Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 74 - Really defiled king

After that, Assatos didn’t say a word to Fengxiang Youxiang again-he fell into a utterly endless mutter, turning into a nagging meat ball.

Feng Jian Youxiang sat on the floating platform and observed very seriously … this is the VIP seat reserved for her by Lu Yuan. Youxiang belongs to the typical “learning without thinking” type student, she is good at acting intuitively but not good at thinking and digging, which has made her upward path narrower and narrower.

We all know that smart children learn everything at once, just like Lu Yuan; and when you teach stupid children, in addition to careful instructions, you also need to bring some auxiliary means, such as a slide show. The complete transformation process of Assatos is the “slide” prepared by Lu Yuan for Youxiang.

Assatos was not mad, nor was he caught in philosophical thinking and became mentally retarded, it was only transforming. When it engulfs all the original evil and returns to the ancient god, the thinking will inevitably go further. If it was thinking in the past that “how should I be evil to be stronger”, then what it is thinking now is “Why must I be evil? Is it black? Is it the opposite? Is it confusion? Which are the appearance and which are the essence?”

In this thinking, it will continue to be infinitely powerful!

Pangu opened the world, and an axe went down to separate clear and muddy, up and down, heaven and earth, black and white.

You ask yourself why it is black? Not that you want to be black, but because you are only assigned black, in order to label “white” there must be “black” … If Assatos can push itself back to this stage in the transformation, it is equivalent to cultivation of immortality The Tao in the system returns to the congenital, and it will surely get out of holiness!

It is a pity that all this does not come from itself, but from Lu Yuan’s push … then it is hard to say anything.

Infinite dimension and infinite universe all circulate the news that Master Lu has many pits.


The power of Assatos is still increasing without limit.

Since Lu Yuan was swallowed on the 111th Day of the Egg Festival, Asatos fell into three thousand troubles and turned into a smooth egg.

On the 130th day, the meat egg suddenly shrivelled, and then the outer layer was dry and broken, revealing a huge, irregularly shaped mountain of flesh and blood-At this time, Assatos had only one-third of the volume, but it The energy concentration has doubled again!

On the 162nd day, in the group of flesh and blood that had never ceased to wither, something different was finally revealed. It was a hard edge of metal texture. Immediately, the mountain of flesh and blood collapsed like a building block, revealing the two metal giant hands with the inner core, holding a deep red cocoon and … a human who slept sweetly.

When the mountain collapsed, Feng Jian You Xiang appeared at the man’s side almost at the speed of teleportation-her iron fist was also clenched at the moment of arrival, and then waved explosively … but at the last moment , Stopped at only 0.10 mm from Lao Lu’s face.

Looking at the familiar sleeping face, Youxiang felt weakened somehow. After all, the iron fist failed to smash it directly, but turned into a caress passing over his cheek.

“You can’t take care of your life next time!” No one left or right. Youxiang gritted her teeth to learn from others, but she blushed first.

She simply picked up Lu Yuan and flew back to her spaceship platform. Although the main purpose of the “Sunflower Field” is to increase combat effectiveness, it does not lack the enjoyment in life. The cabin is enough to make Lu Yuan sleep more comfortably. Then, Youxiang continued to sit on the floating platform, continuing to stare at the still-evolving Asatos.

Oh, it’s observation.

Day 199.

The world is empty and lonely, and the metal hand and blood cocoon add up to a square. Its platform with the wind and the fragrant fragrance is now like two dust drifting in the vast void.

The big metal hand holding the cocoon is a good thing-looking close, you will find that these two hands are actually composed of thousands of strange things-just like modern art sculpture. There are hairballs in the cat’s stomach and plastic in the gull’s stomach … omnivorous animals have always been like this, and the old rulers are no exception.

Although they can swallow everything, they cannot digest everything.

So the wonders in the universe, the extraordinary things that were born naturally, the fragments of artifacts, the half-barrels … These hard objects that cannot be digested by the old rulers are intertwined in disorder and order, and their recipes are displayed. Width and breadth …… These are the essence that remains after the destruction of countless worlds!

On the 199th day, Feng Jian Youxiang watched the blood cocoon splitting a gap without accident, and Lu Yuan, who was always sleeping, finally opened his eyes and took a thin piece of obsidian debris from the corner of his eye-Helsin The stone statue has been thoroughly digested.

The 99 days of skyrocketing and 99 days of contraction are like a reincarnation, that is, of Asatos, Lu Yuan and Feng Jian Youxiang.

“Kacha ~” The blood cocoon was torn open without hesitation from the inside. First, a white feather flew out of the blood cocoon, and then … the side seemed to be covered with huge white wings, from the not big cocoon Shu spread out! Then there was another wing, another side, another side … Finally, the wings on the six sides seemed to sway on the cocoon as if the wings of the sky were flying.

