Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 53 - Nothing can stop, my yearning for freedom

The dream **** Valmina is hiding near the kingdom of God, and the attempt to attack Haierxin is probably because the era of “the oracle of the people” opened by Haierxin violated Valmana’s “whisper in the dream” and “whisper in the ear” Holy area. As a goddess who regards dreams as her absolute realm, she cannot tolerate Helsin’s involvement in her sphere of influence!

However, Valmyna is still too short-sighted and too overestimating herself, so that she is dead … or that the gods of the scroll world are all born with insufficient vision.

After devouring Valmina’s priesthood and divine power, Helsingen digested and merged in a very short time, and then transformed into “sports radio”, which was then exported to “news media”; from dreaming to “dream inspirational” From the perspective of modern people, each of these fields can create a great **** of high power! But in today’s Norn world, these areas are still blank.

If a mortal tries to touch these fields, there will naturally be a demon **** jumping out and teaching him to be a man!

But instead of the murderous Helsin, these demon gods all made head-down turtles. It was not that they were really afraid of Helsin, but that Helsin had destroyed the “world” set by the gods and the Holy Spirit since the creation of Nunn. “Rules” for civil cases. The terrorist attack will of course require special police.

Therefore, all demons and holy spirits are waiting for the ruling of the main **** Akatosh.

However, Akatosh remained silent, as if by default … This is interesting!

So Akatosh, that is, Elona does n’t shoot, what is she doing? … Elona is tangled! Various tangles! Because of the bureau set by Lu Yuan, she could not understand it at all!

I do n’t understand where Lu Yuandong ’s broom and Xiyi sweep the sword. I do n’t understand what kind of inheritance is hidden in this cluttered clue; I do n’t understand why he set Lu Yuan ’s pawns. Baba, he didn’t mean to correct it at all, but a chest with “I want this” had a sense of perfection, which made Elona wonder if she was being played again …

Suddenly, Elona sympathized with the “catalyst” of the year. She finally knew it, and all the clues were clearly in front of her, but she could not understand it; she knew that she would be counted, but she still couldn’t escape the plan; she knew that the key to everything was that king Eggs, but can’t shoot this taste is really uncomfortable!

Of course, the more uncomfortable is actually changing from standing behind Lu Yuan to standing opposite him.

Only when he becomes the enemy of Lu Yuan will he know how tortured his enemies are.

It’s very tangled and painful, but Elona can’t directly lift the table, which is exactly the same as the original catalyst thought!

This is like an opera just opening. Although every audience knows that the surname of Lu is bad silver, in order to know the plot behind, the audience has to bear to watch Lu Badin ’s step-by-step arrangement of traps, which will be good silver. We are pitted to death, but we can’t interfere. This is the fun of watching opera. At this time, if the audience jumps out and shoots Lu Badin, he will not only become a hero, but also become the worse silver in everyone’s eyes.

“Ah ~! No matter how long I read it, I still can’t understand it!”

The dragon of time is rolling and selling …


“… Damn slave! I dug such a bit of mine for a whole day? My dogs are more diligent than your dross! Do you want to eat if you don’t do good work? Hahaha ~ Find your Haierxin for bread! I have no food for you … “

A big-faced man holding a whip was scolding at a group of miners, all kinds of swearing! If it wasn’t for another person wearing clean clothes to pull him away, he would continue to spray with saliva for a few hours.

“Teach the slaves to teach them what they did not do! Did you forget what happened to the last person who dared to insult Helsing?” The butler wearing clean clothes angry said the foreman.

He heard that there was a problem with the mine and rushed from Macas City in a hurry. As a result, when he arrived at the mine, he found that the emotions of the slaves were not right. The slaves usually looked at them with hatred. These It has not yet been domesticated; or it has been squeezed out by hard work, becoming insensitive, like a walking dead. He has never seen a slave like this so silent …

They are like a volcano that is about to erupt!

“Me, I don’t have it! How dare I?” The foreman was shocked by the butler’s words! “I swear I really respect His Majesty Helsing! I was just talking nonsense …”

In the past days, the holy spirit and demon **** basically don’t care about mortals. If you please him, you may not be able to benefit. If you curse him, you will not be punished. Except for a few people, most mortals are ignored by the Holy Spirit and the Devil, and they live without interfering with anyone’s life.

You see that the Somo elf banned the Talos faith across the continent, even destroyed the statue of Talos and slaughtered his believers. This is already a mortal humiliation of the Holy Spirit Talos in the naked, but do you see what Talos did? Only his followers were heartbroken, and Holy Spirit Talos did nothing, as if he didn’t know.

This level of self-cultivation, with the surname Lu, is really one heaven and one underground.

However, since Helsingen changed his priesthood and even exposed the world to mortal eyes, all this seems … No, it should be said that only the world related to His Majesty Hersin has completely changed! He has directly changed from “indifferent” to the other extreme. With a “zero tolerance” attitude, you can believe in Hisense, you can ignore Hersin, and even you can question his teachings, it doesn’t matter!

But once someone dares to insult Halsin, he will be punished by God!

God has never appeared in this world as frequently as this moment, nor has he been as wicked as this moment!

A big noble in the Solitary City is a fanatic of the Holy Spirit. Because he dared to pour black blood on the emblem of Helsingen (someone wanted to move the emblem of Helsingen into the Great Temple), he spontaneously ignited in public! When the flame burned from his body, engulfing fat and flesh. Any rescue from magic does not work, and there is no response to praying to God. The big nobility was burned into a mass of ashes in front of everyone!

The plot seems beheaded! Since then, the mouths of the great aristocrats have been sealed, and the word “Helsin” is no longer dared to be mentioned.

