Watching the Dawn

v5 Chapter 1 - Create the Kingdom of God

“There is not enough space,” Lu Yuan said regretfully.

He brought back too many things, daily necessities, food, luxury goods, not just for himself, he also hopes to bring these to Elona and Aikexue. He hoped that Elona would not always be young and old, and that Aikexue would not always be stern and cute. He regarded them as a family, and of course hoped that they would live better.

For example, when he saw a barbecue machine, he hoped to hold a barbecue meeting. For this wish, all the barbecue equipment he brought back could fill a whole cabin.

But as an immigrant spaceship with 4 million people, where is there so much space to waste? Most of the rooms are filled with various materials, and the vacant ones are actually full, but they were consumed during the journey. In addition to food, additives, nutrients and energy, maintenance materials, etc. consumed by travel, these materials also occupy large construction machinery, smart chips, robots, seed banks, etc. that will be used in the construction of a new planet. Now these materials still occupy a large number of cabins. Lu Yuan has insufficient space for them. Can’t they throw away the owner’s things? That … is too unruly.

“Let’s make one ourselves!” Elona suggested, “After this harvest, we can now try to create a semi-material world. We choose a mature shadow world materialized, and then divide up a place as our territory. Okay. Let ’s choose the world of Bode ’s Gate? Then I cut out Dragon Island! “

“Agree!” Yike Xue shouted.

“Don’t agree!” Lu Yuan said angrily, “Dragon or something is very important in the dnd world, don’t cut it for me! Do you think the first materialized world will become messy ?!”

“Well, yes. Anyway, let’s come together!” Elona swiped her finger, the space changed, and a few people moved into a void in an instant.

“There must be light, there must be darkness, there must be weight, there must be up and down …” Elona nagging out a piece of paper. Lu Yuan gradually feels that the body has a feeling, can move his limbs, can distinguish up and down, and is no longer as complete as the void.

Although there is no ground under the feet, he can stand. Light is everywhere, up and down, and the space becomes clear and transparent.

“There must be an ocean,” Elona shouted. A huge piece of blue glaze suddenly appeared in the distance. If you look closely, you will see that it is like water in a glass bowl, with a thin middle edge. When the water reached the boundary, it stopped like a wall.

The three quickly moved towards the blue water bowl, as the distance shortened. The transparent water bowl is getting bigger and bigger. Finally occupied the entire line of sight. Boundless. It is said that a huge sea with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, a few people stood in the middle of the sea! The whole sky gradually turned blue, this is because there was moisture in the air, which formed the color of the scattered light.

Three people were suspended in the sea. Looking around. Seabirds hovering around, you can see panic sea fish and huge whales under your feet, and occasionally even the fins of sharks and the long tentacles of sea monsters. Obviously, the huge changes in the ocean make these creatures very uneasy.

Where did this ocean come from? In a world of cold sweat, Lu Yuan thought about the World of Gates, and suddenly a huge hole appeared in the ocean, which triggered a tsunami.

“There must be an island,” Elona pointed to her feet.

A piece of land extends under the feet. It does not appear to rise from the bottom of the sea, but it just appears out of thin air at the bottom of the feet, and extends up and down, left and right, back and forth, and around. Extend upward. An island with a height of five square kilometers in the east and west in the west is formed. Extending downward will generate a “bowl bottom” of sandy beaches, reefs, continental shelves, and the formation of ravines.

The eastern part of the island is a straight cliff, and below it are rugged reefs. The whole terrain gradually sloping towards the west, forming a small hillside and a large plain, and continuing to extend into a beautiful beach and harbor.

Moss, plantain and other low-rise plants began to appear on the top of the mountain. The woods appear on the mountainside and extend to the foot of the mountain. Behind the woods are small patches of low shrubs and large areas of grassland, with lush wildflowers dotted between them. at the same time. Kelp, coral, water grass, etc. also began to appear in the shallow seas, until the bottom of the sea was covered with thick humus.

This creation came to an end when there were animals in the grass and birds singing in the forest.

“There must be a house,” Elona pointed to the hillside.

A circle of low-rise walls appeared, enclosing more than half of the hillside, forming a huge courtyard. A tall iron door is formed at the door, hollowed out with familiar flowers. Lu Yuan gradually had a bad feeling.

A flat road appeared in the garden, a manicured flower bed appeared on both sides, and a large white stone fountain appeared in the center, which made Lu Yuan more and more familiar.

Until the back appeared a fairly wide three-story building, a concave-shaped Western-style castle, and high-rise watchtowers were built on both sides. The whole castle is built with huge stone. Although it is well maintained, the perennial wind and rain make the walls full of traces of years of deposition. From the fancy fences and gates to the decorative sculptures on the walls and rain eaves, they all reflect the host ’s long history and great achievements. Among them, the shields and the decoration of the castle, which are everywhere, show us that it is not a king who lives here, it is likely to be a real duke … Yes, this is not the Archduke Anta? Mansion!

Lu Yuan continued to wipe the sweat and turned inside, fortunately, that there was no one, and there was nothing strange-such as ancestral portraits, ancestral knight armor, family crests and the like. It seems to have moved in accordance with a certain rule, and I do n’t know what Anta who lost the mansion? What does the Grand Duke of Silver Shield feel now?

“This, just as our temporary master space!”

Elona announced, and then went to play.

Seeing her pointing around, a cloud appeared here and a tree appeared there, Lu Yuan finally felt at ease. It seems that Nana also knows the size, and will not consume power to create dangerous things like dragons, dragons, dragons and the like.

Lu Yuan returned to the “Dawn”, packed all the items piled in various cabins, and stuffed congratulations around the castle. Elona and Ke Xue followed the idea randomly, mainly responsible for adding chaos. After the castle was filled in this way, there was finally a breath of life here ~ ~ Just a few people wouldn’t arrange it, so they could just throw it away in random.

In the evening, three people sat around the fireplace, drinking drinks and eating tropical fruits from the South Pacific island country brought back by the landing.

Even Aikexue was very happy.

The only regret in the castle is that there is no electricity and nothing can be used. Lu Yuan can only pull Elona back to the spaceship, pulling two huge ups over for the first time. In the future, the construction of a “Ark” reactor will be solved. I think the one in the Stark Building is good. Or search for some temporary use of wind power, solar energy, tidal power, etc. This is not difficult.


Lu Yuan walked to Elona, ​​who was standing on the hillside, it was time to discuss the transaction with other gods together.


ps: On the day of listing, six more on the first day!

ps2: Nana took a small note to open up the kingdom of God. (m)

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