Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 8 - 1 year

Time is fleeting. When Lu Yuan raised his head, one year passed.

Many things happened this year.

Lu Yuan began to show his talents in forging after becoming the assistant of Habasser Delin, with a high attribute bonus, and his achievements on it were glorious. After the three areas of potion, arrow enchantment, and weapon making have all emerged, he successfully produced the first enchanted chain armor, became a master of the four fields, and thus became the first informal mage of Master Habaser Delin. Assistant.

Being an assistant means that he has his own independent laboratory where he can conduct his own research, and he has access to Master Habasser Delin ’s private library instead of the library of the witchcraft grocery store, and a 5% commission for each product produced. ! Yes, no matter how long it was done before, it has always been voluntary work with no money.

For the next six months, he stayed in the laboratory except for the thieves ’guild several times. Six months later, Lu Yuan announced two things. First, he successfully parsed the recipe for the “King of King Theft” potion, and since then the witchcraft grocery store can also produce the potion. And, he will exclusively enjoy the 20% benefit of the potion for ten years! Of course, getting such a high benefit is more because of the second message-he successfully parsed a ring of spells “Mage Armor” and became a formal mage!

This year, he was 16 years old.

He is very ordinary in terms of age, because many geniuses can cast first-level spells when they are five or six years old, and it is not polite to say that the group of warlocks who rely on their faces to eat is even more so.

Only Habasser? Delin knows his genius, because only Habasser? Delin knows the circumstances under which he broke into a first-level mage. So his congratulatory gift is a five-year loose contract, a “secondary space bag” of 16 feet (about 5 cubic meters) and a sentence-“Do n’t feel like you, do n’t give up your motivation to move forward. ! “

The system therefore gave a task called “Habasser? Delin’s Love”, and Lu Yuan planned to make it rotten in the task bar forever.

I remember when playing the game of Bode ’s Gate, the protagonist could not get a space bag in the area of ​​Bode ’s Gate anyway. That ’s probably because the world he walks has no boundary with the upper level of this world, he is just a free and outside circle Ranger.

For commercial giants and magic masters like Habaser Delin, although the secondary space bag is rare, the value is equal to less than 10,000 gold coins. It is a very suitable gift for the new mage.

He practiced the sword for a while in private. However, after a contest with a mercenary, oh, after he secretly hired mercenaries to hire him, he temporarily gave up his plans for a double repair.

Can only say that the so-called “wandering swordsman” is still too weak. The upgrade is even more distant, with three tasks. In one year, he completed the “formally become a mage” task and gained 600 experience points. At other times, no matter whether killing chickens or dogs or secretly killing a goblin, they did not bring even a little experience.

Complete “Habasser? Delin’s Love”? He would rather die!

This year, due to Habasser Delin’s obvious attention and protection to him, other people’s attitude towards him is also constantly changing.

William put down the shelf very directly, and discussed with him several times the desire to form an ally. The cousins ​​are all formal mages, which will be a force that cannot be ignored in the future. In order to improve his relationship with Lu Yuan, he even paid for the house that he owned by Lu Yuan ’s parents and sold by his uncle.

After, the two agreed that William will expand his power in the mage guild and form his own group; and Lu Yuan will join the alchemist guild and strive to become a pivotal role.

Nicholas and Black Lily’s brother, the attitude towards Lu Yuan changed from looking down to looking up, a 180 degree change took place, and it only took a year. Of course, this was a year of mutual benefit. Lu Yuan ’s precious potions were sold on the black market at a high price, and through their purchase of rare stolen goods, both parties made a lot of money.

The most enviable thing is his contract, working 6 hours a day, half a year of work and half a year of vacation, for a period of five years, which should be regarded as the first-class treatment in the witchcraft grocery store.

Flows like a galaxy and shines like the sun.

Lu Yuan sat wide, clearing his thoughts, slowly sinking his consciousness into darkness.

Describe, read, and perceive.

Gradually, there was a silver shining around, which was a little bit of broken light, which filled the whole world like fireflies. It’s just that when you look with your eyes, you will not see them. Only after you enter meditation, you can look with your soul.

The light spot gradually became a light spot, the light spot became a brilliance, the radiance magnified into a galaxy, and the galaxy expanded into a galaxy.

When every light spot is large enough to cover the sky.

In the darkness, the endless “net” of silver wire was revealed.

Consciousness came online, a stream of arcane surge flooded into the space of consciousness, Lu Yuan manipulated with his spirit, tremblingly outlined several symbols.

When the model was fully formed, Lu Yuan’s consciousness continued to sink. He saw the second layer of the network, which was a glorious flow, and he could even vaguely feel the power of the “source” in that distant place, but at this time, the sense of fatigue from the consciousness forced him to retreat.

When he opened his eyes, there were already four models floating in the space of consciousness. The shape of a question mark was “identification”; the shape of the eye was “sleep”; the other was a burning flame, that It is the “burning hand”; the last one is a translucent armor symbol, that is “mage armor”.

Yes, he can already prepare four ring spells at a time. In addition to the two spell slots provided by the high intelligence bonus, he already has two first-level spell slots to use, which means that Lu Yuan is actually a second-level wizard.

(As for the relationship between the number of spell rings and the character level, please refer to other books, and it will not be explained in detail. Basically, it is the two poles of the mage character, and the number of spell rings is increased by one level. ,That’s it.)

Lu Yuan’s method of preparing spells is roughly the same as that of ordinary mages, except that he didn’t take spell books. Essentially different! The magician’s study has always been divided into three parts-meditation to exercise spirit, learning to analyze spells and preparing magic with books.

