Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 16 - Big slap in Big Bay

The descriptions displayed on the weapon attributes are half determined by the blacksmith himself, and the other half are determined by God’s will. Just like Lu Yuan’s “Master Forging” title, it was not his own coronation. The world recognized his level of forging, so it appeared in the explanatory information. In the future, if this weapon is scattered elsewhere, you can also obtain fragments of these explanatory information through arcane techniques such as “identification”, alchemy, or “general knowledge”.

Identify what it looks like, or it depends on the providence of heaven-the providence of the world of Faerun.

Originally planned a two-week training and practical journey, delayed to a full month. During the period, the two also fought against Pterosaurs and leveled an iron mine. Today, when I return to Coast Avenue, I feel a long time apart.

After everything was handled, they did not wait for the team to investigate or the mage sent, as if there were no relationship with any organization or individual. There was a voice shouting “There are no black hands behind the scenes! Don’t wait, there really aren’t!”

So the two who had no time to spend could only choose to leave. After getting out of the cloak forest, I determined that the following is a little bit. The nearby Twilight is very familiar, and has reached the northern suburb of the Friendly Arm Hotel.

The two chose a place near the river and set down the camp early. After that, practice sword and fight. Both of them used the weapon blade exercises collected from the mine pit. The long sword created by Lu Yuan was cherished by Twilight and was carried behind his back, so it was not easy to use it. Lu Yuan can now play dozens of rounds with Muxing, who is in control of his strength, but if Muxing tries his best, he still can’t stick to ten rounds.

Arcane, Lu Yuan can only use the second ring magic, and Twilight can use the third ring magic.

After his long-term test, it can be roughly determined that the Twilight professional level should be a 7th-level ranger / 6-level priest Elona. Because of the ranger’s occupation, she can use Druid Divine Skill with Divine Position. The three physical attributes are Strength 17 Agility 18 Constitution 16. As Elona’s darling, her perception is estimated to be scary, probably similar to Lu Yuan’s intelligence. Moreover, 80% of Twistar also has a card like “Elona’s Doting”, when life is dying, it will be resurrected on the spot with blood and demons, and then go to the gods, Elona personally descends to kill the enemy, abnormally scaring God. This strength easily crushed the little mage like Lu Yuan.

Twilight prefers dense forests, and Lu Yuan prefers open and majestic fields.

So camping in the forest and the wilderness is a place that both people will love. Lu Yuan occasionally wonders whether he will build a wooden house by the woods and live with Twilight in the future. Farming, hunting, and studying magic, I feel that it is bland and wandering around in the north to martial arts. This is also a good life. Jasila and Kalid must be envious.

This is a fine night, there is no moon, no clouds, only stars hanging high above the sky.

The wind stopped, and the woods behind them also stopped, except for the occasional birdsong and the campfire, there was silence all around.

Lu Yuan leaned on a big tree stump, sitting cross-legged by the campfire drinking tea, watching the Twilight Dance Sword. The swords didn’t swing very fast, but they had a strange sense of rhythm, which was beautiful and hidden. Lu Yuan thinks that this sword will be identified as a magic weapon of +3 one day in the hands of Twilight, and even +4 and +5 are not impossible. One day this set of double swords will also become the hero’s blade in the story, become a legend, legend becomes legend, legend becomes myth.

Hehe, Lu Yuan smiled, put down the tea cup, and began to enter the meditation to prepare the spell.

Since that battle of life and death, the fourth-level gate of the mage has been kicked open by him. While in the pit, he had stabilized at the fourth level, and quickly resolved five second-ring spells. Looking at the Twilight Dance Sword now, there is peace in his heart, and he suddenly wants to try to impact the fifth level, which is the third ring spell. There is a famous “fireball” in the three-ring spell! Masters who do n’t know how to fireball are n’t really true masters. At that time, we are a trick, and anyone who refuses to accept it will hit it with a fireball! Buy one and give one! It can be said that “the five fireballs are in hand, I have the world”!

Lu Yuan sat cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, and his body began to rise, surrounded by the faint arcane energy.

The energy began to slowly rotate around the body far away from the landing, as if the wind was blowing, as if the birds were flying, and it was extremely smooth to rotate with Lu Yuan’s mood. I don’t know how long it has passed, those arcane forces have a fierce meal, and the front and back forces impact and tear each other, generating countless radial lines and ripples in the middle.

In the space of consciousness, Lu Yuan ’s consciousness, which had passed through the second layer of the magic net, made a violent effort to get rid of the pulling of the magic net. The flowing magic net on the third floor is getting bigger and bigger, and Lu Yuanfei rushed in and jumped into the river full of streamers.

He drifted quietly along the river, and countless pieces of debris passed in front of his eyes. He seemed to see nothing but could not understand anything. Being in the river, Na Yuan’s feeling was completely cut off. His consciousness caught debris in the ocean, but in vain and futile, just during his repeated attempts, the consciousness accidentally touched a debris, and then the debris scattered a few rays, and connected with several debris Together.

Began with his spirit “grabbing” the fragments, and later it became “fragments” that stuck to his mental power and began to wrestle. Lu Yuanqiang endured the pain of mental tears, and he was supporting him. I don’t know how many years have passed, the silk thread connecting the two largest fragments broke apart, and Lu Yuan’s eyes were black. Spiritual force led the remaining fragments to quickly withdraw from meditation.

On another plane far away, an old and young mage suddenly looked up and said, “Strange, why are there few spells? And they were all created by me? Is there some common problems in principle? ? It seems that I need to do a deeper analysis. “Then he continued to work hard again.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lu Yuan opened his eyes and saw Twistar’s anxious expression. He found himself lying halfway in Twistar’s arms.

