the snow. Nothing can really hit them.

As for the strict punishment in accordance with the law … forget it.

The province of Skyrim is vast and sparsely populated. The double shortage of material and human resources is the fundamental reason for the bandits everywhere. Because they are too poor, most Nords live near the extreme poverty line. As long as the opportunity is right, almost all Nords can turn into robbers and grab a hand. This is the real law that does not blame the public.

Just as Lu Yuan sent these people to Haiergen, he actually threw the pot to Hadawa. The reconstruction of Haiergen does require more manpower, but the paradox is that the resources that Haiergen can support are also very limited. However, he was hesitant to create a large number of widows in the town of Haiergen. Lu Yuan concluded that even if Hadawa tightened his belt, he would have to take over the thirty or so strong men he sent. As for these Nords, when Lu Yuan pronounced the mantra of “have a family and a mother-in-law”, even those with broken legs could not wait to crawl to Haiergen … the rest did not need him to worry about.

“What’s the point of you doing this? Even if you can gather all the Nords under your command, and even become the sky king … This can help you defeat me, or can you defeat those people? Obviously impossible , Mortals are mortals. “Elona asked, watching the Nords disappear into view. “I think you can definitely guess that the Holy Spirit Talos, which the Nords worshipped, was the guy who had unified the continent, that is, one of those people. Talos had not unified the continent so much. It should be that the personal strength is too strong to overwhelm all opponents. “

Over the past few days, the two have been wandering around in the wilderness aimlessly.

They have encountered robbers and civilians. They have found some abandoned ruins, drilled underground palaces, and even almost buried them alive. Elona did all this based on her interest. Whether it was drilling the earth or saving people, she did what she wanted to do … instead, it was Lu Yuan, who only stopped looking at him from time to time, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes, knowing that he was quietly Planning something.

Elona wanted to know what he was thinking, but could not guess at all.

After so much effort, Lu Yuan seemed to be lost in thought again. After being interrupted by Elona’s question, he did not choose to continue, but stopped to answer Elona’s question.

“Nana, please allow me to call you the same … I do n’t know what this world will look like in your eyes or those of you from God. But for me, she ’s like a word to control The interesting novel, which also flashes countless small puzzles and great wisdom. Let me indulge in it once I pick it up. I do n’t want to put it down and I do n’t want to finish it … Forget it, I do n’t think you will understand it. , I think this world is different from any world I pass through! “

“Yes, is it as good as you said?” Elona did as expected by Lu Yuan, listening blushing and confused. “Why do you understand every word you say, but it doesn’t seem to be talking about me … like the world I created? You don’t think too much? After all, this is just mine Just a dream. “


Yes, the world of the Elder Scrolls is actually just Elona’s dream.

The race of the Lord God is of great power, and living and sitting will have an impact on the multiverse and the source sea; and Elona, ​​one of the five original source gods of the source sea, is even more so.

In theory, the main **** should be sleepless, they can “sleep” but not “sleep”. But as the catalyst said, the main **** cannot be killed but can be sealed as long as there are rules. With the active cooperation of Elona, ​​her obedient gods, those Mona gods, successfully “deceived” Elona into a deep sleep and was sealed in the silver heart!

It is conceivable that if it were n’t Elona ’s active cooperation, if it was n’t for her who had been sleeping in the new galaxy for thousands of years, why would she be able to complete the legendary project of building “Yinxin Prison”! The whole process, only the construction period will be calculated in ten thousand years … So Elona fell asleep and dreamed, her mind was still wandering freely, and then she had a dream world.

Oedipus, killing a father and marrying a mother, this is not just a story, it is not just a complex. What it exposes should be a commonality of human beings.

Shen Mian, seal the main **** of Elona, ​​obviously not the gods of Mona, but also the whole purpose of those new gods who came out from the infinite world. Their real purpose is not to “conquer” the main **** Elona, ​​but to steal and understand the power of Elona and replace Elona as the new main god. This is the ultimate goal of all gods!

The world created by a lord **** in a dream is certainly not as rigorous as the creation when she was awake, which also means that the gods can spy on more secrets about the lord god.