Through constant meditation to contact the magic net, familiarize and absorb the magic power, strengthen the connection with the magic net, this is the basic skill of the mage.

Then, by studying the materials of the spell, to analyze the essential structure of the spell, and continue to experiment until it is mastered, this is the basic process of learning a new spell.

Finally consume expensive materials and copy thoroughly researched spells into the magic book that you carry with you. When full of energy, open the magic book while connecting to the magic network. According to the information in the magic book, build a model in the corresponding magic net, and then guide the injection of own spiritual power and magic power of the magic net to complete the preparation of magic. When needed, as long as the spell guidance is completed, it can be cast.

Lu Yuan has practiced the meditation methods left by his father since he was a child, only to exercise mental energy, and does not need to contact the magic net. The first spell he cast, “The Master’s Hand”, was also exhibited by mobilizing the magical power of dissipation in the space through mental power. Very few magicians who are born with strong spiritual power cast their first spell like this in the enlightenment stage, and they don’t need to prepare to cast it directly.

After all, the magic power required by the zero-loop spell is very small, and the magic power of dissipation in the air can be satisfied, without preparing through the magic net. After they practiced the mage’s meditation method, the affinity of the spiritual power to the magic power was greatly improved, and through the magic net, the required magic power could be easily obtained, so he embarked on the path of the orthodox mage.

Because there is no mage guidance, Lu Yuan cannot even have a decent textbook. So he has always used mental power to mobilize the magic, the air and the magic net, and then build a model in the magic net and display it. The affinity of spiritual and magical powers obtained by his meditation is not high, so it is very difficult to learn magic. Initially when he was preparing for magic, he couldn’t even “bind” the magic, and he disappeared as soon as he turned in the magic net …

Became a formal mage, and learned the shortcomings of his meditative thoughts, he thought about giving up this meditation method more than once, and instead practiced the meditating thoughts of a formal mage. However, there is always a thought in his mind to stop him and tell him that it is the best choice now, so he still insists on this. Now his mental strength is almost the same as that of a seventh-level wizard like William, but he can only cast a spell.

Of course, the benefits are not without. He can only use mental power to mobilize magic power to cast spells without preparing spells. Zero-ring spells use less magic power and consume less mental power. He can be cast almost a hundred times, and the speed is as fast as that of ordinary mages. But if it is a ring of spells, at the same time call the free magic power and the magic power of the magic net, twist the construction model, fill the magic power and release it, he will consume three times the time of the normal mage and the normal mental power. This kind of cast is very dangerous, and a little interruption will cause serious backlash. You must try to ensure the safety of the environment.

This method of casting is somewhat similar to that of the Neisse era. At that time, there was no magic net, and the arcane power between heaven and earth was violent and changeable. Arcanists used powerful spiritual power to shape arcane energy into spells directly. Show.


Putting nearly 10,000 gold coins of money and changing clothes into the secondary space bag, some bread in the bakery downstairs, some barbecue and a crossbow, magic book, some magic materials and two magic rings, he found I still have almost nothing. Shaking his head, he opened the attic window, and a rain canopy protruded above the window. Under the rain canopy, besides the window, there was a stone basin for feeding pigeons.

The gate of Bode has many pigeons. Every morning, the flock of pigeons hovering over the city with a whistle. This is how many people wake up from their dreams, open the windows to breathe fresh air, watch the flying pigeons, and start a whole day of life.

So out of love for pigeons, many families put such a feeding pot on the roof.

Lu Yuan stirred the grains a little, and among the grains with scattered grains, several thumb-sized bottles were exposed. This is the place where he hides things all the time, and it is placed where everyone can see. Every time Nicholas comes, he grabs the edge of the pot and pulls it down, but he has never seen it …

After everything is packed properly, Lu Yuan plans to make a trip.

From the system’s point of view, it is too safe and too quiet at the Gate of Success to be suitable for his upgrade. And he also wanted to take a tour like the new mages to find opportunities to upgrade the mages.

Those hands of goodwill that came out, that very loose contract, Lu Yuan, who experienced countless previous lives, clearly knew that he was not worth the price, and those people invested in his future. If his future does not meet expectations, then he has to pay back with bones and flesh!

Alchemy is a skill closely related to magic level. It is not that Lu Yuan can directly use skill points to increase the level to do everything.

The production of a bottle of magic potion, UU reading requires a lot of processes. The cultivation, collection, refining, purification, extraction, synthesis, etc. of materials, as well as the last and most important step, is to cast spells. A bottle of potion produced in this way has magical effects and can be called a magic potion.

Mages of different levels cast the same spells. The effects of high-level mage casting are far greater than those of primary casters. This is the difference in the level of casting. The casting level is generally equal to the wizard level. For Lu Yuan, his apparent casting level is one level. In fact, he learned a secret method recorded in the Habasser Delin Library, which can add the part-time level to the caster level, up to 4 levels. So his two-level mage plus one-level rogue swordsman, the cast level is 3.

What can the caster level 3 do? Can be used as a primary magic potion, such as a micro-medical potion. Or simple magic objects, like crystal **** or the like, dozens of gold coins.

Although his alchemy skills are up to a dozen levels, although he spends a whole day to complete the 90% craft of a bottle of potion, he can only get 5% of the income. A mage with four rings and seven levels took a minute to cast a potion on the potion, and when it was finished, it easily took 15%.

This is the difference.

The threshold for making magic weapons and armor or shields is the caster level 5; the magic wand requires the caster level 5; the magic wand and magic accessories require the caster level 12! It’s almost a patent for middle-aged and old magicians.

You see a small +1 ring actually asking for 5000 gold coins. It is not surprising at all. There is a middle-level master who has hidden countless years of hard research and exploration!

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