Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 46 - It ’s not a sin for men to cry, cry, cry

Seeing the violent storm outside the door, the poison island lingzi smiled coldly, was this angry? If you are angry, you will be angry … I don’t care!

Poison Island does not have as many entanglements as Lu Yuan, what “Who are you? Where did you come from? Are you from yesterday or are you from today?” Waiting for the cosmological problem in her view, Lorna and Xiaoai Lorna can be regarded as two people, so who is good and who is bad is naturally clear. The poison island scorpion doesn’t know much, but she at least understands who is our enemy and who is our friend. This is the primary issue of fighting.

“Whether …” Also looking at the heavy rain outside, Iriles tried to keep it.

Poison Island Slinger gently waved his hand backwards, without looking back, and walked straight into the rain, his slender hand holding the hilt, his long hair flying with the wind … Suddenly, the water splashed when the heavy rain broke , Outline an egg-shaped transparent shield outside the body of the poison island, blocking all rain from the body. The poison island scorpion has long been different from the past, but her progress is not as eye-catching as the people of the Liming regiment. Today, even if she pinches the sword saints from all over Japan to the past, it is not enough for her to cut.

Balguf and Iriles watched the new dragon descent, and disappeared into the rain curtain a little bit until they were completely invisible. There was only heavy white rain between the world, but the two seemed to see the tall, slender, straight gun-like back.

“It’s a woman with a high reputation.”

If at first I heard Dragon Race claiming to give up “my own responsibility”, the two still had a little bit of panic. Then the two standing in front of the Longxiao Palace now only have firmness in their hearts! The poison island scorpion is right, people still have to rely on themselves!

“Ireiras, if Auduin really came to Baiman City …”

“I swear I will fight with you to the last moment!”


The protagonists of Lao Lu, Master Lu, Tyrande Blacksmith, Shenyin Many Chapters … finally have to wake up.

“Um ~” conventional headaches. No one will be treated as a channel by their brains, and it will not be too good to pass through such a large god. But at the same time, the return of Hersin’s divine power filled this body, and his condition was so good that even the sword he had received before had been healed.

Archimedes said, give him a fulcrum, he can pry up the earth. Lu Yuan can also say that, give him a little magic power, he can make all possible magic in the hands of ordinary magicians, is an independent magic, or skills. But magic is a universal tool in Lu Yuan’s hands, a key to play around the world and unlock various poses as you like. Because he is one of the strongest magic researchers in the infinite world.

Elona took advantage of the fact that he had just entered the world and didn’t understand the rules yet, dug a hole and happily pushed him down to try to use the rules of the world to block his way of exposure to magic. Now Lao Lu is one-handed, two-handed, blocked, and blacksmith four-level full rank! The restoration department ordered a “regeneration”, which is simply a professional kitchen knife. what? You said that warriors have warriors’ play methods, and masters have master’s play methods. Their occupations are balanced. There is no most powerful career, only the most powerful people?

Sao Nian, your mouth gun is great! Learn to cook with me!

But in the real world, special forces and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences “career balance”, would you believe it? The chairman took the hand of the dungman and said that we are only different in the division of labor … The most exciting part of this remark is that the question of “how different is it” is fooled by the “concept”.

Now that Lu Yuan has divine power, then a new world has opened up. As for the difference between divine power and magic power, this is not a problem for Lu Yuan.

Okay, okay … no nonsense, let’s continue to open our eyes, “Well ~” Lu Yuan moaned, and slowly opened his eyes … Then he saw, with a pair of old eyes, watching from a close distance He … it was a pair of light blue, and the eyes of a man who appeared translucent due to lack of pigment and had many wrinkles in the corners of the eyes looked at him less than 10 cm away from Lu Yuan. Not only that, he also felt heavy weight on his body, if the estimation was correct, it happened to be the weight of an adult man …

“Lying trough! I was even pressed underneath a man!” My heart turned and then turned … and turned to Lao Lu, who was about to collapse. The first thought was to lie in a big slot! The power in his body exploded uncontrollably, and his hands subconsciously pushed the opponent away!

Unfortunately, apparently the other party had just woken up and thought so … So the two men in the tragedy were poked on the body by the other’s black and hard, and then there was no precaution and no worries. Blowed out by the power of the other party’s explosion! The two figures separated towards the sides, only heard a loud noise, each broke countless towering giant trees, and opened two gullies in the forest!

“Puff ~!” The two men vomited blood at the same time, but the physical trauma was far less than that of the soul …

“Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan also has today.” Lao Lu was lying in the pit, his face unbearable.

(Bgm sounded: “Give up, don’t do it, be a man exhausted! Nima won the battle and lost her innocence …”)

At this time, he had already remembered who was the one who pressed him (screen playback, Albnis, who put him through the sword. Then Lu Yuan’s eyebrow flew out of his heart, and fell into Albnis’s eyebrow. (Ground), no, I didn’t cry … I just shed cold tears.


Lu Yuan is sad and unable to extricate himself.

In the distance, Albniz finally struggled and climbed out of the pit first. But he only looked at Lu Yuan from afar, then he turned away bitterly … and what if he didn’t leave? Even the boss has changed! Unlike those demon gods who are still in the drums, as a saint in Helsing, Albnis clearly knows that his boss has changed people! And the eight achievements of this guy in front of him are the avatars of the “that man”, and Nima can’t afford it either.

