Watching the Dawn

v17 Chapter 9 - Saints do n’t die, thieves do n’t stop

“If you want to know the new galaxy, you should first avoid a misunderstanding, that is, empiricism-the first thing you need to understand is that the new galaxy-is very different from any galaxy we have known in the past!”

The “Magic Tower” is the immigration ship that “namely belongs to” Merlin. Ding Mumu, who has lived on the Magic Tower for several years and came back, has become an expert on the problems of the New Galaxy after collecting countless data …

“To understand the civilization structure of the new galaxy, we must first divide the civilization into two layers. The upper civilization is represented by the Mona. They not only clearly know the existence of the” God “, but also built a complete religious system, and even passed Science has demonstrated the proposition that “God creates the world, God creates humanity …”

“Wait ~” Lu Yuan raised his hand and asked with a slight pain. “This kind of creation can also be scientifically proven? This is too bad.”

Aikexue expressed dissatisfaction and lost a zombie to him.

“Actually, it’s not difficult. According to the Big Bang theory, the lifespan of the Milky Way is about 14 billion years.” Ding Mumu is clearly prepared for these problems. “We can observe the nebula changes in Lyra that occurred millions of years ago on Earth; then the simplest way is that the Mona possesses holographic transmission technology and abundant energy. As long as the detector is transmitted far enough, the total Can detect the sight of the galaxy when it was born!

… So the Mona Gods Genesis, this is neither flicker nor propaganda, but complete truth. “

She even took out a short piece of Mona’s “restored creation image” and played it, which made Lu Yuan even more painful-although on the “Dawn”, everyone knows that the person who really creates the world is the main god. But what really works is precisely the existence of these creation gods, whose actual identity is “the assistant of the Lord God”. People even have deer and elephants as evidence. Nima ca n’t tell a thousand words … Of course, this is not the most uncomfortable place for him.

The most uncomfortable point for Lu Yuan is that since the Mona gods have created such a large universe, why should they all shrink into the small place of the Milky Way? ! You know that the Milky Way is neither the oldest created river nor the youngest; she is neither the most central one in the universe nor the outermost; she is neither the largest nor the smallest … the Milky Way It is a river system that is put in a pile of radishes and is so common that it is completely unremarkable.

It was even taken out for special attention, and even built into Elona’s prison, this is not Ke Xue!

Aikexue became angry and threw a tyrant at him.

“… The upper civilization is based entirely on divine power to build a social system. It belongs to a mature civilization based on theocratic beliefs and multi-ethnic hybrids; and the representative of the lower civilization … we can choose the earth. The lower civilization belongs to a wild civilization of unknown origin, and grows into itself. At the stage of the Milky Way, lack of knowledge and respect for the gods of creation, it is difficult to integrate into the system of upper civilizations. Most of the lower civilizations exist as a supplement to the culture and manpower of the upper civilization. Unless the lower civilization can create new gods from civilization Otherwise, it is difficult to get promoted.

Merlin is such a new god. It is precisely because the earth has born five new gods, each of them must take away a group of people as their religious team, this is the reason why the earth has not been demolished. “

“His, so to say, they are the heroes who save the earth? Whether they are intentional or unintentional, it is precisely because of these people that the earth can be preserved … And we just did Merlin? Got_it, the conclusion is, We really are a natural villain. “Someone vomited smoothly.

“Wait! Five new gods have been born on the earth. This ratio is enough to be proud of the entire galaxy? Doesn’t it mean that the earth is important? Why should it be demolished?” Li Huamei said that he could not understand. Just like her being a Daming general, Wu Yuezhi is the best place to recruit soldiers, and she has never paid too much attention to it.

“I’ll explain this,” Lu Yuan raised his hand. “It’s not how important the earth is, but Elona likes to stare at the earth when choosing reincarnations into the infinite world-this is how so many new gods can be born on the earth. The main reason. “

Other civilizations do not want to think, but have no chance to think … It is important to know that the selection is not important.

So many opportunities have been given to the little earth, there must be dirty py deals behind this!


… so everything is clear:

Why do all the gods and holy orders gather in the small galaxy? ——Of course it is because Elona is imprisoned here! These old gods and new gods want to conquer Elona’s power, and they must definitely enlighten them nearby;

So far, the Milky Way has become no longer ordinary, it is no longer an unknown river system, but “Prison of the Lord”!

So neither the first arm nor the second arm is actually the site of civilization-this is the site of God! This galaxy is divided into new and old gods according to the region; they are separated from each other by a distance, that is, to understand the power of the Lord God, and also serve as a jailer guard to prevent Elona from getting out of trouble!

As for the civilization that “hosts” the planets in these areas, whether it is the Mona, the Blue Ocean, or the Earth, they are all ants and tools under the gods … they are demolished by the gods, built the star furnace, built Lord God Neutron Prison! It seems to have played a great role … But once the main **** and these gods fight, or these gods fight each other, then most of the civilizations are likely to be erased in an instant …

Don’t look at the creation gods being called “Mona”, in fact, the Mona should be just one of the countless races they created. In the eyes of the gods, the Mona who is the most powerful in the galaxy is probably not very important. An obvious argument is that Emmon’s strength should be enough to unify the galaxy. But they had to imprison themselves in the first arm’s area a and b-within the range demarcated by the gods, they dare not cross the Leichi one step …

“I hate this conclusion!”

“me too!”

“There is no such thing as a god!”


