Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 7 - Billions of battleships, hundreds of millions of stars

New Milky Way, No. 2 spiral arm, c43 star field——

Here we need to briefly talk about the zoning method of the new galaxy, because once we enter the new galaxy from the mass effect world, a new star division method will be used:

The core area, that is, Yinxin, is designated as the zero star field, also known as the “o area” (letter o). This part of the area belongs to the co-administration of various civilizations, and the depth of the o area is the main **** prison built with a neutron wall. What can be found here, except for endless stars and stellar variants, the rest are all fortresses, fortresses, and fortresses!

Spiral Arm Area-The New Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with two spiral arms, namely the number 1 spiral arm and the number 2 spiral arm. Each spiral arm is composed of a part of a short stellar bar flowing from the center of the galaxy, and an outer throwing spiral arm that is 90 degrees from the rod body and spirals around the Milky Way.

Among them, the short rod star field is not suitable for civilized activities due to high star density, complex celestial motion, and severe ecological environment. It is mainly used as a mining area. Because of the harsh and complicated astronomical environment, a lot of precious elements were born here. This area is defined as area a; the outer throw arm of 220 degrees is divided into area b, area c, area d and area e according to 50 degrees, 70 degrees, 70 degrees and 30 degrees.

There is no doubt that zones b and c are the most prosperous and most suitable areas for civilized survival. In these two areas, energy and basic living materials are all provided free of charge and unlimited; while zone d belongs to the exiled star domain and is used for “relocation” Those newly-grown civilizations like the earth have left them with some pitiful living space; while the e-zone is on the outermost margin of the Milky Way, where a large number of stars will end up, and the dying red giants and blue are everywhere The superstar, who has almost no good living environment and was completely abandoned, is called “dead zone”.

Of course, the “dead zone” is not really a dead end. It is also the place where various “secret secret organizations” like to take root. After all, for the residents of the new galaxy who enjoy high-tech bonuses, they have already conquered the heart of silver. What is the real desperation?

27 stellar furnaces-the most important core part of the new galaxy civilization-of which 26 stellar furnaces are connected in series as a “highway” every 13, through the abc three districts of their respective spiral arms, and are moving towards d District extension. As for the last stellar furnace … it was actually the indescribable prison that held Elona! This stellar furnace simply uses the neutron wall as the furnace body, and uses the dense cluster of silver cores as energy! Devour earth!

Does this look familiar? Prompt, Goku, Taishang Laojun … That ’s right, Big Nana is the monkey that was kept in the stove and burned!

As the most powerful civilization in the galaxy, the Mona partly owns the 1-a mine area of ​​the new galaxy No. 1 spiral arm and all 1-b star fields;

Geographically, the solar system is naturally located on the edge of zone 1-b of arm # 1. It is far from the core area of ​​the Mona’s rule, but still belongs to the Mona’s area of ​​rule. However, in the Mona’s plan, all b zones should be moved closer to the “center line”, and only those galaxies near the center line have reserve value. As for those who are not near the center line, the Mona naturally naturally dismantled the material or fuel and put a “virtual star” …

The newly divided area for the reign of several saint-order saints on the earth is on the other spiral arm of the Milky Way, with c and d each occupying a part. This is impossible because the core areas of b and c have already been divided. So several immigration ships have to cross the “dark area” between the two arms to get there, it will be a long journey …

According to the Mona ’s “national plan”, once the earth ’s immigration work is completed, the solar system will also be demolished-the rest will be driven to the d zone of the No. 1 spiral arm, and then the earth, including the entire solar system, will be dragged away Become fuel or material minerals … and then naturally there is no more.


Organa, the sea-blue race-a native of the new galaxy. His name can only be approximated by transliteration, because no one except the unique vocal organs of his own creatures can accurately say his name-now he is a warship pilot and captain of the Galaxy 2-c43 star field.