So under the guidance of an already powerful Mona God, most of the new gods entered Elona’s dream.

But at that time, Elona’s dream was chaotic and violent, and even in a breath, there were millions of worlds born and destroyed! In this case, let alone carry out research, it is not easy for these gods to live in their dreams. They tried everything they could in their dreams to say that they were pleasing and flattering. They finally guided Elona and established a new, barely tangible rule that allowed them to conduct research in the world ’s ancient scrolls. world.

The whole world is divided into two layers: the outer layer is the spiritual world, which is the living world of the Holy Spirit, God, Demon God, etc. They correspond … In fact, it is the spiritual residence of Elona and the gods of the New Galaxy. At this level, with the spirit as the main body, matter tends to be annihilated. Therefore, the outer world, the part near the outer edge of the pure spirit, and the world near the inner surface tends to matter. This part is called the “annihilation world”.

The inner layer is the “universe” and the Nion world contained in the universe, which is also the world where mortals in the ancient world mainly live. The inner world is material, and the spirit has to retire. Therefore, the power of the inner world has an upper limit, and no matter whether the devil or the devil can really enter this world. The inner world can only be influenced by projection or faith.

In short, this is the state of the entire world.

The reason why Lu Yuan wants to enter this world is also very simple. Do n’t look at this world is rudimentary and people are hanging around everywhere, but this is the main battlefield without a doubt! It is even more important than the big fleet battle of New Galaxy!

If Lu Yuan wants to successfully “rescue” the main **** Elona, ​​from the current point of view, there are actually only two ways: the first one, directly wake Elona! Both the answer given by the catalyst and the result calculated by the supercomputer are displayed. If Elona “woke up”, then everything can end! According to the catalyst’s speculation, Elona would like to wipe out the existence of those “rebels”, or even just a thought! No effort at all!

But the biggest problem with this approach is that … Elona doesn’t want to wake up, she has a serious tendency to self-destruction … She wants to die. This is difficult for Nima.

Then the second way is left. If Lu Yuan can kill all “gods” in this world, then the result is the same!

To know that in order to gain the power of the Lord God, those guys do not hesitate to inject the soul subject into this world. In order to understand the rules of the world even more, he does not hesitate to seal his own memory! Let’s put it this way, in this world, most of those holy spirits and demons projected by the gods of the new galaxy are mostly thinking they are the aborigines of this world. In the hundreds of millions of years they have fought each other for the “idea” of their respective representatives, only one or two of them are rare. They once realized that this is a dream world …

Although each **** will leave a “switch” to wake himself up, in order to wake up the real self in extreme danger. But there is no doubt that such gods of the Milky Way are the most vulnerable moment … as long as the method is correct, it may not be killed silently.

This is also the path chosen by the current Dawn Plan ~ ~ The Elder Scrolls world is divided into inner and outer layers, and the outer layer is almost occupied by the gods of the new galaxy, and all the passages into the inner layer are controlled by these gods. In order not to touch the vigilance of these gods, Lu Yuan could not even directly pass in the ontology. He needs to establish a coordinate in the innermost Nyn world by creating a prosthesis. Then follow the plot to “reasonably” increase the strength, and “smuggling” a little bit.

The whole plan is a bit more popular, that is, “enter the village quietly, don’t shoot.” But Lu Yuan likes another literary statement

“Long Guangyu’s mind is so vast, hear thunder in the silent place!”

ps: Regarding the background of the Elder Scrolls world, in order to fit in with the novel world, the readers are looking at it, do n’t worry too much.

ps2: About the name of the person. Some famous people in the Elder Scrolls world often have multiple “aliases”. For example, the Holy Spirit “Talos”, when he unified the mainland and established the Septin Empire, he was called Taber Septin, also known as the dragon-born Talos and Ismir, but the elves also called him oh … like this The difference in details, immortal book friends with ancient backgrounds are not interested in knowing! Therefore, this article will be referred to as Talos in the future, and the details will not be considered. Other names will be treated accordingly, hereby declare! (To be continued …)

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