Watching the Dawn

v5 Chapter 31 - On the mine

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Naxikai’s iron ore is in the direction of the south, and there are several hills in the middle.

At noon, the members of the “Sword and Rose” group chose to set up a temporary camp at the top of the mountain to prepare lunch.

“This city is a wound of nature. If it can develop naturally, it will definitely not be the way it is now.” Jahira, who is driving the plants to give out a small campfire site, looks away under the smog. Some dirty Naxikai town couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. Because of steelmaking, the south of Nasikai is filled with tall **** and cinder mountains, and the nearby forests have been cut down. Also because of steelmaking, towns are shrouded in dust and dust every day, almost to the degree of today .

“Jahira, if we solve the iron ore crisis, maybe we can make some changes to Mayor Bai Lang, such as rehabilitating the surroundings of the city, demolishing slums and the like. You know, although I am a human being, … I love nature! “, Chanem, who is learning to build a stove, immediately took over the topic.

He will not miss any opportunity to chat with Jahira and Twilight, or to perform in front of them.

“I have to resign to Greian! It’s an impossible task to teach the biological society of Goblin!” Lu Yuan couldn’t help complaining after hearing Zanem’s silly words, Mu Xing hid to him with a smile Watch him lively.

Lu Yuan rubbed his forehead and thought helplessly, even this simple complaint was taken seriously, when will this child grow up? Why has Lao Tzu been so desperate for so long? It is really hard for Greian to let him become a part-time mage! But I can’t do this job!

Jahira stopped talking awkwardly and continued to drive away the plants to make more room. This kind of “plant expulsion” does not seem to cherish the plants enough, and in fact will not suffer from fire. It will not be excavated, nor will it be crushed by the body, just give up a few hours of space, and then be restored, which is the smallest cost.

Jahira regretted her frivolous behavior a few days before his death. The teasing of Chanem was obviously regarded as some kind of recognition by him, so he gave up Twilight and turned to concentrate on the fire and stormed Jahira. This self-proclaimed handsome stunned young man completely ignored the fact that Jahira was actually married and her husband was nearby. As Chanem’s elders and Grean’s friends, neither Jahira nor Kalid would say anything. There is no way to leave. But her husband Kalid’s dissatisfaction is obvious.

He couldn’t figure out how Grian taught this child! Elves have a much stronger moral outlook than humans. Half-elves are far superior to humans. What about humans … distant elves, orcs or something.

Speaking of the orcs’ mixed life, as long as the nobles who ignore ghosts and animals, everyone as humans still has a sense of superiority.

After eating, the crowd sat in the camp drinking tea.

Lu Yuan got a little better. Recalling the scene when I went out for a picnic in the past, I told everyone a joke about “elves and green” by the campfire.

“… After shooting the slaughterer with one arrow, the elf whispered to himself very strangely-‘ even wearing emerald green clothes hidden in the grass, did n’t he know how prominent that was? ’

This orchestration wizard can accurately distinguish dozens of green jokes and is one of Lu Yuan ’s most impressive jokes. Because of the situation, Lu Yuan laughed at the end of his speech, and Chanem and Aimeng laughed at each other. The three half-elves blinked apricot-shaped big eyes, and looked strangely far away-the color difference between grass green and emerald green is really big, I don’t know what is funny …

So Lu Yuan was depressed.

Seeing Lu Yuan depressed. Evening Star didn’t feel very embarrassed, although this joke was really not funny. So she decided to tell a funny joke to ease the atmosphere, “I also come to say a ‘soup spoon and rice spoon’ joke, this is the real thing I experienced in Northland”, Twisting said softly . See the famous Ranger in the North to tell his story. Several people were looking forward to it with interest.

“… At this time, the owner has brought up the last soup, but unfortunately, he said that his soup spoon was taken away by the goblin.

‘How can I drink soup without a spoon? “I have to ask.

But the owner said carelessly, ‘but it did n’t take away the rice spoon’. Hahahaha ~ “

Evening Star couldn’t catch his breath with a pat on his legs, and Jahira and Khalid laughed back and forth, and the level of fierceness couldn’t stop.

Now it is the turn of the three human beings to look at each other-is it funny to drink soup with a rice spoon when there is no spoon?

But looking at the happy three and a half elves … so it is sometimes annoying to say elves or something! Lu Yuan continued to read depressed, he increasingly felt that it was a big mistake to travel with others.

At that time, when I was traveling alone with Duxing, I only had to say Huang Duanzi. No matter whether Duxing understood it or was confused, the reaction would be cute and interesting.

