Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 83 - 3 years 3

Norn Star, Skyrim Province, Falkreath. r? anwen ?????????? `??

Three years ago, a sudden large earthquake once again attracted the eyes of the entire north to the territory of the Falkress that was almost forgotten by the empire. However, it was n’t the two dozen or so collapsed houses that caused the entire empire to worry about, nor was it followed by the flooding of Irina Tower Lake, but it was located in Falkreath and was almost razed in this big earthquake. Hero graveyard.

This place, Falkreath, has long been synonymous with a cemetery. It is a place where even the imperial tax officer is too lazy to pass by and has no oil or water. However, it also has its own importance. I do n’t know how many noble ancestors, and those legendary heroes are buried here. Although nobles rarely come here to worship, they absolutely need this place to stay there so that they can always prove how glorious their lineage is!

The cemetery was destroyed, and Lord Sidguel was immediately pointed out by thousands of people. Even though the Scourge had no relationship with him, he was the Lord of Falkreath! All the nobles whose ancestors’ graves were damaged are cursing him with the most vicious ability! And ordered Sid Gaelic to “immediately”, “immediately”, “at any cost”, but also “respectfully” and “slightly” to maintain the bones of their ancestors and restore their ancestors’ graves!

As for letting them pay? That is impossible; let them come in person? Sorry, that is even more impossible. Have you forgotten what is the biggest specialty in the Nord tomb? Ghoul, various resurrected ghouls! Such a large area of ​​the tomb is destroyed, how many corpses appear, I am afraid it has become a natural disaster for the dead! On the premise that all tombs were razed, even Alkai’s altar could not be suppressed.

At this time, the fool came.

Their urgency is for others. In fact, waiting for the corpse tide to pick up a few bones in the past, the magic “identification” becomes “ancestor bones” at once. The real noble ancestors are all old things that can’t be suppressed by the coffin board (the more powerful the ancient heroes were, the easier they are to be resurrected after death), and they should devote a lot of money to the Alkai church every year to appease and take advantage of the opportunity Just right!

… A few days later, the news spread to the city of Dugu, and Falkreath really exploded into the Undead Scourge!

The shadow of the necromancer is vaguely hidden behind the natural disasters. The raging undead led to the demise of the lord Sidgail family, the lord of the Falkress was destroyed, and a large number of refugees poured into the nearby town of Helgen.

Just when the empire was helpless against Falkreath and the nobles blamed one another, a veteran imperial nobleman passed by Falkreath at this time. This man is famous, has a long family history, has a blood of God, and is a voter of Helsin. He is also a slightly powerful individual in the nobility, nicknamed “God Hunter” Albnis.

The old guy did not rush to clean up the undead natural disaster, but stopped in the town of Haiergen, helped the mayor of Hadawa to sort out the refugees, and sent letters to the Imperial Capital and Dugu City respectively for enquiries.

It ’s easy to connect on both sides, huh, huh, it ’s a good thing, but they are not surprised, because this is a noble. If Albnis does voluntary work without asking for benefits, their reaction must be “conspiracy”! Although it is possible to sit and watch the undead natural disasters raging, it seems a bit absurd, but the rules are like this.

People who do not follow the rules must either have the power to smash all the shackles, or be prepared to struggle.

At that time, Lu Yuan had not disappeared, and even the “Church Reform” had not yet begun. Naturally, Albnis’ “identity” would not cause fear. The old man was powerful and willing to take care of things. The happily hands of the empire gave the Falkreath collar to Albnice, and he was exempted from tax for five years …

After that, Albnis selected the militia in the town of Helgen to build equipment, and with the support of Helsin, it took only three months to eliminate the undead natural disaster (God knows who made this). Then he succeeded in inheriting the collar of Falkreath and turned this place into a happy land for the believers of Helsingen.


Falkreath was originally located in the southern part of Skyrim Province. Although the average altitude here is two kilometers, it is far from the snow line in the north, and the sunshine duration is unique in Skyrim Province. And backed by Lake Irintana, there is plenty of irrigation.

Although the natural conditions of the former Falkreath were good, all the fertile land was used to build cemeteries. There were no good fields in the territory, and food was mainly dependent on imports.

Today, in Falkreath, when the cemetery was razed by the earthquake, the fertile land can be reclaimed from the gray-white pass to the north to Lake Elintana from the former site of Falkreath town to Helgen town. The fields around Elintana Lake can be counted as good fields in the entire Skyrim Province.

The south of Falkreath is surrounded by mountains and gray barriers, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack; the north is the vast Elintana Lake, which connects the White River, and the waterway is convenient, and it also forms a sky. Because thieves and orcs are dotted, they are equally difficult to travel; to the east are rolling hills and forests, and there is a wide road connecting the collar of Falkreath. The town of Haiergen happened to be located on this main road. As a large number of inhabitants were moved to the hinterland of Falkreath to reclaim new fields, the town of Haiergen was transforming into a garrison stronghold.

Perhaps Albnis realized from the beginning that the church of Helsingen would sooner or later face the challenge of secular forces, which is almost self-evident! Therefore, from the beginning, he planned the Falkress into an independent kingdom that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as the town of Helsingn is kept under control and the fleet is prevented from invading Lake Elintana through the White River, the leader of Falkreath will be as stable as a dead dog.

