Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 18 - Twilight\\\'s temper

Name: Lu Yuan

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Body type: Medium

Race: Human

Background: Master apprentice [+1 observation spell, +1 knowledge, +1 alchemy, -1 toughness check -1 investigation]

Occupation: Wandering Swordsman [3]

Experience: 4700/6000

Camp: Neutral goodness (order 56 / goodness 71) Faith: Omar (5/100)

Character attributes:

Strength: 15

Agility: 20

Constitution: 17

Intelligence: 23

Perception: 14

Charm: 14

Health: 42/42

Exemption test:

Fortitude save (lower): This save is for you against physical and health damage. The toughness check is related to physique.

Reflection save (medium): This save allows you to try to avoid regional attacks. Reflex checks are related to agility.

Will save (lower): This save reflects the ability to resist spiritual influences and special effects. The will check is related to perception.


Power related (+2): Block 4

Agility related (+4): stunt action 3, stealth 5

Constitution-related (+3): Concentration 18 + 9, wild survival 5

Intelligence related (+6): Observation spell 16 + 8, alchemy 20 + 4, craftsmanship (calligraphy 3, forging 24, cut gemstone 2, stone carving 1), knowledge (mystery 4, geography 3, nature 5, history 1, Plane 5, Noble 2, Religion 3), Valuation 6, Search 3

Perception related (+2): treatment 2, listening 3

Charm related (+2): Negotiation 4,

Remaining points: 3


Good at weapons (simple), good at weapons (military), good at armor (light), take advantage of weapons, specializing in weapons (swords), light spirit (level 1)

Magic spectacle, skilled caster

(Added under three levels)

Assault: When a wandering swordsman uses his best weapon, he can add intelligence bonus to the weapon’s damage. This feat only works if the wandering swordsman is not wearing armor or wearing light armor.

Strong Attack: A powerful but awkward blow is issued, the power increases, and the hit decreases.


A ring of 4/4 mage armor * 1, Bigbai shattered palm * 1, magic missile * 2

2nd Ring 3/3 Burning Rays * 1, Big Bayi Assault Fist * 1, Big Bayi Guardian Palm * 1

Three Rings 2/2 Fireball * 1, Big Bay Disturbance Palm * 1

Current task list:

【The mother’s anger】

You have made Ms. Elona’s darling and play the shame PLAY, now she starts to pay attention to you! Obviously, the old woman who loves her daughter is destined to be unreasonable.

As soon as possible to make her satisfied with the achievements, or wait for God to punish.

【Soak her! Bubble her! Bubble her! 】(success)

+ 6000xp your lower limit is beyond imagination! Look at the huge experience value to know how many tricks you play, Elona’s daughter must be broken!

【Farewell to the Virgin】 (Success)

+ 400xp, your performance is so amazing, are all the people in the world saved for ten years? !

【Habassel? Delin’s Love】 (Failed)

Save half of the next ten days!

Heterosexuality must die! Heterosexuality must die! Heterosexuality must die!


Perhaps because of the birthday, the age of the property is increased by one year. After his experience with Twilight, his adventure skills (detection, listening, sneaking, survival in the wild, etc.) have made great progress. Only because of the time, many skills can only exert their effects. The addition of attributes has not had time to learn and practice, and it is still data on paper.

The skill is added, and it turns out that level 30 is the roof. After the increase, alchemy became Lu Yuan’s second full-level skill. With the remaining 20 skill points, he added “observation spell” and “focus” to the full level. These two are essential for learning and using spells. Once he has digested this knowledge, “observing the spell” allows him to instantly recognize the vast majority of spells and divine spells. With corresponding theoretical guidance, the efficiency of parsing spells has also greatly increased.

“Concentration” allows him to stand on the back of a swaying bird in stormy weather, while being attacked by bows and arrows and other monsters. Of course, it may also fall due to too much concentration, be shot by an arrow, and be struck to death by lightning. This skill is the one that guarantees spellcasting.

Four skills are capped, and there are only three poor skills points left.

As for the upgrade of the wandering swordsman, the quirk, this long-awaited skill is not as expected, but beyond what is expected.

In Lu Yuan ’s original idea, it was supposed to add a mental attack to the attack, so it increased the lethality. After being given this expertise, Lu Yuan discovered that it was not consistent with what he thought. This skill emphasizes not lethality, but teaches users how to carry out “smart attacks”! Something like Du Gu Nine Swords, looking for weaknesses, looking for loopholes, and then fatal blow! It’s like Lu Yuan’s killing pterosaurs with a sword through his eyes.

Picked up the cross sword and tried to attack the imaginary enemy a few times, still not much concept.

Twilight is packing things in his tent.

She is far less strong than she seems on the surface, although she will definitely leave, she will not change her determination. But as a woman, would you like to keep Lu Yuan crying and shouting to stay.

As a result, the guy wore … He didn’t recognize anyone in his clothes, and he looked like nothing. Twilight star hated a bit.

Especially hate him for being a little **** boy, but he is thoughtful about everything, like an old fox. Huh, Master or something, the most evil!

He, Bacheng is a girlfriend who has any sweethearts in the gate of winning, so I ca n’t wait to get rid of my old woman! When I gave birth to my daughter, I went to her father to hug them! Well, that’s it!