By the way, the status of half-elf creatures is much higher than expected. There is no description of “hybrid” in the vocabulary of genies. A half-elf living as an elf will be considered an elf. If it lives like a human, it will be considered a human. The status of elves depends on race lineage, and one-eighth of the Japanese elf lineage is also noble than pure-blooded wood elves.

“There are goblins,” Ai Meng’s words rescued everyone, so everyone sorted out their suits and prepared to fight!

“Seven or eight” Jahira stood up and looked around, making a count. In the elf’s keen vision, seven or eight goblins wandered in the distance, that is, they dared not rush to the bean, and were reluctant to leave.

When they heard the numbers, they sat down for the most part. There was no interest in chopping the goblin on the way to vomiting.

“Let’s go,” Zhanem sorted out the equipment, stood out with a longbow, and said to Jahira with a deep chest.

“I’m going too.” Imon also followed him with a short bow. Since leaving the friendly arm, the little girl of Aimeng has always been like Chanem ’s shadow, following closely behind Chanem, but it is a pity that Chanem always keeps giving his attention to Jahira and Twilight. Ignore the existence of Imon.

Imon’s love of Chanem can be seen by people with long eyes. Only Chanem thought that he and Aimeng had a “close sibling relationship”. In fact, although one is Greian ’s adopted son and the other is the adopted daughter of the hotel owner, they are indeed siblings.

Their father is Bare, the stallion who sees who is pregnant. Although they do not know each other, the two of them are really a brother-sister relationship.

“May the lovers in the world eventually become brothers and sisters”, this kind of pit father’s setting change, once let the game of Bode’s Gate, suddenly found that the most favorite Aimeng, even those hard-core players who turned into sisters are desperate ! In order to allow brothers and sisters to fall in love. There are also people who have done something like “Romantic of Imon”. Frustrated and fell in love with her sister. And push my sister down …

“Kalid, you go and see.” Jahira pushed her husband. Kalid nodded and stood up holding the shield and the sword. In the past, protection was in front of two teenage girls. Others continued the leisurely just now and had battle experience along the way. Dealing with such a small situation has been regarded as “handy.” The brothers and sisters shot arrows before and after, while shooting the goblins on the right side, drove the goblins towards the stream on the left side. When the local sperm had to wader and wanted to escape from the stream, he was wiped out because of the slow speed dragged by the current.

Afterwards, Aimeng sneaked into the bushes to investigate whether there were other enemies. Zhanem inspected the body-the dead knife, the dead ear was cut for a bounty, the iron was collected, and the arrows could be recovered. Kalid’s inseparable protection was beside him. After all, it is the son of an old friend, not to mention … that Arando predicted that he also knew something. The path that Chanem chose to follow was a matter of concern for the entire country.

“Look at the traces from the south, it should be the direction of the mine.” Imon came back and said.

Seeing everyone watching themselves, waiting to make their own decisions.

Chanem was nervous, and then thought for a few minutes seriously, then said, “So let’s hurry up and move on!”

From an angle he couldn’t see, Jahira and Lu Yuan were relieved almost at the same time. It was not easy to take the children. Jahira made a gesture to the landing, “You go up”, Lu Yuan spread his hand “Why?”, Jahra raised his chin and nodded her husband, “How much trouble do you want me to make?”

Although Lu Yuan would like to say, “If you are in trouble, Twilight will be in trouble.” Unfortunately, it is a teammate. Therefore, he could only stand up, and nodded and praised Chanem very encouragingly: “Well done, the worst decision is no decision, the best decision is timely decision. Can make according to his own judgment Choice, you have successfully stepped out of the first part! Congratulations Xiaocha, you are already a qualified captain! “

Then everyone clapped a few hands together, and the expression of admiration and appreciation flashed on his face, making Chanem feel the joy of success and everyone’s recognition, which inspired more initiative and performance … alas, education The child is really tired. Only his sister Ai Meng really worshipped his brother Chanem and was staring at his figure with flashing eyes. If he was a sister, he should be able to die without regret at this time.

“I feel that this is a loss-making business more and more,” Lu Yuan whispered, and then he walked in the end, and kept looking down at the spell information, but put the invisible Nini early in front of the team Pathfinder went.

After a long day of trekking, several people finally arrived at the Naxikai mining area and explained a few words to the person in charge. Although it was almost night, everyone still hurry to enter the mine-anyway, there is no sunshine in the mine.

