Wearing It Before Scum A Tortures The Heroine

Chapter 59

It is the beginning of another year, and the students of Changnan University have returned to campus.

In the past two years, Friends List has become a must-have social software for college students, frequently appearing in conversations on campus.

The communication software Kuaitong, which was suddenly launched in the summer of friends this year, is also a hot topic of discussion.

Relying on the huge user base, Kuaitong quickly spread among the college students who use the friend record.

In addition, unlike the friend list, you must have a school suffix mailbox before you can register. The development speed of Kuaitong is much faster than that of the original friend list. After half a month of launching, its users exceeded one million.

The main body of registered users of Kuaitong was originally composed of students on campus. After all, the software was promoted based on the social network of college students.

However, the number of people who need instant messaging is huge. Driven by a well-planned marketing plan, Kuaitong quickly entered the software list of countless smartphone users.

As the earliest starting place of Friend Record, Changnan University and even the students of various universities in Juzhou City have special feelings for it.

Even though the founder has dropped out and the company has relocated to Fengbei, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the students has not diminished.

However, the school leaders were a little embarrassed. After all, when they mentioned the friend list and Song Jiao, they often mentioned Yu Lan together.

Compared to Song Jiao, who only had the topic of quitting school resolutely back then, Yu Lan’s ups and downs over the years are obviously more worth discussing.

She used to be maverick, and the indecent photos of a teacher that have been circulated on the Internet (the suspended teacher has long since returned to the teaching team of Changnan University), the vice-principal of Changnan University once denounced the school’s use of such Students ashamed ”disgraced school’ evaluation.

From the student’s point of view, most of them are undoubtedly more sympathetic to Yu Lan.

Although she paid a heavy price for her actions, the young people who are still full of passion and passion do not feel that this is worthy of being judged as a shame in the school, nailed to the pillar of shame, and pulled out and reprimanded at every turn.

A certain Alpha teacher with corrupt morals is still teaching in the school as if nothing happened, how could Yu Lan disgrace the school of Changnan University? Could her influence be worse than a married teacher tricking her students?

In order to solve the long-term public opinion controversy caused by the derivative of the friend record, Changnan University once came up with the bad idea of ​​prohibiting students from accessing the friend record on campus, but this ban was quickly lifted in a huge protest and complaint.

Song Jiao and Yu Lan are not on campus, but they are one of the most popular figures in every corner of Changnan University, including Xu Jinchao, who has already graduated.

The initial direction of all-in-one does not involve individuals, but the C2C online shopping platform, which was also newly launched this year, is aimed at individual users.

This is a fairly new and interesting model. Currently, it is limited by logistics conditions, and basically all transactions are conducted in the same city. It is not really convenient and fast, but it has indeed gained a certain popularity among the masses.

The most important point is that Song Jiao and Xu Jinchao are married.

The essence of human beings is gossip. Many times when we talk about more serious things, we often go off topic to emotional scandals.

“What’s going on with Kuaitong and Friends Records, why do you say it’s their family?”

“This is a software under the Buddy Record. Yu Lan does not also hold a high-level position in the Friend Record.”

“Who is Yulan?”

“Are you kidding me? There are students from Changnan University who don’t know Yu Lan. Don’t tell me you don’t know Song Jiao either.”

“Sister Song, of course, I know that the founder of Friends Record, who dropped out of school two years ago to start a website, is really brave. I have seen her photos on the Internet. She is such a beautiful Omega, and she can make money like this.”

“Sister Song’s Alpha is also a character.”

“Damn it, senpai is married??”

“…I can’t believe that there are people like you in the school who are isolated from the world. Her alpha wife is Xu Jinchao, and she is also our senior sister, four years older than her.”

“I think I’ve heard of her. Is it Xu Jinchao, who does cloud shopping? Someone in my dormitory bought a scarf in the cloud before, and the seller sent it to the school’s communication room by bicycle. It’s quite interesting.”

“Xue Xuejie mainly works on everything. It is a very famous foreign trade platform. I remember that I have been published in foreign magazines before.”

“Do you think the school will invite them back to give speeches in the future?”

“I think for sure.”

The central figure in the topic of Juzhou students is now in Huacheng, thousands of miles away.

Following the second round of financing from Yuefeng, the first venture capital fund, Friends Lu received additional investment from Yuefeng the following year, and contacted overseas technology leaders at the beginning of this year. In the late spring, it received the largest financing since its establishment. .

Friends Record has also moved to the new park, and the previous office building no longer matches its current size.