After imagining, Mu Xing walked out with the package on his back angrily, planning to tear down the tent and leave.

Turned his head to see Lu Yuan practicing his sword, his eyes rolled, thinking that since he was angry, it would be better to teach him to leave again.

Then said in the past, “Do you want to practice with me?”

Lu Yuan turned his head, and naturally saw the backpack that Twistar was carrying, frowning involuntarily, and said a little angrily.

“Why do you have to go? Didn’t you agree to stay a few days last night ?!”

Twilight saw him staying, first of all he was happy. Then he said confusedly, “What did you promise yesterday?”

Then I suddenly remembered something, and my face suddenly turned red. “Then, there was some … some dizziness. Well! I remembered it, and I must be honest as a pastor. Since I promised, I will stay for two days.”

Seeing Lu Yuan looking at her with a smile instead of a smile, her eyes were full of teasing, she couldn’t help but feel angrily shouted, “What a smile! Two days without training, let me see if you have retreated!” Take two wooden swords from the upper shelf.

The two men fought for a few rounds, and Lu Yuan suddenly thrust a sword from the weak side. Twilight stared and took a step back. After a few more rounds, when Lu Yuan dodged once, he clearly lost his center of gravity, but the sword’s strange backhand flicked to Twilight’s armpit. Evening Twist couldn’t rub her hands, she could only avoid it with one tumble, with dust and grass sticking on her body. In the battle with Lu Yuan, it was the first time he was so embarrassed.

After Lu Yuan ’s wandering swordsman career has a foundation, he can learn 70% of his physique expertise, and he can directly exert 70% of his strength. He is particularly familiar with Twilight’s swordsmanship. After a few rounds of combat, under the guidance of the “trick” specialty, Lu Yuan has gradually been able to predict Twilight’s sword path, and it is not surprising that such a result is caused.

After Twilight stood up again, her body was slightly shaken, and a breath rose, and she began to get serious. Physics occupations are around level 6 and will understand the use of qi. This kind of qi is not a fighting spirit or internal skill, it is the use of Faeren physics professionals for the widespread arcane power. Use Qi to comprehensively strengthen the physical professional’s attack, defense, speed, endurance and hit rate. After Twilight’s full attack, Lu Yuan began to only parry. After more than 20 rounds, he still defeated and was stabbed in the chest by Twilight’s two swords.

“do not fight!”

Twilight star threw the sword aside. Although Lu Yuan was defeated, the strange counterattack of “before death” also stabbed in Twilight’s left rib.

“Okay, according to the text,” Lu Yuan held in the past and said, “My swordsmanship is taught by you. I am so familiar with your sword and can of course avoid it.”

“Well, this must be the case! This time I leave, I will go back to the church to find masters and masters to learn new swordsmanship! We will fight again next time!”

Lu Yuan hugged her, wiped her sweat together, and said: “Twilight, you go a few days later, I want to help you make a pair of armor. Your current leather armor is too simple, I don’t worry.”

“The best blacksmith and alchemist at the Broad Gate, always at your service.” Lu Yuan shook his sleeve and said pretendingly.

“Cut, don’t believe it.”

“Well, if you can buy dragon skin …” Lu Yuan calculated his assets and thought to himself. The equipment he transported back to the witchcraft grocery store can also bring in at least 30,000 gold coins. Those meteor hammers are very brutal and very expensive, and are definitely the first choice for violent warriors and priests.

“No!” Twilight interrupted flatly, “The dragon is cute, we can’t hurt it!”

“Cute … Do you think who will hurt me by putting me and the dragon together?”

“Ah, no dragon skin will be used anyway, so I want to do so much.”

“Oh, Yiwen, what do you think of … killing insects?”

“Bugs? What bugs?”

“Oh, UU reading, a 20-foot long, 4-foot thick! There are six big claws and ao, big dark green bugs! I like to drill underneath, and spit on pedestrians ! “

“This kind of bug must die! No such disgusting thing is allowed to appear around my daughter!” Mu Xing’s momentum started.

“That’s it”, Lu Yuan clapped his hands and stood up, “Tomorrow the insects go! The material is on it!”

From the gate of Bode to the Arms of Friendship, there are many large and small villages, some of them are affiliated to a noble’s fief, and some are attached to a mage. These villages provide nearly 50,000 people with a population of food, meat, cheese, wine and so on.

Among these villages, there is a very special small village, which is not well-known among hundreds of villages, but in the game, this village occupies a very important position.

Because there is a huge bug in the fields of this village, dig the ground bug! Because there are digging worms digging holes in the ground continuously, there is a place where digging insects live, the soil will be more fertile. Therefore, a dependency relationship gradually formed between the village and the ground-dwelling insect. The druids in the village control the number of earthworms, so that it does not harm the villagers, but also allows the earthworms to survive.

This earthworm’s chitinous shell is strong, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, tough and elastic, and weighs only half of the metal! Go there and find such good armor materials! The only problem here is that the number of ground-digging insects is small and they like to burrow, which is difficult to find and difficult to hunt.

But now there is a village “feeding” earthworms …

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