The center of the galaxy is the prison where Elona is held.

The stellar furnace and sky wall fortress built around the center are the gods of the original gods, such as the oldest king, the king of kings, the king of spirits, and the king of paintings. Astronomically, it is roughly the g zone o and the ab zone with two spiral arms.

The outer periphery is the “territory” to which the new gods are assigned. Like Merlin, it is currently the target constellation that the Dawn traverses-the 2-c40 + constellation, including the entire Far West Empire including Sea Blue Star. The Far West Empire is a multi-civilized country, and blue ocean people like Organamo only make up a small percentage of the empire …


“what happened?”

It was found that Mu Xing was not busy in the laboratory, but stood in the corner of the porthole for a long time looking at the starry sky. Lu Yuan couldn’t help but walked over and asked.

“It just feels … Humans are really small.” Mu Xing’s voice revealed a deep sense of confusion. “Is the end of civilization to be a god?”

Yeah, from the very beginning when the earth touched the Mona, it felt like a behemoth that could not be shaken! At that time, I was afraid that 99% of the people on the planet were desperate. Later Xue Xueyu proposed the cosmic immigration plan. Mu Xing, as one of the participants and promoters, was one of the very few who still had hope.

However, when the Dawn experienced all the hardships, he finally stood on the same step as the Mona and confronted him. But it is found that whether the Mona or the earth people are actually just tools in the eyes of the gods … If the Mona people are the pawns of the gods, wouldn’t the earth people be even dust? What’s the point of all her efforts?

Mu Xing couldn’t help but start to wonder whether the scientific and technological power that she insisted on “promoting the progress of the entire civilization” was correct.

Lu Yuan froze for a moment, because he knew that this was definitely not the first time Mu Xing doubted his way. Mu Xing didn’t know, in fact, there is another Mu Xing that is more powerful and has even entered the Holy Order, known as the “King of Wisdom”! It’s just that after she stepped out of the infinite world, she denied herself. She cut off all her emotions and memories and sealed it, and she became a simple Muxing who likes to study again.

Lu Yuan has read that part of the memory-that “Mu Xing” is simply shocking and absolutely stunning! She is the only reincarnation who breaks the passage of the main **** through technical means, and actively chooses to enter into a contract with the main **** to enter the infinite world! In the infinite world, she is like a fish, not only has access to scientific and technological information from countless worlds, but also effectively integrate these technologies to make herself infinitely powerful! Mu Xing, who came to the end, has become so strong that a person can suppress the strength of the world!

Solitary fighting can consecrate the saints, and group battles can break the army! It is simply not strong in any shortcomings!

Unlike other reincarnations, the main **** skills did not become her shackles, but instead she was combined into a kaleidoscope-like infinite skill-Mu Xing not only resisted the use of skills to form a power system, but actively catered to; at the time In Mu Xing’s opinion, any skill is nothing more than “parts” of all sizes. Using the skills according to the “Instructions given by the Lord God” is the most stupid way! Skills should be like a bunch of Lego bricks, and the results can be constructed by personal ingenuity.

When it comes to wisdom, do n’t say Merlin, everyone is scum compared to her … At that time, Mu Xing was so strong that Lu Yuan looked numb with scalp!

To know the main **** skills, there can be a large number of “causal law” skills-for example, the unreasonable skills of “being blocked and taking half the damage”, and the direct death magic eye of “even if God kills you”. After these skills are effectively combined, if Lao Lu can’t pull the cocoons to solve the cause and effect in an instant, maybe a wave will be taken away!

But Mu Xing was so strong that he finally chose to give up becoming a “wisdom king”, but instead locked the memory slice deep in that forgotten cabin, even she herself no longer knew … the reason is unknown, but her I must have determined that my path was not correct, otherwise I would not choose to go back.

Lu Yuan thought about it and said, “Actually, the development of civilization to the present stage is not as weak as you think. No matter the **** or the sage, perhaps it is just a very powerful human being. You see, Merlin died of the mass effect gun. Shot; and even me, I dare not stand in front of the main gun of the stellar furnace. The energy contained in ourselves is too far away from a stellar furnace, and the power is more reflected in the grasp of the rules.

The sage can raise his hand to erase a planet ~ ~ That is based on an in-depth understanding of the rules; and the civilization with a stellar furnace and Dyson ball can also do it, based on the energy level mastered.

In fact, there is no difference in superiority. Those of us are stronger than individuals, while civilization is stronger than the whole. There is an end to the personal path, and the end is next door. See you every day. “Lu Yuan pointed to the direction of Nana’s cabin. Yeah, the end of the individual’s strength is infinitely close to the main god.” At my present stage, every step forward is heavenly! But the development of civilization is unlimited and there are no bottlenecks.

As long as you go on, only one star will be mastered today, a galaxy may be mastered tomorrow, and a universe may be mastered the day after tomorrow. As long as civilization is constantly extinguished, it is likely that it will eventually break through the restrictions of the main god’s world, enter other worlds, or even enter the source sea … Although the possibility of all this is extremely small, but it really exists. “

Speaking of which, Lu Yuan has sorted out his own thoughts-the end point of a strong individual should be the Lord God. Only by transforming your identity into the main **** can you continue along the path of “mastering the rules”. But the Lord God is not a “realm”, she is a race … born not the Lord God, never the Lord God.

And the development of civilization is really no end … because civilization embraces everything, she can include gods, saints, Lu Yuan, and the main god. (To be continued.)

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