There are also arrogants who insulted Helsingen. After drinking two or two yellow soups, he thought he would not be afraid of the sky. As a result, his upper and lower lips would grow completely together. It would be useless to cut the sword. The guy ended up starved to death;

Because Helsin encroached on the priesthood of Talos, Uffrek Storm Cloak tried to expel the believers of Helsin (mostly Orcs such as Tigers, Lizardmen, etc.) in Wind Rudder City, leaving only the Nord who believed in Talos people. As a result, he himself jumped off the tall bridge of Wind Rudder City during a certain tour. Although Uffrek fell into the river without falling to his death, he broke his thighs …

It can be said that in the past few weeks after the manifestation of Helsingen, the world has undergone great changes, even making countless people feel unfamiliar.

First of all, because the person who believes in me and has enough food and clothing has given Haierxin great recognition, his belief is not snowballing, but avalanche-like skyrocketing! Every day, every day is expanding, and this growth can not see the end! The most common sight in the entire continent today is the situation where the poor people gather weeds, cut down trees, and then take bread home, and the family laughs and sings.

Hersin made the nobles and rich people hate their teeth but had no choice but to end up having to say in dismay, “The untouchables just saved money by not eating food.”

They have eaten that kind of “God-given bread”, which has a light and tasteless taste, no salt and no sugar, far worse than the bread at home. They eat it once and disdain to eat it again. After that, no matter how the poor people praise these breads, these people will only believe that the poor people have never eaten real food before they will feel the bread delicious.

Some “men of insight” have noticed that the kingdom’s class is being torn apart;

Those real “wise men”, seeing that the nobles’ most powerful weapon of oppressing the poor in the past, is losing power. The basis of the ruling class exploitation is the land and force under rule.

In the past, they could take away all the food produced on the land, and then give a small part to those workers. Uffrek competed with the Supreme King for territory, and the nobles and merchants competed for wealth. They never put the afterglow of their eyes on ordinary people. Those people are nothing but crops in the fields, or cattle and sheep in the pen. But when ordinary people get food and clothing directly, they will continue to be tied to the land. In order to barely survive, will they be exploited by the masters year after year? !

Certainly impossible!

What’s more, there is also a deity, a very, very high-profile deity, standing behind them! This **** has used countless punishments to prove how careful he is to be a **** … saying that his followers will continue to be the exploited class, do you believe it? No one in the kingdom from top to bottom, including the rebels, believes it.

The nobles were worried, but they had no choice.

Fortunately, at least this winter, with the exception of a slight devaluation of the food market, the miracles of Helsingen have not been able to cause greater fluctuations for the time being.


“Ulu ~ Ulu ~”

The butler sighed, and your majesty is really … never forgiving! Seeing the foreman’s tongue suddenly cut short, the housekeeper could only choke in silence. Deservedly, who asked you to say to the slaves the words “I want your Halsin to get bread”?

“If you don’t die, you won’t die. It’s strange to say nothing,” the man said earlier.

“Go! Anyway, your tongue will only offend people, just cut it.” The butler said helplessly, dragging the foreman and left the mine directly.

They left, but the slaves stood silently, and the atmosphere was like a mountain!

The rest of the guards had hair in their hearts, and quickly found an excuse to follow. He is really a little afraid of these slaves now. He always feels that these people are not as honest as they were when they were first caught. Maybe it’s when I’ll rush up and take a bite.

The guard was terrified by his own imagination. He walked like he was running away, and he even forgot to take away the shackle keys hanging at the door.

“They are gone …”

After a while, it was not until the housekeeper and the guards were sure to leave the mine that the leading slave spoke. “Follow me, we continue to pray.”

“But the key is there, we just need to find a branch to get to …”

“Don’t let the key affect your piety!” The slave chief said solemnly, and the slaves were awe-inspiring.

The huddled slaves spread out, revealing a small, stone altar of Helsingen!

“The most holy, supreme, supreme, supreme my lord, please listen to your servant’s most sincere request …” He took the slaves and knelt down to the altar of Helsin again. “We do n’t pray for bread, we do n’t pray for warmth, and we do n’t pray for a good life … When your oracle says ‘no freedom, rather die,’ we know that that is what we pursue in our life The most beautiful thing! We only pray that you can let us out of the shackles and be free … “

There is no doubt ~ ~ The leading slave should be a reader before becoming a slave. His prayer words are good and logical.

Ten thousand times better than a certain Ella.

With the end of his first prayer, all the slaves followed him to chant and bowed to the altar, and the sound of the iron chain with hands and feet struck together. However, these slaves raised their heads unknowingly and continued their next prayer … the same thing, they had done it many times. Even if he had not received a response from Helsingen, he had not shaken their piety.

However, at this moment, a loud bang made them interrupt their prayers.

The top of the hole in the mine collapsed, and a large pile of stones fell from the ceiling. When the dust cleared up, a few rays of starlight shined into the mine through the zenith. Collapses in mines are very common, but it is so rare that they collapsed so cleverly that no one was hurt, but they were not far away.

The road to the outside, the opening of the cave is less than two meters from the ground, as long as two people are superimposed, and even one person jumps a little to be able to go outside late at night!

A few slaves looked at the suddenly appearing hole and moved deeply! However, the slave leaders severely stopped them, “Don’t let the landslide affect your faith!”

So the slaves were once again convinced …

“Wow ~” There was another sound, and the prayer was interrupted again!

The slave leader frowned and raised his head, why are there so many things? Nima can make people pray! This time is even stranger … actually fell from that cave into a person!

“You roar! I’m Lu Yuan, a lost blacksmith.” The person who fell in smacked the dust and smiled. “I’m good at unlocking locks and building weapons. Do you need help?”

“No need!” The slave leader’s face was astonished and he refused!

“Muddy Kai, we are still waiting for your majesty to come down to save us!”

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