Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 23 - Artifact 2

“Sit down, this time for the church’s affairs, I asked Mr. Lu Yuan for help.” The master craftsman sat down first and then calmed down.

Lu Yuan sat down in awkwardness, and began to look directly at Master Frederick, who seemed to have an open heart. Although he pushed your adopted daughter and took an eighteen posture, I was not guilty at all. Real love drops …

Seeing Lu Yuan not answering her words, staring at him scorchingly, Frederick was embarrassed again. The two girls were whispering in a low voice, and looked at the insulated tea cups in amazement. The other one disregarded the owner’s presence, and fanatically put something in his pocket, which was even more embarrassing and thrown into grandma’s house. His old face was almost red, and there was a moment of silence, and then he said daringly, “This time it is because of Twilight’s” forest dance “armor. I am also very satisfied, so I would like to invite you to make again … “

“Impossible!” Before he finished speaking, Lu Yuan refused neatly.

“Ah ~” Frederick stopped there in silence, how was it different from the prediction? He originally wanted to make a good relationship by making a few pieces of armor, and paid enough for it, then put forward things about the armor making process.

Did not expect to be blocked from the beginning …

“That … I don’t want to refuse first. Will Mr. Lu Yuan listen to me first to talk about the conditions?”

“Nothing is possible!” Lu Yuan said firmly, “Twilight’s armor must be unique! I will not make the same armor for others!” Ms. Elona, ​​you see it! My feelings for Twilight, it is quite able to withstand the test drops, you do n’t have to embarrass me anymore, you are so concerned about me so afraid …

“Wow ~” Two young female priests heard his confession, his eyes blurred with four hands clenched together, and made a emotion. Is this a lily? Lu Yuan glanced quickly.

“Cough”, the master smiled embarrassedly. “That, the church advocates simplicity, and the armor does not need to be so gorgeous, as long as it conforms to the goddess’ teachings, it is enough to use on the battlefield.”

Advocating simplicity? Lu Yuan glanced at the low-key dragonskin robe on the master’s body. It wasn’t that the forging master could not distinguish the material at all. It was too simple. The craftsman of Twilight is also a sullen person. “That’s okay”, Lu Yuan readily agreed that the nails had been polished, and he was preparing to make a few pictures of the whole body of earthworms and brought them back to the Bode’s door to sell them in the store. Who sold them? what.

“There are a lot of them …” Frederick continued, and he regretted his death this time.

“A lot of numbers”, Lu Yuan pondered, after several years of apprenticeship has exhausted his patience, and then let him do repetitive work, that is very unwilling, but for the sake of Twilight, to please the goddess …

“Materials and time …”

“Please rest assured that we have enough earthworm carapace, all accumulated over the years by the Druids. In time, can you please guide our alchemist to make it together ?!” Still say this.

“Make it together?” Lu Yuan immediately satiated the tone of the tone. It’s a taboo in the alchemy industry to **** someone else’s craft. This industry pursues the principle of equivalent exchange. Although Lu Yuan will make concessions because of Twilight, it is not a case involving principles. He is a hedgehog. If you do n’t touch him, it looks harmless. The thorn will blow at the touch.

Frederick raised his hand and waved, interrupting Lu Yuan’s next words. He intends to finish in one breath, and if he can turn around and leave, to force the apprentice to love his wife, he will never do it. “The oracle of the goddess said that you will like something called a ‘space ring’. We don’t know what kind of power ring this is. As long as you describe it, the church will do its best to make it for you. In exchange, what do you think? “

Lu Yuan almost spit out tea. Space ring? What the hell! Or was it predicted by the goddess? Isn’t the heart of YY deep in my heart calm down? But “Space Ring”, really want it!

To say that Feren ’s space magic is very developed, the intermediate mage comes to teleport, and the senior mage is very easy to open a dimension door. Alchemists can also capture broken, useless or dying half planes to make space equipment. Although it is the half plane of extinction, it is the speed of the universe … Generally, it is definitely not visible in the lifetime, so please use the space product with confidence.

But here, most people make containers into space equipment, such as bags, hip flasks, belt bags, etc., so that all occupations can be used. Under the influence of magic, one hand can only wear one magic ring, so no one makes such a space ring.

Even the Forest Goddess Church. Although the name of the “space ring” is predicted, it is not so simple to connect a proprietary half plane to the ring … a mage cannot be so two! It must be another function!

