Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 13 - Go deep and fight

“Remember Barred? Your ex-boyfriend, that cool guy, he died. Was … died outside the cloak forest, and his wives.”

Continue to go deep into the forest. Lu Yuan opens the road in the bushes. Twilight star whispered with Xiaoxue, and the snow wolf also whined.

“What ?! Do you have a new boyfriend now ?! What does it look like? Is he handsome? Ha ha ha ~ What am I going to do? I want to go to the site of Brad and want to know who drove my friend out. Home. “

White wolf Xiaoxue rushed out from the edge of Lu Yuan, scaring him. After a while, the white wolf ran back upside down, with a big snake in his **** mouth, and looking at the shape of his head, it was a poisonous snake. Xiaoxue threw the snake’s body at the feet of two people and whined a few times.

“Huh, huh” Twilight applauded Xiao Xue’s head and said: “Xiao Xue is really powerful. Well, he is not. Ah, that’s born, we don’t laugh at him …”

Are you saying bad things about me? ! It must be saying my bad words in a language I do not understand! Lu Yuan shouted in his heart, picked up the poisonous snake resentfully, and threw it into his backpack. Seeing Du Xing and Xiao Xue both looking at him with a little contempt, he immediately shouted angrily: “I make snake soup at night! No one is allowed to eat!”

“Xiaoxue, tell me about your new boyfriend.”

“Woo ~ Woo ~”

An elf and a white wolf, the two women turned around and continued to chat warmly, pretending not to hear Lu Yuan’s roar.

Until three o’clock in the afternoon, half a day away from Barred’s nest, the two talents found a small open space where they could camp. After the white wolf Xiaoxue arrived, he whined and left. Twilight stared with a mysterious smile and didn’t answer any questions about Xiaoxue.

There is no source of water nearby, and after praying, Twilight created 12 gallons of pure water by magic. After tidying up the camp, Lu Yuan fired to cook, kill the snake and cook the soup. Twilight stared at the same time while learning, silently. At this time, Lu Yuan felt that Twilight was too independent. When she constantly provides help to others, she rarely accepts the help of others. She felt that magic was convenient, so she learned two magic. If you think cooking is delicious, learn to learn dishes. It seems that I have never considered the model of simply forming a fixed partner. In the psychoanalysis of modern society, such a character is an obviously flawed character, will not find a job, will be lonely for life. But it is impossible to talk about in the magical world. A creature with a life span of thousands of years is not the right choice if it is not too close to humans.

The opposite side of the solitude is less hurt. I do n’t know why, Lu Yuan feels that he understands this idea very well.

The pot of snake soup is hung on the shelf and slowly boiled. It is only necessary to boil a pot of milky thick soup. Lu Yuan constantly throws in materials such as mushrooms and wild vegetables, and the fragrance of the soup diffuses. . After Twistar saw it, he immediately anxiously found a lid to cover it, and then took out large chunks of raw meat steak from Lu Yuan’s space bag and grilled it. It was a wild boar killed by two people a while ago, and there were many left after eating it intermittently. The pork chops were sprinkled with strong spices and roasted on the fire. The squeaking fat fell into the campfire, igniting a small bright flame, and the smell quickly covered the aroma of the snake soup. Smile came.

Lu Yuan was across the bonfire, looking at this smile indulgingly, and Twist, who could not bear the flirtation, glared at him.

Sure enough, the snake soup was cooked, the steaks were grilled a lot, and Xiao Xue Shi Ran stepped on the meal and came back.

I knew it was a foodie! Lu Yuan vomited angrily.

Xiao Xue ignored him at first, first rubbed against Twilight, and then turned back to the woods with a few sounds, a voice of encouragement … After a while, a slightly white wolf hesitated out of the woods, and stopped on Lu Yuan’s side, and passed by the fire with Twilight. Of course, it just gave Lu Yuan a quick glance, as if the person didn’t exist anymore. Although he didn’t care about it, he focused all on Xiaoxue and Twilight.

“Xiaoxue, is this your child?”

“Woo! Woo!”

“Ah! It turned out to be a new boyfriend! So much younger than you, that’s not Lu … Lu Yuan said the old cow eats tender grass!”

“Woo ~!” Xiaoxue turned his head to Lu Yuan’s teeth, and the boyfriend wolf beside him also looked at him with poor eyesight.

“Oh, that … Huh? What’s going on here?” Lu Yuan looked around for a way to change the subject. Suddenly he saw a long wound on the white wolf’s butt, and it was glowing in dark blue. .

