Waterdrop Survival: I can see the prompt

Chapter 58

Fang Bai and his party stepped on dry clam shells, and the underside of the clam shells looked like dried river mud.

As Fang Bai walked, something went wrong.But he didn't say it.

Wang Yifei also felt something was wrong, and he didn't say anything.

Fortunately, although there is mist in the river, there are no mirages in the mist.Even if there are mirages around, they will stare at them on the river bank. There seems to be something they are afraid of in the river.

But Shen Tao didn't care so much, she kept yelling: "Did you go wrong? You don't believe me..."

The voice stopped abruptly.She saw a soul.

This soul was a young man, with a faint blue light shining from him, his back turned to them in front of them, and he was staring at the bridge in front of him.

From Fang Bai's point of view, the bridge only had a vague outline, and it could be vaguely recognized that there were three floors.

A group of people began to guard.

The soul turned around and walked over step by step, passing them by.

When passing by them, Fang Bai seemed to have heard a sentence: "A new dead soul! Come with me!"

Talk to him again.He didn't seem to hear it, and he still walked step by step towards Fang Bai and the others.

A group of people followed curiously.

After walking for a long time, they finally saw a huge rock.

The stone is hundreds of meters high, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, standing on the river bank.The stone is divided into three sections by stripes.

The upper section is empty and solid, as if it is not in this space. The dividing line between it and the middle section is cloud pattern, and there are patterns of sun, moon and stars in the cloud pattern.The middle section is vague, as if covered in clouds and mist, and the dividing line between it and the lower section is the shadow of people, animals and plants.The lower section is the most realistic, as smooth as a mirror.

This soul stood in front of this stone for a long time, and finally said: "There is still nothing!"

Since this soul is not hostile, Shen Tao is not so afraid, and when she walks up to the stone, the stone reflects her appearance.

It's just a water mass.

This is also the most commonly used form for people who travel through time, because it is convenient.

"There is nothing! It can be used as a mirror."

As she spoke, she began to adjust her shape, slowly transforming into the appearance of a woman.

Maybe she really doesn't have the artistic cells, but being able to see a human form is her limit.The appearance of this person is horrible.

Fang Bai and Wang Yifei also walked in front of this stone, and two water balls appeared on the stone.

Fang Bai saw that there was no shadow of a soul on the stone.

Fang Bai couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at?"

The soul turned its head and looked at him: "Forget it!"

"Then why are you here?" ·

"Waiting for someone." Soul said firmly.


The soul was silent for a long time, but still spoke:


"I forgot, why do I have to wait?" Shen Tao said that this person was inconceivable.


"How long have you been waiting?"


"What's your name?

"Can't remember."

"This is where?"


"Then what are you doing?"

"Waiting for someone."


Both Fang Bai and Wang Yifei were speechless.

Shen Tao was still talking to this soul who had almost forgotten everything.

In the end, it seemed that this soul couldn't stand Shen Tao's constant questioning, and pointed to the stone in front of him:
"When I couldn't remember anything before, I came here to look at this stone. I can see everything in the stone. Now this stone is useless. If you can restore it to normal, I may be able to remember. .”

Fang Bai looked at the stone in front of him, feeling a little strange.

But how to make it back to normal?
Fang Bai climbed onto the shore.Looking at the stone behind the stone is exactly the same as looking at the stone in the river.

It's just that beside the road, there are many more withered flowers, the petals are slender, rolled into strips, only the flowers do not see the leaves.

These flowers have also withered, the withered and yellow flower heads hang down weakly, only the dried flower stems are still standing tenaciously.

Among the withered flowers is a stone tablet with three words in seal script on the stone tablet:
"Sansheng Stone"

This stone turned out to be the Sansheng Stone!

Fang Bai looked at this stone, the lower part is smooth and can be used as a mirror, but he did not see his previous life.

Other people also came up and knew that this was the Three Lives Stone.

According to legend, the Sansheng Stone was created by the Nuwa Empress, who counted a grain of sand for each person she created.Over time, the accumulated sand has become a large stone.When Empress Nuwa created humans, she sprinkled river water on the stones, and the stones became spiritual.It also absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, becoming top-heavy, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, so big that it can reach the sky.

Two more lines of gods were born, separating the stone into three sections.

Because when the stone was born, it had already received the spirit of heaven and earth. After the god pattern was born, it relied on instinct to plunder the essence of heaven and earth, and had the possibility of devouring the three realms of heaven, earth, and man.

Empress Nuwa hurriedly sealed the stone and placed it at the ghost gate of Naihe.

Nai River, also known as Wangchuan, the water flowing in the river is the water of Huangquan.

After drinking Wangchuan water, you will forget your past and present lives.

When the Nai River rises, it will wash away Shuoshi and suppress Shuoshi's spirituality.

Because you can recall your past life in the lower part of the stone, you can see through your present life in the middle part, and you can see the afterlife in the upper part, so it is named Sanshengshi.

Under the pressure of Wangchuan Water, the Sansheng Stone failed to achieve a positive result in the end, so it is just a stone with spirituality.Now the spirituality of this stone is gone.

Since this is the Nai River, the road beside the river is naturally Huangquan Road.

On both sides of the road are Bianhua flowers, and the flowers have withered.

Huangquan Road is still bustling with people.

It's just that it's no longer a soul, but an irrational mirage.

Here, the mirages didn't attack them anymore, they crowded the road densely and walked forward.

If Fang Bai's judgment is not wrong, when they met the soul, the bridge they saw was the Naihe Bridge.

Normal souls are supposed to go in that direction, and now they're coming in the opposite direction.

Fang Bai also followed the mirage.

There is a mountain not far away, I don't know how high the mountain is, Fang Bai didn't see the top of the mountain with a glance.A checkpoint is embedded in the mountains.

On the city gate, however, the lintel is long and the threshold is short.The black lacquered gates were closed tightly, and a blood-red traditional Chinese character "Shou" was inlaid on the two gates.From the front it looks like a coffin.

On both sides of it are engraved couplets with black background and white characters:
"If you do good with your heart, you will not be rewarded, and if you do evil without intention, you will not be punished."

On the city gate, the towers are blue tiles and white walls, which is considered normal.However, the pillars supporting the cornices are made of vermilion lacquer.The lantern hanging next to the pillar is also red, but it is not lit now.

There is a plaque hanging on the tower, which is also in seal script: "Ghost Gate".

There are reliefs carved on the rocks on both sides of the gate.

Four paintings are engraved on the left side: a couple is holding a baby; the baby has become a teenager and is studying hard in a private school; He watched a child carrying a book in front of him, and a lady next to him brought a bowl of tea.

There are also four paintings carved on the right side: the coffin is placed in the hall, a group of people are suffering around the coffin; The sitting official threw out the token with a blank face; the ghost messenger escorted the soul to the edge of a cliff, but there were six circular light circles on the cliff, and other ghost messengers were throwing a soul into one light circle.

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