Waterdrop Survival: I can see the prompt

Chapter 70 The Golden Rooster Mountain Cave

"Twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Every day, there are no holidays. What a reincarnation!"

The person next to Fang Bai said gloatingly.

These heinous people were left here forever until their souls disappeared.

Vigou Ridge returned to normal.

The people divided into two groups.

Under the leadership of Wang Dashan, a group cleared the mountain road leading to Naihe Bridge and built the simple stone wall.A few people were left to hide in the crevices of the stone wall, and the others found a good place to hide in the crevices of the mountains.

Another group of people headed for Jinji Mountain mightily.

Fang Bai followed them to Jinji Mountain.

The leader is the one who greeted Fang Bai yesterday.

This person introduced himself as Wang Yifeng, who was Wang Dashan's playmate who grew up together.Not a real brother, but better than a real brother.

A group of people followed the mountain road and soon arrived at the foot of Jinji Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a statue in the shape of a rooster, which is carved out of a whole rock, fluttering its wings and stretching its neck to make a morning cry.

Just below its mouth, there is a stone basin on the stone platform. There are scales on the inner wall of the stone basin and a small hole below it.

Wang Yifeng filled the stone basin with water, and the water dripped down slowly.

One person was left to guard in the stone basin, and the others entered the Jinji Mountain.

Wang Yifeng explained to Fang Bai:

"This is a timer. It takes exactly twelve hours for a basin of water to run out. We have to set aside time to go back."

Entering Jinji Mountain, there are chicken bones everywhere in the mountain.Some are complete and some are scattered.

When people passed by them, they slowly stood up from the ground and began to attack people.

These people have been very skilled in cooperating.These resurrected chicken racks pose no threat to them at all.

Fang Bai lost interest after solving a few chicken racks.These monsters are too weak for him, they are instant kills.The experience gained is also very little, and it is not a drop in the bucket for the experience he needs.

Wang Yifeng told Fang Bai:
"The monsters here become weaker every time they are killed. At the beginning, it was difficult for twenty people to deal with one. Now five people can easily deal with one."

"Is it because we have become more proficient in cooperating, or have our strengths increased?"

Fang Bai asked.


Worried in Wang Yifeng's words:

"The monster's ability is weakening. Because the experience given is less. At the beginning, a monster can give 6W experience. Now it can only give 5 experience."

What Wang Yifeng is worried about is that they can only stay here temporarily, and there is no way to leave for the time being.The experience of monsters is getting less and less, and slowly there will be no monsters to kill.

And the enemies outside may become stronger and stronger.Sooner or later, they will attack here.By that time, how can they resist?

Talk while walking, and deal with the disturbed monsters casually.

Fang Bai discovered that Wang Yifeng's strength may be similar to Wang Yifei's.

The monster was also instantly killed in front of him.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, that is, to the position of the cockscomb, they looked into the distance and pointed to a village at the foot of the mountain, Wang Yi told Fang Bai.

"That's the Evil Ghost Village. We retreated from there. Brother Huang, Brother Cui, and 12453 other brothers died there, fighting for our lives. Brother Huang and Brother Cui admire you very much, and vowed to surpass you .There is no chance now."

Fang Bai looked at the village.

The village is not big, with a radius of only four or five miles.

Fang Bai really couldn't imagine how tragic it would be for 10,000+ people to fight in such a small place.

"Now, they should still be there. They dare not come in, and we dare not go out. The enemy is right in front of us, but we have nothing to do."

"They're attacking again!"

someone shouted.

"What are you afraid of? They can't come in."

Fang Bai saw that from the evil ghost village, a group of more than a dozen people pushed out fifteen or six trebuchets, and two weapons similar to cannons.

Catapults dropped various weapons.

There are red, silver and other water polo of various colors, and there are burning fire bombs, which are also of various colors, which should be various skills of different attributes.

These things fell to the ground, startling chicken racks all over the place.The startled chicken frame ran aimlessly on the ground, but other than that, it caused no other consequences.

The way to use those two guns is very interesting.

The two people were escorted and reluctantly got into the cannon barrel.The person operating the fort injected something from the back of the cannon, the cannon started, and two people were shot into Jinji Ridge.

The two people landed, and a layer of runes emerged from their bodies.The two took two steps, and the runes on their bodies seemed to be crushed by something, turning into fine pieces of light and disappearing.

The rune disappeared, and they seemed to be held by someone. They struggled a few times, but they couldn't move a step.

The startled Jijia beside him immediately attacked.

After all, chickens have limited means of attack.The monster spawners next to them rushed over and dealt with them.

Wang Yifeng looked at the two people who were fired by the cannon, and he spoke for a long time:
"Their methods are getting more and more. Originally, when they entered here, they couldn't take a single step. Now they have taken two steps, and they have made progress. This mountain is the same as Vigou Ridge, and the wicked entered here. There is a limit, their souls will be imprisoned and they will not be able to move. That's why we can win."

Fang Bai also failed to think of a good solution.The strength of the opponent is too strong.

At this time, the ground under Fang Bai's feet began to turn red slowly, and the temperature began to rise.

Wang Yifeng led them away from the cockscomb.

"At this time of day, the rooster's comb will be red and warm, just like the real thing. In addition, the mouth will also open. It's just that it's too hot inside. My eldest brother is afraid of any danger and won't let everyone in."

As soon as Wang Yifeng finished speaking, he saw that the stone in the shape of a chicken's beak was separated up and down, forming an open shape.

Fang Bai touched the comb of the cock.The moment Fang Bai came into contact with the cockscomb, Fang Bai felt as if he was pressed on the stove, and quickly pulled away his body.


There was a sound like the impact of bones coming from the open beak.

"What's in there?"

"I don't know. It seems to be a cave inside. My brother and I wanted to go in and have a look. As soon as we entered the chicken's mouth, it was sprayed out and we couldn't get in."

This aroused Fang Bai's curiosity even more.He walked around to the chicken's beak and looked inside curiously.

Sure enough, there was air blowing out from the inside, and Fang Bai couldn't stand upright outside the chicken's beak.

But he went in anyway.

He took out two animal tendons and made them into simple claws. He turned himself into an ice ball, frozen one end of the claws in his body, and used the claws to move in with difficulty step by step.

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