Twilight came and grabbed the little white wolf and examined it carefully. The little white wolf twisted and dodged, biting his ear by Xiaoxue who was guarding the edge, and then stood motionlessly, his wife was in strict control. “There is still toxin in the wound, so it can’t heal.” Twistar said that he continued to cast “but remove toxin” and “treat moderate injury”, and the wound of the little white wolf was obviously healed.

“This kind of wound …” Twistar and Little White Wolf started to communicate again in incomprehensible language. After a while, Twistar changed to the common language again. “Is it a big bird? Has a hooked tail? It ’s pterosaurs. But how can there be pterosaurs here? The pterosaur lairs I know are all in the cloak forest near the coast. It is damp and full of food. That ’s where they like. ”

“Speaking of big birds, I seemed to see a few in this direction at sunset yesterday. It seems to be pterosaurs.” Lu Yuan interjected and took out the latest version of “The Monsters Around Bode’s Gate” from the bag. , Turn to Pterosaur’s instructions.

“Pterosaurs are huge flying lizards with giant poisonous tail spines. They are a type of subdragon. Pterosaurs have a dark brown or gray body that is 15 feet long, half of which is the length of the tail. Its wingspan is about It ’s 20 feet and weighs about one ton … Pterosaurs attack with claws while flying, and alternately use tooth bites and sting attacks after landing … It is recommended that senior teams of more than six people be rounded up. “

“The attack method is single, except that it can fly, it doesn’t seem to be difficult to deal with.” Lu Yuannian said after raising his head.

“And, quickly drop your stupid book.” Twistar waved his hand. “What a senior team. Weighing a ton! Wingspan 20 feet! Such a big guy swooped down, no one can stop it, we try to Don’t provoke it. “

“Woo ~ Woo ~” came, and the two looked back. Sure enough, the stupid little white wolf was nibbling the grilled steak, but the smart Xiaoxue had bypassed the steak and arched the soup pot with his nose, making a loud noise. Twilight made a helpless expression and took out a new pottery basin from the backpack.

Lu Yuan patted her and gestured to give her peace of mind. Then uncover the soup pot, use a spoon to remove a piece of snake meat and put it in a new pottery basin, and hand it to Xiaoxue. Xiao Xue gave him a suspicious glance, bowed his head and sniffed, and walked away decisively. Lu Yuan smiled and put the pottery basin aside, divided the snake soup into the bowls of Lu Yuan and Duxing, and then sprinkled some spices in the two bowls while Xiao Xue gnawed the steak. Although the freshly cooked snake meat is fresh and tender, it has a smell, and Xiaoxue, who has a sensitive sense of smell, of course gave up.

Lu Yuan sprinkled the spicy spices and shared them with Twilight. Twistar’s big eyes drank snake soup, full of mischief and happiness.


After nightfall, two white wolves snuggled up by the campfire and Twilight returned to her tent to chat with Elona.

Lu Yuan continued to analyze the spell in his tent.

The night was low and I could only hear the snoring of two wolves, Lu Yuan stretched his muscles and stood up. The harvest is not bad, and the analysis of “mirror shadow” is successful. For the first time, he successfully prepared a second ring spell “cobweb”.

As Lu Yuan looked at the next content of the spellbook, a few strange roars came suddenly, and a huge sound of instigating wings sounded around the camp.

“What?” Lu Yuan walked out of the tent suspiciously, and then fell to the ground by a hand.

“Hush! It’s pterosaur!” Twistar whispered in his ear, looking nervously at the sky.

At this time, Xiaoxue and the white wolf had ran into the woods to hide. In the night, I saw three birds with huge bat-like wings fanning, roaring around the campfire, spinning and flying, sometimes slamming down to investigate. Lu Yuan pulled the evening star slowly into the shadow of the tent.

At this time, a large pterosaur gathered its wings and fell by the campfire. It picked up a piece of remaining barbecue and swallowed it. After eating, his eyes glanced around, his long tail flicked with a huge hook, and suddenly he wore a lightning, a barbecue hidden under the stone was worn on the hook, and he handed it to Pterosaur’s mouth. side.

At this moment, an angry roar came from “Ao”, and the white shadow flashed, and the little white wolf jumped out of the woods, biting on the pterosaur’s thick neck.

“Oops!” Lu Yuan’s heart sank. The leather of Pterodactyl’s neck was very thick and difficult to pierce with a sword. And the position of the little white wolf can be attacked with claws and tail!

“Entanglement”, “Freezing Ray!” Twilight and Lu Yuan both launched magic and arcane spells. Suddenly a large number of vines appeared on the ground, binding the paws of the little white wolf and pterosaur to the ground and unable to move. At the same time, a white ray directly hit the pterosaur’s open mouth. The cold ray frozen the soft meat of the throat, blocking its head and biting back.

