Wearing It Before Scum A Tortures The Heroine

Chapter 30

Xu Jinchao did not hear Song Jiao’s footsteps.

The flow of people at the gate of the school is not small, she is holding such a big bouquet of flowers, almost everyone will pay attention to her.

Xu Jinchao came early again and stood for more than ten minutes without waiting for Song Jiao. He was always staring at him curiously by the students, and was a little uncomfortable facing the school gate, so he simply turned his back.

Pedestrians chatting and laughing, traffic coming and going, so many noises, maybe I suddenly have a feeling now, it seems that a voice says in my heart, the person you are waiting for is here.

She turned around and Song Jiao really stood not far away.

In the setting sun, Omega’s beautiful face was extremely soft, looking soft and bright.

Xu Jinchao held up the foxtail lily bouquet and showed it to her, and received a slightly surprised smile from the other party.

The bad mood left by her memories of the ending of the original [Song Jiao] disappeared with this smile, leaving only the joy and satisfaction that filled her heart, and a little pity.

So Xu Jinchao also laughed, she took the initiative to step forward and handed over the flower: “It seems that you like it very much.”

Omega took the flower, lowered his head and sniffed the fragrance lightly, then raised his eyes to look at her, his deep pupils lit up with the orange-gold brilliance of the sunset.

Xu Jinzhao suddenly said softly: “I don’t seem to have told you, Song Jiao, I think you are beautiful, lively, and full of vitality, not only in appearance, but also in other aspects.”

Song Jiao didn’t know how to respond to her.

Song Jiao has heard countless words about her appearance. She knows that she is outstanding in the aesthetic sense of the public, but the part that Alpha emphasizes is still fresh and “more than appearance”.

She was a little dazed, guessing that Xu Jinchao was praising her inner self? Or rather, personality?

Can you have a beautiful personality?

On this issue, no matter how confident Song Jiao is in herself, she must clarify: her personality is not beautiful.

She is dishonest, unkind, lacks sympathy, morality, selfish and suspicious, and she never does anything by means of means, only considering the benefits that can be obtained and the price to be paid.

Xu Jinchao is a completely different individual from her, even the opposite of Song Jiao.

Song Jiao stared into Alpha’s gentle eyes, she thought, what is here is the truly beautiful and vivid soul.

Song Jiao lowered her head and looked at the foxtail lily in her arms again, which means beautiful flowers and should be given to people with a beautiful heart.

But she is stingy by nature, and this flower is also a rare gift that she likes very much.

Song Jiao struggled, hesitated, and finally chose the largest and most beautiful one from the bouquet and handed it to Xu Jinchao.

Alpha looked very surprised.

Song Jiao said, “Give it to you.”

Omega shared his favorite things with Xu Jinzao, although only a small part of them.

Xu Jinchao laughed again, she accepted the flower generously, sniffed it lightly, and said with admiration, “It’s so fragrant.”

Song Jiao liked the other party’s reaction.

This made her regret a little less after sharing her gains.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Xu Jinchao handed the flower back to Song Jiao and said solemnly, “Hold it for me.”

Song Jiao quickly took it and put the lily back into her arms.

As early as the way they walked side by side, Xu Jinchao noticed from the sight that Omega continued to cast, that Song Jiao might not be reluctant to spend this flower.

She bent the corners of her mouth and got into the car as if nothing had happened.

After returning home, Song Jiao seemed to have completely forgotten that she was only helping Xu Jinchao to take this lily, and had no intention of returning it, and hugged it tightly with the bouquet.

Xu Jinchao thought her kitten’s food-protecting appearance was very cute, and she didn’t break it. She only said, “There is a spare vase at home. You can put the flower in the vase, and it will bloom for many days.”

Song Jiao looked up at Xu Jinchao, she saw the expression on the other’s face and knew that Alpha was tacitly allowing her to take back the flower.

Both of them were tacitly satisfied, and both were satisfied.

After entering the house, Song Jiao immediately found the vase, opened the bouquet of foxtail lilies, and carefully inserted them into it.

Xu Jinchao looked at her and smiled, Song Jiao ignored her and took care of her flowers.

But after dinner was served, Xu Jinchao couldn’t smile anymore.

Because Song Jiao insisted on placing the vase on the dining table, the strong floral fragrance of lilies mixed with the aroma of the food, and the smell was simply weird.

Xu Jinchao persuaded: “Is this flower too fragrant, why not take it to the living room?”

Song Jiao insisted: “But I like it very much.”

Omega looked at her pitifully, her innocent drooping eyes full of pleading and hope, she hoped that the flowers would stay.