As the afternoon approached, Song Jiao sent a message to Xu Jinchao with a fast pass: “I’m free tomorrow, let’s go out for a day, it’s settled. ]

She was accompanied by a tiny emoji.

There was a quick reply.

Xu Jinchao: [? I don’t seem to have made a deal with you, and you’re not too busy to have any free time. ]

Xu Jinchao’s health has been inexplicably bad since the beginning of this summer, and he has repeatedly developed low-grade fever.

It’s alright to get up every morning, but at noon, the fever starts to slow down. With the rapid heartbeat, I will feel palpitations and panic when sitting still, and my head will become dizzy.

She didn’t take it seriously, she just thought it was a sign of a cold, but the low-grade fever disappeared afterward, but her heart continued to feel uncomfortable, and she was exhausted.

Xu Jinchao immediately went to the hospital when he noticed something was wrong.

The doctor prescribed hyperthyroidism and an electrocardiogram. The results of the blood test were fine. After the electrocardiogram, sinus tachycardia was found, and the heart rate soared to 140.

She took the medicine from the hospital pharmacy and took it back. It was very effective for the first two days, but gradually it became uncontrollable.

Xu Jinchao couldn’t, so he could only go to the hospital to register, and the doctor changed it to another western medicine, but the effect after taking it was not as good as the first one.

Change medicine, change doctor, change doctor again.

After a series of tossing, Xu Jinchao’s whole state visibly declined.

All the doctors asked her if she was stressed, overworked, anxious, and sleep quality.

But Xu Jinchao has already passed the most difficult period, and the days before her low-grade fever and heart problems were her best in the past two years.

She had suspected the new inhibitor she was using, but the pharmaceutical company reported that there was no similar situation, and she still did not improve after she stopped taking the drug.

Xu Jinchao was puzzled.

Her complexion was really ugly, and she went to the company every day with her energy, and insisted on gritting her teeth.

Song Jiao was worried about her body and advised her to stop and rest.

Xu Jinchao was always reluctant, and he had to accept the reality until he suddenly broke out at a meeting discussing the development direction of cloud shopping:

I really can’t work.

She sorted out her own affairs two days ago, distributed it to other partners, and went back to recuperate.

It is also bizarre. On the first day of returning home, Xu Jinchao’s heart rate began to stabilize, which was an effect that the drugs could not achieve.

Xu Jinchao was helpless and frustrated. She said to Song Jiao, “I didn’t expect that it would be a physical reason that would prevent me from moving forward.”

Song Jiao comforted her: “You’re just taking a break, and you can go back when you’re healthy. At other times, you don’t want to give yourself a vacation. Now it’s just a reasonable time to relax.”

After seeing her dedication in the early days of everything, Song Jiao realized that hard work in her career was a way to ensure her vitality for Xu Jinchao.

What Xu Jinchao cares about is not just the great prospects brought about by the omnipotence, but more like she regards it as a kind of motivation to keep her mentality healthy and upward.

So Song Jiao knows that the comfort she wants to give at this time should not be “I support you”, even if she already has this ability, because the nutrients Xu Jinchao needs are not material, but spiritual.

Hearing her say this, Xu Jinchao was really relieved, and even jokingly asked, “Are you envious when you see me on vacation?”

Song Jiao said, “Anyway, Yu Lan is so envious that she’s going to go crazy. She’s now carrying a quick pass and crying with me every day.”

Xu Jinchao laughed straight after hearing this.

Song Jiao consulted relevant experts. Since Xu Jinchao’s follow-up physical examination results were all right, the directions given by the experts were related to psychology.

However, her daily observation of Xu Jinchao was very meticulous. Alpha’s malaise was only manifested in the body, and there was no bad mental state.

After starting to rest, Xu Jinchao recovered, and Song Jiao, who had been worried all the time, finally felt relieved.

She thought over and over again and felt that the culprit should be long-term high-intensity work and stress.

Xu Jinchao’s ability to do everything is equivalent to a sudden change of career, from one industry to another industry that is irrelevant.

Her workload is no less than Song Jiao’s, and she will only bear more pressure than Song Jiao. She has a very serious personality and is reluctant to let go easily.

Xu Jinchao is also used to suppressing her negative emotions. Song Jiao occasionally gets angry at others for no reason, but Xu Jinchao has extremely high moral requirements, and she never wants to anger others for no reason.

Even if someone made a work mistake, Xu Jinchao would only talk about the matter and would not take the opportunity to vent.

