Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 41 - We are all Northeast Silver

Perhaps it was because of Twistar’s unparalleled personal charm, or perhaps because of Ella’s obscure affection that she couldn’t tell clearly and the Dao was unclear. In short, she subconsciously took the hand that Twistar held out. The fastest update

Naturally afterwards, Twilight took over the command given by Ella.

She asked the farmers to add firewood to the fire to stop as many animals as possible; she asked the peripheral members of the shield group to clean up the barricades that had been worked hard before; finally, she put the most core people She didn’t know any of them when she gathered them, but she chose them very accurately! Not only are each a member of the “circle” of the comrades-in-arms group, but they also all have another identity. They are all werewolves …

“First ask, won’t you happen to be the Dawn Guard?” Twistar peeked at the paper with a note, then asked carefully.

Several people questioned looked at each other, and finally the older Cisco Moon remembered it first. “Guard of Dawn … You are talking about the organization that is specifically against vampires? We have nothing to do with them, we are comrades-in-arms!” Cisco Moon said proudly.

“Well, the title of the comrades-in-arms is very imposing, and it deeply reflects the friendship of comrades, a good name!” Mu Xing nodded happily, praised. Listening to her saying this, several of the comrades-in-arms became super. Judging by your expression, you haven’t heard of the name of “Comrades” at all? And the uncompromising compliment … As an organization with a history of 4,000 years, is our visibility so bad?

In fact, it’s just because these people have nothing to do with the “Lu Yuan’s assigned mission goals” in her hand. Twistar is happy because she doesn’t need to “deceive” these people.

Originally according to the plan, Twilight should immediately go to the Dawn Fortress located southwest of Skyrim after crossing, and actively join the Dawn Guard. As a pastor, Twilight has an unparalleled advantage in fighting against undead creatures in this world. Fighting vampires is not against her beliefs, but also professional counterparts, it is simply suitable. But after passing through, Twilight star fell directly to Xingchen Lake. She was blocked by a sudden beast tide.

But these are not the main reasons. The core reason is that Twilight, as a forest ranger, could not watch the tragedies of animals happening and was indifferent, so she stayed on her own initiative.

“I chose you because you all have a natural breath, which means that you are closer to nature and more easily accept the way of nature … I ask you, you are willing to maintain the balance of nature, And protect all life? “Twistar asked.

Seven or eight people, including Ella, stood side by side in front of Mu Xing to receive the ceremony. When Mu Xing asked, several people who had already been psychologically prepared answered. “I do.”

“Then I announce that from today on, you will all be apprentice druids!” Twistar waved his hand, as simple as completing a job. “Now I need you to try to communicate with the animals, prevent them from killing each other, try to help me get time … I will study how to use this faucet, understand?”

“Understood …” Several people replied vaguely because Twistar’s actions were too fast, and the content of the words was too playful, so that they felt that they had not entered the play yet. Only when Cisco Moon was very serious from beginning to end did he faintly see that when Twilight waved, there was a green light that plunged into several people’s bodies.

“Wait, what do you understand?” Ella said annoyed first.

As soon as Twistar reached out and asked if she would help, she promised to come down. Now think of it, that smile … It ’s almost like a devil, “You said we are a druid, we are a druid? And what the **** is a druid?”

“That’s what I said,” Mu Xing is very speechless, always feels that the IQ of people in this world is not high. “Druid is actually not difficult at all. I thought that you guys are very talented … Since you are not so wise, I had to pass on my personal secret skills to you too! Come and learn with me, first One step, reach out … “

Twilight extended his right hand towards the white saber-toothed tiger.

“Stretch your hand.”

“Touch your head …”

She gave a few hard grips on the white tiger’s brain door, and the tiger showed a very enjoyable look. “Look, as long as it is, it will be mixed with you in the future.”

Ella, Comrades and others, “…”

“Meow ~” The tiger leaned over and rubbed his head against Twilight’s palm, rubbing himself like a domestic cat. “It’s that simple, you try it.”


Although it sounds unreliable, the promised things must be done! Several of the comrades-in-arms gritted their teeth, and walked towards the herd with bare hands. As a hunter, at least understand that if armed in full service, it would only increase the animal’s vigilance.

At this time, the ignited flame isolation zone was almost extinguished, and signs of chaos began to appear inside the beast tide. The iconic event is that as the strongest species of wolves in the beast tide, they have gathered together regardless of “race”. As the number of wolves grows, their conflicts with surrounding animals begin to intensify. This forced more populations to begin to gather … Seeing that the war was about to hit!

It was in this situation that Ella walked into the herd with no weapons … almost a death move. However, strangely, the breath on them seems to have changed. Animals often don’t pay attention after sniffing their taste. At this time they pass by, standing next to them, it seems that they will not cause the animal’s vigilance as if they are a tree.