Like all mines in the Middle Ages, the Naxikai mine was narrow, long, and poorly supported resulting in many collapses, and it was densely packed like a cobweb. If the walking people are more careful, and under the shining of the lamp that is attached to the “indestructible flame”, corpses can be found in almost every branch, from fresh corpses to completely decaying, it is not all caused by this crisis of.

In this era, mining has always been a matter of life.

The problem with the Xikai Iron Mine is not just that there are a few cannibal monsters in the depths. If you only eat humans, then it is not a problem, because the life of the miners is not much better than slaves. As long as it does not affect production, for example, monsters only eat one a week, then no one may ask.

According to rumors, the deposits of the Naxikai mine were “poisoned”! The ore contaminated by a certain substance, the refined steel will be of extremely poor quality. It is not yet possible to determine whether this pollution is directed to deposits or mined ore, and no one has found tangible evidence. But as the only source of income. The miners were still driven into the mine for mining. It is impossible to infect such a large range of iron ore, so it is always possible to mine good iron ore. It’s just that the quality fluctuates up and down. As long as there are a few batches of problems, the blow to the mining industry in Nasika is fatal.

As for the miners, although no one can tell how big the difference is between miners and slaves, but if the iron ore collapses, there will be no arable land around Xikai. At that time, all the miners’ families will be in jeopardy.

Entering the mine, six people lined up in the first three and three. In addition to miners along the way. No monsters were encountered. You can guess from the description in the miner’s mouth. Deep in the mine, there should be creatures like kobolds and goblins. The goblin is nothing more, timid, cowardly, and vulnerable. By comparison, the kobold ’s bow threat is much greater. Especially when there are a lot of shots.

The third floor of the mine.

Kalid walked at the front. He wore a half-length steel armor and a steel shield, and walked the front with his own cover. As a half-elf, the medium-sized steel shield can cover a larger body area, and his dim vision can also provide greater help here.

On the smooth surface of his steel shield, he was also cast the spell of indestructible flame, which can shine like a searchlight on the deep mine. Equally and conspicuously, he will inevitably become the primary target of fire collection. There are always accidents below. Miners will hardly come to the third floor. As the number of people in the mine diminished, the place became very quiet. Only the six members of the team walked alone in the darkness. A lingering atmosphere of depression began to sink heavily on the team’s heart.

Whether it is the sound of footsteps, the endless long mine road; or how long it has been in the past. The shaking dizzy shield “searchlight”, these have been transformed into the team’s anxious mood.

“Wait a minute,” Lu Yuan stopped walking at the end. He frowned and looked at the half-elves. “What’s wrong with you?”

He used to think that Kalid’s shield seemed to be unstable, which is very strange. After all, he is a good fighter. Then he found that not only did Kalide have a problem, but the surface of Twilight looked normal, but he rarely sweated a lot, with shortness of breath and flushing. Jahira showed a tired expression on several occasions and rested on the wall with his hands several times. Lu Yuan began to think she was not well rested.

Knowing that the elves may not be able to adapt to the underground tunnels, they have already used the magic technique of “environmental coherence” to adapt to the environment before entering. In this way, even if you enter the bottomless abyss, you can live for a while. But looking at the current situation …

He brought Calidra over and laid his steel shield on its side. Sure enough! Before hiding in the darkness behind the bright shield, he couldn’t see it now. When he moved away from the shield, he found that Khalid was pale and sweat was tickling along the cheeks, his eyes were loose, and the whole person was close to collapse!

“Poisoning ?!” Zhanem asked Kalid’s shield nervously. I was also ashamed. Half of the team had a problem. As the captain, I didn’t find it.

Lu Yuan carefully asked about the feelings of the three people. He was a little uncertain and amused and said, “Claustrophobia?”

“What’s the problem?” Ai Meng said he didn’t understand.

“Cough, no, I think I … was poisoned! Very poisonous!” Jahira retorted. With the medical experience of Druid, she could clearly feel the rapid weakness of her body, which is not any disease. Can be triggered-not to mention that Ranger and Druid are almost not sick.

And as she speaks, she feels her physical strength is accelerating, and the surrounding walls are like pressing on her, making her unable to breathe …

“Come! Xiaocha! Aimeng! We sent the elves to the upper level to breathe!” Lu Yuan slaps to awaken the two young men and orders. At this time, Kalid, who had been consuming a lot of physical strength, had to rely on the wall to support his body. Hearing the order, Chanem went directly to support Jasila, Lu Yuan was half holding the Twilight Star, and Cute Meng couldn’t lift up the armed Kalid at all, only tears in his eyes to release his armor buttons.