He wanted to smile and said he was okay, but his hoarse voice scared him a big jump. “How long have I been in a coma?”

“In less than a quarter of an hour, I saw you suddenly sweating a lot, so …”

“Well, it’s really okay, I need to check it out.” Lu Yuan sat down with the help of Twilight and entered meditation again. Careful inspection scared him a big jump! First of all, but the contention of just a quarter of an hour, both physically and mentally, is exhausted and almost on the verge of coma. Secondly, it is very strange that there are eight more magical structures in the mind that stretch out into palms or palms into fists! “Can you get the spell directly from the magic web?” Lu Yuan only felt extremely incredible. Although these magic structures are clear, they cannot be used because they are not filled with mental power and arcane power. There are also three spells that Lu Yuan can’t cast with his current power.

“I may need to take a break”, Lu Yuan finished speaking to Twilight, and fell asleep in her arms. Twilight saw that his face started to turn red, his breath was still steady, and his mind finally let go. She was a little secretly irritated. After this man’s foot movement, there was no follow-up, and the hateful tooth tickled. Tonight, the environment and atmosphere were extremely good, and Twilight was determined to take the initiative to attack. As a result, Lu Yuan got out of coma because of the evil spell.

“This **** bastard!” Twistar lowered his head, gently touched his ears, and bit.

Lu Yuan slept ten hours fast.

After he woke up, both mental and physical strength returned to the peak, and the tiredness of these days was swept away.

After sending Twilight to bed, Lu Yuan spread out the spell book and began to record the eight spells he obtained last night. These eight spells seem to be a series of palm magic created by a single master named Big Bay.

In appearance, the basic feature of this series of spells is to create a floating palm, which is larger or smaller, or clenched into a fist or stretched into a palm. The effects of the eight spells are also different, some offensive, some defense, some assistance, some interference. If in essence, these spells have a commonality, if the ratio of mental power and magic power consumed by ordinary magic is 1: 2, this series is completely reversed, with spiritual power as the dominant, the consumption will also be 2: 1 Degree.

“No wonder I can get that fragment. It seems that this Archmage called Bigby uses magic the same way as I do, using pure spiritual power to distort arcane power. I don’t know the two biggest pieces that broke last What is the fragment. “

Although Lu Yuan still ca n’t do it now, he feels that one day, he can release the palm magic of the Bigeby series at any time without prior preparation. This is because this series is completely an application of mental power, arcane power. It only plays an auxiliary role. This will be his next goal.

Has been transcribed into the middle of the night, and the eight spells of the Bigeby Palm series have been fully transcribed into the spell book.


All the eight spells are the force field magic of the plastic energy system.

A spell:

Bigbai aid palm: Create a stand palm, which can help you hold an item of no more than 20 pounds, help you complete complex and long-term work, or help you in other ways. If you do n’t take the initiative to dismiss, the palm will always follow the caster for 1 hour / level.

Bigby throwing a palm: Create a human-sized, radiant force field palm swiping the target’s leg, trying to trip the target, the target cannot fall to the ground through a check. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.

Second Ring Spell:

Bigbai Assault Fist: Create a human-sized, radiant force field fist to punch the target. The target will be injured and hit, and the target will be repelled if it fails the check. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.

Bigbai Guardian Palm: Create a hand composed of pure force field to block the movement of the target. The target will be blocked if it fails the check. This spell has no effect on giant or larger creatures. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.

Three-ring spell:

Bigbai interferes with the palm: create a magic palm. When Big Bayi’s disturbing palm’s target attempts to cast a spell, this palm will slam him. This attack does no harm, but it forces the target to make a focus check. If the target fails the check, its casting process will be interrupted. The palm has a corresponding value, and it will always interfere with the target’s spell casting before being destroyed. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.

Five Ring Spells:

Bigby Bodyguard: Create a magic palm with a length and width of ten feet, always floating between you and the target, blocking the target and blocking the caster. No hiding or stealth can hide the magic hands. The magic hand cannot actively attack, but can switch targets for 1 minute per level. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.

Six-ring spell:

Bigby flying high-five: create a magic palm with a length and width of ten feet, always floating between you and the target, and can chase and strike your designated opponent, the magic hand will always follow the opponent and always push it To the limit of distance allowed. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.

Seven Ring Spells:

Bigbai catches the palm: Create a magic palm with a length and width of ten feet, UU reading www.uukanshu. com grapples with a target you specify. Cast range is 100 feet + 10 feet per level.


The transcription was over, and Lu Yuan’s happy mouth all smiled and crooked. This is simply the magical version of “Innate Conspiracy”! And from these spells, it can be seen that the goal of Big Bay is not to create a series of slap spells. His ultimate goal should be to create a positional hand with self-judgment and command at will. These spells just disaggregated that ultimate goal. Although it is not known what the last two spells are, but if you do n’t pursue lethality, the eight spells now are enough to integrate a real magic palm.

In Lu Yuan ’s imagination, the palm of the force field should be like this-first, let the palm exist for a long enough time, and secondly, under the command, it can interfere, hit, draw, block, and capture the target. When there are no enemies, it can assist the master to complete various complicated tasks.

You say such a good magic, it must be set to a few rings of magic?

I think I have to get Bawan!

Bahuan! ? That’s a cut version! Nine Rings Magic!

Don’t think it’s too difficult. You have to study the psychology of the wizards and be willing to prepare such a magic master in the Nine Ring Spell Position.

Do you know what a legendary mage is? ! What kind of spell is used by the legendary mage, only the ones that others haven’t seen, not the most powerful ones!

The slogan of our legendary mage is, “No power, just novelty!”

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