Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 24 - Failed experience life

A set of armor, even a simple four-piece suit including breastplate, skirt armor, hand armor and iron boots. Lewen Fiction | If you start with the selection of ore, it will take three months to build it. Lu Yuan didn’t waste so much time, and the price of the two horses was not worth the experience of a master-level blacksmith.

The main job he has to do is actually to select four pieces of similar metal parts from the pile of loot.

Then come a hand chrome plating (mainly for beauty, at the same time as a primer), then plate a layer of gold, etch the article (still for beauty), and finally put a layer of tin on the bread, and hit the unknown pattern with a uniform style, see Something that looks like an aristocratic article (still for beauty). Then this set of armor was completed-the electroplating process was originally a process in the background of large industries, but it is not difficult in a magical world-in short, after all this, the entire pair of armor was forced to rise suddenly. stand up!

As for why there is a layer of tin on the outside of the gold-plated surface, gold-plated is called “high-end atmospheric grade”, and then tin-clad is “low-key luxury has meaning”.

Fully gold-plated looks like an upstart, generally speaking, unless your identity is itself a prince, it will not be shameful to wear out. And this armor pays attention to pretending to be invisible, not to be motivated-as long as the tin surface (tin is very soft) is scratched “inadvertently”, the “noble essence” of the armor can be deeply demonstrated. That flipped moment will definitely brighten the eyes of the blind audience!

“But you, you, you … you are scamming! How can you do this ?!” Witnessed the whole love of Lorna, and felt that the whole outlook on life has been recast! How can people do this? ! Where is the most basic trust between people?

“Don’t talk arrogantly, be careful to slander you!” Lu Yuan sternly sternly retorted, “Furthermore, how can you call this a deception?” He was careful with the four-piece suit in his hand Placed it in a velvet box and pushed it to Lucan Valerius, who had also been on the sidelines.

Valeris, who finally got the real thing, smiled at the moment without seeing his face. “Of course, of course, certainly can’t be cheated! Such a good craftsmanship, the world is unparalleled! How can it be said to be deceptive.” Valerius was so happy that he even forgot his surname, supporting Lu Yuan’s point of view. At first glance, his expression does not seem to be a fraud, it is really very happy!

“Are you talking about craftsmanship?” Elona wondered if there was something wrong with the world she created-why did the two men say they didn’t understand? “What kind of craftsmanship? Who dares to wear such armor on the battlefield with the tinplate that can be wiped ?! Don’t look shiny, it’s a thin layer of gold, maybe even half a millimeter! It’s all iron Yes, do you understand the iron? The armor box is more valuable than the armor itself! “

“Hehe ~” Valeris shook his head and smiled, looking at Elona as if he were a child who had not grown up. “Master Rage Sword is still too straightforward … this armor, it’s good on a tin and velvet box that can be broken in one rub! The tin is soft, easy to break and easy to repair, which is convenient for big men to use to display. Just like Lord Lu said, what does “low-key luxury have meaning”? You don’t reveal the meaning, who knows if you are really low-key or really shabby!

That velvet box has the same effect … The armor contained in such an expensive box, I say it ’s cheap and you can believe it? The guru is the guru, and he has pondered the minds of the nobles!

As for gold plating, that is the best part! Can anyone who can afford this set of armor really use the gold to beat a set of armor? of course not! But the problem is that many people can afford the entire set of gold armor, but how many people can wear such heavy gold armor? ! So this armor has the appearance of gold, and the weight of ordinary armor, that is the best! As for going to battle, such buyers never need to go to battle. “

After complacent and lengthy remarks, Lukan Valeris and Lu Yuanxin glanced at each other with a sense of sympathy. The idea was correctly conveyed to the other party, this feeling is too happy, standing Erona’s disgusting cold hair upright

“I see,” Elona stood up pale and walked staggeringly out. “The two Empires met together … I think the world is still ruined.”

If the customer is a Nord, then he absolutely can’t stand the illusory weapon. Although most of the Nord people were mouth-blown and oily, quite like the northeastern second-raters, their tradition was to treat weapons as life; but Lukan Valerius was just an imperial man living in the village of Nord Never considered going to battle, so business is business.

it is more than words.

Elona turned away with disappointment.

But she didn’t see it, Lu Yuan kept watching her back, and there was a little bit of slickness in the serious expression with the market chap!


“Seeking truth from facts” and dialectics education are the most successful lessons in the history of education. It teaches people to ask, “Why?”

Then the problem will inevitably be expanded, and the scope is not shifted by the will of a certain department.