In fact, it’s just a small reconnaissance cruise ship composed of a captain and eight robots.

If there is anything he needs to care about, oh, he is a sea-blue people, a marine civilization born in the shallow sea. Simply put, he is a tentacle like Brother Lu Yuan! All eight tentacles of Organa are wrapped in a spacesuit made of fiber except for the tip, which shows that their civilization evolution direction is not much different from that of the earth …

He is driving his little warship and is doing routine cruise work in the 2-c43 star field-without using a curvature engine, this cycle of cruise takes four years! The curvature engine on his ship actually only lasts for five minutes … that is to say, it is a device that never needs to be used; but once it is used, there is actually no egg device.

Because the whole galaxy pursues a strategy of “concentrating to the centerline” of civilization construction, so that beyond the centerline of the spiral arm, a very large open world is often born (most of the worlds are star fields to which the samsara are allocated) ! In a world like this, everything you see is false-there are no planets or meteorites, only endless bright stars-but those stars are also false! All are virtual devices! They are actually some kind of heat dissipation device specially made to control the temperature of the stellar furnace …

But even if it is empty, after all, the territory is still under the empire, and it still needs a limited number of battleship cruises-this optional patrol is more about declaring sovereignty than preventing certain emergencies.

“Everything … normal, nothing … strange.” Organa said to himself, as if he was working hard. In fact, six of his eight tentacles are sticking to flying chess pieces, and he is only playing against himself.

Speak, just to fool the voyage recorder. Organa was used to this kind of life. He even slapped even with frauds, so God knew whether those records really cared about anyone! One time Oga Namo was so mad that he broke his mouth on the voyage recorder! From the empire king to the head boss, the record was handed over without any reduction, but so far he has not received any punishment … so sadly, he has long been forgotten, even the **** of the Imperial Star Not as good!

“Warning, dimensional disturbance detected, warning.” Suddenly, the red light in the cockpit flickered, and the robot he was driving sounded normally.

“Damn it, turn it off!” Looking at the board disturbed by the frightened pieces, Oga Namo shouted angrily, and the alarm was turned off. “It’s those **** virtual generators again! Which emulator must have left the place again …”

The stellar simulator is about a quarter of the size of the moon. Since it floats in space, it certainly has its own trajectory. Some holographic space transmission technologies are used in the generators for simulating stars, which are used to transmit the residual light and heat of the stellar furnace beyond a million light years. Such transmission will inevitably cause dimensional disturbances.

The game couldn’t be continued, and Okama stayed a few seconds before saying to himself, “Oh, is there a simulator nearby?”

“Warning! Large-scale dimension disturbance! Warning! Large-scale dimension disturbance!”

“God! What is that ?!” Through the waterdrop-shaped cockpit, Oga Namo saw the sight of cold hands and feet!

I saw the dark and empty universe and space world ~ ~ Suddenly split up … a long “gap”! It is like a wound on the skin cut by a knife, now on the wall of the universe’s field of vision! The inside of that fissure is even darker than the universe. For some reason, Oga Namo only thought of blood. The fissure opened longer and longer, extending indefinitely to the left and right of the field of vision, and then opened its “mouth” like a monster-this allowed Organa to see what was inside the fissure and made him almost vomit Or almost crazy!

Those are the eyes! Infinity, big and small eyes, born on dark background! More terrifying than the biggest thousand-eyed monster in the deep sea!


ps: Happy New Year everyone!

ps2: Writing settings is the most painful thing, the author does not want to write, the reader does not want to read … But it is an essential part of a book.

ps3: Describe my status to everyone: At present, my dedicated small house is full of printing paper, the browser is always open with dozens of web pages, and the stored information has been hundreds of megabytes, but the above is only the data collection part; I The reloaded girl scroll bar is still in the frustration of frequent ctd, but the npc name, dialogue and various screenshots written have already buried me … This is what I posted in the group last night, and it is also the most true status. (To be continued.)

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