“Bump” twice, the tail of the pterosaur hook hit the little white wolf twice in succession, and a large piece of meat can be inserted on it without harm. The pterosaur fluttered its wings, the vines under its feet were constantly torn, and new vines were constantly spawned to bind its feet. At this time, the white snow rushing out of the little white wolf jumped up and supported it on the back of the little white wolf, avoiding the vine tears that stretched out on the ground, and biting **** the wing root of the pterosaur, the pterosaur sent out a long Screaming, green, corrosive blood sprayed from the roots of the wings and throat.

By the power of Xiaoxue’s pedaling, Xiaobai Lang finally tore a large piece of meat on the pterosaur’s throat and landed on the ground. Then he was bound by layers of vines and made a whine and grievance.

“Calling the Holy Power”, Twilight star shouted again when the cast was over, and an illusory figure entered her body. Twilight pulled out his swords and rushed out. At this time, Lu Yuan was using the dance of light and magic sounds to restrain the two pterosaurs hovering above the head. The strange noise and the fluttering light ball came suddenly, so that the two pterosaurs screamed in an angry pursuit.

“Roar!” There was a pterosaur that gathered its wings, the hook-shaped tail curled up to balance its body, and began to dive towards Twilight, trying to rescue the seriously injured pterosaur. “Mid!” Lu Yuan shouted, and his finger pulled magic to point to the dive pterosaur. Two white missiles quickly circumvented the obstacle, hitting the pterosaur’s left eye successively, bursting the eye into a hole, Plasma splashed everywhere. The dive pterosaur screamed and pulled up, first hit the treetop on the right side, then flickered and flew up, and began to climb regardless of it.

“Ah!” The vines on the ground gave way to Twilight, she exhaled and slashed her right hand sword, and the left wing of the pterosaur on the ground instantly broke. The pterosaur was so painful, no matter what the wound was, he opened his mouth to bite at Twilight, and his tail pierced Twilight’s back in a small circle. Twilight seemed to have long eyes behind her back, and her left-handed sword backhandedly blocked the endlessly powerful tail. Her body rolled shortly under the pterosaur’s head, and the retracted right-handed sword protruded upward and thrust forward! Facing the tough pterosaur neck leather, the long sword was like puncturing a piece of thin paper. The thorn pierced from the chin into the brain, and the entire sword body was stuck!

Luan Yuan, who was distracted by the battle situation, took a bad breath and took a breath, and the priest girl who displayed the “Calling Holy Power” was simply a humanoid tank! “Calling the Holy Power” can summon the gods to temporarily grant her strength for one minute, every three levels of the priest’s level, and the power-sensitive body will add a little. After Twilight’s level is cast, at least two power-sensitive bodies are added. Her own quality is very good, and her strength completely crushes Lu Yuan. According to the calculation that each additional point is equivalent to an increase of one-third of the total, the physical fitness doubles in one minute. This is not what a tank is! It’s really like breaking through the lock, like breaking a new orange.

At this time, the entanglement was over, and the vines on the ground began to dissipate. Twilight star hid the snow and the white wolf in the woods beside him in the last few seconds of Shengli. After Shengli left, there would be a short period of weakness, and the two wolves were now paralyzed after the desperation. The blind one-eyed pterosaur was still hovering high above the ground, and another completely non-destructive pterosaur began to stare at Lu Yuan. It circled around the landing distance and the small camp. Seeing Lu Yuan still gesturing with both hands, he did not move while standing on the spot. The impatient pterosaurs began to dive into the landing distance. With the gradual acceleration, the tip of the wings The bone spurs made a sharp roar.

It stared cruelly far away, wanting to see the prey panicking as it whistled. But the emaciated little man did not mean to run away, but waved at it dive, a white object flew out of his palm, flew over a distance of 120 feet, and hit the tip of Pterosaur’s nose . Pterosaur shook his wings in fright, and when he felt as if there was no harm, the white group “Bang” exploded into a spider silk with thick fingers, and the pterosaurs were tied together! The 20-foot-long spider silk holds the ground, trees, and pterosaurs firmly together. As it struggled and flapped its wings, more and more spider silk was stirred.

Lu Yuan pulled out his thin sword, stepped on the spider silk and ran forward. The “Dark Serpent” spell book gave him the characteristics of immunity to spider webs, as if forming a smooth shield on his body, pushing the sticking of the spider silk and pushing it away lightly. The pterosaur struggled hard, plopped in front of him, his body was wrapped in more and more spider silk. Counting the intelligence bonus, Lu Yuan now has a total of seven spell slots. It is a pity that the three spell positions of the second level only prepared one spider web, the four spell positions of the first level used “magic missiles” and “mage armor”, and the remaining “sleep” and “activate rope” pairs Dragons are useless, now they can only use swords.