Xu Jinchao surrendered: “Okay, let it be here.”

Song Jiao was content, she didn’t look at Xu Jinchao much during the meal, she kept looking at the fragrant foxtail lilies.

Take a bite, take a look.

Xu Jinchao murmured in his heart: Can this be eaten?

However, in fact, Song Jiao actually ate a lot today.

Auntie Li not only stewed pig trotters, a casserole of red dates and black chicken soup, but also made shredded cabbage and pickled fish.

She said regretfully: “I didn’t buy good sauerkraut nearby. I’ll buy some big mustard greens and pickle it myself the other day.”

Xu Jinchao sincerely hoped that when Aunt Li bought the mustard to pickle, the flowers in the vase had already died.

After dinner, she fulfilled her morning promise and gave Song Jiao the hot water for the bath.

Aunt Li probably thought it was the fun of getting along with their wives, and instead of rushing to help her, she smiled.

After a while, when Xu Jinchao returned, she found speechlessly that the vase had been moved from the dining table to the living room by Song Jiao.

Omega was guarding the vase of flowers, his eyes blazing, his long hair ripped behind his shoulders again.

She called up the same TV channel as yesterday, and even Xu Jinchao’s seat was moved in advance, and there were more fragrant flowers on the side of her hand.

Well, Xu Jinchao thought, as long as she likes it.

She brought the paw-soaked tub to the wayward kitten.

The two of them sat in a room full of flowers, and the background sound was a few old brothers and sisters fighting for their family property.

Xu Jinchao actually just switched to this channel unintentionally yesterday. At that time, Liyuan opera was playing, and she turned around and went to the kitchen to learn how to make noodles (failure).

By the time she and Song Jiao were in the living room at night, the live TV broadcast had already reached the people’s livelihood mediation.

Xu Jinchao doesn’t have much preference for this, but the plot of the show grabs attention very much, and the drama conflicts are frequent, which attracts people’s attention. She was always distracted only yesterday.

Who knew that Song Jiao seemed to think that she liked watching this, but she was actually tuned to this channel again.

Xu Jinchao picked up the remote control and turned down the volume.

She asked Song Jiao, “Does it still hurt today?”

Omega’s sleeves were rolled up under his elbows, revealing a slender white arm, and the skin on his palms was pink in the hot water.

Song Jiao shook her head and nodded again: “It doesn’t hurt anymore, but it’s still uncomfortable.”

This is of course a lie, she just hoped that Xu Jinzao could pick her up tomorrow, instead of lying in the bedroom and sleeping late.

Xu Jinchao comforted: “I will accompany you to the hospital on Saturday.”

Song Jiao: “…”

Song Jiao tried to save herself: “I think it should be fine? Maybe it will be completely healed by Saturday.”

Xu Jinchao: “If you are sick, you have to see a doctor. Don’t avoid the doctor.”

Finding that Alpha’s will was firm, Song Jiao immediately gave up the meaningless struggle and chose to open a new topic.

“When did you learn to draw?”

This is very sharp, Xu Jinchao was immediately stopped.

Because [Xu Jinchao] did not systematically study art, at most there were two graffiti in elementary school classes.

But fortunately, [Xu Jinchao] did not grow up with Song Jiao, and their intersection was more after Song Jiao was 10 years old.

Xu Jinchao also said vaguely, “I learned it at a very young age.”

This can be understood as the meaning that [Xu Jinchao] learned it when he was a child and then shelved it, so it is normal that Song Jiao doesn’t know about it now.

Xu Jinchao felt that he could get away with it.

Omega nodded, she thought for a while, and said with sincerity: “Your painting is very good. I think your talent is in painting, not in making buns and noodles.”

Xu Jinchao was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help laughing.

Song Jiao wondered why she laughed suddenly, what was wrong with her words?

Xu Jinchao smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you to be quite humorous. I thought you wouldn’t make fun of people.”

Song Jiao still didn’t understand where the joke was, but seeing Xu Jinchao’s overjoyed appearance, she swallowed the questioning words again.

Well, Song Jiao thought, as long as she is happy.

After the half-hour hand bath, seeing Omega wipe his hands clean with a towel, Xu Jinchao said:

“I bought a scale, you go up and weigh it.”

Song Jiao walked over reluctantly, and was about to stand on the scale with her shoes on.

Xu Jinchao stopped her: “Take off your slippers.”

Song Jiao: “…”

Omega took off her slippers and stood on the scale. The next second the number was displayed, she turned to Alpha and said, “BMI16.1, it’s okay.”

Xu Jinchao stepped forward and glanced at it, 42.3kg.