But he did not dare to reveal this secret to anyone, and even helped to cover up “Helsin” because as a saint, Helsin’s divine power is a key element to maintain his combat effectiveness and lifespan. As long as “Helsin” takes back the divine power, Albnis will definitely die.

“I have a task for you.” Just when he was very anxious and wondered what fate would come to him. The sound that made him very familiar but hated him suddenly sounded in his ear. Albnis didn’t answer the first time, and the voice was waiting. In the end, Albnis lowered his head. “According to your orders, great … Your Majesty Hersin.” From this moment on, the blood left by this man in the material world also chose to change the court.

“Very good, you’re very good!” The voice suddenly changed tone, no longer imitating the voice of Helsing, it sounded a bit casual. But at this moment, Albniz is happy. Because he felt his “priest rank”, which is the power to control the power of the gods, was greatly improved! That is to say, from now on he can use more shares of Helsin’s divine power.

“Please tell me.” Albnis said respectfully.

“Go to become the lord of Volkeris.” Helsing said directly.

“Become a lord?” Albnis was taken aback! And is it Volkeris collar? Even as a veteran aristocrat familiar with politics, Albnis had to think about it a little bit before he remembered where Volkeris was. Then he was at a loss, why was Volkris led? That place is too indifferent … even the Skyrim Civil War is far away from that remote place.

Skyrim province has nine territories, among which the most important port city of Dugu City (Haifenjialing) is the seat of Skyrim High King, which is firmly controlled by the Empire; In the hands of Uffrek’s Storm Cloak. Skyrim Civil War is actually a war between Skyrim ’s first and second leaders. In addition, the winter is led by the Winter Castle and the Academy of Magic; the rift is led by the prosperous animal husbandry and thieves union; the border is led by the famous dwarf city of Markas, and of course the terrorist oaths …

May I ask what Volkers has? Then the answer is mostly grave.

Yes, the entire territory, including the capital Falkreath (a small town), looks like a large cemetery! It used to be an ancient battlefield, and countless heroes were killed and buried here. And because of the beautiful scenery of Irina Lake here, more nobles and heroes chose to sleep here after death, so that after years and months, finally Falkreath turned into a big scene … that The collar will not have any development prospects, because all good land is occupied by graves!

These tombs will not bring any benefits to this territory, but if any grave is not well taken care of, then wait for the anger from the imperial capital!

As you know, Skyrim has a joke: It is said that there is such a book called “Guidelines for School-level Officers in Skyrim Bases, for Imperial Officials”, which is a manual specially compiled by the Imperial Government for officials at all levels. It says that the Nine Collars only introduced eight, but the Volkeris Collar was omitted.

The saddest thing is that this is not a joke, this is a real thing …

“Any questions?”

“No, it’s no problem at all!” Albnis almost didn’t hesitate, and he agreed with his face!

Although he knew that it was the site of the Stern family, the old Dangel Steen had been the lord for many years. Recently, because the old guy was too close to the gang of storm cloaks, under the operation of the gang of nobles in Dugong City, Danger had to “sick off” in advance and replaced his young nephew Sid Gael as the lord. Now is the sensitive period of the civil war. Albnis’s attempt to acquire this position will inevitably touch the sensitive nerves of many people.

Compared to gaining divine power, all this will become insignificant! The Albniz family is quite a veteran aristocrat, and the exchange chips he can get are beyond imagination. Of course, not for trading with the uncles and nephews, but for bribing the nobles of the imperial capital ~ ~ Only the territories cannot trade … so they can only snatch!

As for the fate of the pair of uncles and nephews, the moment Albnis agreed to be doomed.

“If you feel embarrassed, you can talk, do you need help? I know that Sidguel’s kid has a lot of black materials, such as he and the thieves smuggled from the drop of hammers, for example, he secretly colluded with the storm cloak, for example, he and him The housekeeper of the house is fooling around … “Haierxin offered a few suggestions.

“You are too humorous, Your Majesty.” Albniz reminded him to set his identity in a subtle way. “It doesn’t need to be so troublesome at all, because what you said … is oracle!”

The oracle must be realized, and the oracle does not need to reason with anyone.

“… You are my Archbishop from today!” The power of Albnice’s body suddenly jumped again! Albnis was excited, almost squinted! There is no way, even Lao Lu has to admit that this guy is too easy to use than a priest who was taken away by a big tree. One thousand times … As for the believers in Helsingen? It’s enough to think about it, it’s all a group of brutalists.

“Oh, what’s the matter? I clearly remember …” Helsing said to himself, so that Albnis could hear clearly. He squeezed the ecstasy in his heart, and waited respectfully for “the next oracle”. Today’s benefits have been gained too much, and Albnis’ loyalty is also high enough to break through the sky! No way, this boss is too real! Smashing a lot of benefits, smashing him dizzy, Lang concubine.

“Ah, I remember!” He heard Helsing say this, and then a broken branch prodded on the back of his head.

“Everything is forgotten!”

ps: Seeing everyone’s comments in the chapter, it is really more exciting than the text. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s college

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