Wearing It Before Scum A Tortures The Heroine

Chapter 14

Observing the defensive mentality revealed in the handwriting, Xu Jinchao’s remaining worry was also swept away.

Song Jiao was still the cautious and thoughtful Song Jiao who was extremely vigilant. She did not lose her due suspicion and vigilance because of the butterfly effect caused by her arrival.

The previous tameness and obedience, all kinds of performances, are just protective colors when Omega is in a weak position.

Xu Jinchao burst into laughter.

The kitten’s pads are soft and light, and sharp nails are hidden in the claws.

Of course, it can sit upright and pretend to be obedient and gentle, roll up the tip of its tail and put it on its plush claws, or it can immediately claws and hurt people the second it perceives danger.

The cute appearance and the wild nature of the predator coexist, Xu Jinchao likes both.

She smiled and began to look carefully at the various dates marked on the picture.

The ideal state of omega combined fever is once every 40 days, neither too severe, leading to dehydration and other complications, nor too long, ending within 3 days.

However, from this record of Song Jiao, her combined thermal cycle is not stable.

Sometimes the interval is too long, and sometimes the episodes are too long. Although Song Jiao only summed up the time and did not specify the performance during the combination heat, she couldn’t take it any longer.

The smile on Xu Jinchao’s mouth gradually disappeared.

She has the common sense of [Xu Jinchao], and knows that the disorder of the Omega boom period, except for the rare physical disease factors, is mostly caused by the psychological state.

Human emotions are linked to physiological functions, not to mention the fusion of Omegas in this world, when she used to feel depressed and nervous for a long time, her aunt’s cycle would be chaotic.

The source of Song Jiao’s pressure is basically [Xu Jinchao].

Xu Jinchao exited the picture page, and instead clicked on Assistant Qi’s text message box to edit the information, asking him to check the relevant experts in the provincial capital, and send their names and contact information to himself.

Xu Jinzhao put away his mobile phone, and his mood became depressed.

In fact, the best way to recuperate is to maintain a good mood, but Song Jiao’s family was destroyed, and she was trapped by the person she hated the most, how could she force Song Jiao to feel comfortable.

At the end of the last class in the afternoon, Song Jiao collected the textbook notes.

She was in a very good mood all day, and Song Jiao herself couldn’t explain the specific reason.

Maybe it was because he was able to go back to school, maybe the annoying Qin Shaoqian finally tasted the pain… maybe not at all.

But she was indeed quite happy, occasionally looking out the window at the sky, all eyes were clear blue.

Song Jiao had not seen such a blue sky for a long time, such bright and vivid colors washed away the gloomy and gloomy impression she had in the past.

It was almost evening, and the clouds in the western sky showed a beautiful warm gold in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Song Jiao picked up her canvas bag diagonally, and walked lightly in the direction of this splendid brocade cloud.

It was because she was too relaxed that she forgot that someone had said that she was coming to pick her up. Following her old habit, she turned towards the bus stop after leaving the west school gate.

But she heard a clear voice call her across the street: “Song Jiao!”

Song Jiao turned back subconsciously, and Alpha wearing a beige knee-length trench coat was waving at her.

She has excellent eyesight, and she clearly saw the innocent smile on Xu Jinchao’s face, and she was stunned for a while.

Seeing her delay in responding, Alpha simply crossed the sidewalk by himself and ran towards her with quick steps, the gray-green skirt under the windbreaker swaying briskly.

It wasn’t until Xu Jinchao approached that Song Jiao came back to her senses. Alpha’s fair skin without makeup was extremely clear, and the contours of her cheeks glowed a warm orange when the sun set.

Song Jiao blinked, and just as she was about to explain that she forgot that Xu Jinchao was coming to pick her up, she heard Alpha apologize first.

“I forgot to tell you where to wait for me before, and I didn’t bring my mobile phone when I got off the bus. I’m sorry.”

Her serious apology left Song Jiao at a loss.

If in the past, Xu Jinchao’s attitude was always that Alpha would never make mistakes, she would only blame Song Jiao for being ignorant and careful.

Seeing that Song Jiao didn’t answer, Xu Jinchao realized that she seemed a little too serious, so she smiled and skipped the topic: “The car is in the parking lot nearby, let’s go.”

Song Jiao looked at her smiling and warm face, and nodded lightly.

Xu Jinchao raised her hand, she originally wanted to grab the shoulders of the people around her and pointed the direction, but halfway down, she pressed down and only turned around to lead the way.

Xu Jinchao’s walking posture is very unique. Even wearing high heels, he is fast and steady, but there is also a graceful and graceful posture that belongs to women in the swaying steps.