She asked Song Jiao, “How tall are you?”

Xu Jinchao visually estimated that Song Jiao should be more than 1.6 meters tall, and Song Jiao replied: “1.62 meters.”

Xu Jinchao took out his mobile phone and searched a BMI calculation website to enter the data, and it was indeed 16.1.

She was amazed at Song Jiao’s mental arithmetic ability, but said with a stern face: “The normal range of BMI is 18-24. You are still wearing clothes, obviously not even 16.”

Omega stopped talking, but Xu Jinchao saw a bit of depression on her expressionless face.

Xu Jinchao’s heart softened.

She thought of the mental pressure from [Xu Jinchao] that Song Jiao had endured in the past three years. In such an environment, it was fortunate that Song Jiao did not collapse.

“Yes, it’s actually better than I thought.” Xu Jinchao whispered and said to Song Jiao in a negotiating tone, “Do you think it will be able to improve to the normal range by the end of the year?”

Song Jiao promised her, “Yes.”

Xu Jinchao looked at Omega’s cautious appearance, and the invisible plush cat ears on the other side’s head seemed to be folded down.

Xu Jinchao reached out and pressed the top of Song Jiao’s hair gently.

Alpha comforted: “No hurry, take your time. We still have a long time.”

Song Jiao liked the gentle strength with which she stroked her hair, and liked that she bound the two together and called us ‘we’.

More like the last sentence, which makes her look forward to every day in the future.

The next day, after sending Song Jiao to school, Xu Jinchao received a text message from Xu Boyang.

Xu Boyang asked her to return to the old house at noon.

Xu Jinchao thought that Xu Boyang was simply poisonous.

He promised her two weeks of marriage leave, and he would not interfere with her behavior; it was also him who wanted her daughter to go back to the old house without saying anything about the marriage leave.

But this is Xu Boyang’s style, he is self-centered and doesn’t care what others think.

She drove directly from Changnan University to the Xu family’s old house. The temperature dropped sharply recently. When she approached the old house, the surrounding trees and grasses were no longer full of greenery.

The area of ​​the outer circle of the old house is too wide to be taken care of in time, and the fallen leaves of the trees are thickly spread on the lawn.

But when the car enters the main entrance, the western-style garden inside the mansion is still beautifully manicured.

The fountain in the vestibule spewed a large jet of water, which turned into a mist and fell down finely. Although the owner of this mansion may not look here for a day, it still operates 24 hours a day.

Standing on the front porch of the main gray-topped mansion, it was the old housekeeper who greeted her. Xu Jinchao asked, “Is there anything today?”

She didn’t want to call Xu Boyang’s father, so she only brought it here.

The housekeeper said: “Miss miss has not been home for several days, maybe Mr. misses you.”

Xu Jinchao was noncommittal.

She knew very well that Xu Boyang also called herself to the company on the weekend to teach her a lesson for her too preferential treatment of Song Jiao, but it didn’t look like she missed her.

But the housekeeper also reminded: “Master Xu is also here.”

This young master Xu can only be Xu Yanhe.

The mansion was still splendid and empty, and the housekeeper led Xu Jinchao to the study in the southwest suite on the second floor, and knocked gently on the door.

Xu Boyang’s deep voice came from inside: “Come in.”

The housekeeper stopped outside the door and made a gesture of invitation to Xu Jinchao.

This is the study where Xu Boyang talked to her. Xu Jinchao pushed the door and went in. Old Alpha was standing by the window with Xu Yanhe.

Xu Jinchao saw Xu Yanhe with his own eyes, just as he remembered, this is a very gentle male Alpha.

He is a little taller than Xu Jinchao, wearing a pair of metal-framed glasses, he is handsome, and his demeanor is gentle and calm, even a little bookish.

Xu Jinchao was keenly aware that the other party’s clothes were imitated by Xu Boyang, and the cut of the shirt and the color of the vest were quite similar to Xu Boyang’s usual style.

Xu Yanhe treated her very kindly and took the initiative to smile, “I’m here today.”

He spoke intimately, Xu Jinchao learned the attitude of the original body, and only gave Xu Yanhe a slight nod.

From the memory of [Xu Jinchao], the existence of Xu Yanhe is quite strange.

Soon after her mother died, Xu Boyang took Xu Yanhe to his home and told her that this was the godson he recognized and that he would also be [Xu Jinchao]’s brother in the future.

At that time, Xu Yanhe was not the elite he is now.

He was thin, with a cramped expression, sunburned skin, and a country accent.

