Waterdrop Survival: I can see the prompt

Chapter 54 Pengfei 9 Days

I don't know whether the blood from the wound on the whale's body stained the ice surface red, or the blood was frozen into ice.The whole whale was frozen in ice.

Fang Bai stepped forward to check.

The big whale squirmed in the ice, causing layers of red ripples.

The surrounding area of ​​the big whale has not been frozen, it can still move.But the space for this activity is already very small, barely enough for the big whale to flick its tail or shake its head.

Even if it is such an action, it does not dare to do it frequently.

The huge spearhead was as thick as an adult's arms, piercing deeply into its body.With a slight movement, the spearhead would stir in its body, and weak blood flowed out from the wound.

The blood flow was already weak, and the flesh around the wound was turned outward, revealing pinkish white flesh.

There was not much blood in the whale's body.Maybe if Fang Bai doesn't come, other people can't come here, it will die sooner or later.

Maybe feel Fang Bai's arrival.It flicked its tail and let out a whale cry.The crowing of the whale is full of pleading and eagerness.

Fang Bai touched the ice cube.

It is ordinary ice.Now Fang Bai has enough ability to fuse this ice.

In other words, Fang Bai can heal the injuries on the big whale, and the big whale can break through the ice and gain freedom only by its own ability.

Fang Bai did not act for a long time.

He was thinking, why did these people come to catch the big whale?
Does the whale have anything to do with this dark cloud?
This last mission has no hints at all.The task in Quicksand Town was completed in a muddleheaded situation.

What would happen if the whale were killed?
I will gain a lot of experience and advanced materials.

But what happens if the whale is saved?


Fang Bai kept thinking, and the big whale called urgently.

Fang Bai still decided to save the whale.

He thinks the whale has a soul.

This world is a world of the weak and the strong, but some good things are still needed for people to survive until now.

For example, when monsters attacked the city of Baihua Town, people gave selfless support;
In Heyuan Town, under the violence of the army of ants, the unity of the people...

So, he decided to save the whale.

During the boiling, Fang Bai's body temperature continued to rise.Although not up to the usual temperature, but enough to melt the ice.

The ice that held the whale in place has melted and created a hole.

Fang Bai used the lay on hands skill, and this time he splintered out double the amount of water.

The water with the Sanguang Shenshui flowed onto the whale and penetrated into its skin.

The wounds on the big whale were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the spearhead inserted into its body was extruded by the slowly growing new flesh.

The big whale uttered another cry of joy.This whale cry resounded through the heaven and earth, much more powerful and thick.

When all the spearheads on its body fell off, the big whale flicked its tail, smashing the ice that imprisoned it.

Then, the skin on its body split and fell off in pieces.The shed skin comes down, revealing the feathers.

The fins on the sides also shed their skin.What used to be the tip of the fin becomes the joint in the center of the wing.Following this joint, the underside of the fin flips out and becomes the wing.

The original flat mouth of the big whale shrinks in the middle, protrudes slowly, and becomes a beak.

The tail of the big whale pushes the sea water hard, jumping high out of the water.The moment it came out of the water, its tail also fell off and turned into long tail feathers.

From its mouth, there was still a whale cry.

The whale cry was no longer rich, and began to become crisp and short.

The big whale, should not be called a big bird now, struggling to fly into the sky.

Every time it flaps its wings, its size grows bigger.

Until it flew up to the clouds, Fang Bai saw that it was still the same size as it was in front of him.

The big bird flew happily in the sky, its wings crossed the dark clouds, and the dark clouds were shattered, revealing the sun.

Under the sunlight, the dark clouds turned into rain in the sky.

Under the sunlight, the ice and snow melted on the ground.

The trees began to live, the flowers and plants began to sway gently again, insects flew up, and there were birds in the air again.

Including humans, they started moving again.

They had an impression of the experience just now, and they began to talk in low voices, as if they had experienced a nightmare.

The ice on the sea disappeared, and the big ship gradually lost its balance under the pull of the iron spear.In a crisis, a strong middle-aged man commanded them to cut off the chains.

The ship gradually regained its balance.

An old man paddled a flat boat and came with difficulty in the wind and waves.

The people on the boat hurriedly picked up the old man aboard.

The old man who got on the big boat was still holding the oars, and greeted the middle-aged man who was the leader on the boat with his head:

"You bastard, you bastard! Can Kunpeng be hunted and killed? This world was almost destroyed because of you, and you killed yourself. You almost had the whole world buried with you!"


After breaking the oars, the old man was still out of breath, looking for something convenient on the deck of the big ship.Get caught by other crew members.

There is a fish in the Beiming Sea, its name is Kun.

Every 20 years, a large number of dark clouds will suddenly appear in the sky above Beiming Town on the first day of the New Year.

At this time, the Kun is in the sea and will become a Peng.Fly into the sky to disperse the dark clouds.

In another ten years, Peng will fly back to Beiming, shed its feathers and fall back into the sea to become Kun.

In Beiming Town, there are two kinds of rumors:

One way of saying is that Kunpeng is the savior of the world, every time it dispels the dark clouds and brings sunshine and warmth to people again.

The other is completely opposite. They mean that when the kun transforms into a peng, it needs the help of dark clouds, and these dark clouds are summoned by it.

Those who believe in the first legend are mostly old people.

Most young people believe in the second statement.Among them, the middle-aged man who is the leader on this big ship is the leader.

They vowed to kill Kunpeng and leave their feat in the history books.

It took ten years for them to build this big ship.It took another ten years, they referred to the ballista, improved the harpoon launcher on the ship, and created a matching harpoon.

It is also time for Kun to turn into Peng when all preparations are made.

At this time, Kun was the smallest in size and weakest in strength.

When kunhuapeng often chooses offshore.

Almost effortlessly, the group found Kun who was about to transform.

Unprepared, Kun was attacked.The weakened Kun lost the ability to transform into a Peng.

Except for this group of people and a few people who know the truth, others are still busy with their own affairs. They think that when the kun turns into a peng, the dark clouds will dissipate. What the hell or what.

Who knew Kun was disturbed this time.

The dark clouds hadn't dissipated yet, and the extreme cold swept Beiming Town with cold poison.

The entire Beiming Town was fixed at that moment.

Kunpeng didn't know how long he lived.His strength was even more unfathomable, he suffered serious injuries, and could withstand the cold.

It wasn't until Fang Bai finished the task in Heyuan Town that Kun felt the aura there, and then he called for help.

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