“Defend all justice! Cut off all evil!” A majestic and infinite voice came from the blood cocoon. A perfect to crazy foot stepped out of the cocoon, and then the slender and firm woman’s thigh.

“I am the original angel who is the most beautiful and beautiful, Assatos! … Evil humans, I can feel your evil essence in the cocoon … I judge you on behalf of justice!”

Asatos stepped on the hemorrhage cocoon and pulled a burning sword out of the cocoon with his backhand, pointing to Lu Yuan! The same perfect woman body exudes infinite holy light from the inside out! As Asatos stepped forward, countless glittering black diamonds crackled and fell from its body and feather gaps, splashing randomly on the metal table, thousands of them!

That is not an ordinary gem, but the crystallization of all the rules of the evil face once mastered by the old rulers!

The value is more than countless times of the crystallization of divine power, and the value of the two cannot be compared at all! Today, he was abandoned by Asatos as a lame, and stepped on his feet at will.

“Evil, I will give you a chance to speak up! Do you have anything to say?” Asatos almost put the giant sword on Lu Yuan’s nose, and asked solemnly.

“How is it like this? Is something wrong here?” Feng Jian Youxiang turned her head in surprise and pointed her finger at her brain. The Taoist congenital transformation should not be a complete denial of self, but to wipe away all the dust and find the most essential part of self. Asatos became this way totally denying his past, which has deviated from the original intention of transformation.

“Wait, you must have done it, what did you do!” Looking at the strange expression of landing, Yuxiang suddenly-if there is a problem with nearby electrical appliances, it is true to find Yuxiang; if there is a problem with the logic nearby, That must be Master Lu’s pot, there is no need to ask other suspects at all.

At the moment of pretending, Lao Lu completely held the gas field and said lightly, “I didn’t do anything, just opened my heart to it …”

“Are all your souls polluting Asatos ?!” The answer given by Lu Yuan surprised Feng Jian You Xiang. He was shocked and shocked!

Should it be said that it was unexpected and reasonable? Biological thinking is radioactive, and the thinking of transcendental people is also highly polluting. As the story says, if they are contaminated by Cthulhu’s fragments, they will soon be affected by the thoughts attached to the fragments. And if some believers of the good gods are too close to God, they will be brushed by the thoughts of the gods prostitute……

But the object of our discussion is the leader of Assatos, the Cthulhu myth, and the Cthulhu gods are the Cthulhu experts who are full of polluted ideological skills and the multiverse known for their pollution! And Lu Yuan said that he contaminated the Assatos after the combination of the gods of Cthulhu …

Inferred by the formula a & gt; b & gt; c, is n’t that his “dirty” has broken through the sky!

Feng Jianyouxiang’s look at Lu Yuan changed obviously, “I thought you just like to watch * …… I didn’t expect you to be like Lu Yuan”!


“Don’t look at me with that scumbag look!” Said the old Lu Qi, who pointed at the newborn Asatos angel in a ruthless manner. “At least it has now become a good person!”

I don’t want to be the man of the demon king!

“You call this a good person? It’s better to be a pervert …” Youxiang didn’t hesitate to deny the life value of the new Asatos.

“I’m not perverted … ah ah! You all give me a trial! Perfect me and my world will never allow any filth!” Azatos waved his sword madly, the light of heaven!

“Stop——” Lu Yuan quickly shouted with international standard gestures, making Feng Jian You Xiang and Asatos Qiqi surprised.

Lu Yuan seized the opportunity and said to Asatos, “You look in the mirror first!”

He stroked casually, and a smooth and flawless “water mirror” appeared in front of Assatos! “If you say the word perfect again, I’m going to vomit.”

The newly born original angel Asatos didn’t care about any of his verbal attacks, or that everything in this world except the perfect himself was worth mentioning. Assatos first looked at the crystal transparent mirror with appreciative eyes, gave 32 praises to this fairy technique, and then spread his six wings to pose, and then he turned his affectionate eyes towards the mirror—

It was ready to cry because of its perfection.


“Who is the monster in this mirror?”

After standing quietly for a minute, the original angel Asatos asked calmly.

Lu Yuan spread his hand, Feng Jianyouxiang turned his head.

“This ~ ~ This cannot be me! I am, I am the most perfect angel! The most perfect!” The original angel Asatos panicked and excused, but could gesture as he spoke , In the mirror-the birdman with a big tooth and a big mouth occupying more than half of the egg bald head, even made the same posture.

Even if a bald head is a sign of a strong man, what is the iconic mouth of Asatos? !

“I don’t believe it! There is something wrong with this spell! I’m perfect!” Asatos screamed! It smashed the water mirror with a sword, then waved its hand, and the other huge crystal mirror floated out.

The monster appeared in front of it again.

“Oh … he …” The original angel Asatos went down, and after a while it said, “No, it’s too ugly, I can’t stand it!”

It turned the hilt and pierced its chest.


ps: There is another chapter, continue at night. 8)

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