Xu Yanhe is six years older than Xu Jinchao and has already differentiated into Alpha, but [Xu Jinchao] has not.

[Xu Jinchao] At one point, he hated Xu Yanhe so much that he even doubted whether Xu Yanhe was his father’s illegitimate son. His father brought him after his mother died.

But Xu Yanhe didn’t live in the old house for long, and soon disappeared.

[Xu Jinchao] also asked his father, “Why did brother Yan He suddenly leave?”

Of course, this was pretentious, and she was extremely disgusted with this big boy who was suspected of being his father’s illegitimate child.

Xu Boyang replied: “Xu Yanhe went back to his house. He just came to our house to stay and play with you for a few days.”

Many years later, when Xu Yanhe reappeared, he grew up, lost his accent when he spoke, and dressed decently, working in the Xu Group.

Even though he joined the Xu family, Xu Boyang did not treat him too kindly, and he did not show any obvious value and training to [Xu Jinchao].

[Xu Jinchao] gradually dispelled his doubts and could tolerate the existence of Xu Yanhe.

But he has always been warm and gentle, and his personality makes [Xu Jinchao], who is in the same line with Xu Boyang, despised, so he can’t get close.

Xu Boyang’s attitude today is good, not very kind, but he also has a smile. He greeted his daughter over: “How are you doing?”

Xu Jinchao thought that the dynamic old things on his side were absolutely clear, but now he pretended to be confused.

She raised her smile and looked happy and joyful: “Song Jiao is very obedient, and we get along well. I asked her to hire a nanny, and Song Jiao has a good eye for people.”

Xu Jinchao deliberately mentioned the self-employed Auntie Li. Although she did not pass by Qi Yao, she guessed that Xu Boyang should know about Auntie Li’s existence.

After all, the person who delivered the vegetables and meat to the door was also arranged by Qi Yao, and now Aunt Li handed over these things. She didn’t believe that Xu Boyang would not listen.

Sure enough, Xu Boyang didn’t look surprised, he just said lightly: “You can use it properly. If you don’t like it, take someone from home.”

Xu Jinchao didn’t want to take the people from the Xu family’s old house home, but he agreed: “Of course.”

Hearing her say this, Xu Boyang smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, Xu Yanhe, who was always quiet, said again: “Congratulations to my little sister, I have a good relationship.”

Xu Jinchao smiled at Xu Yanhe, not intending to talk.

Unlike [Xu Jinchao], who is an authority, she vaguely perceives from her past memory that Xu Boyang seems to be happy to see her daughter’s cold and alienated attitude towards her godson, and sometimes even deliberately provoked.

Xu Jinchao didn’t know what the reason for this was.

But she felt that Xu Boyang was an old pervert, and she might get some pleasure from the tit-for-tat between her daughter and her godson.

Facts have proved that Xu Boyang asked Xu Jinchao to come back, and it really didn’t matter.

The topic of the follow-up chat has always revolved around the lives of the juniors, and the recent social affairs did not involve official business at all.

After lunch, Xu Boyang asked them to play golf with them.

The Xu family’s old house occupies a very large area, and a small golf course is built in it, so there is no need to go out.

Xu Jinchao wanted to change his clothes, so he came to the original suite at home for the first time.

The cloakroom alone is as big as the master bedroom in the Biwan Villa. No wonder Xu Jinchao has the illusion that he is experiencing the life of an ‘ordinary person’.

Xu Jinchao changed into his sports underwear, put on a ball uniform and golf spikes, a sun hat, and a pair of sunglasses.

She is no stranger to golf, and she still has a sense of ball that belongs to [Xu Jinchao], so she plays fairly smoothly.

Xu Boyang was in high spirits, and he played until nearly four o’clock, Xu Jinchao couldn’t stay still.

Song Jiao finished class at five o’clock. It took more than an hour to drive from the old house on the north bank to Changnan University.

Xu Yanhe was the first to notice that Xu Jinchao was a little distracted. After she missed the ball, he asked:

“Why are you upset?”

There is a beautiful follow-up plot, Xu Jinchao knows that Xu Yanhe is not as friendly as he seems to treat him.

She took a bit of deliberateness from Xu Yanhe’s words. He deliberately pointed out his inattentiveness in front of Xu Boyang.

Xu Boyang really looked at her.

Xu Jinchao said, “I promised Song Jiao that I would pick her up from school and go shopping with her at night.”

She showed a little smug look, and she was a little helpless in showing off.

Xu Boyang was in a good mood today. He pointed at Xu Jinchao and said with a smile to Xu Yanhe, “We are the seeds of infatuation today, and we like her daughter-in-law very much.”