Calm down, calm down again. Sweat was flowing down the back of the spine. Lu Yuan was close to Pterosaur’s mouth. He barely restrained the fear of facing the monster. His body stiffly avoided Pterosaur’s awkward bite. Fortunately, the pterosaur was **** by the cobweb, otherwise Lu Yuan could only turn around and run away. The pterodactyl’s slender tail was sturdy and sturdy. The claws and the body are tied together and can only be stirred awkwardly. Only the head supported by the thick neck was still clinging.

It’s now! Lu Yuan clenched the hilt of the thin sword with both hands and thrust it out with force! He only heard a snorting sound, a sour liquid splashed all over him, but the thin sword had penetrated into it with a handle. Immediately he was hit by the huge force that burst when the pterosaurs were in severe pain, and rolled all the way to the edge of the camp. “A Yuan!” Twilight rushed out of the wood on one side and dragged him into the wood quickly.

The injured pterosaur was struggling on the open ground, tumbling, tearing the tent and pots and pans everywhere! The cry of sorrow came very far in the night and could be heard a few kilometers away. A thin sword that could not cause much damage was inserted from one eye and emerged from the other eye, penetrating the entire brain! This is the biggest flaw in the creatures whose eyes grow on the side! No matter how strong your skull is, no matter how tough your scale armor is, the line between the eyes that penetrates the brain is the most vulnerable part.

“Is there any entanglement?” Lu Yuan asked. He didn’t remember the powerful magic arts of the first three rings of the priest and the druid. As for “falling thunder”? Who dares to use such a spell of character in the real world?


“Okay, that’s waiting for my signal.” Lu Yuan struggled to stand up and walked towards the center of the battlefield again. Three pterosaurs must be resolved tonight, otherwise if it comes back to the nest, it will bring a few more … dead.

“Hi! Stupid lizard! Look here!” Lu Yuan stood between the dead bodies of two large pterosaurs, yelling and provoking the last flying pterosaur. With the low intelligence of Pterosaur, of course, he will not understand what he said, but the enemy is very jealous when he meets! Lu Yuan, who blinded his eyes, was the target he hated the most! Seeing that there were no other targets around, it circled twice and dived towards the landing.

The same screaming and soul-stirring tearing air, Lu Yuanqiang stood there with the desire to escape, and pressed it by hand on the “Dark Serpent” spell book, there is still a spell! Just as Pterosaurs were still thirty feet away from the ground, “Twilight!” With Lu Yuan’s shouting, a darkness suddenly unfolded with Lu Yuan as the center, and enveloped a 20-foot radius of space into the darkness.

Release the “dark spell” that comes with the “Dark Serpent” spell book. At the same time, Lu Yuan himself desperately escaped to the side. Pterosaur slammed into the darkness, stopped staggering, and then bound his feet with the vines rising under his feet. As soon as the light is on, the darkness disappears completely. Darkness is released with the spellbook as the core. As long as the spellbook is covered with clothing, the spell effect will be blocked.

As soon as the line of sight was restored, UU read www. saw the blind pterosaur struggling in the vines and was about to get out. Lu Yuanqiang resisted the tiredness after casting the spell, a little tent rope on the ground, that rope jumped like a snake, circled around the pterosaur bat wings a few times, and tied a knot. Then two people and two wolves rushed over. Evening Star is an elven race and will not be entangled by plants. Lu Yuan is immune to the effects of entanglement and fixation. The two wolves jumped on the back of the pterosaur with the bodies of two pterosaurs as a springboard and tore its wings. Lu Yuan relied on the magic rope technique to tie the pterosaur’s most threatening tail to its thigh.

Twenty minutes after the dust battle, the exhausted two men and two wolves killed the last pterosaur. The stupid little white wolf was coming to an end, and the tail hook that was freed from the bond came heavily, and now he was lying there covered with green and blood. Xiao Xue whimpered and stood beside him, licking his hair with his tongue constantly, and the scene made people cry.

“Don’t pretend to be dead!” Mu Xingqiang walked over to perform “but detoxification” and “heal serious injuries”, and then he could only collapse on the grass, unable to move anymore.

“Hahaha”, Lu Yuan lying down smiled happily. Then Twistar’s crisp laughter joined them, followed by the whining of two wolves, intermingled into a sound.

[Task “Hunt the Beast”: You who swear to become the best hunter, challenge the most ferocious monsters of Feren such as dragons, giants, and spirit suckers with swords! Monster hatred +2. 】

[Currently completed “Pterosaur Hunting”, +1000 experience points]

“I don’t have it”, Lu Yuan then made a humorous howl after the laughter, “Hunter your sister! Challenge your sister! Come on!”

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