Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 31 - Crimson Dragon 2

Dragons, in almost all legends, stand on the food chain to update the fastest

The ultimate mythical creature!

This red dragon has just appeared in the sky, and the burning flame on its body has rendered Tianya into a red and appears in the game. The dragon like a big lizard has no comparability. This giant dragon is closer to the dnd world. Dragon.

Dreadful, arrogant, fierce, and the ubiquitous Longwei deterrence! The shadow of the dragon is hundreds of kilometers away from this mountain range, and the huge power has made the animals in the whole forest run wild and wolves rush! Countless beasts, wolves and foxes shoulder to shoulder, saber-toothed tiger and wild boar front and rear feet, the giant rode his Meng Ma giant elephant, madly across the road, like the tide surge into the opposite direction. They can’t take care of anything except escape.

In terms of the degree of pull in the game, this red dragon seems to be even more awesome than when Auduin attacked Helgen! I really don’t know how the ancient Nords exterminated these creatures. At that time, the Nords really deserved to be a demigod race.

“Hide under the tree and hide it, the dragon’s eyes can’t tell the details under the shadow … God, I thought it was only the crew, I didn’t expect there was a dragon!” Ella shouted. Her response was fast enough, but the horses that Lu Yuan and Ella rode were just common breeds raised by farmers. It was fair to ride on the road, at this time one of the horses was paralyzed by Longwei on the ground; the other madly broke away from the reins and rushed into the beast tide all the way to flee, and suddenly disappeared.

It was the obedient cow of the old Lu family, as if it had not been affected, and he swayed and hid under the tree without driving. I was still in the mood to eat a bite of tender grass, which was simply not easy … “Your cow is so amazing?” Even if the situation is very tense, Ella can’t help but say, this old cow is really showing The contrast is too big!

Not to mention the two horses, it looks calmer than itself! You know, even if it is Ella, she is just trying to calm down. She is holding a cold sweat in her palm. The so-called “Dragon Eyes can’t tell the details in the shadows” and the like are completely unpopular knowledge from the look. I don’t know whether it is true or false. After all, there have been no traces of dragons on the mainland for hundreds of years. Dragon dealing experience.

“… Probably my cow is relatively dull.” Lao Lu can only say that, let his cow hear his eyes straight and change it to you. Why was Audu intimidated seven or eight times a day, I am afraid that Longwei will become numb … … What do you humans call this? Refractory period? At the beginning, I was scared to death, but I was scared of it even before I saw IQ.

Long Fei’s speed is not fast, it seems to be deliberately driving the beast tide below. And obviously this dragon is not hungry, it has no idea of ​​diving and preying, and naturally ignores the two people and a bullock cart hidden in the shade.

“Wow, it’s so big! It looks forty feet long!” Ella said in full admiration. When the red dragon flew over the head like a burning cloud, it almost covered the whole sunlight falling to the foot of the mountain. Ella ’s elven longbow has already been unraveled and the bow string is ready. She clasped her arms and loosened them, apparently struggling to restrain her eagerness to try.

This beautiful beast completely aroused the risk of hunting in her bloodline? She was completely left behind! If it had not been promised to **** Master Tyrande, she was desperate now.

“… wait!” Ella suddenly thought of her task from this dragon. “No, it’s going to attack the farm in the Baihe Valley! But the wizard wants us to go there to help, it’s a dragon!”

The comrades-in-arms also possess people with mysterious powers, and the court mage employed by the lord of the White Man City can also help the comrades to some extent. Therefore, the lord of the city can predict in advance that the farms distributed in the Baihe Valley are likely to suffer from the joint impact of wild giants and herds in the near future. Regarding hunting beasts, it is obvious that the comrades-in-arms are better than the city guards, so the comrades-in-arms are asked to go to the White River Valley to assist in defense.

Ella was one of the members who rushed to the valley first. But she never thought that the opponent turned out to be a dragon! And now it seems that it is a dragon whose wisdom is no less than humans!

But at this time Ella wanted to understand that this red dragon was by no means inadvertently passing. It was purposely driving the beasts in the mountains to form a beast tide, then attacked the farms distributed in the river valley, and finally went on the scene in person. last blow! If the farmhouse in the Baihe River Valley is burned in a large area, it is likely that a large number of Nords will freeze and starve to death this winter. This is the true meaning of the prophecy! It is also the real purpose of that evil red dragon!

