Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 3 - Billions of battleships, billions of stars 3

“Well, what do you want to do on the horse!” Let the two re-enter the door, but before waiting to sit down, Hackett was angry!

But Admiral Hackett did not expect their answers. Because after the spraying, the old general pours into the sofa with a decadent face, and then tilts his head and pours a large half of the bottle of whiskey into the belly. “… I knew that I would come sooner or later this day. Since the boy hit me in the bed, I knew that he was an ambitious little guy.”

Li Huamei suddenly became embarrassed, and speaking of Your Excellency, did our arrival make you misunderstand? And you said Hu Jun actually peed your bed? … Well, that must be something that could not be controlled as a baby. But what if I really want to take care of such a husband?

“… When I hugged him, the little guy laughed a lot, but he was happy; but when I reached out to hug his sister, the little guy stopped doing it and directly peed my bed (that was preventing you from holding Muxing!) I knew at the time of the fight that this kid was not easy! Later, he learned hooliganism with everyone, and everyone thought he was just a bastard, and only I knew … Hey, that kid thief, did the result prove my point? Everyone says Mu Xing is a genius, I say he is much smarter than Mu Xing!

The mysterious organization that suddenly popped up later, ‘Louis and his children’, “Hackett glanced at Li Huamei, who was also considered to be a member of this organization.” I didn’t find out until the end of the war, It turned out that the organization was originally founded by Lu Yuan under the name of the original Dr. Louis. At that time I felt something was wrong! What kind of illegal organization are you talking about? Still connected with such a big force, what on earth did he want to do?

When peace came, without the soil of the ambitions, I thought it could finally be calm … But everyone knows that the Dawn still retains such a powerful fleet! Even the reaper can easily destroy the entire galaxy, so how powerful should the Dawn Fleet once hang the reaper? Dare to think! Major General Tallie and Major General Gallas, who had served in the Dawn Fleet for a period of time, were both unaware of this problem. And I have managed the city of dawn, guess what? “

The old man drank another half a bottle at a stretch.

“I have been the mayor for five years, but I don’t even know how big the city of Dawn is! How many kinds of factories are producing something in it! I only know that if the city of Dawn fully enters the manufacturing industry, it can even meet all The needs of the galaxy! And this is just a small part of the dawn team … this is terrible!

Say, what is he doing now? “

Don’t look at the dead old man falling on the sofa, half like a buried one. But Hackett raised his eyes so much, his old eyes were still cold and radiant, and his spirit was not diminished! “If he just wants to be the speaker of the Shenbao Council, even if he wants to be the President of the Galaxy who has never appeared! As long as he said … I will go to the Shenbao Council immediately to fight for him! Otherwise he will hide all day A large fleet, everyone will be scared to death, you know ?!

What did you just say? Want to appoint me as commander-in-chief of the Dawn Deep Space Fleet? Believe it or not, as long as this news is revealed, the Shenbao Parliament will immediately be fully mobilized!

War is about to die … I have fought for most of my life, and my greatest wish is peace. Even if I watched their sister and brother grow up, he would let me be the ghost commander, I wouldn’t do it. If he wants to start a war again, I will stand opposite him to stop him! So I just blasted you out! “

Got it, the old man was worried that Lu Yuan wanted to dominate the world!

Shepard and Li Huamei looked at each other quietly, and could see the smile in each other’s eyes. Hackett completely missed the point, other people did not say, even if Sister Xue was so disgusted with Lu Yuan, they had to admit that the guy had no interest in worldly power! It can be said that if he wants to, now that the galaxy is already in his hands, it is impossible to return to the era in which the four races stood side by side!

However, Lu Yuan was dedicated to operating his larger and larger Dawn, and at most thought about counterattacking the galaxy in another world-and opening a large harem-it seemed that it was already very satisfying. Although he is a weirdo, he is a weird and trustworthy weirdo …

“But Lu Yuan, he just wanted to fight aliens?” Li Huamei said with innocent apricot nucleus, vaguely distorting the facts.