Restraint is of course a virtue, but Song Jiao thought about it, if long-term repression was the cause of Xu Jinchao’s physical problems, she would rather the other party not restrain her emotions.

Song Jiao was also worried that Xu Jinchao would not adapt to the sudden stop of high-speed operation, so she adjusted her schedule, freeing up a whole day, and planned to take a day off with Xu Jinchao.

Song Jiao replied: [You are only allowed to relax, and I am not allowed to relax too? Anyway, it’s settled, I’ll take a vacation tomorrow, let’s go out to play. ]

Xu Jinchao: [Where are you going? ]

Song Jiao: [I want to fly a kite in a park in the suburbs, and I also want to go to the movies. I heard from Yu Lan that there is a very good movie. ]

Xu Jinchao rested at home for two days, and really felt empty. Song Jiao suddenly sent a text message to say that she was going out to play. She was actually very happy.

Xu Jinchao: [We haven’t been flying a kite for a long time. ]

Song Jiao: [Correction, we only flew a kite once, when we were still in Juzhou, and it is necessary to mention that we never watched a movie together. You are such an incompetent wife. ]

Xu Jinchao couldn’t help laughing, and she replied: [Well, it was my fault. ]

Of course, this is just a habitual accommodating response. The two of them are working intensively, each day is not enough time for each other, and there is basically no time to spend and play together.

Song Jiao: [So I want to be the competent person in my marriage, take my wife out to play, and fill in the gaps a little. ]

Xu Jinchao: [Which movie are you taking me to see? ]

After chatting with Xu Jinchao for a few minutes, Song Jiao continued to work hard. The friend record is running well now. She is actually a little more relaxed than before, otherwise she would not be able to easily call for a whole day of free time.

After work in the evening, Song Jiao drove home.

She and Xu Jinchao still live in Tangang, although Wantong started to make a profit at the end of last year, and the valuation of Friendship has reached a terrible number, and they have no plans to change houses.

Song Jiao liked the traces of life they left here, the red couplets that had been exchanged for two rounds at the door, and the sounds and fireworks that filled the small room after entering the door.

She doesn’t have too many material desires, doesn’t feel that a mansion can make her more comfortable, or even feels the need to change to a better car, and she still drives the little broken car she bought in the first year of Hwaseong.

Song Jiao opened the door and entered the house. Xu Jinchao was leaning on the sofa, holding his laptop and looking at something.

Her first reaction was that the other party was working secretly, but she didn’t want Xu Jinzao to seem so engrossed that she didn’t realize she was going home.

It was Aunt Li’s greeting that alarmed Xu Jinchao:

“Xiao Song is very early today.”

Xu Jinchao looked away from the screen and saw Omega who was bending over and taking off his high heels at the entrance.

Song Jiao no longer likes casual clothes as much as she did before. The shoe cabinet that used to be dominated by sneakers has gradually been replaced by all kinds of beautiful high-heeled shoes. There are also flat shoes in the car that she wears when driving.

She wore a maple candy-colored silk dress that draped below her knees. The style was simple, but the tailoring was excellent, which made for a beautiful and graceful figure.

But when Song Jiao took off her high-heeled shoes, she stepped into the sandals with her small and beautiful feet, instantly destroying the inadvertent charm of the silk skirt.

Xu Jinchao also recovered, she immediately retracted her gaze from Song Jiao and cleared her throat.

“you’re back?”

Song Jiao came over and sat beside her: “What are you looking at? I was so focused just now that I didn’t hear me enter the door.”

Xu Jinchao said: “Xu seems to have some problems.”

She turned the laptop screen to Song Jiao, who read the above report carefully.

Some senior executives of the Xu family were taken away for investigation. The author said that corruption was involved, and the news source was local media in Changnan.

In the comment area under this news, some netizens with the IP prefix of Juzhou are discussing some shady things about Xu’s past projects.

Xu Jinchao has a lot of doubts in his heart.

She knew that in the original text of “Jiaojiao”, [Song Jiao] collected and memorized many things while assisting [Xu Jinchao] in handling official business.

After leaving the Xu family, these became [Song Jiao]’s reliance on finally bringing down Xu Boyang’s father and daughter.

However, it was not detailed, and Xu Jinchao had no way of knowing what [Song Jiao] got from those official documents.

If the timeline of the original work is followed, it will take at least another four years for the Xu family to fall. Why is such news breaking out now?