“Ah … Ah Yuan,” Twilight star also fell over here, and she grabbed her robe with a certain look, and seemed to rush to express her thoughts, “Far, big ship. That … big ship. If … … if I can’t go back … can I trust you? “Her big eyes contained tears, and she begged to look far away.

“Please, please send me … and Khalid’s body … back to Karishan …” Jahira said weakly to Chanem. “Please say … Grian is right, boy … can’t … … and walk with you. “Chanem burst into tears.

“Yes … yes …” Kalid responded weakly.

Lu Yuan helped him, and the elves there also began to explain their last words. A more troublesome situation than a claustrophobia is that there are three at the same time! They will inspire and influence each other, and then everyone will deteriorate rapidly! Death is not impossible! But sending them up now is obviously too late.

“Let them lie together!” Lu Yuan laid the steel shield flat, letting the light of indestructible flame directly hit the tunnel ceiling, creating a halo effect. “Xiaocha, you go to the front! Imon goes to the back. Watch out! Don’t go far. Just stand where I can see!”

Wait for the two teenagers to leave. He began to take care of the three half-elves that had been somewhat confused. The confused thoughts in the blurring ease the influence of the claustrophobic space a little, which is also a way for the body to save itself. He lowered his body beside them, and his voice became gentle and kind. “Listen to me, children, listen to me …”

His hands spread out, his fingers sliding. Under the bright and diffuse reflection, a large green gradually emerged from his hands, gradually becoming forests, grasslands, lakes, mountains, wind, birdsong … The three elves began to relax and familiar environment Let their symptoms ease.

“Why are there no beasts?” Said the confused Jahira.

Lu Yuan appeared three black lines. Still added the figure and cry of the beast running.

“Welcome to Elona’s Divine Kingdom …” With the phonology, his voice became grand and intimate, as if it could be said to everyone’s heart, and the expression of joy appeared on Twistar’s face, Those symptoms are disappearing quickly. In the final analysis, claustrophobia is a mental illness. As long as psychological deception is achieved, treatment can be quickly obtained.

“But we are the followers of His Royal Highness Oubai”, Sister Jahira picked bg again, and Khalid nodded slightly.

I forbeared, Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, and the hallucinations performed the isolation play “Welcome to the Kingdom of Oba …”, this time the symptoms of changing to Kalid began to disappear quickly.

“I am a natural believer, a druid, and I will not go to His Royal Highness, Obi”, and Sister Jahira, whose symptoms are only slightly relieved, continues to refute.

“You squat honestly in the wild wild! Squat well!” The unbearable Lu Yuan shouted at Jahira! The words turned into a thundering thunder under the influence of phonology, which shook Jahira’s ears. Sister Yu showed a scared expression, climbed up with her eyes closed, squatted down there honestly, and the symptoms began to alleviate quickly-you are just a seemingly shaking m! … Is that what this is called domination? !

When the three awakening elves opened their eyes, they noticed that although they were still in the tunnel, there was some pleasant green around them. Despite the illusion, the environmental response is not as strong as before. It’s just that the problem of elves still exists. Now, it seems that it may be because the sky is not visible, or because of the change in atmospheric pressure, or even the influence of the radiation of the earth’s veins. In short, the elves can’t go any further.

Recover Chanem and Imon.

“Listen to me,” Lu Yuan stopped Chanem’s speech. “Now the elves have a serious problem. If we encounter enemies in this way, we will be damaged. I ordered that the three elves retreat to the next level. If there are still problems, you can directly withdraw. Chanem and Aimeng set up a second guarding point in the guard room at the back. UU reading is ready to answer me at any time, and I will go ahead to find the way. “

“I have special contact information with Duxing, she can know my situation.” Lu Yuan added.

Everyone looked at Twilight, and Twilight nodded. Nini has never appeared in front of everyone, and is now crouching in the ear of Twilight. With the spiritual connection between Nini and Lu Yuan, there is no problem with the basic connection. Seeing that the situation was more serious, Lu Yuan directly suppressed Zhanem’s opinion and issued an order.

Twilight, Jahira, and Khalid returned to the upper level. Chanem and Aimon used the shield left by Lu Yuan to build a simple “wall”, and then dispatched the arrows to guard the intersection on both sides. . After Lu Yuan arranged, the figure flashed and disappeared into the darkness.


p: Editor’s help, next week’s recommendation will be very powerful! Now the results of this book are steadily rising, that is, the lack of publicity.

In the afternoon, Lao Lei wrote 10,000 words yesterday, and today sent out 12,000 words to celebrate …

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