“Asshole, that’s discrimination!” The old man was obviously a little drunk and shouted with a moustache. “Aliens are a discriminatory argument. Could the Earth immigrants living in the colonies also become aliens? In the past, they were divided into Asari, Turui, and Salarui. Now they are all called Galaxy citizens. Allied, it’s a fart! He just has a big fleet and doesn’t need to scream! “

Although Hackett scolded, he actually understood “Lu Yuan’s thoughts”-when he had just served as the fleet commander, he also had a long hair like his heart, seeing everything he wanted to command the fleet to do it … man When I first got a toy with great destructive power, like Spider-Man, Iron Man or something, isn’t it all good?

“The Mona that Lu Yuan is about to fight does not belong to the league …” Shepard couldn’t bear to see the admiral continue to deviate.

“Kouhu, it’s not an alliance! Are they tribal pigs? Wait, that’s not what I said just now!” General Hackett thought for a long time with his eyes wide open before asking confusedly, “Mona Which planet is man? “

“The galaxy a3 cantilever … another world!”


There are 10,000 people and there is no limit.

However, after continuous construction and rebuilding, the battlefield library of the Dawn has exploded. If the millions of large and small spaceships of the deep space fleet are neatly arranged, it can even cover a world as large as several solar systems! The so-called “can’t see the side at a glance”, placed here, must be laser eyes with a gravitational lens!

Such a huge fleet involves millions of warships and auxiliary ships, 12 million humanoids and 40 million Jess robots, and endless logistics resources. The complexity of the fleet operation is beyond imagination-even Beyond the computing power of the core host Ms. Liming!

Therefore, Admiral Hackett’s worries are really “worrying”. The current fleet strength of the Dawn has a gap between heaven and earth compared with when he just defeated the reaper! If this fleet is used in today’s galaxy, it can be expected that the so-called “Shenbao Parliamentary Joint Fleet” may not last for ten minutes! His fear that “war replaces peace” will never happen, because only children are beaten, there is no war …

Such a huge fleet that has never appeared in history is certainly not intended to conquer this galaxy. He was used to conduct cross-dimensional warfare, an armed force prepared for a “dual galaxy war”, a battle containing a dozen gods and countless fleets.

So the question is, how should such a huge fleet operate and command? This is now the biggest problem on the Dawn!

Need to know that there can be inborn masters in the world, but there will never be inborn masters! Famous generals are concerned with astronomy and geography, marching formations, various conspiracies, and morale equipment; but the famous coaches are concerned with logistics, political situation, productivity transformation, smooth command system, and digital games … the most important thing is that the name Handsome needs experience to accumulate, and cannot be born to learn or learn all the knowledge from books.

For the current Dawn ~ ~, there are only two handsomes available, one is Lu Yuan, who is unparalleled in mentality and intrigue; the other is that he has experienced three wars as a leader, and his experience is too much to add. Admiral Kert.

As for others, Zhao Min has proved to be only suitable as a staff officer, and her pattern as commander-in-chief is not enough; and Li Huamei is more suitable as a warrior, and only by taking the lead can make her bloom unparalleled, away from the front will make her at a loss; Fairy Yakumo Zi is more suitable as a foreman. Anne is simply the captain of the charge, and she must never send troops other than elite to her! As for Shepard, she proved that she is a unique candidate for special operations.

But Lu Yuan was not easy, and it was impossible to avail himself to command the big fleet. After all, outside the fleet, there are the more dangerous holy order “Twenty-two Kings”. In addition to those extremely powerful people who stepped out of the world of reincarnation, there are mysterious Mona gods. The so-called open bow does not look back arrows, once officially started to march, you must not deliberately like to play games-from the mob all the way to upgrade to kill the boss!

If you just make an appearance, you will be blocked by the big boss …

Therefore, inviting Admiral Hackett and the retired generals of the former Star Alliance to form the “Forward Front Command of the New Galaxy” has become a top priority. (To be continued.)

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