Xu Jinchao knew that if the Xu family was at its peak, this press release would not have been issued at all, and the shadows about the past and the present would be submerged under the splendid appearance of flowers.

Xu Boyang is unscrupulous in his actions, but he loves face very much.

He would package the past as a ‘last resort’, calling it the casual objectification of people who made big things happen, and then downplaying it by saying, ‘This is reality’.

This may be true, but it should not be.

Xu Boyang pays attention to pomp and circumstance in everything, buys the large manor of the Xu family in Changnan in the past, and calls himself a descendant of the famous family. These are all manifestations of his pursuit of fame.

But the news from the Changnan Province media clearly broke that Xu was under investigation, which at least showed that Xu Boyang had no time to take care of him, and for the time being he didn’t care about the dissemination of news that would damage his reputation.

Xu Jinchao couldn’t guess what was going on for a while, so he put the notebook away again.

“It doesn’t matter. I checked the movie “Sun Lake” you told me in the afternoon. It seems to be a romance movie?”

She has no interest in the ups and downs of the Xu family. As long as it doesn’t affect herself and Song Jiao, it has nothing to do with her whether the Xu family is dead or alive. If Xu Boyang falls, she will be the first to applaud.

Xu Jinchao thought that Song Jiao probably had a similar idea, thinking that it would be better for the Xu family to collapse, but Omega may have to hide her joy because of her existence, so she changed the topic to the movie.

Song Jiao guessed Xu Jinchao’s logic, and changed to talk about the movie: “Yu Lan told me it was beautiful, and she went to see it with Sister Qin.”

Xu Jinchao muttered: “These two people are very good at sneaking around and enjoying life.”

She really felt that Qin Lingyue was a strange person, busy with heavy work, but still able to arrange her private life sweetly.

Song Jiao said briskly, “We’re going to enjoy life tomorrow.”

Hearing her say this, Xu Jinchao smiled: “Flying a kite, watching a movie, what else?”

Tomorrow is a whole day, and it will not only do these two things.

Sure enough, Song Jiao still had arrangements: “Huacheng Art Museum has a new exhibit, we can go and see it, what do you think?”

This is completely the choice that Xu Jinchao likes. She is very moved, but hesitantly asks: “Are you bored?”

Song Jiao originally wanted to say that with Xu Jinchao by her side, she wouldn’t be bored when the two of them sat in a daze, but when she spoke, her mind changed.

Omega changed into the cautious attitude she used to make requests, and her eyes instantly became docile and pitiful: “I’ll accompany you to the art museum, you promise me a request.”

No matter how many times Xu Jinchao watched it, she felt that Song Jiao’s face-changing technique was very magical. She smiled and asked, “What request?”

Song Jiao whispered, “Draw a portrait for me. It doesn’t have to be complicated, can you?”

She knew that Xu Jinchao often used a brush to draw, but he often avoided people, and hid the sketchbook she used instead of putting it on the desktop.

Song Jiao wouldn’t turn over her things behind her back, but she was also curious about what Xu Jinchao painted.

She still keeps the portrait Xu Jinchao painted with a pen when he was drunk, and is eager to get more from her.

When the other party was busy with all things and cloud shopping, Song Jiao didn’t mention her thoughts, and now she finally asked about her long-awaited expectations.

Since Xu Jinchao came here, she has actually become unfamiliar with her brushwork skills. There are external factors that are compelled to do, and there are also parts that she does it deliberately.

She didn’t dare to bring too much of the past into the present environment, which easily made her think of the past and destroyed the psychological defense line she had established.

But Xu Jinchao couldn’t let it go completely, so occasionally he would pick up a pencil and draw two strokes, just to taste it.

Her painting skills have undoubtedly regressed a lot, and she belongs to the level Xu Jinchao is ashamed to see.

But she saw the longing in Song Jiao’s eyes, Omega sincerely hoped to get the portrait she painted, it had nothing to do with the level of art, only the person who painted it.

Xu Jinchao’s heartstrings were suddenly touched, and she immediately said, “Of course you can.”

Song Jiao laughed contentedly.

When she smiled happily, her drooping eyes with natural innocence curved up, her elegant pale eyebrows stretched out, and a beautiful face with a slightly alienated temperament immediately burst into vitality.

Xu Jinchao can already tell when she is revealing her true feelings and when she is acting out.

This has become her instinct, the little liar may be able to deceive the world with a fake smile, but it is almost impossible to deceive her again.

Therefore, she also clearly saw how happy Song Jiao was now, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of joy.