Do Lu Yuan need a half plane to make a warehouse? Of course he needs! Now the dimension bag is full, but he still has too many things he wants to carry with him, such as a blacksmith shop or an alchemy workbench.

It is a pity that for the mage, it is best to make the space bag by yourself, but it must be at least sixteen! Space items, to put it bluntly, first find a half plane that has not been discovered, then hide it and make a connection surface. Because the half plane is attached to the main plane, the space between it and the main plane is very small, and magic can be used to form a stable channel. If you ask someone else to make it, the coordinate maker of the half plane must know that it is as unreliable as storing things in someone’s home.

By the way, some half planes have a slow time lapse, so the food is still hot when put in. Some half planes have no air, so the living creatures will die when put in, but some half planes have green grass lawns, trilobites, sufficient oxygen content, and stable gravity … Occupy, run, Forrest, run!

“Mr. Lu Yuan! Mr. Lu Yuan!”

“Ah,” Lu Yuan quickly wiped his saliva and woke up from YY. “That, you can call me Lu Yuan and A Yuan. You can call him Mr. Lu in a polite way. According to our eastern customs, it is called Mr. Lu Yuan will be very strange, as if … others are talking about themselves.

As for the request you just mentioned. Okay, on Twistar’s face, I agreed. You can send someone to study at any time. “

Then Lu Yuan ignored their strange eyes and described his requirements for the “space ring”, that is, the bound half-plane required large and healthy. Lu Yuan predicted that he could live for hundreds to thousands of years. Twilight ’s life is very long, and the mage has a way to live longer. In his lifetime, he does not want to see the plane bound by the ring jump with his big property.

Seeing the transaction went smoothly, Frederick breathed a sigh of relief, and a few people started drinking tea and chatting. The middle-aged man was frantically asking about the role of those semi-finished products. Lu Yuan introduced casually, and several people listened with interest.

After several of them also stayed in the arms of friendliness, the middle-aged man was responsible for learning the craftsmanship, and the two female priests were responsible for trying on and making suggestions to ensure that the armor could conform to the doctrine. Several people packed the top layer to prepare for follow-up personnel and materials. The church of the goddess of the forest is actually very rich. Although their church is super simple, it is because of doctrine. You know, there are so many treasures in the forest, they just advocate simplicity.

When several people left, the master craftsman Frederick stayed specifically.

“Lu Yuan”, he said, “When I came, the child of Twistar asked me to see you more. I look good on your child, not stupid or stubborn, which is good. If you have something else, You can come to me anytime. “

He thought for a while and said, “Twilight is my darling of Elona, ​​she must also hope to receive the blessing of the lady, that is to say you want …”

The words behind are naturally self-evident.

Lu Yuanxin said, “In fact, I actually have a way of thinking that I can make a particularly beautiful armor, but the material …”

Master Fei made a listening statement fiercely, then coughed embarrassingly and said to Lu Yuan: “Cough, the material is not a problem, it needs to be emerald green. Well, simple! Pay attention to simple!

Lu Yuan 囧, can you not be so miserable? ! The beloved forest goddess Ms. Elona.

Immediately ~ ~ He saw something of interest. Then he grabbed Frederick’s sleeve and pointed to a small oval leaf above and asked, “What is this?”

“Oak leaf, a sign of our sect Druid”, the craftsman took off the leaf and showed it to him.

This is a fresh and tender green leaf, with an elliptical slightly warped. Lu Yuan bent it by hand. Although it looks fragile, it is actually tough. This is a material similar to the claw shell of the earthworm. It can also be used to make Braided armor of dragon scales.

“What are your best oak leaves?”

“Oh, the older the oak leaves, the better, but the best should be the leaves of the sacred oak tree of Ms. Elona ’s Kingdom. If you want that, it will be more difficult. Our church has only given the goddess the only gift these years. … “

Suddenly he stopped talking and listened again, then turned his face and said, “Leaves of the sacred oak … cough … a considerable amount has been given, and there are many left, enough for you to use!”

Lu Yuan was speechless again, Ms. Elona, ​​your cultist is crying.

“Then, I need the statue of the goddess, some rare magic leather, carapace, five thousand oak leaves and knives and awls that can process these things. The tools in my hand are not good enough. I will leave enough space on the armor, Adding arcane power, please do it yourself. “

“Okay, send it tomorrow!”

After leaving, the craftsman turned around and hurried out.

It is estimated that I do n’t want to see Lu Yuan again in the short term. Today, I am too faceless.

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