Waterdrop Survival: I can see the prompt

Chapter 34 Kill the Fire Dragon King, Wang Yifei Upgrades

Because they were in the volcano, the water dragon that Fang Bai and Wang Yifei summoned was much thinner than when they were in Bailong Lake.

Fortunately, it was similar to Fang Bai's guess.


After a loud noise, the huge fireball met a water mass of the same size, and after a loud noise, in addition to generating a large cloud of smoke, there were also splashing elements that met continuously, took effect, and then exploded.

Two water dragons blocked these attacks.

Because of the splashing fire elements, the water dragon's body became transparent and could dissipate at any time.

The smoke blocked the sight of Fang Bai and Wang Yifei, and at the same time blocked the sight of the Fire Dragon King.

Fang Bai and Wang Yifei couldn't determine the location of the Fire Dragon King.But one of the basic fireballs of the Fire Dragon King is area damage, so the Fire Dragon King spit out another fireball.

This fireball is larger than the first fireball, and it can cover the entire cloud of smoke before it is fully formed.

Through the smoke, Fang Bai faintly saw a red light.At the same time, he felt the surrounding fire elements gathering there, and the temperature continued to rise, which soon exceeded Fang Bai's ability to bear.

Fang Bai didn't think much, melted his body, wrapped Wang Yifei who had just put down the big man and waited for others, and quickly fled the dangerous area.

As the fireball passed through the smoke, it evaporated the water element.

Just as Fang Bai came to a complete stop, the fireball hit the ground behind him, igniting a raging fire on the bare stone.

Along with the impact, there were scattered flames.

Several balls of flames splashed onto Fang Bai's body, accompanied by the sound of sizzling.The burning pain made Fang Bai shiver a few times.

If it is reality, Fang Bai believes that he will bite his teeth by himself.

Before he had time to subdivide the water droplets, Fang Bai manipulated the water elements in his body to swarm up and extinguish the flames that splashed on his body.

This again lost a lot of water droplets.

What annoys him even more is that although he can recover himself, as his level gets higher and higher, his recovery ability becomes stronger and stronger.But the healing skill cannot heal itself!

This is completely a skill of helping others and sacrificing oneself!
The Lion King roared hurriedly.However, in front of the Fire Dragon King, it has little effect.

Instead, the Fire Dragon King, stimulated by the lion's roar, let out a dragon roar, which made Fang Bai's mind unsteady.

Even Wang Yifei's attack missed a few arrows after the dragon chant.This is very rare, this is the first time Fang Bai saw Wang Yifei miss.

Even if he didn't miss, Wang Yifei's arrow shot at the Fire Dragon King was like a child stabbing a bear with a needle.

Where the arrow landed on the Fire Dragon King's body, only a puff of white water vapor rose up, the color was slightly darker, and then disappeared without a trace.

Fang Bai's water knife is more powerful, but it just leaves a faint mark on its body, and it will be normal after a while.

And here is the main battlefield of the Fire Dragon King.The fire element is like a part of its body here, and it is very abundant.

The fire elements flying around gathered around it, and were attacked by it in the form of fireballs. After a short splash, they returned to its side.

If it goes on like this, it will be consumed to death by it.

When facing the Water Dragon King who was on the same level as the Fire Dragon King, Fang Bai was still one level lower at the time, so he didn't even feel such danger.

The Fire Dragon King became irritable.From its point of view, except for Fang Bai who was a bit dangerous, the others should be killed by its attack in an instant.

It took a sharp breath of fire elemental.The fire element condensed into a flame tens of meters long and swept towards them.

It is sweeping, sweeping across the semicircle in front of the faucet like a broom.

Fang Bai also became ruthless.

Tell Wang Yifei: "Look at them!"

It turned into a water polo, and the ejection skill was activated.Kankan walked along the edge of the flame and came under the Fire Dragon King's chin.

At the same time, a pool of water was split and poured on the Fire Dragon King.

In the water vapor, the scales of the Fire Dragon King immediately turned black.

Before the water vapor dissipated, Fang Bai's Water Dragon's Death skill was activated, and the water dragon was formed by the water vapor, which was stronger than before.

The water dragon hit the Fire Dragon King's body, and the scales on the Fire Dragon King's body turned black again.

Fang Bai was about to launch Water Dragon's War again, but failed this time.This skill actually has a cooldown time.

The fire elements gathered again.The originally darkened dragon scales began to regain their brightness and burned again.

Fang Bai gritted his teeth, and poured water from a small pond on the Fire Dragon King again.

The rising water element blocked the fire element, and the Fire Dragon King failed to use his skills several times.

At this time, another water dragon appeared beside the Fire Dragon King.

Seeing that Fang Bai was in danger, Wang Yifei rushed over after settling the others.

Because of the level, the water dragon he condenses is smaller.But Fang Bai separated out the water element several times, and now the water element here is much more abundant.

Therefore, Wang Yifei's water dragon figure is thicker.When it hit the Fire Dragon King, although the range of damage was not as large as Fang Bai's water dragon, the damage was more serious.

The scales on the part hit by the water dragon became scorched black and fell off.

After all, Wang Yifei is a high-level pond.It is a big level behind the Fire Dragon King.After only casting a Water Dragon's War, his figure was already unstable.

Fang Bai quickly wrapped him in his body, isolating him from contact with the fire element.

At this time, the cooling of Fang Bai's Water Dragon's War ended.

A huge and thick water dragon hit the Fire Dragon King again.

Then there is Wang Yifei's little water dragon...

Fang Bai poured water on the Fire Dragon King...

Fang Bai and Fire Dragon King are like two masters of internal strength, a little mistake may be irreversible.

The attacked places on the Fire Dragon King recovered more and more slowly.

Fang Bai discovered that there were more and more water elements around the Fire Dragon King, which cut off its connection with the outside fire elements.

Just relying on the fire element stored in the body, it is not enough to compete with Fang Bai.


Finally, the Fire Dragon King spit out the last fireball and disappeared.

[Successfully kill the Fire Dragon King: Gain experience 1000000000]

Fang Bai's whole body ached, he was paralyzed on the ground, unwilling to move.

Take a look at your status:
【Life: 305419/200W】

[Experience: 1465215520/30E]

The battle just now was really dangerous.When dividing out the water droplets, he did not subdivide them.It should have been divided a dozen times!About 10W water droplets each time.

The life that was filled up in Bailong Lake is now about to bottom out again.

Although it is said that he can transform into a small lake and absorb water elements within a radius of ten kilometers.However, in this world where water elements are scarce, there is a puddle that has been absorbed by people.

Now he also wants to turn into a small lake, to absorb the water elements scattered by himself in the air.But it was a volcano again, he could not absorb it as quickly as it dissipated, so he could only give up.

Moreover, splitting out the water droplets is not like healing, at least when using healing skills, I don't feel pain.Just now, it really felt like cutting my own flesh, it was all due to a ruthless force.And there is also the roasting of the fire element...

One cuts your flesh with a knife, one burns you with a soldering iron...

It's that feeling.

Now that the battle is over, he is exhausted...

But Wang Yifei has a completely different feeling.

He upgraded and became a small lake.Now he is very comfortable...

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