This kind of happiness also infected Xu Jinchao. She couldn’t help reaching out to touch the other person’s honey-scented smile, feeling the visually detectable sweetness and fragrance with her fingertips.

Song Jiao did not refuse to contact her in any way. She even took the initiative to move closer and put her little face on her palm.

She obediently let others hold her, and took the initiative to tap her fingertips into miniature bodies, as if she was going to give all of herself, just to win the favor of the person who reached out.

But Xu Jinchao also knew the essence of the little gummy in her palm. This was originally a cold personality with a heart like iron, but she turned herself into cold silk wrapped around her fingers, and realized it through imitation, turning the false into the real.

She didn’t know how long the other party’s request for a portrait had been hidden in her heart, and it was impossible for her to fully understand what the other party was thinking.

What’s more, the cat with the rich fur in front of him has a changeable mind, and there is a thousand twists of mind behind the simple appearance.

She whispered: “How can you be so easily satisfied? You should order more and take what you want, instead of measuring and restraining.”

These words were almost unconsciously muttered. It was Xu Jinchao’s deep understanding of Song Jiao, based on the book that outlined the person in front of him, and based on these many days and nights of getting along and observing.

Even in the fate of being persecuted, Song Jiao maintained her disposition to do whatever she wanted, but at that time she was suppressed to the point where she could hardly show it.

Xu Jinchao didn’t know whether the current trend was the best development, and whether Song Jiao’s forbearance because of her admiration belonged to her repressive nature.

Is what she has set for the other party a suitable example?

Song Jiao saw that Xu Jinchao did not take the initiative to ask questions, but just fell into thinking, talking to herself, and the core of the question was not only the expression after she asked for the portrait.

But she still answered sincerely:

“Because I found that it’s not just possession that makes you happy, and it’s not that the more you have, the happier you are.”

This is what Song Jiao is thinking from the bottom of her heart. For a long time, she has believed that monopoly is the most pleasant behavior in the world.

She once wanted to monopolize her parents and Xu Jinchao who brought her beauty.

But the more she realized, the more she realized that she couldn’t monopolize a thinking person at all.

Just as she couldn’t stop her mother from pursuing the ability to be recognized by others, and couldn’t stop her father from fighting to the death for her, she couldn’t easily take Xu Jinzao as a toy or pet.

Every thinking human needs unique nutrients to survive, and they each need different things. Song Jiao can’t give them all at the same time.

When her mother accompanies her, she cannot practice her ideal (whether it is realistic or not); if her father does not take desperate risks, his spiritual bottom line will be completely defeated.

The foundation of Xu Jinchao’s vitality is even more complicated. She has to have a social circle and a career to fight for, which is contrary to her “exclusivity”.

It’s not that Song Jiao didn’t have troubles. She once chose to be one size fits all, pretending to be deaf and mute and ignore everything else, just to live the time that belonged to the two of them happily.

But later, or rather, she made up her mind to invite all of Xu Jinchao’s friends and acquaintances to gather up two digits starting with 2 to celebrate a happy birthday for the other party.

Looking at Xu Jinchao’s moist eyes in the candlelight, at that moment, the strange feeling of happiness that was sour and sweet was something Song Jiao had never experienced before.

She found that sharing would also be happy, and as long as Xu Jinchao was happy, she could also be satisfied.

This is obviously an upgrade of basic empathy. Even if it is detrimental to one’s own interests, one can feel the overwhelming filling of positive emotions in the heart.

The moment when Xu Jinchao looked at her.

Song Jiao said: “I also discovered that not only will I be happy when my goal is achieved, but I will also be happy when I work hard and endure for it.”

She laughed again.

“Look, I always seem to be very happy around you.”

“So,” Song Jiao said briskly, “you are my satisfaction.”


The author has something to say:

Jiaojiao reports learning results to Teacher Xu.jpg

This wave of sweet talk is better than blue (thumbs up)

PS: Although it is clearly mentioned in the text, it is still emphasized that this chapter has passed over the past year.

It’s hard to balance it, after all, it’s impossible for the career lines to go together quickly. It’s actually quite illusory to develop to the level described in the text in two years. I’m trying my best not to make it seem too abrupt, although there are already many bugs in this article’s career (sigh).

I hate that the author only has the brain hole to write emotional stories, and has no experience of industry elites (?;︵;`)

PPS: This time the emoji doesn’t need to turn your head or phone, but Jinjiang turned the villain’s left eyebrow into a garbled question mark

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.