Song Jiao has never carefully observed her walking and can’t remember what it looked like before, but it seems to be very different from now.

Xu Jinchao habitually took large and frequent steps, walking quickly with his head held high.

She suddenly felt that something was not right, and when she turned around, she found that Song Jiao had been dropped a certain distance away.

Xu Jinchao was suddenly a little embarrassed, and he was busy and turned back. Yu Guang quietly glanced at Song Jiao’s expression, and found that Omega didn’t seem to mind.

The parking lot is not far from the school. The two got into the car. Xu Jinchao fastened his seat belt. She looked at Song Jiao in the rearview mirror:

“What kind of food are you going to eat, Chinese food? French food? I went to a Spanish restaurant at noon, and it was also very good, but you are just sick, and the stomach may feel uncomfortable after eating raw rice.”

She spoke in a casual voice, and it was rare for her to discuss and ask for opinions. Song Jiao did not resist and avoid her for no apparent reason. She and Xu Jinchao looked at each other in the rearview mirror: “It’s all right.”

Alpha laughed: “Set a range, I pushed the multiple-choice questions to you, and you pushed it back.”

Song Jiao said softly, “That’s Chinese food.”

She is really not suitable for western food with all kinds of cold cuts and seafood right now.

Xu Jinchao drove to a private restaurant, an old restaurant that Song Jiao often went to since she was a child. In the middle of “Jiaojiao”, in order to ease the relationship with Song Jiao, [Xu Jinchao] also took her out of the house to dine here.

During the meal, Alpha continued to act affectionately, express his sincerity, and reminisce about the past.

[Song Jiao can’t figure out why Xu Jinchao wants to destroy all the things that he thinks are beautiful. She never wanted to come here again. ]

Xu Jinchao still remembers the nausea he felt with Song Jiao when he read the original text.

But at that time, Song Jiao really praised the boss’s craftsmanship sincerely at first, saying that it was as good as before, and it would definitely suit her taste.

Xu Jinchao ordered two dishes according to his own taste and urged Song Jiao to order.

Song Jiao’s eyes were very bright from the moment she entered the door, and she could see that she was very happy. She ordered what she liked without pretending to refuse.

When the dishes came up, Xu Jinchao had tasted the taste, and the whole person was enlightened:

It’s no wonder that Song Jiao hated [Xu Jinchao] so much at the time, and there were still excited mental activities on the way here. It was really delicious!

She was in high spirits, completely forgetting that there was another Song Jiao sitting next to her, enjoying herself happily.

Song Jiao’s appetite is too small, and she can’t eat much food at the moment, and her attention is quickly scattered to the person opposite.

Alpha was simply elated, with no room for anything but the plate in his eyes. Although he still maintained proper dining etiquette, the chopsticks flew.

Xu Jinchao’s eyes were shining, and his face was full of eager enjoyment.

She looked so delicious, Song Jiao watched from time to time and couldn’t help eating a lot more than usual.

After a meal is finished, it is the beginning of the lanterns.

When the two came out of the restaurant, Xu Jinchao was particularly satisfied and couldn’t help but praise.

She also added: “I will invite housekeeping to cook in the future, and I will also come to eat often.”

Alpha said this in a somewhat capricious tone, and turned to ask Song Jiao, “Are you going to be with me then?”

The lights of the city at night were reflected in her eyes, and Song Jiao felt that the color of her eyes seemed to be lighter than before.

Song Jiao said, “Yes.”

Xu Jinchao did not continue to respond, and her eyes were cast to the other side of the road.

Song Jiao also followed her line of sight to look over there. There were some pedestrians standing there watching something. The melodious music of the violin was transmitted to the eardrums through the busy traffic.

There should be street performers performing. Song Jiao was not interested, and turned to look at Xu Jinchao again.

The light in Alpha’s eyes seemed to be brighter than the moment before, and she said to Song Jiao, “Let’s go take a look.”

Omega blinked, his long curly eyelashes trembling suspiciously.

Xu Jinchao couldn’t wait, instead of touching Omega’s wrist, she grabbed the cuff of Song Jiao’s coat:

“Come on, let’s go listen to this performance!”

Before Song Jiao could react, she was led by Alpha and ran together on the street.

She was very confused:

How can this man run so fast in high heels?


The author has something to say:

“Xu Jinchao teaches you how to lose a girlfriend”

How much are you willing to pay for Mr. Xu’s class? Make a price.

ps: Ms. Xu didn’t drink alcohol, this time she was really drunk.

pps: The last punctuation in this chapter was supposed to be an exclamation mark, but after it was sent out, it was found that Jinjiang would swallow the exclamation mark, change the hatred into a question mark, and the child split.

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