Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Risky Missions

Chapter 5


I’m 12 years old, which is 2 years before the storyline of One Piece begins.


*sigh* Why does it always seem like I get the worst missions? The ones that seem so intent on killing me.


LinLin: The Celestial Dragons had ordered a shipment of Vintage Blood Wine to their little city! Get it for me, Mamamamama!!


At least, that was the gist of what I remembered about her orders. Seriously, this was beginning to be ridiculous. I can understand if she wants some ingredients from an island in the New World and wants me to burn them down, no problem! But why...why does she need to order me to take something that belongs to the Celestial Dragons?


I already had a bounty, yes, but pissing off the World Nobles by taking something that is theirs will draw more attention to me than I want. I was confident in my ability to survive an admiral and even fight one off if I needed to; but completing the mission while being chased by one or winning was an entirely different story.


But what can I say? Here is the Charlotte family, this was the life I agreed to. The Freedom I had traded for power.


Me: Yes Mama


I just hope that this doesn’t get any more complicated than it needs to.


The following day, I was standing at port ready to depart on a small sail ship with Big Mom’s flag on it. Honestly, it was more of a raft than a ship but it did its job. After all, I was it’s only real passenger and all the Chess Soldiers I would be taking with me could stack on top of one another.


Maps were possibly the most precious things in this world. The accuracy of it and the range of it depending on the cartographer who made it. As one of the 4 Emperors, Big Mom had some of the best mapmakers in the world under her command, accurately mapping out her territory and beyond even in the New World. That was why going to places to fetch Mama’s ingredients was never a challenge...most of the time. No log pose needed...no need for the constant source of stress which was the crazy New World weather.


Instead, I went straight to the calm belt and navigated my way from there to locate where the shipment would be and where to intercept it. The answer was quite easy though...


Me: It’s going to make it’s way to Mariejois eventually one way or another. I lit the fuse on the back on the boat as the machine roared to life as it made it’s way to the Red Line. I could sense the confusion of the Sea Kings under me as they realized something was above the water but couldn’t tell what it was. As one of Mama’s favorite children, this vessel was given to me.


Sure, it was small but it was still a solid ship capable of sailing through the New World (not Calm Belt New World), and I specifically ordered it to be layered with Seastone as to be invisible to the Sea Kings.


Days later, as I read the map (which I was quite skilled at), I realized that I had entered Whitebeard’s territory and moved beyond Dressrosa. One of the lands in which the Marines would try to evade, which was confusing since right ahead of me I saw two flags.


The first was a massive vessel. A ship so large in size that it rivaled one of Mama’s personal ship (but not her flag ship). I had to give it to whoever made it that it looked pretty grand. It did not look necessarily powerful, but it was elegant. The wood, despite sailing looked as if it was shining and the oars seemed to be coated with gold. It flew the symbol of the Celestial Dragons, the flag surely worth millions of beri on its own.


The cannons on the side of the ship were silver with elaborate patterns carved all over the hull of the ship. It would’ve looked even better if it was not already in the process of being pirated.


Me: *sigh* Looks like another crew had the same plan as me. Just my luck...


Just my luck that it had to be the Donquixote Pirates too. Since I didn’t sense Doflamingo anywhere nearby, I wasn’t particularly worried about my safety; but getting involved with these criminal syndicates was troublesome. Who knew what that crazy bastard will do?


Thankfully though, it wasn’t all of the family. In fact, it looked like it was just Diamante, the flag devil fruit guy, and his officers, who were the four misfits. Inwardly, I thanked god that Sugar wasn’t here. Even if she is weak, if the others had somehow managed to hold me down for a fraction of a second, enough for her to touch a part where I was not haki-covered, then that would have been game over for me.


Me: Well...it’s not like that was likely anyway...fly the symbol of Big Mom. We’re intercepting the cargo!


In response to my words, the Chess soldiers rushed around the vessel, the Jolly Roger of Mama was raised as suddenly the mast (which looked like a Smiley Face) began so sing.


Smiley: Death~ for all who doesn’t pay~Big Mom!!!


Some random lyrics you got there. Still, it got the job done as the Donquixote pirates noticed our ship arriving.


I didn’t wait for anyone’s signal and instead just jumped aboard the celestial vessel and walked straight towards the cargo section of the ship. Literally ripping off the Sea Stone lock...or rather I punched through the wall next to it before opening the door. I needed to keep the fact that I was immune to it a secret.


Inwardly I sighed in relief as I found that the large collection of wine was still there. Safe and secured with...ice boxes? Whatever those things were which were keeping the liquid cool.


Diamante: And who might you be little miss?


Me: I’m here to take the wine for Mama. You can do whatever you want with the ship, I don’t care about that.


Diamante: Ahh~But you see miss, our young master wants that wine as well. We’ve already set up a contract for the deal. We need that wine as well so please go tell your mother she’ll have to stay sober.


I looked back to see the 10 foot man who somehow managed to look weak despite technically being the ‘champion of the arena’. Obviously I didn’t look intimidating but appearances could be deceiving. In addition, I wasn’t really in the mood to play with this man. At least Doflamingo can be talked to if I mentioned business. His lackeys on the other hand...they were just mindless fools most of the time. I’m not going to mention the time when Señor Pink’s backstory made me cry, nope.


Me: Mama will get the wine one way or another. You can hand it over peacefully and leave with the ship or sink with it.


Diamante: Harsh words little miss. Are you sure you have the abilities to back it up? After all, after we kill you and your soldiers, there won’t be any evidence that we did anything! And we know that your mother isn’t one to wage war for a single child of hers’.


Me: When did I mention that Mama was going to come? I think you must have misunderstood. I was merely introducing you to your new home.


Diamante: And where would that be?


I smiled straight at him.


Me: You would want to memorize Davy Jones’ Locker combination.


AN: Here's a short chapter. Sorry

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