“I have to stop it! I also need to notify my friends in time. Sorry, Master Tyrande.” Ella’s hand turned up with a knife, swiftly swiping back and forth around her body like lightning A few times. At that time, the seven or eight skin sacs, big and small, hanging and carrying on her body, all fell into the dust, and instantly lightly packed to the extent of only the bow sac and quiver. “Go in the opposite direction, Master. This badge is for you. With it, you can at least avoid the attack of the wild wolves. Looking forward to the day we will see you again …”

Between the words, Ella had disappeared into the forest, her voice moving away in the direction where the red dragon disappeared.

A metal badge thrown by her backhand flipped out of the woods and let Lu Yuan catch it.


“That’s it, that’s it! She’s gone, show your true face!”

In the jungle, Albnis, the Saint of Helsin, was quietly watching all this. When seeing Ela the Huntress choose to leave, Albnice couldn’t help licking her lips nervously, and her mouth began to repeat nagging like a pervert!

At the moment, Albnis was dressed in ragged clothes, and his unkempt face looked like a savage who had lived in the forest all his life. There was a little bit of the old and noble old nobleman in the territory!

“All this blame the **** bastard!” He thought to himself, eyes staring fiercely at Lu Yuan outside the woods. That look, with hatred, fascination, and longing … really looked like a pervert! But he was not afraid to expose at this time. Because a demon artifact cane from the demon **** Helsing is being held in his hand. The beast breath from the walking stick and the chameleon camouflage covered up his trail.

In fact, the days and nights of life in the mountains and forests for several months have made him smell no different from the beast … Looking at his appearance, you can roughly guess that he is tracking Lu Yuan What has passed on the way.

Now whoever tells Albnis to say “Tyland” is a road idiot, he definitely took out the big hacker with a big knife!

Lu Fuck a fart! This guy is clearly a master escape expert who is extremely superb and extremely good at getting rid of tracking!

Albnis is a saint who hunts the demon **** Helsing. Not only has he mastered the countless hunting abilities of Helsingen because of his blood, he even possessed several artifacts from Helsingen! His eyes can even directly see what happened in the past, but this is still the case. He still loses Lu Yuan’s traces again and again, and his tails that he was dumped can’t catch!

In the end, it is completely dependent on the target staying in a certain place from time to time, and also without concealing the trace, this can catch up again. Therefore, in the view of Albnis, the so-called “Master Tyrande is a lust” is simply a complete lie! Anyone who believes this lie is an idiot!

It should be noted that once Albnis accidentally saw that the cow of Lu Yuan’s family could actually step on his own footsteps and walk backwards step by step! At that time he was almost crazy! Why are there so many strange things around this guy? Are you a smart horse? !

And this is not the trickiest part. The most tricky thing is that the person who accompanies the guy is always so unexpected that first she is a creepy female swordsman. When the woman appeared, Albnis felt as if he were being stared at by natural enemies. But even the demon **** Helsin kept telling him, “Move yourself! Lie on your back, dig a hole to hide! Hands, tail …”

In history, the once demon **** Dagon was like a clown in front of the **** Auduin ~ ~ In fact, the demon **** Helsing is not much better there … the difference between War 2 **** and War 5 slag.

Fortunately, Albnis swept away the horrible female swordsman, but in the end Lu Yuan changed another person. The female hunter this time is not a hidden boss.

But she is Hersin’s true darling (the core of Ella and the comrades-in-arms, all are the werewolf bloodline given by Hersin), as we said before, with a free and unruly soul. The demon **** Helsing was very much looking forward to the beautiful hunter set foot on his **** kingdom one day, galloping freely in his wilderness. The breeze lifted her skirt, revealing two solid, slender white legs … how could Albnis be allowed to intervene? He can only continue to stink in the mud.

Finally, God opened her eyes and let the hunter leave.

Albnis didn’t jump out immediately, because as a senior hunter, hunting was a fanatical pursuit of his life! He knows that Lu Yuan is by no means merely a skilled blacksmith. What secret must be hidden behind his mask, it is worth waiting for him! When the prey hasn’t shown all its charms, how could the hunter choose to take this shot?

When there are outsiders around Lu Yuan, Albnis is certainly not easy to attack. The so-called “Master Tyrande” may also hide his unknown side!

Now that the woman has left, this is the opportunity for Albnis. Isn’t it the opportunity of “Master Tyrande”?

“Show your true face, Tyrande!”

He watched with excitement as the so-called “Adult Tyrande” did not leave in the opposite direction as Ella left after she left. Instead, he took out a large double-sided axe from the car and chased it in the same direction as Ella left.

“Houhou, I have caught you!” (Unfinished to be continued …) rw More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s college

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