Sure enough, in the past three years, slave miners from Macas City have dug mines; farmers from the town of Helgen have cultivated fields; caravans from the Rift City have been active in trade; there is the spirit of the high priest Albnis; there are countless more The exiled and persecuted believers of Helsin gathered from all over the place with a pilgrimage psychology to Falkreath, making the prosperity of this place quickly surpass every city in the sky.

The agricultural harvest for three consecutive years has completely supplemented the shortfall of Falkreath’s food shortage.

In addition, the system implemented by Falkreath is also different from that of the kingdom, here is the administrative double-headed system. Albniz is the lord, responsible for noble and religious affairs and military leaders, formulating laws and planning, leading the battle; while the former mayor of Hargen, Hadawa, has now become the mayor of Falkreath. He is responsible for the specific operation of the administrative system and doing a good job in the internal economy and military logistics.

The cooperation between the two complemented each other.


When Xiaofan arrived here with Sophie’s hand, what he saw at first sight was the bustling scene of the streets, the smoke and the houses.

“Aunt Wicks (little trouble’s name is littlevex), it looks really, really big and big here! And the house is so neat and beautiful!” Sophie stood on the hillside, yelling with open arms. “One thousand times better than Wind Rudder City! No, ten thousand times!” Sophie grew up in Wind Rudder City when she was a child. The feeling was that there were stones everywhere and tall buildings, but cold and impersonal.

Although Falkreath did not have any tall buildings, the neat streets and crowded people could not see the border city. The angry cooking smoke and the smell of supper floating in the air all give people a warm feeling. In particular, Aunt Nan Lixiang told her that this is her city, which made Sophie feel full of belonging!

The child’s heartfelt compliments made the soldiers who went against them stand up and smile in the corners of their mouths. Teams of soldiers held their heads up, holding wooden shields, wearing simple armor, and passed them with great force. Their equipment is poor, but their morale and determination are unmatched.

Yes, the war is coming!

The situation is worse than expected.

The modification of the “Platinum Agreement” between Thormore and the Empire is only the first step; the Uffrek storm cloak that secretly colluded with Thormore, the most important step in peace talks with the Empire under the hint of the spirit! When the female supreme king is willing to sit with the husband and the enemy, war is inevitable. The female Skyrim Supreme King and Uffrek respectively support the nobles in the controlled territory for cleaning, on the condition that the eight Skylords of the Skyrim send troops together, pointing to Hercules’ last land in the world, Falkreath!

The empire and the storm cloak lightning signed a peace agreement, and then they will withdraw the main forces of the front line, respectively, in Ximu Town and Nirheim. These two locations are across the throat of the world, facing the horn of the town of Helgen, only one day away from the town of Helgen! They waited for the army of the eight lords to arrive, and then crushed the resistance forces of Falkreath in one fell swoop!

“Aunt Wix, can we … can we win?” Sophie asked, anxiously, looking at the soldiers who were rushing to the front. She fell in love with this place as soon as she saw it, but the bad news she heard along the way made her child feel worried.

“Of course!” Xiaofan said confidently. “Since Captain Nan Lixiang handed you over to me and rushed back to Rift Valley City personally, it means that at least Rift Valley City will never go wrong.”

What Xiaofan didn’t say is that Nanlixiang secretly went back to ~ ~ The surface information is that “Nanlixiang” is taking Sophie to Falkreath. Of course, this “Nanlixiang” is played by Xiaofan. Now that the city management team is being confined to a remote fortress in the name of “censorship”, it seems that it has been unable to threaten the ruling power of the Rift Valley City. But once Rift Valley City dares to send troops, then Rift Valley City will no longer belong to the Empire …

“What about other places?”

“Um … you have more than one mother!”


Yes, the sword does not come out of the sheath, how can you know if it is sharp?

“Woo ~ oooo ~~~ !!!” In the early morning of Baiman City, the horns sounded one after another, urging the soldiers to accelerate their pace to gather in the square. The soldiers who had arrived in the square slapped the dew on the armor, clamped the helmet, put the spear on their shoulders, and whispered with their comrades in the sky.

The figure of the city master, the Great Shoreman, and his dark elf guard appeared on the balcony of Longxiao Palace, and seemed to be looking into the distance. And more forage trucks squeeze the roads in the city. They are out of the city before the army. Now they are waiting for the gate to open.

“Open the city gate!”

“Open the city gate!”

Ordered to pass from the upper city to the city guard station. The four soldiers who had been standing by the side should not be neglected. They removed the hinges and pushed the huge gate of Baiman City open. Today is the big day for Baiman City to send troops. No one dares to make mistakes.

However, when the city gate was pushed open, everyone saw the surprising scene outside the city

The white mist sinks over the river, and the frost is everywhere. One man, one sword and one lonely shadow, standing straight in front of the gate in the morning.

Fighting alone for three thousand miles, one sword dares to be a million soldiers!

I am a dragon slayer, poison island scorpion!

ps: Two chapters per day to finish the book, try to ensure the amount of updates. There are a lot of texts recently explained in order to warm up the plot. Towards the end, it is necessary to calm down and stay calm.

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