Why are people in poor and inconspicuous places called to protect their country? Where is your home here? The birth of a child for him to attend university is essentially to supplement the labor force for the enterprise and the country. But why do the costs of parenting and education lie on the individual? Why can shameless people say aloud, “Don’t ask what the country has done for you, but ask what you have done for the country”, but the shameful person feels ashamed? Why are those who “listen to the propaganda” always bad luck, and those who “walk the evil way” benefit? More and more people are corrupt because the officials are bad guys? Still because the location is so convenient, I am embarrassed not to take it …

This world is not so magnificent, and Lu Yuan understands this deeply, so he cannot deceive Elona with false goodness-even if his goal is to discourage Elona from self-destruction.

If Elona is self-destructive, then this era will be officially over-all worlds related to the Grand Elona, ​​including all new worlds including the new Milky Way and the derivative world, will be destroyed! Even if the little Elona is rebuilt in the future, that will be the next era …

So this is not a trivial matter, but a matter of life and death for countless people and countless worlds!

But the more this is, the more Lu Yuan can’t use “tricky tricks” to achieve his goals. Because tricks are all time-sensitive, but the Lord God is eternal. There will be a day when the lies are true. As for persuading Elona the world is still very beautiful … don’t say to deceive Elona, ​​in fact, even Lu Yuan himself often asks-what is the point of doing these things? What are these people worth saving me?

Even if he doubts himself, how can he convince others?

Having said that, Elona’s self-destruction is not necessarily a problem of the world. The relationship between the Lord God and the world she created is one-on-two and two-on-one. She influenced the world, but also by the world. As bad as the world is, her mood is as frustrating. Elona is not a child, she will not be fooled by the words “this world is still a lot of good people”, “money can’t buy love”, “the death of a foreign country, my heart will not die, everything is the fault of the wrong”.

Even these things, Elona, ​​who once looked at history, may be more clear than Lu Yuan.

For example, for Lu Yuan ’s practices in Shushan World and Harry Potter World, Elona ’s evaluation is “to find a scapegoat to bear the sins of all people.”

Lu Yuan ’s handling in these two worlds can be described as quite simple and rude. If the fairy disturbs the heavens, then the fairy will be knocked down. If the magician consumes the energy of the soul after the death of human beings, then the energy will be cut off. In short, the main purpose is to bring extraordinary power to the level that ordinary people can confront, to achieve simple fairness, rather than a complete crush of one party against the other.

And Elona ’s attack point is, “If you go deeper into your logic, then all people born are tall and short, beautiful and ugly, and high and handsome are born with more goodwill, are you going to be in At the genetic level, everyone is exactly the same; some people are rich second generation, official second generation, acting second generation, rich in money and connections, born to win on the finish line. Then do you want all newborns to have a concentrated birth, Then assign families out of order to achieve fairness? Do n’t you feel ridiculous? ”

In short, the two of them haven’t stopped on the way, and in the end they bothered them. But arguing and arguing constantly, but in the end no one can convince anyone.

The reason why Lu Yuan had to let Elona experience life with him was that the fundamental reason is that since he could n’t convince Elona, ​​she could only hope that she could convince herself ~ ~ After all, so many people are still alive, There is a reason for not dying. What if Elona finds it?

It was with such thoughts that Lu Yuan could not stop his travel.

But how can things be as good as possible …

The wind of “Hula Lala” suddenly blew up without warning! The town was blown away and the houses creaked.

The sudden gust of wind and the clouded sky that followed caused Valeris to hug the armor and hurriedly left. The guests who originally drank in the inn also rushed home one by one, collecting clothes, furs and firewood … In short, the sudden storm made the town chaotic, but the Giant Sleep Inn was weird Quiet down.

Lu Yuan’s eyes looked in the direction of the roof, and with a sigh, he finally walked up the stairs and climbed up the roof of the inn one by one.

Sure enough, only Elona stood on the edge of the roof, looking at the cloudy sky.

The storm was spinning around her.

“Are you leaving?” Lu Yuan said.

Elona didn’t nod or shake her head, she just forgot Lu Yuan’s glance deeply, and then forced her to fly towards the sky.

Her figure disappeared into the dark clouds, and two huge black bat wings splayed behind her, covering the entire sky! A voice, like a thundering thunder, poured down from the sky—

“I am the beginning, I am the end! I create everything, and everything will eventually die because of me! I am Akatosh, I am … Auduin!”


ps: Akatosh, the dragon of time, the main **** in the nine holy spirits of creation; Auduin, the dragon of the end, the world devourer, the avatar of Akatosh.

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