He then waved: “Go, I am an old man, and it will not prevent you young people from getting along.”

Xu Jinchao was finally able to escape and drove his little golf cart back to the main house.

Xu Yanhe unscrewed the water cup and drank the water slowly.

He looked at Xu Jinchao’s back, and his always peaceful and harmless face finally showed a little coldness.

Xu Jinchao didn’t have time to take a shower and change her clothes, so she only took off her spikes and changed into casual shoes, and drove out in a hurry.

Xu Jinchao estimated that the time was not enough, and sent a text message to Song Jiao in advance.

She told the other party that she was in the old house and was going back as soon as possible, but she might be a little late.

When Song Jiao saw the text message, it was already between classes, 20 minutes before the message was sent.

Omega immediately replied: [Slow down on the road, pay attention to safety. ]

After school, Song Jiao carried her small bag and walked out with the crowd.

She knew that the distance between Xu’s house and Changnan University, coupled with uncertain factors such as road congestion, Alpha would definitely not be able to reach it for a while.

Song Jiao was not in a hurry because the person she wanted to see was not waiting outside the school gate.

She walked out slowly and stood at the place where Xu Jinzao waited last time.

Perhaps because she knew that the other party would not miss the appointment, Song Jiao, on the contrary, showed a little joy in anticipation of the meeting during such waiting.

There was a loud roar of the engine at one end of the road, Song Jiao glanced over there, but turned back in disinterest.

Xu Jinchao doesn’t like to drive a car with a loud engine. She never touches Xu Jinchao’s sports car, it can’t be her.

The fancy-painted open-top sports car galloped from the south of the road, rampaging, making a roar all the way, until it approached the school and began to slow down.

There are many students passing through the gate of the campus, and if you don’t slow down, you are guaranteed to hit pedestrians.

The car drove slower and slower, and finally stopped beside Song Jiao. On the driver’s seat was a young Alpha with a pinch of green hair.

He was wearing a very coquettish leather jacket, with stud earrings on both ears, several gemstone rings on the hand holding the steering wheel, pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head, and whistled.

Song Jiao didn’t intend to pay attention to the other party, and the whistle that was so close at hand failed to attract her attention.

The young man couldn’t do it, and he wasn’t annoyed. He smiled and said, “Sister, do you want a ride? I’ll give you a ride.”

This person doesn’t speak with a local accent in Changnan, and has a strange accent.

Song Jiao turned around indifferently and headed towards the bus stop.

The sports car man still refused to give up. He stepped on the accelerator to let the car follow Song Jiao, and said, “It’s boring to take the bus, my brother will take you for a ride.”

Xu Jinchao parked the car in the usual parking lot, which is only a few hundred meters away from Changnan University. She trotted all the way to the school.

There was a lot of traffic on the road today, which delayed the time. Xu Jinchao felt very sorry.

There was no Song Jiao at the gate of the school. She looked around and saw the Omega in front of the bus stop in the distance, the painted sports car in front of her, and the smiling people inside.

Xu Jinchao shouted loudly on purpose: “Wife!”

Song Jiao, who was indifferent to whistling and chatting, immediately turned her head to look at her.

Xu Jinchao smiled exaggeratedly, waved at Omega, and walked over quickly.

Her tone was tender and sweet: “Wife, wait, I’m sorry, I’m late.”

Song Jiao’s reaction was very quick. When Xu Jinchao called her his wife, she realized that Alpha should have some bad plans.

Omega entered the play very quickly, she posted her little bird Yiren, and said angrily: “Why did you come, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Xu Jinchao held her hand, Song Jiao did not resist at all, but took the initiative to interlock her fingers and asked:

“What shall we eat today?”

They are you and me, and the sports car guy is almost dumbfounded.

He looked at the new Alpha, from the sun hat on his head, to the long-sleeved polo shirt on his upper body, and finally to the grass clippings and mud at the bottom of the light-colored slacks, and his eyes gradually became contemptuous.

The sports car man backed the car back to the two of them, honked his horn heavily, and squinted at Xu Jinchao.

“Who are you?”


The author has something to say:

Today: Let me introduce myself, the legal spouse and only love you approached Xiaomeiren, Song Jiao’s soulmate certified by the author, and the person she takes the initiative to hold the little hand now.

Jin Dynasty: Die of laughter, you don’t even have a name.

ps: The current aspect will also be gradually spread out, everyone can rest assured that there will be no setbacks here, Gougou and Cat will work together in the future XD

[Xu Jinchao]’s memory and experience are useful.

[Xu Jinchao]: This is the second time, are you polite?

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