“This druid seems to be really effective!” Ella became very surprised and immediately wanted to try the “secret technique”.

She stared at an elk and slowly reached out her hand. As a result, the elk twisted her neck to hide, and then jumped away. “The deer’s vigilance is too high,” she explained herself, calming down, and reaching out to the mountain wolf around her with a sinister black hand. As a result, the wolf choked her teeth and turned to face her with her ass. Those little eyes are clearly despised!

“It’s annoying …” Ella was rejected twice in a row, which was really embarrassing. Seeing that it was okay to wander around the tide for so long, her courage gradually grew. Ella glanced around, this time aiming at a lazy-looking black bear.

“Hey ~ Big man, don’t move, let me touch your head …” She held out her hand again to the target. Black Bear was so cute, sitting there silly, it seemed to turn a blind eye to her. But just when her hand was about to touch the top of the bear’s head, a big paw swung over and opened her hand with a “snap”.

“Don’t touch your hands!”

“I didn’t … wait! What did you say? Do you speak?” Ella discovered at this time that she could understand Big Black Bear! Not only that, but as if an opportunity had been broken, in the blink of an eye, the various beast roars and birdsongs in the ear were all converted into various vocabularies that could be heard.

“What do you look at?” “I look at you!” “Would you try again?” (Northeast Silver?)

“His father, let’s hide on the side again, there will be a fight over there.” “Follow me, I think there is a free child over there.” (Superborn Guerrilla?)

“You’re going to run.” “You’re going to chase.” “Then you run.” “Then you chase.” (This is from Deyun Society …)

“My God!” Ella was shocked to say nothing! Looking around, several friends of the comrades-in-arms also showed shocked expressions. Especially Cisco Moon, actually trembling with excitement. He had grown hair on his cheeks, and there were signs of transformation.

“Wait, big man.” Ella hurriedly shouted to the black bear who was going to leave. “I know you can understand me, there will be bloodshed here soon, can you help me?”

Ella did not know that this “animal language translator” was completely a malicious product of some people, and thought that animals could understand human speech by nature. At this time, she had regretted that she had killed so many beasts in the past! When she thought that these animals were like humans, they could talk and communicate, and suddenly felt that their hands were covered with blood, just like killing many people … her words were “translated” into a series of beast roars, making the black bear really Stopped.

Ella was nervously waiting for Black Bear’s answer. After a while, the bear answered Ai Ai just in expectation, “I … I am a female bear.”

It can be seen that God knows what the “translator” translates Ella’s words into, it seems to have a subtle feeling …

Although the Black Bear looks slow, it is still very powerful. Moreover, bears travel alone, in fact, their family concept is quite strong among mammals. After confirming that Ella doesn’t mean “that” to her, “Dahua” (Ella fetched) acted slowly, but gathered her boyfriend, mother, mother’s new boyfriend in a short time … … waiting for a large group of black bears!

When the black bear acts alone, it is not a threat to the agile animals. But when the black bears gathered ~ ~ their threat immediately became infinite! Especially when these black bears rely on the thick skin and flesh, forcibly squeezed into the middle of the battlefield between the saber-toothed tiger and the wolf pack, this battle is obviously impossible to fight. Facing the bear **** outwards, no matter whether it is a tiger or a wolf, it can only ridicule and walk away … it is really a bear’s paw, which is uncomfortable.

“Big flower, great job!” Ella jumped up and hugged the black bear, rubbing her top heart fur with praise. Black Bear also closed her eyes and allowed Ella to touch her head, with a look of enjoyment … Unconsciously, the two “people” were already fine in the honey. Even “Dahua’s boyfriend” lowered his head together, hummed in his mouth, begging for reward.

Animals, it’s so interesting!

At this moment, “Roar ~~~!” A dragon roar resounded through Tianyu, rang in the canyon!


Ella turned her head and saw at first glance the majestic twilight star standing on the stone mountain.

Twilight’s hand was pressed against the cut faucet, a bright green brilliance wrapped her and the faucet together. And the most amazing thing is that under her control, the dragon even spoke miraculously.

“Listen to the debris below … to the left of the grass-eating station, to the right of the meat-eating station, give me the middle of the station if you want to die!”

Along with the deafening roar, Long Yu clearly conveyed the words to the ears of each animal in these tens of miles of canyon. The fear hidden in the genes, the experience of the ancestors being held in captivity by the dragons, made these animals subconsciously obey the dragon’s order and then only heard a neat “sho”, all the animals, all squeezed into the middle!

Ella was dumbfounded, as were the fellow comrades in arms.

Then I heard the faucet saying, “Asshole, this broken translator is wrong again!” Rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone

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